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阶段评估检测(三)必修3(120分钟 150分)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In a department store. B. In a grocery store. C. At the tailors. 2. When can the man get the computer? A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. 3. How did the woman come to the city? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. Driving. 4. What are the speakers talking about? A. Some singers. B. A live concert. C. A record. 5. What is the man? A. A salesman. B. A policeman. C. A student. 第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. When will the plane take off? A. At 9: 00. B. At 9: 15. C. At 9: 30. 7. What will the man do after the conversation? A. Fasten his seat belt. B. Take his seat. C. Find a proper seat. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What season is it most likely now? A. Summer. B. Spring. C. Winter. 9. Why did the woman come here? A. To visit David. B. To teach skating. C. To attend a wedding. 10. Where does the man work now? A. At Bank of America. B. At the radio station. C. In Chicago. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is Ben going to do? A. Have a party. B. See his girlfriend. C. Break up with his girlfriend. 12. What does the woman think of Camilla? A. She thinks Camilla is too caring. B. She has a high opinion of her. C. She thinks something is wrong with Camilla. 13. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Ben wants to attend the party tonight. B. Camilla does not love Ben any more. C. Ben hasnt talked with Camilla about it. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What does the lady want to find out? A. Whats happening. B. Whats on. C. Whats up. 15. How long does the afternoon performance last? A. 150 minutes. B. 120 minutes. C. 165 minutes. 16. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The children under 7 arent allowed to enter. B. The woman might be a stranger to the city. C. Any ticket is available at half price 30 minutes in advance. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the passage tell us? A. The way to make a stone wall. B. The parts of New England which first need stone walls. C. The reason why there are many stone walls in New England. 18. Why is farming difficult in New England? A. Because the soil is rocky and thin. B. Because the winter is very long there. C. Because the farms are very old. 19. What have we learned from the passage about the work of removing stones? A. It must be done again and again. B. It is usually done during the winter. C. It takes the farmers a lot of money. 20. What are stone walls used for? A. To protect the farmers fields from thieves. B. To provide privacy for the farmers families. C. To keep the farmers cattle from wandering away. 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.2012福州模拟We are sparing no effort to create _more peaceful and more advanced world, _ place where everyone enjoys his life and freedom. A. a; aB. /; theC. the; / D. the; the22. During the World Cup 2010, though the football team from Korea lost the game, the _crowd cheered as the players left for their homeland. A. desperateB. enthusiasticC. anxiousD. indifferent23. We moved to Shanghai in 2000, and from then on we _ in this houseAwill liveBhad livedChave been livingDare living 24. 2012皖南八校联考The TV play series The Revolution of 1911, broadcast on CCTV1 lately, is _the 100th anniversary of The Revolution of 1911. A. in favor ofB. in honor ofC. in place ofD. in search of25. Teachers have to _ the bright children and at the same time give extra help to those who need it. A. bring backB. bring onC. bring inD. bring out26. The Super Girl Wang Beis death highlights the fact _cosmetic surgery has become one of Chinas biggest beauty secrets. A. thatB. whereC. whatD. which27. He has no idea what the book is aboutHe _have read it very carefullyAneedntBshouldntCcantDmustnt282012合肥模拟People were disturbed and went out to see where the noise _fromAhas comeBhad comeCwas comingDis coming29. Im driving to Beijing after breakfast. Take care, _with all this fog. A. mainlyB. especiallyC. extremelyD. really30. Before 1973, it was a common _that Roman children were taken away from their parents and sent to nurseries. A. behaviorB. habitC. practiceD. tradition31. Sometimes we buy a magazine with absolutely no purpose _to pass time. A. other thanB. rather thanC. as wellD. as if32. All the things_, the old man went home happily with his little grandson. Ato have finishedBdoneCto finishDbeing finished33. 