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1. He is very clever at Maths. 他擅长数学。(P4)(1)clever是形容词,意为“聪明的,伶俐的”,同义词为bright,反义词为stupid。(2)be clever at意为“擅长于”,相当于be good at。例如:Jack is clever at English.=Jack is good at English. 杰克英语学得好。be clever at与be good at后面跟动词时,必须用其-ing形式。例如:Beibei is clever at / is good at dancing.贝贝擅长于跳舞。Tom is clever at / is good at playing basketball. 汤姆篮球打得好。2. Hes in the school basketball team.他是学校篮球队的队员。(P4)Im in the Reading Club.我在阅读兴趣小组。(P4)句中的“be in + 团队组织”意为“be a member of ”。因此Hes in the school basketball team.= Hes a member of the school basketball team.Im in the Reading Club. = Hes a member of the Reading Club.例如:Mike is in the Country Football Team.迈克是国家足球队的队员。Many students in our class are in the Swimming Club.我们班许多学生参加了游泳兴趣小组。3. You can call me Simon. (P4)call意为“叫、称呼”,call sb. /sth. + 名称,意为“叫某人(某物)为”。例如:You can call him Tom. 你可以叫他汤姆。What do you call it in English? 你们用英语怎么称呼它?call还有“打电话”、“叫、喊”之意。例如:Who is calling? This is Helen speaking. 谁在打电话?是我,海伦。Listen, someone is calling you. 听,有人在叫你。call也可作为名词,意为“电话”。如:a telephone call 一通电话。4. My parents come from Shanghai.我父母是上海人。(P4)come from意为“来自(地方),是(地方)人”。come from=be from例如:My parents come from Shanghai.=My parents are from Shanghai.Jim comes from America.= Jim is from America.吉姆来自美国。 5. I was born there but we live in Beijing now.我出生在那儿但我们现住在北京。(P4)be born意为“出生”。例如:Simon was born in Shanghai. 西蒙出生在上海。(P5)He was born on July 27th.他出生于七月二十七日。My sister and I were born in Beijing.我和我妹妹出生在北京。6. I play football at school. 我在学校踢足球。(P4)at school可以表示“在学校”,也可以表示“上学”的概念。school表示抽象概念,而不是指具体场所时,school前不加冠词,也不用复数形式。例如:Daniel, do you play tennis after school? 丹尼尔,你放学后打网球吗?(P9)7.I love reading. 我喜欢看书。(P4)I like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。(P4)He enjoys playing computer games. 他喜欢玩电脑游戏。(P4)like, love, enjoy后面接动词的-ing形式,构成句型“like / love / enjoy doing sth.”意为“喜欢干某事”。例如:She loves dancing.她喜欢跳舞。 (P4)She loves swimming. 她喜欢游泳。 (P4)I am really enjoying teaching you.我真的一直很喜欢给你们上课。Mary likes playing the violin.玛丽非常喜欢拉小提琴。8.I love him very much. 我非常喜欢他。(P4)very much意为“很,非常,十分地”,通常用来修饰like, love, enjoy, miss, thank等动词,表示程度。例如:All the students in our class like English very much.我们班所有学生都很喜欢英语。The little girl loves singing and dancing very much. 这小女孩十分喜欢唱歌跳舞。He enjoys playing football very much. 他非常喜欢踢足球。 9.She works hard. (P4)works hard意为“努力学习,努力工作”。Hard在此为副词,修饰动词 work。work hard at意为“在方面努力学习,在方面努力工作”。例如:She works hard at Maths.她努力学习数学。10.I wear football boots when I play football.我踢足球时穿足球鞋。(P7)I play tennis with a tennis racket.我用网球拍打网球。(P7)表示球类运动时,球类名词前通常不用任何冠词。例如:I play football at school. 我在学校踢足球。(P4)Daniel, do you play tennis after school? 丹尼尔,你放学后打网球吗?(P9)Look! They are playing football over there.看!他们在那儿踢足球。11.Here are some pictures of my family.这儿有一些我家人的照片。(P10)(1)Here be意为“这儿有,这里是”。什么时候用is还是are,主要看后面的主语是单数还是复数。例如:Here is a ruler.这儿有一把尺。Heres a piece of paper.这儿有一张纸。Here are two ball pens. 这儿是两支圆珠笔。Here are two apples. 这儿有两只苹果。(2)英语中以here, there开头的句子常用倒装结构,把here, there 放在句首。在这种结构中,如果主语是名词,该名词须放在动词之后。如果主语是代词,则放在动词之前。例如:-Helen, wheres the eraser? -Here it is.海伦,橡皮呢?在这儿呢。Here we are. 我们到了。Here is a little present for you. 这儿有一份给你的小礼物。There comes a bus.公共汽车来了。There goes the bell.铃响了。12.I hope you and your family are well.我希望你和你的家人身体都好。(P10)(1)句中的family意为“家人,家庭成员”。family指家庭成员时,为集体名词,后接复数动词形式;如果把family看成一个整体,则后接单数动词形式。family也有“家,家庭”的意义,其复数形式为families。例如:The whole family are watching TV.全家人都在看电视。My family are all very well.我的家人身体都很好。His family is large.他家是个大家庭。(2)句中的well为形容词,意为“身体好,健康的”,相当于fine。例如:-How is your father? -He is very well. Thank you.你父亲身体好吗?很好,谢谢。 13.At the weekend, I usually go running for half an hour.周末,我通常跑步半小时。(P11)go running意为“去跑步”。在表示去进行带有娱乐性的体育活动时,可以用go+V-ing结构。例如:go swimming 去游泳go shopping 去买东西go fishing去钓鱼go skating去溜冰14.I am good at football. 我擅长于足球。(P11)be good at 意为“在学(干)得好”,相当于do well in。at 是介词,所以它后面接sth或doing sth。例如:Im good at music, but he does well in sports. 我擅长音乐,而他体育很好。Is she good at singing?=Does she do well in singing? 她唱歌唱得好吗?Tom is good at playing basketball.= Tom does well in playing basketball. 汤姆篮球打得好。15.Can I borrow your rubber?我可以借你的橡皮吗?(P14)borrow意为“借某物”,指从别人那里借来东西(借入)。例如:Can I borrow your pen ?我可以借用一下你的钢笔吗?“向某人或某处借来某物”用“borrow something from somebody/somewhere.”例如:Do you often borrow books from the library?你经常从图书馆借书吗?lend也有“借”的意思,但lend指把东西借给别人(借出)。例如:Can you lend me your pen ? 你可以把钢笔借给我吗?“把某物借给某人”用“lend sb sth”或“lend something to somebody”.例如:Will you please lend your bike to me? 你能把自行车借给我吗? 16.If you do not know the answer to something, you say.如果你不知道某件事情的答案,你说。(P14)the answer to意为“的答案”,to为介词,表示所属关系。例如:the key to the room 房间的钥匙the answer to the questions 问题的答案the key to the exercises练习的答案17.I am 1.35metres tall.我身高1.35米。(P15)1.35metres tall意为“高1.35米”,英语中用“数字+单位+形容词”可以表示长,宽,高,年龄,身高等。例如:That street is about 9 kilometers long and 6 meters wide.那道街长9公里,宽6米。The office building is more than 30 meters high. 办公楼30多米高。His brother is 1.80 meters tall. 他的哥哥身高一米八。My sister is 12 years old. 我妹妹12岁。就多长,多宽等提问用how +形容词。例如:How long is the bridge? Its over 200 meters long. 这条桥有多长? 200多米长。How old is your father? He is over forty years old.你爸爸年龄是多少?他40多岁。

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