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初三上Unit 1单词用法:1. pleased a. = The winner of the race looked very pleased . be pleased at / about / to do / that 高兴be pleased with 满意= He is pleased with his new room . = I am pleased to see him again . = I am pleased that you have got well . please v. ad. = Please open the door . ad.= The boys success pleased his parents . pleasure n. with pleasure 非常愿意Its my pleasure . 不客气(接受道谢或被介绍的时候用)2. embarrassed a. embarrassing a. embarrass v. embarrassment n. = Making speeches in public always embarrasses me .3. confused a. confusing a. confuse v. confusedly ad. = The difficult problem confused him . = The difficult problem made him confused . confuse sb = make sb confused 4. tough a. toughly ad. 5. guess v. 猜 (口语)认为= Can you guess the height of the tower ?= I guess that he is a doctor . = I guess so . = I think so . 6. get /be used to sth / doing sth 习惯于= I get /am used to getting up at six oclock . use sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth 用.做. be used to do = be used for doing 被用来 used to do 过去常常 , but now = I used to get up at six , but now I get up at 6:10 . 7. thanks to 多亏了,由于= due to = because of = with the help of = I was late thanks to / due to / because of the heavy traffic . 8. laugh at 嘲笑;因.而笑= Dont laugh at others . = I laughed at the joke . 9. come up to sb 向某人走来10. have / take a nap 小憩11. return v. give back 归还 vt. return sth to sb = return sb sth come back 回来vi. return to sp. return 不与back 连用= He has just returned to America . = He hasnt returned the book to me yet . 12. relaxed a. relax v. = The song relaxes me . = The song makes me relaxed . 13. absent a. 缺席的 be absent from = He is absent from school . = Ill be absent from school tomorrow . Lesson 11. a big move 大迁移 move vi. 搬家 move from A to B move vt. 移动 = Move the desk , please . 2. excited a. exciting a. excite v. excitement n. excitedly ad. be excited to do / that / at / about 3. shy a. shier / shiest 4. nervous a. be nervous about 5. on the first day 6. the first time 7. something to eat 动词不定式作后置定语8. after school 9. speak more slowly10. sure = certainly = of course = you bet be sure to do 一定会be sure of / about / that 确定;确信11. Why not do sth ?= Why dont you do sth ? 12. feel like doing = want to do = would like to do 13. I dont know the word in Chinese . in + 语言 我不知道这句话用汉语怎么说= Whats the Chinese for this word ?= How do you say this word in Chinese ?14. go to the movies = watch /see a film / movie = go to the cinema 15. go somewhere fun 去一些有趣的地方= I have nowhere to live . = I dont have anywhere to live . = I have no place to live in . 16. remember to do sth 记得去做remember doing 记得做过=Remember to turn off the light . = I remember turning off the light . 17. look nervous 18. Why = What . for ?19. speak Chinese well 汉语说得好20. always = all the time 当always 放在进行时中,带有两种感情色彩:1. 喜欢2.讨厌21. red-faced a. 脸红的22. There is no need to do sth 没必要做某事= There is no need to do your homework today . 23. Im Chinese . = Im a Chinese . 24. soon 时间上的快25. actually = in fact = as a matter of fact 26. Chinese culture 中国文化27. be familiar with 熟悉Lesson 21. go on vacation = go on a trip 2. share sth with sb 3. experience 经历 nc 经验nu experienced a. = He is a teacher with rich experience . = He is an experienced teacher . 4. What happened there ? happen 无被动 happen to do / happen to sb happen 偶然发生 take place 有计划发生5. diary - diaries write a diary 写日记 write in a diary 在日记中写6. for the first time = first 第一次7. at that time = then at the / this time = now at any time = ever at no time = never at times = sometimes 8. have problems / a problem / trouble / difficulty / many difficulties with sth / (in) doing sth 做某事有困难= I have problems in studying English . = I have problems with English . 