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Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:Russia, as, as well, competition, invent, score, century, college, even, into, side, basket, follow, become, more and more2. Learn some useful sentences:(1)Thats a lot of traveling.(2)Exciting? Yes, but very tiring, as well.3. Talk about team games and racing. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)复习关于道歉及其应答语的表达形式,导入本课部分生词。1. (分组表演关于道歉及其应答的对话,教师可给学生一些提示语,让学生自己组织对话。)Example:(1) didnt clean the blackboard(2) smoking here(3) drawing on the blackboard(4) fight with sb.(5) sing in the classroom(6) throw litter around(7) be late for classS1:Im sorry I didnt clean the classroom.S2:Never mind.2. (教师展示图片,复习以前所学的关于国家的单词。) (出示第一组图片:China, Japan, America等国家的版图)T:What country is it?Ss:Its China / Japan / America (出示第二组图片:France, Russia, Canada三国的版图)(教师展示图片,让学生问,教师回答。)T:This time, you ask and I answer.S1:What country is it?T:Its France.(逐一展示图片,每展示一幅,板书一个单词。教学生词,要求学生掌握Russia;理解France。)France, Russia(最后展示Canada版图)T: Boys and girls, what do we call the people in Canada? Do you know?Ss:Canadian.(帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生理解。)Canadian3. (通过师生对话谈论旅游,导入本课生词。)T:Canadians are very friendly. Canada is very beautiful. Do you want to visit Canada? Traveling is very exciting.Ss:Yes. Id love to.T:But traveling is tiring, as well. Do you think so?Ss:Yes.(板书并要学生掌握as, as well;理解traveling, tiring, exciting。)traveling, exciting, tiring, as, as well(给学生12分钟熟读生词。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)呈现1a,培养学生的听说技能。1. (让学生听1a录音,并回答下列问题。)T:Kangkang is a reporter. He is making an interview. Listen and find out the answers to these questions:(1)Where is Ning going in March / June / August?(2)Does he enjoy playing table tennis in different countries?(核对答案。)2. (让学生听录音并跟读。)T:Open your books, listen to 1a again and repeat.3. (小组竞赛:两人一组,练习1a对话,选出几组同学到讲台前表演。)T:Now lets have a competition, work in pairs to practice 1a. Then act it out in class. (几分钟过后) OK, Id like to ask several groups to act out the dialog.(板书并要求学生掌握。)competitionStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)通过巩固1a,培养学生的说、读、写等语言技能。1. (设置情景剧,巩固1a。)T:Suppose you are a reporter. You are interviewing the sportsman, Liu Xiang. Please make a dialog with your partner.Example:S1:Nice to meet you!S2:Nice to meet you, too!S1:Could you please tell me your plans for this year?S2:Sure, 2. (让学生再读1a,两人一组完成1b。)T:Read the dialog in 1a again, then complete 1b in pairs.3. (让学生独立完成1c。)T: Suppose you are Ning, try to write a passage to introduce yourself according to 1a and 1b. Then read it to your deskmate.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)通过讨论篮球的来历及规则,呈现本课剩余生词,并培养学生运用简单的阅读策略获取信息的能力。1. (通过谈论对运动项目的爱好,导入2。) T:We talked about many sports. Which sport do you like best?Ss:I likebest.T:(教师找一名平时喜欢打篮球的同学。) S1, do you like playing basketball?S1:Yes, I like it very much.T:OK. Basketball is becoming more and more popular all over the world. It has a history of over a century. I think many students like playing basketball. We can play it indoors or outdoors. But do you know who invented basketball?(板书,并要求学生掌握become, more and more, century, invent;理解outdoors;了解indoors。)becomemore and morecenturyindoorsoutdoorsinvent Ss:No, we dont.T:OK. Ill tell you. Its James Naismith. James Naismith was a Canadian. He invented basketball in 1891. At that time, he was a P.E. teacher at Springfield College in the U.S.A.(板书,并要求学生理解Springfield College;掌握college。)Springfield College, college T:At first, people couldnt do sports outside if the weather was bad. So he invented an indoor game for his students. What does “indoor” mean? Can you guess?(引导学生根据词形猜出词义,可比较“outside”与“inside”。)Ss: Yes.(板书并要求学生了解。)indoorT:After he invented the indoor game, his students could play even in bad weather.(板书,教学生词并要求学生掌握。)even T:Boys and girls, we know James Naismith invented basketball. But do you know how to score in the game? Now, close your books and listen to me.(板书,教学生词并要求学生掌握。)score T:In the soccer game, if you kick a ball in, we say you get a goal. But in the basketball game, we say you get a score. T:(教师边说边画简笔画,先画一个篮球场。)Look at the picture. This is a basketball court.(再画篮球架和篮筐,手指篮筐)And this is a basket.(板书并要求学生掌握basket;理解court。)court, basketT:(把球场从中间划分开) We all know a court has two parts. This is one side, and this is the other side.(板书并要求学生掌握。)side T:If you want to score in the game, you should put the ball into the other sides basket.(教师在叙述的同时画一个球员正把球投进篮筐,并做出一个投篮的动作。)T:I am throwing the ball.(板书,并要求学生掌握。)into T:(让所有同学跟教师做投篮动作。)Boys and girls, follow me, do the action, please. Throw! Throw! Throw! Good! When you throw the ball, you can stand at any part of the court and you can throw it with one hand or both hands. But you must follow the rules.(板书并要求学生掌握。)follow 2. (让学生读短文,完成文前习题,并核对答案。)T:Read the passage in 2. Find out what the passage talks about. Answer the questions in front of the passage.3. (听1a录音并跟读,画出关键词。)T: Listen to 1a, follow it, and underline the key words.4. (根据关键词复述课文。尽量运用黑板上的生词及短语,可用自己的语言复述。) T: Retell the text according to the key words.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)把所学知识运用于现实生活中,以培养学生收集资料、处理信息的能力。1. (根据2,分组讨论关于篮球的知识,让学生完成下列表格。)Who inventedWhen inventedHow many players in each teamYour favorite basketball playerAbout NBAAbout CBA2. (欣赏3中的音乐,在音乐中结束本课。)3. Homework: 让学生写一篇关于Ning的报道。T:Suppose you are Kangkang, and you interviewed the sportsman, Ning. Please write a report about your interview. Then report it in class.Example:S1:Ning is a table tennis player. He started playing table tennis when he was young. He enjoys playing in different countries and he has a lot of traveling. He has a very exciting life, but very tiring, as well 板书设计:Would you mind passing me some water?Section Cas wellThats a lot of traveling.put intoExciting? Yes, but very tiring, as well.follow the rules more and more


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