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M1 U1 Friendship wordsM1 U1 Friendship words add up / ignore / calm sb down / have got to / concern ( be concerned about) / walk the dog / go through / set down / spellbind / settle / suffer from / recover / get/be tired of / pack sth up / get along with / gossip / fall in love with sb / disagree / dislike / join in / swap upset /calm / be concerned about / loose / German / Jewish / entireentirely / dusty / grateful / outdoors/ exactly / no longernot any longer / face to face vet / Amsterdam / Netherlands / Nazi / a series of / thunder / power / curtain / partner / loneliness / highway / suitcase / Margot / overcoat / teenager /tip / item on purpose / at dusk / add upAdd up your income. His income adds up to 1000 yuan a month.Will you add some sugar( to the coffee), please? The piece of music adds to our enjoyment. I will come later, he added.add up sth.把。加起来sth add up to + number 总计add sth (to) (往某处)加点某物add to = increaseadd补充 Add 3 to 5, and you can get 8. 3 added by 5 is 8. upset v /adj , upset, upsetsth upset sb =make sb upset sb feel upsetMy stomach is upset.We feel upset at the news.be upset about sth ignore 忽略,没注意; 不理睬1) His letters were taken no notice of. = sth _were_ _ignored_.2) (T) Ignore the child if he misbehaves, and hell stop soon.ignore sth= sth be ignoredtake no notice of.* be ignorant of/about 对。不了解,不知道 adj. =in ignorance of sth un.Eg:我们不了解这事实。We are ignorant of/about the fact. = in ignorance of the fact. calm (sb) down v/adj =keep sb calm Sb keep calm keep quiet= not speak The surroundings are quiet/ calm?(which one?)have got to = have to do sth They have got to set out right now, (_havent they_?) Eg:你非得现在就走吗?They have to set out, ( dont )they? Have you got to go now? Cf: He has got two tickets for this concert. concern vt. 涉及,关系到; 担心,关心1) concern sb/ sth与某事相关be concerned with sth 有关Eg: Your behavior concerns all our class. = Eg: More than one person is concerned with this matter. = More persons than one are concerned with*The student concerned is John. 相关的,定语2) be concerned about 担心;关心,关注= take care of ./ care for We are (seriously) concerned about his safety. She is (deeply) concerned about her study.3) n.关心,关注(利害)关系 (about/ for/over)She hasnt been seen for four days and there is concern for her safety.4) As far as is concerned就。而论As far as Im concerned, we should join in the activity. As far as health is concerned, 练:This matter concerns the group of people greatly.译:Our head teacher is concerned about our study and health all the time. She is concerned about her sons future.It is impossible as far as we are concerned walk the dog :He walks his dog in the park every morning, and it is great fun to watch it run loose. loose tight 松-紧 His pet dog got loose and was lost.表语watch it run loose 宾补 I have one hand loose but the other is tied.She has a loose tongue and will tell everybody. go through1) 经历=experience sth go through World War II /many changes / a storm/ earthquake She went through one hardship after another. 经历(痛苦;苦难) You will go through a severe test.2) Go through your papers carefully 检查; 浏览3) Mother went through the drawer looking for the clothes. 翻找4) Ive gone through too much money this week. 用完5) He did not want to go through university. 上完大学,做完6) I hear your plan went through. Congratulations! 7) He went through with his plan, though his friends advised him to abandon it. = give it up set down1)Set down your heavy box and have a rest. =put down2) The bus set passengers down here. 3) I will set down the story as it was told to me. =写下write down / take down / put down / note down = take notes of sth /jot down (快速记下)4) We had to set down rules for the behavior of the class. 5) Since she did not answer, I set her down as fearful and nervous. a series of +复数名词+ 动词单数 Eg: A series of concerts for WCG has taken place. The World Chorus Game outdoors adv. 在户外outdoor adj. Is it cold outdoors?outdoor games 1)故意地on purpose=purposefully=* deliberately n You stepped on my toe on purpose!n - Oh, sorry. I didnt mean to do that. 2) *with the purpose of success, he usually burns the midnight oil.