9. arrive at the airport 10. another = one more 11. no = not a / an / any = There were no forks . = There werent any forks . 12. It is ones first time doing / to do sth 某人第一次做某事= It is my first time playing / to play the piano . 13. I was too shy to talk to anyone . = I was so shy that I didnt want to talk to anyone . 14. introduce sb to sb 15. After I talked to him , I felt better . = After talking to him , I felt better . Lesson 31. go jogging 2. be quiet 3. make a decision 4. read a newspaper 5. something else 6. look inside the box 7. ask the directions8. Im in the eighth grade. = Im in Grade Eight . 9. enter the room = go into the room 10. be worried about = worry about 11. be absent from 12. move to sp. 13. Im glad to hear that . Im sorry to hear that . 14. hope to do / hope that 15. as soon as possible = as soon as sb can / could 16. How old are you ? = Whats your age ? at the age of 10 = when he was 10 = at 10 years of age 17. He is older than he looks. 比较状语从句18. drive to sp. = go to sp. by car19. fall down from = fall off 从上摔下来 fall fell fallen = He fell down . = He fell down from the bike . = He fell off the bike . 20. come up with an idea 想出一个办法21. be angry at / with sb be angry at / about sth be angry to do / that angry a. angrily ad. anger n. 22. hand out 分发 hand in 上交23. imagine v. doing / that imagination n. 想象力24. fly in /on a plane 语法:时间状语从句1. 句子的分类:简单句;并列句;从句 简单句:只有一套主谓 并列句:有两套主谓,并且由并列连词连接的句子。 (and so but or ) 从句:有两套主谓,并且由从属连词连接的句子。 从句:名词性从句(主语、宾语、表语、同位语) 定语从句 状语从句(时间、地点、目的、方式、结果、让步、 原因、比较、条件)时间状语从句1. 连词:when / while /as soon as / before / after / until /as2. 时间状语从句的原则:主将从现;主过从过 as soon as 一.就.= Ill tell him as soon as he comes back / returns . = Ill tell my teacher the good news as soon as I see him . after 在.之后= After he opened the box , he looked inside . before在.之前= Before I have breakfast , I go jogging every day . as 一边.一边. ; 随着; 当.时候= He listened to music as he did his homework . = As time went by , the weather got worse . = As I stopped my car , a man came up to me . until 直到.才肯定句中,主句的动词是持续性动词= He studied until his mother came back / returned . 否定句中,主句的动词是非持续性动词 not .until / before = He didnt sleep until/before his mother came back . when / while /as当.时候(1) 当从句的谓语为持续性动词时,三个词都可以。(2) 当从句的谓语为非持续性动词时,只可以用as / when。(3) 当从句的动作先于主句的动作,只用when = When you finished your work , you may have a rest . (4) 当主从句都是进行体时,多用while = While I was doing my homework , he was cooking . Unit 2单词用法:1. expert n.专家 a. be an expert in / on / at = be expert in / on / at = be good at = do well in = be perfect in = My father is an expert in cooking . 2. plug v. plugging plugged plug sth in sth 3. press v. pressure n. 压力= press the button = push the button = high / low pressure 高/低气压= under pressure 在压力下4. button n. 按钮;纽扣 v. 扣上纽扣= button your shirt 系上衬衣的扣子5. printer = printing machine = copying machine 打印机6. connect v. connect A to / with B 将A和B连上 be connected with 与.有关系= She is connected with the Smiths . 7. physical a. 身体的; 物理学的= physical education = PE= a physical change 物理变化 physics n. 物理 physicist n. 