2012滨州模拟Because of the decrease of income, many consumers _their expenses, which makes many workers out of work. A. cut outB. cut downC. cut offD. cut short34. Do you often stay up? No, I always get a good nights sleep _much work I have to do. A. howeverB. wheneverC. whateverD. wherever35. I am late, for there is too much traffic on my way to schoolOh, _Dont lie! Atake your timeBdont worryCcome onDtake it easy第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) In the kingdom of Deor, there lives a girl named Shadow who 36 Queen Audrey but she is neither a lady nor a servant. She is what her name suggestsa 37 for the Queen. Ever since Shadow can 38 , she has lived her life next to Queen Audrey, 39 to help protect the Queen, for its been said that the Queen will die before her 16th birthday. And Shadows 40 is to be by her side always. Although making no 41 , Shadow is not treated as royalty. She is slapped when she says something out of line, she is 42 for being more knowledgeable than the Queen and she is laughed at by the Queens ladies-in-waiting(侍女). Shadow wants nothing more than to 43 this life. Shes 44 known her name, not to mention her parents. She has no 45 who she is and she cannot wait to leave the castle grounds and start her own life. 46 , her dreams are dashed when the Queen mysteriously 47 in her sleep. The staff 48 Shadow and throw her into the castles dungeon(地牢). 49 , she is rescued by Sir Kenway, a young knight(骑士)thought to be the Queens future husband. When Sir Kenway tells her that his orders are to keep Shadow 50 at all costs, Shadow is full of 51 about who she really is. 52 the Queen is dead, why Shadow is still kept 53 ? Why should he protect her? Will Shadow discover her true 54 before the kingdom is destroyed by a mad man? 55 “Shadow”, a novel by Jenny Moss. 36. A. goes withB. works forC. mixes withD. looks for37. A. shadowB. friendC. coverD. relative38. A. communicateB. imagineC. surviveD. remember39. A. fightingB. speakingC. existingD. wandering40. A. promiseB. dutyC. habitD. worry41. A. decisionB. attemptC. preparationD. mistake42. A. abusedB. valuedC. discussedD. envied43. A. think ofB. try outC. escape fromD. look into44. A. neverB. seldomC. alreadyD. always45. A. hopeB. beliefC. guessD. idea46. A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. BesidesD. Anyway47. A. laughsB. hidesC. diesD. leaves48. A. blameB. puzzleC. examineD. follow49. A. FinallyB. EspeciallyC. ImmediatelyD. Surprisingly50. A. quietB. safeC. honestD. brave51. A. horrorsB. sorrowsC. doubtsD. dreams52. A. Now thatB. What ifC. As thoughD. Only if53. A. happyB. aloneC. healthyD. alive54. A. locationB. identityC. careerD. advantage55. A. WriteB. DiscoverC. ReadD. Share第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)(A) When was the last time someone did something unexpectedly nice for you? Not someone you knew, but a total stranger? It happened to me a few times, but two instances really stand out. A few years ago, I was dining out with a person who kept going on and on about himself, completely oblivious to the fact that I was sitting there in miseryIt wasnt his company that disappointed meI was recovering from a broken heart, and just sitting down to dinner reminded me of my last relationshipI could have collapsed in tears right there at the table. When we picked up the check, the waitress said, “Your meal was already paid for. ” My friend and I didnt have a clue how it happenedThen I remembered a man coming in out of the corner of my eyeHe was dressed in mostly white, sat down at the bar, had a glass of wine, stayed for maybe ten minutes, and then leftThe waitress said, “Yes, the gentleman who was here a while ago paid for you. ” Just last year, I was running a half-marathonWith just 0. 1 miles to go, I was out of gasRunners call it “hitting the wall”; I thought I couldnt move another muscleOut of nowhere, a teenager jogged up next to me and said, “Whats your name, sweetie? Jennifer? Okay, Jennifer, lets go! Come on! Its just around the corner! You can do it! ” And he ran with me until I picked up my paceI found him at the finish line to thank him for the encouragement only to learn he wasnt even supposed to be in the race that dayHe was running in place of someone else. I still shake my head when I think of these momentary angels that came to me at my point of needDo you have any experiences like this? 56Which of the following is the best title for the passage? AThe Kindness of StrangersBAn Unpleasant CompanionCTwo Special ExperiencesDHitting the Wall57Why did the author say she was in misery? ABecause she couldnt enjoy her meal. BBecause she fell into conflict with her companion. CBecause her companion talked a lot. DBecause she was then disappointed in love. 58What do you think of the man paying for the meal? AHe showed his kindness for his former girlfriend. BHe is an