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宋军良绝版2014pep五年级下册句型单词梳理第一单元动词短语可以总结如下:一句话概括吃好、学好、玩好,新三好。Unit 1一、单词、短语汇总1、饮食起居类:eat breakfast(吃早饭) eat lunch(吃午饭) eat dinner/supper(吃晚饭) get up(起床)wake up(醒来) clean your hands(洗手)brush your teeth(刷牙) clean my room (打扫房间)go to bed(睡觉)2、工作学习类:go to work(上班) go to school(上学) go home(回家)do morning exercises(晨练) read books(读书) have English class(上英语课)classes begin(上课) do homework(做家庭作业) 3、休闲娱乐类:play sports(进行体育运动) play footballbasketballvolleyballt(踢足球打篮球打排球)play the piano(弹钢琴)play computer games(玩电脑游戏)climb mountains(爬山) visit grandparents(看望祖父母)go shopping(购物;买东西) go hiking(去远足) go swimming(游泳) watch TVvideos(看电视看录像)二、几个介词小总结1.at(在点钟) 如:at 6:00 at about 3:00 at 12:00 noonat noon2.inin the morningafternoonevening3.onon the weekend (every weekend)4. Thank you for telling me about your day. 谢谢你告诉我关于你的一天。for+动名词(动词加ing) 拓展时间表达:1.半小时以内(含半小时)用past,分past时。如8:30eight thirty ;half past eight8:15 eight fifteen; a quarter past eight2.半小时以外用to,60-分to下一时。如8:40eight forty ; twenty to nine三、一般现在时中的第三人称单数,以动词短语get up 为例肯定句 I get up. He gets up.否定句 I dont get up. He doesnt get up.一般疑问句Do you get up? Does he get up?肯定回答Yes, I do. Yes,he does.否定回答No,I dont. No,he doesnt.特殊疑问句When do you get up? When does he get up?陈述句I get up at 6:00. He gets up at 6:00.小结:注意体会单三人称动词一般加s的情况,以及助动词do 和does 的区别,出现助动词does,动词用原形。注意:单数第三人称单数变化形式1.加sget-gets拓展练习2.以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的加esdo-does search-searches watch-watches3.辅音字母+y,变y为i+eshurry-hurries (play-plays)辅音字母指除去5个元音字母(a,e,i,o,u)以外的21个字母4.have-has拓展练习,试着变换句式(注意实意动词do与助动词do的区别)I do homework. He does homework.四、句型1注意句型扩展I eat dinner at 7:00.I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.I usually eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.2. 1.-When(相当于What time) do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?-I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.我在晚上7点钟吃晚饭。-What do you do on the weekend?你周末做什么?-Usually I watch TV and go shopping on the weekend.通常我看电视和去购物。注意体会疑问词when与what的区别(本单元两组重点句型)3.What time is it?=Whats the time?Its 6:00a.m. .注意:早上a.m. p.m.下午4.-What do you do on the weekend?你周末做什么?-Usually I watch TV and go shopping.通常我看电视和去购物。 Sometimes I visit my grandparents .有时候我去探望祖父母。I often play football.我经常踢足球。注意体会频度副词always,usually(通常;一般), often(经常),sometimes(有时候),never的用法。5.I am waiting for him.be doing(现在进行时)6.The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow.天气预报说明天有雨。be going to+动词原形(一般将来时)7.I cant play football in the rain.我不能在雨中踢球。 I cant go hiking,either.我也不能去远足了。(否定句)思考:1.too和either都表示“也”,too一般用于肯定句末尾。思考2.can是情态动词,情态动词+动词原形如I can play football. He can play football,too.8. Lets go hiking together next Sunday.下周日让我们一起去远足。I can go hiking with you.体会句型Let sb. do sth. 如,Lets go.9. Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions? 打扰了。 我能问你一些问题吗? Sure. 当然可以。10. What do you do?=What are you? 你是做什么的? I am a policemanstudent. 我是一名警察学生。 Whats your job? My job is a policeman. 11. What about you?/How about you ?/And you?你呢?12.Whos the busiest one in your family?谁是你们家里最忙的人?busy忙 busier更忙 busiest最忙拓展tall taller tallest五、语音/ei/ name rain may /gr/ great /gl/ glad六、作文1.My day.(My mothers day)2.My weekend.1. My Day.主要练习人动时(人物、动作、时间)Im Tom.I am a student. I get up at 6:00. .思考: My Mothers Day My mother is a farm. Shes very busy every day.She gets up at 6:00. . I love my mother.