物理学家8. handicap n. handicapped a. = disabled = He is a handicapped man . = He is a disabled man . = He has a handicap . = He is a man with a handicap . = He is a man who has a handicap . = He is a man who is handicapped .9. in a wheelchair / in an armchair on a chair 10. ability n. able a. have / lose the ability to do sth 有/ 失去做某事的能力= He lost the ability to walk . = He cant walk . = He isnt able to walk . have the ability to do = can = be able to = have the power to do 11. convenient a. convenience n. = His house is in a convenient place . be convenient for / to sb for sth = Is it convenient for / to you if I come at 6 p.m. ?It is convenient for sb to do sth = It is convenient for us to go to school . n. convenience = convenience store 便利店 at ones convenience = when sb is free / when sb have time 12. hand in 上交 hand on = pass on 传递hand out = give out 分发13. lonely alone = He lives alone , but he doesnt feel lonely . = a lonely mountain village 一个偏僻的小山村14. though conj. = although 虽然= We went out , though / although it was raining . = Though they are poor , they buy many books . though / although 不与but 连用because 不与so 连用even though 即使= Even though I fail , Ill keep trying . as though = as if 似乎;好像15. benefit n. v. 好处n. get benefit from 从.得到好处= I get benefit from reading books . the benefit of .的好处= the benefit of reading books There are many benefits to doing sth 做.有很多好处= There are many benefits to reading books . have many benefits to doing sth 某人做某事有好处be of benefit to doing = be beneficial to doing = be good for be + a. = be + of + n. v. benefit sth /sb = The new hospital benefits us . benefit from = get benefit from = I benefited a lot from my fathers advice . 16. important a. importance n. be important for / to sb It is important for sb to do sth be important to / for = be of importance to / for = Reading books is important for us . = Reading books is of importance for us . 17. direct v. a. direction n. directly ad. v. direct sb to do sth 指导某人做某事 be directed by n. in the direction of 朝着.的方向 have a poor sense of direction 方向感很差 ask for directions 问路 follow the directions 听从.的指导ad. go directly to sp. 直接去某地Lesson 11. an online school 网校2. with the Internet 用网络 on / through /over the Internet = by Internet 在网上3. product n. 东西 produce v. 生产4. information nu 信息 news nu 新闻 message nc 消息 leave a message 留一个口信 take a message 捎一个口信5. chat with sb 6. take online classes = take classes online / on line 7. communicate with sb 沟通8. look for = search 9. information about sth 10. I dont know anything about pandas . = I know nothing about pandas . 11. find found found v. 找到 found founded founded v. 建立= I found my book . = PRC ( Peoples Republic of China ) was founded in 1949. 12. let me take a look . = take a closer look at sth = look more closely at = look more carefully at 13. make a mistake by mistake mistake A for B14. What do you mean by sth ?= What is the meaning of sth ?= What does sth mean ?15. spell spelled spelled / spelt spelt = spell sth wrong 16. an + a / e /f / h /i / l / m / n / o/ r / s /x= a usual day = an unusual day 17. be supposed to do = should = ought to 18. How silly of me ! = How silly I am !19. after today = from now on 20. the correct spelling of .正确拼写21. Whats the matter / the problem / the trouble ?= Whats up / wrong ?22. sth doesnt work = sth is broken = There is something wrong with sth 23. Thats all right . 没关系Thats right . 那是对的。All right . = OK Lesson 21. mean to sb 对某人来说意味着; 对某人而言有的意义= Fame doesnt mean much to me . 2. send v. sent sent send sb sth = send sth to sb 3. get an education 接受教育4. following a. 接下来的5. because = due to the fact that 6. He cant walk . = He lost the ability to walk . 7. at the age of 7 = when sb was 7 = at 7 years of age 8. at first = in the beginning 9. else ad. a. 通常放在some , any , no 及不定代词,复合不定代词,wh词等的后面。= Do you want anything else ?= Who else went there ?b. 构成的所有格是elses = That must be somebody elses coat . c. anything else = any other thing everything else = every other thing everyone else = every other person 10. not any more / anymore = no more 程度及时间“不再” not any longer = no longer 时间“不再”= I couldnt agree with you any more . 我不同意你的想法。