= work late into the night. 3) Did you come to London to see your family or for business purpose?为了。的目的eg: Forgive him, I dont think he broke your mirror _.a. with care b. on purpose c. for fun d. with aim 1) 为了in order to do = so as to do =to do = so that= in order that2) 否定形式 in order not to do = so as not to do = not to do eg: I stayed awake on purpose, until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. 变换I stayed awake, so as to have a look at sth .不放在句首Eg: Janes mother gave her 2000 dollars _ she could go on a tour. 在黄昏 at dusk / on an early morning early in the morning face to face /face-to-faceHis ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.have a face-to-face talk with sb no longer时间= not any longer He no longer lives here. =数量或程度 no more 时间 not any more/ no longer/ not any longer settle 解决,处理vt;定居,迁入新居visettler n. 定居者1)settle the problem/quarrel 2) settle in Shaoxing 定居/As soon as I settled down (in Shaoxing ), I started work.定居 And I am settling down to my new job.安稳、安心下来做某事 3) She settled down by the fire with her knitting and a box of chocolates and turned on a radio. 安稳地坐下来28. suffer from 1) suffer from 患疾病 suffer sth 受。之苦,因。受损害 suffer from headachessuffer a defeat/heavy losses/hunger Your studies will suffer (a lot) if you play too much football.2)suffering 痛苦u/ sufferings 种种苦难pl./ n. a sufferer recover vi vtSituation: Marry suffered from a heart attack. Butrecover from ones illnessShe will recover.make a complete recovery get tired of 厌倦 be tired from= be tired with累 be tired out 精皮力竭= be worn out =be exhausted tire sb out= wear sb out pack up ones things 收拾行李,把。包装好 反义词: Have you packed all your books up? Lets pack up and spend a week touring a pack of sweets一包 get along/on with 相处; 进展 fall in love with sb disagree join in attend/ take part in/ join/join ina) They didnt attend the wedding/funeral service./the meeting /the party/ the speechShe attended school at the age of eight.出席会议,婚礼,葬礼,典礼,上课,听报告b) We often take part in sports.参加会议,群众性活动, 劳动。 强调其作用Take part in labour c) Join the army/ join the Party/the clubd) Her husband joined her in her search for this unknown radiation.Join in the talk 参加比赛,活动, 用语日常口语 .Other points:9. point n. 点 4.23 I didnt see the point of his speech. 要点 Come to the point. Dont waste our time. V point to/at sth The teacher is pointing at the picture.The hour hand of the clock points _ 5:00.point ones gun at sb Point out ones mistake4. Your friend cant go until he finishes cleaning the bicycle.Notuntil.ItI didnt go to bed until Mary came back.= Not until Mary came back did I go to bed.=It was not until Mary came back that I went to bed. I waited until Mary came back.8. be/go on holiday= on vacationfor holiday9. pay for sth. 同学们完成9. take the end-of-term exam mid-term exam 10. 难点should have done / could have doneEg: You should have told me the truth, but you didnt.You should have come here five minutes ago.You shouldnt have told him about this.11难点Your friend comes to school upset.Sb go somewhere quiet主语补足语He went to bed cold and hungry.Long and untidy, his hair played in the breeze. 11. P4练习中a) _What_ she really missed was going outdoors and walking the dog for her neighbor.b) _It_ was such fun to watch it run loose in the park. (The end)8-21 revision本单元出现的词汇1. 人际关系interpersonal relationships2. friendly (环境友好型)3. environment-friendly 4. 目录contents 5. warming up 中的生词6你把所有的数加起来就会知道结果。If you add up all the numbers, youll know th e result.Add up , and then youll know.Reading Part 1. New words1. go through 2. Netherlands3. German two Germans- Germany4. set down sth 5. a series of 6. outdoors adv.outdoor adj.7. on purposepurposeful- purposefully8. in order to =so as to do = to do 9. at dusk=at dawn 10. thunder11. entirely adv. - adj. entire totally - total12. power - powerfulpowerfully-more powerful 13. face to face14. curtain15. dusty- dust Part 2. Useful and important sentences1. Do you want a friend _who/whom/that/-_ you could tell everything to?Do you want a friend who could tell everything to you ?Do you want a friend who tells everything ?2. I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary _as_ most people do.3. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.4. I can remember well that there was a time _when_ a deep blue sky, the song of the birds could never have kept me spellbound.5. One evening _when_ it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose, until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.I will remember the days _when_ I stayed at the factory.6. I didnt go downstairs _until_ the window had to be shut.=Not until the window had to be shut did I go downstairs.=It wasnt until the window had to be shut that I went downstairs.until 7. It was the first time in a year and a half that I _had_ seen the night face to face.It is the first time that sb. has done sth.It was the first time that sb. had done sth.It is the first time that I have seen the sea.It was the first time that I had seen the sea.8. It is no pleasure _looking/to look_ (look) through these any longer. Part 3. important phrases1. 2. 记流水帐set down a series of facts =write down / take down / put down / note down = take notes of sth 写下3. 一系列的 a series of facts 单复数同形, (*后跟动词单数)6. 完全被这力量镇住 hold sb entirely in the powerHe had _entirely_ forgotten what he had done. the entire village 知识就是力量: Knowledge is power. / strength. 强大的国家 a powerful nation 12. 3个ing形式 藏身之处 the hiding place _thundering _ clouds 挂在沾满灰尘的窗前的脏窗帘 The curtains hanging before the dusty windows13. 3 个不规则动词Hide Hid, hidden Shut, shut, shut hang hung- hung/ hanged, hanged 其他12. 对。列表make a list of reasons a shopping list 购物单a price list 价格表on the liststand first on the listThe number of students of class 1 stands first on the list.14. Make a list of the reasons _why_ friends are important to you. Reason在从句中作状语the reason why= the reason for which = 有时the reason 后不用关系词The reason why most Chinese have healthy white teeth is that they eat a healthy diet.Cf: The reason ( _ he explained) is reasonable.Reason在从句中不作状语的话,按常规处理。the reason for his success the reason for sth.for this reason 14World War II = the second World War15. hide away 躲藏 hide- -The thief hid away in a friends house for several weeks after the robbery.Dont hide anything away from me.16. feelings and thoughts (表情感和想法可用复数) He cares a lot about others feelings.17 近25个月 nearly twenty-five months almost 18. 对着迷.,喜欢得要命be/grow crazy about/ for be crazy to do sth It is crazy of sb to do sth = sb be crazy to do sth.crazy EnglishEg: Mozart was crazy about music when he was still a child.Eg: Most young people are crazy for chances to go abroad for further study.19. everything to do with nature与有关have something/much/.little/nothing to do with20. 使某人心迷神往 keep sb spellbound spellbind, spellbound, spellbound 21.清醒 stay awake 22. give far too much light far too many books She speaks English far better than I.This room is far too warm.far adv. “过于;得多” ,表示程度,经常与too或形容词、副词的比较级连用。too much water , much too late23. I didnt dare open a window. Dare作行为动词时, dare to do sb dares to do sth Anne dared to open the window.Anne didnt dare (to) open the window. do/does not dare (to) do does sb dare (to) do ?(了解)dare to do 的to可省,主要用在否定中dare作情态动词时,多用于否定,疑问及条件句中, 在肯定句中,多用作行为动词。sb dare do sth 无人称形式变化I dared do sth 过去1) How _ you say I am an unfaithful man?2) If they _ do that again, I will make you feel sorry.3) He didnt _ go there alone.Eg: Jim _his strict father,for he has failed in the examination once againAdidnt dare to see Bnot dare see Cdidnt dared to see D. dare not to see此题答案为A。dare用作实义动词,此题也可用 dare not see表示相同意思。Eg: I wonder how he _ that to the teacherAdare to say Bdare sayCnot dare say Ddared say(上海95)答案为D。当dare作情态动词时,一般不用于肯定句中,但也可用在表示怀疑的名词性从句中。dare的过去式为dared。23. 沾满灰尘的窗户 dusty windows 24. 难点:could never have done 不可能已经做could have done 本来可以做,但没should have done 本该做,但没有should not have doneeg: Eg: You should have told me the truth, but you didnt.You should have come here five minutes ago.25难点While (you were ) walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose.While_you were walking_ the dog , the dog got loose.P326. 29. on the highway公路,大路上an expressway 30. recover from 康复P531. 