acquaintance to the two persons. CHe is generous and warm-hearted to others. DHe enjoys making fun of others by doing that. 59What can we infer from the last paragraph? AThe author still believes her experience today. BThe author feels grateful for the help she received. CThe author thinks everyone is an angel. DThe author often gets help expectedly. (B) One of the founding fathers of the Internet has predicted the end of traditional television. Vint Cerf, who helped to build the Internet while working as a researcher in America, said that the television was approaching its “iPod moment”. In the same way that people now download their favorite music onto their iPod, he said that viewers would soon be downloading most favorite programs onto their computers. “85% of all videos we watch are pre-recorded, so you can set your system to download them all the time, ” said Mr Cerf, who is now the vice-president of the Google, the worlds largest search engine. “Youre still going to need live television for certain things-like news, sporting events and emergencies-but increasingly it is going to be almost like the iPod. ” Although television on demand has not yet become a mainstream activity in the UK, the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 have all spent vast sums of money on technology which enables viewers to watch their favorite shows on their computers. But some critics (批评人士), including some Internet service providers, have warned that the Internet will collapse with millions of people downloading programs at the same time. Over the next four years, it is thought that the number of videos watched over the Internet will be four times as big as that. Broadband companies claim that the service will cause “traffic jams”, which will cost millions of pounds to get it to normal. But Mr Cerf dismissed the warnings as “scare thoughts”, saying that critics had predicted 20 years ago that the net would collapse when people all around the world started to use it all together. “In the past 30 years its increased a million times. Were far from reaching the capacity, ” he said, “Its an understandable worry when they see huge amounts of information being moved around online. ”60. Vint Cerf is all the following EXCEPT_ . A. a researcher in the United StatesB. the vice-president of the GoogleC. one of the founders of the InternetD. a manager of a broadband company61. What change would happen to television according to Vint Cerf? A. Television would come to an end. B. Television would be replaced by the computer. C. Viewers would prefer watching TV programs downloaded onto their computers. D. Most people would prefer the Internet to television. 62. According to the passage, people can always do all the following EXCEPT_. A. watch their favorite shows over the Internet B. download live TV over the InternetC. download pre-recorded videos over the InternetD. listen to their favorite music on their computers63. This passage mainly tells us_. A. a Google expert is predicting the end of traditional televisionB. the Internet will never be used to download peoples favorite showsC. the Internet will become more popularD. something about Vint Cerf(C)2012淮南模拟 These days no car show is complete without an electric car, and the 2011 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, US, which ran from January 10 to 23, was no exception. Among the fully electric vehicles on display were the Ford Focus Electric and the Honda Fit EV. BMW and Volvo also had prominent displays at the show, proving that they can produce practical, yet spacious family-oriented electric cars. Industry insiders at the show claimed that more efficient batteries, improved performance and greater consumer acceptance could make 2011 the “year of electric car”. Its long been clear that electric cars score heavily for convenience. They are, for instance, much easier to maintain than gasoline-powered cars. When the battery runs out, you simply replace it or recharge it, just like you would do that for a cellphone or a laptop. This is also a much cheaper method than filling your tank with gasoline. Better yet, electric cars dont emit exhaust fumes. As a result, they dont produce environmentally damaging greenhouse gases. It appears that improved technology is making electric cars and their maintenance much more user-friendly. So, what are the obstacles which are preventing electric cars from becoming popular and fashionable? Home charging for electric cars could be extremely convenient for users. However, it is also a potential obstacle. For a start, installing charging stations in owners homes will be a challenge, particularly for those who have to park several blocks away from