= I couldnt agree with you more . = I agree with you . Lesson 31. job nc work nu 2. a good system for sb 对于某人来说有一个非常完善的体系3. Time is up . 时间到了。 Its time to do sth / for sth have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun 4. most parents = most of the parents 5. need to do sth / sth 实义动词 need do sth 情态动词 被动:need doing = need to be done 需要被 be needed 被需要 n. There is no need to do sth 没必要做某事6. keep doing 一直做/ on doing 一直做;反复做 keep in touch 保持联系 keep sb from doing sth = stop / prevent sb (from) doing sth keep sb / sth + a. keep a diary keep up with = catch up with 赶上 keep sth in mind = remember sth 7. practice n. v. practice doing sth = practice soccer v. + n. = soccer practice n. + n. 8. even if = even though 让步状语从句语法:wh+to ; the more .the morewh+to do 可以做主语,宾语,表语如何回答这个问题对于我来说有点难。= How to answer this question is difficult for me . = How I should answer this question is difficult for me . 主语从句我不知道接下来该怎么做。= I dont know how to do it . = I dont know how I should do it . 宾语从句= what to say = what to do = where to go = when to go = why to go 这个困难是如何做这件事。= The difficulty is how to do it . 表语= The difficulty is how I should do it . 表语从句the more .the more. 越.越.1. the + 比较级+ n. , A or B ?= Which is larger , A or B ?= Which is the larger city , A or B ?2. the + 比较级+ of the two = Lucy is the taller of the two . 3. the more , the more = The more , the better . 4. the more + 句子. the more + 句子. 该句子是一个复合句,前面的句子叫状语从句部分,后面的句子叫主句部分。 他得到的越多,他想要的就越多。 = The more he gets , the more he wants . 你越认真,你所犯的错误越少。 = The more careful you are , the fewer mistakes youll make . 你的英语练习的越多,你的英语就会越好。= The more English you practice , the better your English will be . 他越忙,他越快乐。= The busier he is , the happier he feels . Unit 3单词用法:1. forbidden a. 被禁止的 forbid v. 过去式: forbade / forbad 过分: forbidden forbidding forbid doing sth = forbid smoking forbid sb to do sth = forbid sbs doing sth = My father forbad me to watch TV .= My father forbad my watching TV . = the Forbidden City 紫禁城2. temple n. = the Shaolin Temple = a temple of art 艺术殿堂3. heaven n. hell n. 地狱= Thank Heaven . = Thank goodness . = the Temple of Heaven 天坛4. square n. 正方形;广场;平方= the Tiananmen Square = The square of 3 is 9 . = 4m = 4 square meters 5. supreme a. 最重要的 supremely ad. 6. harmony n. 和谐 harmonious a. 和谐的= the harmony between A and B in harmony with / out of harmony with = a harmonious society = the Hall of Supreme Harmony7. dragon n. dragonfly n. 蜻蜓 butterfly n. 蝴蝶= the Dragon Tower 龙塔8. icon n. = click the icon 点击图标9. manual a. 手工的= a manual craft 一件手工艺品10. tour n. v.= arrange a tour to Japan = make / take a tour of / around the world 进行一次环球旅行= Theyre touring round / in England . trip : 短距离journey : 长距离travel : 多指在某地或到某地旅游tour : 含有回到出发地的意思,可长可短11. luck n. lucky a. luckily ad. unlucky a. unluckily ad. good luck to sb with sth be lucky to do sth 12. to begin with = at first = in the beginning to finish = at last = in the end = finally after that = then13. visit vt n. pay a visit to sp. visitor n. inventor n. actor n. 14. surround v. be surrounded with / by sth = The wall surrounds the jail . = The jail is surrounded with / by the wall . surrounding a. 四周的 n. surroundings 周围的环境= Id like to bring up my child in healthy surroundings . 15. canal n. = build a canal through the desert 16. wide a. ad. widely ad. width n. widen v. = 2 meters wide = 2 meters in width = The window was open wide . 本义= The writer is widely known . 引申义n. width = The bridge is 30 meters in width . = The bridge is 30 meters wide . = The bridge has a width of 30 meters . v. widen = Reading widens our knowledge . 17. UNESCO : United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization 18. heritage nc 通常用单数= We should protect our national heritage . 