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M1u11. 看起来很可爱 2. 闻起来很美味 3.尝起来有点儿酸 4. 感觉里面很酥软 5. 看上去很忙 6. 听起来不错 7. 你愿意吗? 8. 你想吗? 9.恐怕10.尝一下吧!11.忙于做某事12.喜欢吃甜食1.look lovely2. smell delicious3. taste a bit sour4. feel soft in the middle5. look very busy6.sound nice7.Would you like to?8.Do you want to?9.Im afraid.10.Have a try!11.be busy doing12. have a sweet toothM1u2 1.感谢2. 收到来信 3.等不及做某事 4. 花费做某事 5.为感到自豪 6. 害怕做某事7.对感到兴奋8.到达机场9.互相10. 擅长11.和某人握手12.在工作13.首先,开始的时候1. thanks for sth / doing sth 2. hear from3. cant wait to do sth 4. spenddoing5.be proud of 6. be afraid of doing7.be excited about 8.arrive at the airport9.each other10.be good at11.shake hands with sb.12. at work13. at firstM2u11.参加比赛2.获奖3.好运4.停止做某事5.需要做某事6.编造7.邀请某人做某事8. 负担不起9.帮助提高10.真遗憾11.头等奖1.enter a competition2.win a prize3.good luck4.stop doing sth.5.need to do sth.6.make up7.invite sb. to do sth. 8. cant afford sth.9.help sb. improve 10.Thats a pity.11.first prizeM2U21.一名15岁的美国男孩2.两年前3.与不同4.喜欢做某事5.到目前为止6.要某人做某事7.遍及全世界8.倒数;倒计时9. 最大最繁忙的都市之一10.去过11.此时此刻12. 例如13.第一次14.并且,而且1. a 15-year-old American boy2. two years ago3. be different from4. enjoy doing sth.5. so far6. ask sb. to do sth.7. all over the world 8. count down9. one of the biggest and busiest cities10.have been to11. at the moment12. for example13.for the first time14. whats moreM3U11. 你正在做什么?2. 学校的项目3.最新消息4.发送宇宙飞船去火星5.发现生命6. 那就是为什么7. 去过8. 为了9. 上网搜索信息10.我还没开始呢。11.我不太确定12.去过某地13.去了某地1. What are you up to?2. school project 3. the latest news4. send a spaceship to Mars 5. discover life6.thats why +从句7.have been to8. in order to 9.go online to search for information10. I havent started yet.11. I am not sure12. have been to13. have gone toM3u21.几百/ 几百万/几十亿2.环绕太阳运行3. 太阳系4. 在宇宙中5. 遥远的6. 与交流7.有过生命8.在地球上9.任何其他的行星10.他们中没有一个11.他们中的一个12.照相13.足够远14.宇宙有多大呢?15. 想象是不可能的。16.被叫做1. hundreds of / millions of/ billions of2.go around the sun 3. the solar system4. in the universe5. far away6. communicate with 7. there has been life8. on the earth9. any other planets10. none of them11. one of them12.take photos13.far enough14. How large is the univers?15. It is impossible to imagine.16. are calledM4U11.我病了。2.这种状况持续多少时间了?3.自从周五4.感冒5.我不清楚。6.量某人的体温7.快餐8.那是为什么的原因9. 做运动10.做.有伤害11.不严重。1. I feel ill.2. How long have you been like this?3. since Friday4. catch a cold5.I dont think so.6.take ones temperature7.fast food 8.Thats why9.do/take exercise10. be harmful to do.11. Its not serious.M4U21.充满活力2.得到锻炼3.创建一个女子足球队4.成员5.参加6.(身体)情况特别好7.感到困的/可怕的8.自从那时9.日常锻炼10.浑身上下11.太.而不能1. be active2. get exercise3. start a girls football team4. a member of.5. take part in.6. in excellent condition7. feel sleepy/awful 8.since then9.daily exercise10.be all over11. too.to do.M5 U11.Its time to do sth. 该做某事了2. Why dont we + 动词原形 = Why not +动词原形 为什么不呢?3. keep doing sth. 不断地做某事4. cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事5. each other 互相6.Lets watch 咱们看看吧。7.stronger than 比。更强壮8.in a happy way 以一种。(愉快)的方式9.the same as 和。一样10.fly through the sky 在空中飞翔M5U21. win the heart of sb. 2. all over the world 3. a cute orange-and-white fish4. leads a group of monkeys5. make a terrible mess6. expect to see7. for over eighty years8. in his own private world1. 赢得某人的心 2. 全世界3. 一只可爱的黄白相间的鱼4. 带领一群猴子5. 弄得一团糟6. 期待看到 7. 八十多年 8. 在他自己的私人世界9. both of them 9. 