注意动词第三人称变化.2. My WeekendIm Tom.I am a student. My weekend is very busy. I usually get up at 6:00. .注意频度副词usually(通常;一般), often(经常),sometimes(有时候)的用法。本单元经典句型对比总结1. When引导的特殊疑问句,就作息时间进行问答: - When do you + 行为活动?- I + 行为活动 + 具体时间。(简称人动时)例:a: When do you eat dinner?b: I eat dinner at 7: 00.2. What引导的特殊疑问句,就活动内容进行问答: - What do you do + 时间?(教材主要是周末)- I+ sometimes / often / usually + 行为活动 + 时间。例:a: What do you do on the weekend?b:I often play football.英语小幽默宋老师:今天我们学习“人动时”学生甲:老师,有那么冷吗?学生乙:老师,什么地方“人冻死”了?宋老师:.?!Unit 2一、 词汇短语一句话概括什么季节什么天气什么穿着什么活动spring(春天)summer(夏天)fall(秋天)winter(冬天)weatherwindy and warmsunny and hotwindy and coolwindy and coldrainy cloudy finesnowyactivitiesplant trees(种树)swim(游泳)fly kites(放风筝)eat a lotmake a snowman(堆雪人) skate(滑冰) skiplay in the snowplay with snowsleep (睡觉)a long timewearsweaterbathing suitsunglassesT-shirtshortsskirtdresssweaterwinter coatice skates(滑冰鞋) 十问十答(各有两种问法)1. 问住址-Where do you live? =Which city do you live in?-I live in Xian. 2.问季节-What season is it in March in Beijing?-Its spring.-When is the best time to go to Beijing? 去北京最好的时间是什么时候?-Fall. 秋天。注意 :the best time to do sth.干某事的最佳时间例如Spring is the best time to read books.3问最喜欢的季节及原因-Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?-I like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。-Why do you like winter?你为什么喜欢冬天?-Beacause I can sleep a long time.因为我能睡很长时间。-Whats your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么?-Fall.(My favourite season is fall.)Its always sunny and cool.秋天。它总是晴朗凉爽的注意体会which与what,why与because-Why do you like summer?你为什么喜欢夏天?-Beacause I can swim in the lake.因为我能在湖里游泳。Why do you like winter? Because I can skate. 你为什么喜欢冬天? 因为我可以滑冰。直接陈述式表达季节爱好Summer is good .夏天很好。But fall is my favourite season.但是秋天是我最喜欢的季节。I like winter best. 我最喜欢冬天。I dont like winter. 我不喜欢冬天。Winter is beautiful, but its too cold for me. 冬天是美丽的,但是对我来说太冷了。表达活动(爱好)I like to swim in the sea.我喜欢在海洋中游泳。like to do sth.喜欢做某事。Like+动词不定式(即to+动词原形)We go up north. We play in the snow.我们去北方。 我们在雪中玩。I can play with snow.我可以和雪一起玩。描述季节特征The sky is very blue. The leaves are colourful.天空是蓝色的。 树叶是色彩丰富的。Halloween and Thanksgiving.万圣节和感恩节。4.问天气-Whats the weather like( in fall in Beijing)?北京的秋天天气怎么样?(注意时间地点顺序)。=How is the weather?- Its sunny and cool. 它是晴朗而且凉爽的。5.问活动What can I do there? 我在那里能做什么?You can go to the Great Wall. 你可以去长城。What would you like to do?你想要做什么?Id like to make a snowman.我想堆雪人。6. 节日Halloween and Thanksgiving.万圣节和感恩节。三、 作文My Favourite Season I am Tom.I live in Xian.My favourite season is spring. Because its warm and windy.I can fly kites.I wear my sweater.I ofen climb moutains with my friens on the weekend. What about you?本单元经典句型对比总结unit 2 my favourite season话题:季节时态:一般现在时句型:1. Which 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论最喜欢的季节: -Which season do you like best? - I like + 季节 + best.例:a: Which season do you like best?b: I like winter best.2. What引导的特殊疑问句,谈论最喜欢的季节:-Whats your favourite season?- My favourite season is +季节.例:-Whats your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么?-Fall.(My favourite season is fall.)注意which与what3. Why 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论喜欢某个季节的原因: -Why do you like + 季节?- Because I can + 行为活动。例:a: Why do you like summer?b. Because I can swim in the lake.注意why 与because


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