19. site n. the site of 20. dynasty n. = the Qin Dynasty Lesson 11. welcome to sp. sb is welcome to sp. = You are welcome to Harbin. = Welcome to Harbin . 2. take a picture of sb = take sbs picture make a good picture 拍出一张好照片3. go stand over there 走过去站在那4.not everything 并不是所有的 not every / all / both 部分否定= Not everyone likes swimming . = Everyone doesnt like swimming . 5. look it up in the dictionary look up 向上看;查阅6. leave sth + sp. 将某物落在某地 forget sth 忘带某物Lesson 21. explain sth to sb. / that explanation n. 2. no common people = common sense 常识3. be open to sb. 向某人开放4. the worlds largest palace = the largest palace in the world 5. allow sb to do sth / allow doing / be allowed to do sth 6. more than = over 7. the number / height / width of 8. such a good friend 9. an important cultural heritage of China 10. the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty 11. beautiful sights 美丽的景色12. be in perfect harmony with 与.完美的融合在一起13. be proud of = take pride in 14. January February March April May June July August September October November December Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 语法:直接引语和间接引语1 定义直接引语:当我们转述别人的话时,直接引用别人的原话, 被引用的部分就叫直接引语。间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的意思,被转述的部分就被称为间接引语。= She said , “ I am preparing for the exam .” 直接引语= She said that she was preparing for the exam . 间接引语2 时态变化:主句的动词为过去时时,变化规律如下:直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时一般过去时过去完成时1. I said to them , “ Hell get excited .”= I told them that he would get excited . 2. My father said to me , “ I read the book in 1986.”= My father told me he read the book in 1986 . 3 代词的变化: 人称代词的变化要根据句中的意义作相应的变动。 指示代词的变化:this - that these - those 4 状语的变化:直接引语间接引语now then ago before today that day this morning that morning yesterday the day before tomorrow the next day , the day afterlast week the week before next week the week after here there 1. He said , “ Ill come and see you again this evening .”= He said that he would go and see me again that evening . come-go 5 直接引语为疑问句的变化1. 间接引语要用陈述句语序2. 特殊疑问句的疑问词要保留3. 一般,选择或反意疑问句在间接引语前要加连词if 或者whether She asked , “ What is it ?”= She asked what it was . “ Is there anything wrong ?” asked the policeman .= The policeman asked if / whether there was anything wrong .Unit 41. a very large house for sb 为.准备的一个大房子2. VIP stands for Very Important Person . 代表= VIP is short for Very Important Person . .的缩写3. the process of .的过程 be in the process of 在进行.中4. feel shy 5. worry about = be worried about 6. What do you think of sth ? = How do you like sth ?7. have the ability to do sth = have the power to do sth 8. High mountains surround the town . = The town is surrounded by / with high mountains . 9. handicapped people = people with handicaps10. cultural heritage 文化遗产11. The No. 4 bus is very convenient for me since it stops near my house . 原因状语从句(因为)12. come up to sb 走向某人13. the way to sp. 去.的路the way to do = the way of doing 做某事的方式14. not polite = impolite = rude 15. homework sheet 作业卷16. a good nights sleep 17. pull 拉 push 推 pull / push sth + a. 宾补pull / push the door open / closed 18. learn a saying 学习了一个谚语19. The early bird catches the worm . 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 天道酬勤20. We should be diligent if we want to succeed . 21. finish doing 22. in the library 23. make (a) noise / make much noise / make noises noise n. noisy a. noisily ad. 24. turn 变得 link-v. + 颜色、身份(零冠词)= turn pale = At last , he turned teacher . 25. at bus stop / station 26. traffic light 交通灯27. cross the road = go across the road


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