他们两个10.have won the hearts of 10.已经赢得了。的心11.for example 11. 例如12.the hero of 12.一个。的英雄13.a group of monkeys 13.一群猴子14.more than 14.比。更多15.as well as 15. 也16.ever since 16.自从M6 U11.使整洁、整齐2.占据最大的空间3.有点乱4.让我看一看5.收集6.一些重要的事情7.在架子上8. 和。一样多9. 来自全世界10.展示给某人某物1.tidy up2.take up the most space3.a bit of a mess4. Let me have a look5.collect sth.6.something important7.on the shelf8. as much as9.from all over the world10.show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.M6U21. such as 例如 2. make sb. do sth 使某人做某事 3. help sb. do sth 帮助某人做某事4. as well as 并且,还5. ask/ encourage sb. to do 叫、鼓励做6. come out 出版7. as a result 结果 8. be interested in 对感兴趣9. spend time on sth/ ( in )doing sth 花费时间做某事M7U11.为做准备 2.列我旅行的物品清单 3.早点儿把物品准备好 4. 听起来很荒唐 5. 在七月底 6.支付家庭寄宿费 7. 你最好询问旅行公司 8.顺便说一下 9.别忘了做10. 给我寄些照片11.忙于做某事12. 写信给某人1. prepare for 2. make a list of things for my trip3. get things ready earlier4. It sounds crazy.5. at the end of July6. pay for homestay 7. Youd better ask the travel company8. by the way, 9. Dont forget to do10.send me some photos11.be busy doing sth.12. write to sb.M7U21.同时2.持续长达- 3.训练有素且经验丰富4.依靠,取决于5.个人的选择 6.安排考试 7.与某人建立亲密友谊8. 与保持联系 9.选择做某事10.去某地短途旅游 11.学习了解12.除了,并且,还13.确定做某事14.付款15.至少at the same timelast for+时间段 be well-trained and have a lot of experiencedepend onpersonal choiceset testsform close friendships with sb.stay in touch with sb. choose to do sth.take trips to sw.learn about as well asbe certain/ sure to do pay for at leastM8U11. 欢迎来到2. 如此以致于 3. 听见鸟在叫 4. 我几乎不能相信 5. 占据 6. 沿着走 7. 指出,指明 8. 在顶部 9. 快点10. 因。而闻名11. 允许某人做某事12. 吃野餐13. 不再1. Welcome to2. sothat3. hear the birds singing4. I can hardly believe5. take up6. walk up7. point out8. at the top of9. Come on10.be famous for 11.allow sb. to do12. have a picnic13. not any moreM8U21. 玩得高兴2. 一个的神奇地方3. 因而著名4. 看起来像5. 在小湖边6. 醒来7. 很遗憾8. 从植物上摘下一片叶子9. 第二大淡水湖10. 一些。另一些。11. 寻找12. 制造噪音1. have a wonderful time2. a magic land of3. be famous for4. look like5. by a small lake6. wake up7. Its a pity that8. pull a leaf off a plant9. the second-largest freshwater lake 10.some others11. look for12. make noiseM9U11. 我是.2. 保持联系3.拒绝做某事4. 查明5. 感到孤单6. 后悔做某事7. 对有耐心8. 和.交朋友9.尽量做某事10.鼓励某人做某事1.This is speaking.2. stay in touch3. refuse to do s.th4. find out5. feel lonely6. regret doing sth.7. be patient with sb. 8. make friends with9. try to do10.encourage sb to do sthM9U21. 害怕交朋友2. 听到.正在说笑3. 为担心4. 使感到高兴5.和交谈6. 朝微笑7. 世界就是你认为的样子。 8. 笑着面对世界吧,它也会报你以微笑9. 安静坐着10. 一天天的1. be afraid to make friends with2. heartalking and laughing3. worry about4. make feel happy5. talk with6. smile at7. The world is what you think it is.8. Smile at the world and it will smile back.9. sit in silence10. day by dayM10U11. (广播或电视)播出,正在广播 2.带某人参观,给某人做向导 3.避免做某事4. 坚持做某事5. 采访某人6.接受的采访7的末端,的结束8. 因。感谢你1. on air 2. show sb. around3. avoid + doing sth. 4. keep doing sth. 5. do an interview with sb. 6.give an interview to7.the end of 8. Thank you for doing sth.M10U21.亲自2.兼职工作3.在9岁的时候4.谈论学校的生活5.准备一期的节目 6.一周一次 7.做有关音乐文献的研究8. 天气预报9.看窗外10.做一个声音测试11.检查音质水平 12. 我的第一份真正意义上的工作 in personpart-time jobs at the age of nine talk about life at schoolprepare a programme once a weekdo research on articles about music the weather report look out of the windowdo a sound checkcheck the sound levelMy first real job


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