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小学五年级英语第十册(第5-6课)参考答案及听力材料ListeningI.上星期Pat做了很多事情,请帮她把这些事情按时间顺序用1.2.3标出来,并把短语写下来。(念三遍)参考答案:上:6, won the game ; 2, wrote a letter ; 1, cleaned my bedroom下:5, swam at the pool ; 4, practiced basketball ; 3, sent the letter and read a book录音材料:On Monday, I cleaned my bedroom. On Tuesday, I wrote a letter. I sent the letter and read a book on Wednesday. On Thursday, I practiced basketball. Then, on Friday, I swam at the pool. I played football on Saturday. Sunday was fun! I won the game.II.几个朋友聚在一起谈论他们做了的事情,请在相应的位置上打勾。(念两遍)参考答案:略录音材料:Miss Li: Welcome back. I hope you had a good weekend. Now, lets see. What did you do, Andy?Andy: I played computer games and I read some books.Miss Li: How many books?Andy: Three.Miss Li: Very good. What did you do Jane?Jane: I swam at the beach and I sent some emails. I have friends in the UK.Miss Li: I see. What about you, Tom?Tom: My brother and I played football. We won lots of games.Miss Li: Excellent. What did you do Mark?Mark: I cleaned my bedroom and I read a book.Miss Li: Was it a long book?Mark: Yes, it was. It was good, too.Emma: Miss Li, I had a very busy week.Miss Li: What did you do Emma?Emma: Well, I sent emails. I cleaned the house by myself. I swam at the beach, too.Miss Li: Wow! You were busy.Emma: Theres more! I visited my cousins. They live in Xinjiang.Miss Li: Oh.Emma: I also read a book.Miss Li: Anything else?Emma: No. Thats it.Miss Li: Thanks Em.Emma: Oh, yes. I also won a prize.Miss Li: In what?Emma: A talking test.III. 听录音,判断图中的行为在台风天气是否正确。用“”或“”表示。(念两遍)参考答案:上: 中: 下:录音材料:A typhoon is near. Put your pets inside. Dont leave them outside. Put plants inside. Dont put them outside. Listen to the radio. Use a mobile phone. Dont surf the Internet. Dont stand near the window. Go inside. Dont go outside. Close the door. Dont watch TV.IV. 台风快来了,大家乱成一团,听录音,请你帮忙把人物和名字对上号。将名字前的编号填在方框内。(念两遍)参考答案:1-c 2-b 3e 4d 5a 6f录音材料:1. Jane, please close the door.2. Andy, please find the radio.3. Mark and Peter, please put the plants inside.4. John, you cant play computer games now.5. Lucy and Mary, please close the windows.6. Im going to use the mobile phone. Im going to call your parents.V.听录音,请把对话补充完整。(念三遍)参考答案:what, did, do; visited, ate, practiced; How about ; read, hospital, myself录音材料:Girl: What did you do last week?Boy: We visited family and friends. We ate lots of big dinners. I practised kung fu, too. How about you?Girl: I read three books. They were short. Then I visited my cousin in hospital. I went by myself. Hes OK now.VI. 听录音,请把对话补充完整。(念三遍)参考答案: fell, close; break, closed, put, leave录音材料:Pat: Wow! Look at Mr and Mrs Wus house. A tree fell. They didnt close all the windows.Tim: Mr and Mrs Songs windows didnt break. They closed them. They put their plants inside. They didnt leave them outsideWritingI.参考答案:1. swam 2. played 3. send 4. read 5. won 6. write 7. cleaned 8. made 9. hang 10. put 11. went 12. eatII. 看图,请你照例子在图下面写上告示。参考答案:上:go inside, dont go outside, put the plants inside下:close the window, dont stand near the window, use your mobile phoneIII.下面是Pat记录自己以及她的亲人做过的事情,请把句子补充完整。参考答案:1. myself 2. herself 3. themselves 4. himself 5. itselfIV.阅读下面的短文,判断对错。用“T”或“F”表示。参考答案:1-5:TFFTT

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