33. in the suitcase 34. under ones overcoat35. foggy 有雾的36. overcast 阴天,多云的P6teenager get along well with fall in love with sb gossip (about) v n. being studying Ending stupid gossip ignore show grown-up P737. communicate with sb 交流 situation 38. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to make good friends with them. 38. be grateful to sb 感激 be grateful for sth Im grateful for your consideration./help. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. 39. ones likes and dislikes n.40. join in discussions 41. show interest in sth 42. put sth into an order43. have trouble (in) doing sth 44. The situation is easy to change.45. tip46. swap your letter with ones partner写作中表示建议表达法:In my opinion, /As far as Im concerned,.here are my suggestions for sth/ doing sth I think it a good idea to do sth=I think it is a good idea to do sth It is a good idea to do Why not It would be a good idea/practical if Youd better (not) do sth I advise/suggest that you should do sth I suggest doing sth Advise sb to do Suggest sb to do XXXXX.My suggestion is .P4447. part of sth / a small part of 48. settle the islands 49. be ready to do sth50. the second most important sign of friendship51. the Hawaiian language52. It is believed that the islands can be a paradise (天堂) when people live in peace.53. When the people of Hawaii talk about ohana, they are really talking about all those _who_ live on the islands.54. _Living_ (live) in peace, Hawaiians have developed a third sign of friendship.55. a string of flowers56. feel at home57. behave fairly to sb P4237. close the door behind sb随手关门38. We had to start clearing up at once. Clear up the litter on the desk 39. lie down on their beds Lie, lay, lain lying lie , lied, lied, lying lay, laid, laid, laying liar lay the table 40. The whole day we unpacked the boxes, filled the cupboards and tidied, until we were extremely tired.41. We did sleep in clean beds that night. Do, does, did 42. We hadnt had any warm food to eat all day, but we didnt care. P46.58. As I sat there _looking_ (look) at myself on the TV screen, the telephone rang.59. Truly old friends are like wine; the older, the better.= P860. a new grammar item61. express your feelings and thoughts62. improve ones English63. do sth in silence 64. lend sb a helping hand65. disagree 66. get 67. call68. It is the first time that 69. 过去时间70.1. go throughId like to have you go through the book. 检查; 浏览Mother went through the drawer looking for the clothes. 翻找Ive gone through too much money this week. 用完The law has now gone through. 通过He would go through fire and water for his country.They went through our luggage at the customs.We spent several days going through the materials.Can the table go through the door?Ive gone through all the envelopes I bought last week.2.71. Warming up 中 While _ (walk) the dog, you were careless and it got loose.72. Part 2. in detail9. go through wars/ three stages/a new law10. German(s) Germany12. 13. purpose 14. in order to do so as to do In order that so that15.dusk/dusky the dusky light inside the cave at dusk at dawn 黎明The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.16 power powerful17 face to face face-to-face His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.18. suffer vt. &vi. 遭受,忍受,经历,受苦 The factory suffered a great loss in the fire. She often suffers from headaches.The person in the flooded area is suffering(from)cold and hunger.19. get along with sb/sth 改错:How do you get alone well with your new classmates?20. advice adviseAdvise sb to do sth21. join join in take part in attend Join sb/the Army/ the Pary/the clubjoin in some activity/the gametake part in the Olympic Games他1949年入党。你愿意加入我们一起打篮球吗?上周有200多名运动员参加了那次运动会。He joined the Party in 1949. Will you join us in playing basketball?More than 200 sportsmen took part in the sports meet last week. Get sb. To do sth.Get sth. Done = haveHave sb. Do sth.Have sb. Doing sth.Have sth. DoneHave sth. To doHave sth. To be doneMake sb. Do sth.Let sb. Do sth.I have something to say.Mary has some clothes to wash.Mary has some clothes to be washed.Do you have anything to be bought?You shouldnt have the water running.Dear Ms Xing, Im your student. I have a problem in


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