their homes. Also, charging the cars battery still takes quite a long time. It may be some time yet before you can recharge an electric car in the same time as you can refill your gas tank. Another problem is that many electric vehicles have limited ranges that may only allow for journeys of 50 miles (80 km) or less between charges. In cases where a driver wishes to charge the car primarily at home (perhaps overnight), this limits their daily driving to the range of their vehicle. This may be one reason why hybrid cars are now becoming more popular. A hybrid car has more than one energy source, usually a traditional gasoline fuel tank and an electric battery. Its like a more practical version of an electric car: Its greener than a conventional vehicle, with fewer CO2 emissions, yet it also doubles as a conventional vehicle. “I would say that hybrid is a transition to fully electronic, ” Road and Track magazine editor Richard Horman told Detroit News during the show. “The trend is for lighter, smarter, more economical cars. Of course, electronic vehicles are meant to be that way. ” This sounds promising, particularly in light of the fact that the show featured more electric cars from big manufacturers than ever before. However, it seems that the technology associated with electric cars is not yet able to fully meet peoples expectations. Dont expect gasoline-powered cars to disappear from roads just yet. 64. What made electric cars more convenient? A. Easier maintenance. B. High scores on the show. C. Practicality and large space. D. Much lower prices. 65. Which of the following could NOT act as a potential obstacle of electric cars? A. It is rough work to install charging stations at home. B. It is time-consuming to charge the batteries. C. The ranges between charges are limited. D. Theres no need to fill the tank with petrol. 66. In Paragraph 10, the underlined word “hybrid” is probably the closest in meaning to_ . A. gasolineB. electricC. combinedD. separated67. The writers purpose in writing this passage is to_. A. introduce the 2011 Auto Show in USB. get readers informed of electric carsC. comment on different types of carsD. advertise for electric cars(D) The micro blog has become another classroom for Zhai Langwei, and the teachers are all big names in academia(学术界). Zhai discussed with Lu Gusun the possible English translation of “literary young women” in Chinese. Lu is the chief editor of The English-Chinese Dictionary, a popular dictionary printed by the Shanghai Translation Publishing House. Zhai is interested in zoology as well. He filled in a quiz from a zoologist of the Science Squirrels Club. He got full marks and the experts attention. “The feedback from great scholars has encouraged me to follow my interests, ” said the 21-year-old student majoring in English at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Zhai is one of hundreds of millions of micro blog users in China. According to China Internet Network Information Center, by the end of June 2010, 72. 3 percent of micro blog users were college students. The information on micro blogs is short and sweet, and it can be spread by being forwarded by one user after another. This may be partly the reason why, with the help of micro blogs, students are able to interact with celebrities. Lu Huiquan, 21, is a student majoring in English at Renmin University of China. He has some celebrity fans on his Sina Weibo. “With my micro blog being forwarded, I have a bigger chance to let famous people see my opinions, ” Lu explained. “And it doesnt take much time and effort for them to read and reply. ” More and more students like Lu have started reaching out to great minds for interaction on micro blogs. Students from Guangdong University of Business Studies started an online poll in April on how micro blogs influence college students. Micro blogs function as a helpful tool for students to broaden their horizons and learn new things, said 36. 86 percent of respondents. 68. According to the passage, we know Zhai Langwei _. A. majors in zoology in universityB. has helped Lu Gusun do some translationC. has enlarged his knowledge by using micro blogsD. has joined the Science Squirrels Club69. Which of the following is WRONG about the micro blog in China? A. It is full of short and sweet information. B. It helps students communicate with some famous people. C. Its users mainly consist of college students. D. It helps people known on the Internet. 70. The underlined word “forwarded” in Paragraph 3 means “ _”. A. receivedB. sentC. readD. known71. The main idea of the passage is that micro blogs _. A. have both advantage

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