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Unit 5 Our school lifeTopic 1 How do you usually come to school? 词汇1. 新年快乐_2. 你也一样_3. 看起来很漂亮_4. 通常_5. 地铁_6. 加油_7. 公交车_8. 自行车_9. 飞机_10. 火车_11. 轮船_12. 小船_13. 起床_14. 有时_15. 从来不_16. 很少_17. 经常_18. 总是_19. 一小会休息_20. 空闲时间_21. 去游泳_22. 去钓鱼_23. 听音乐_24. 看电视_25. 去公园_26. 骑自行车_27. 等等_28. 一年两次/一周一次/一周两次_29. 早上_30. 看电视_31. 吃早餐_32. 做家庭作业_33. 上床睡觉_34. 图书馆_35. 好主意_ 重点句型The same to you.Your new bike looks very nice.Happy new year!Nice to see you.The early bird catches the worm.介词填空1.It is time _ class.2.Michael comes to school _(步行)3.Jane goes to school _(乘公交车)4.Kangkang comes to school _(骑自行车)5.Helen goes to school _(乘地铁)6.What time do you usually get up _ weekdays?-I always get up _ about six oclock.7.I _ (从来不)go to school by subway.8._ do they have ball games?-Four times a year.9.Would you like _ play basketball?Topic 2 He is running on the playground.36. 操场_37. 无聊的_38. 好主意_39. 体育馆_40. 宿舍_41. 一会_42. 打扫宿舍_43. 在书架上_44. 归还_45. 准时_46. 不用谢_47. 寻找48. 写一封信_49. 钱包_50. 想要去作某事_51. 总有一天_52. 长城_重点句型What is she doing now?-She is _(read).May i _ (借)a book?How long can i _ them?(保留)You must return them _(准时)Thank you _ the same.(仍然谢谢你)He likes/loves _(swim).Topic 3 My school life if very interesting.词汇1. 周一到周日(英文书写)_2. Politics_3. P.E_4. Geography_5. Biology_6. History_7. Computer science_8. Class meeting_9. Math_10. 很难的_11. 无聊的_12. 认为_13. 有趣的_14. 简单的_15. 学习过去_16. 唱歌与跳舞_17. 画图画_18. 解决数学问题_19. 说英语_20. 讨论一幅中国地图_21. 玩电脑_22. 友好的_23. 报纸_重点句型1. _ is it today?-It is Wednesday.2. What is _ today?- It is May, 5th.3. It is time _ class.4. You _ like English very much.(一定)5. My teachers and classmates are _ to me.(很友好的)6. Classes _ at 8:00 a.m.(开始)7. Thank you for your _ work!(努力的)8. I like _ read it with my friends.9. _ lessons do you have every week?-Thirty.10. I can learn a lot _ history.Unit 6 Our local areaTopic 1 Is there a computer in your study?词汇1. 公园_2. 房间_3. 书房_4. 书架_5. 客厅_6. 厨房_7. 饭厅_8. 卫生间_9. 靠近_10. 一会之后_11. 睡觉_12. 与宠物狗玩_13. 玩游戏_14. 洗车_15. 煮_16. 读书_17. 吃晚餐_18. 在房子的前面_19. 模型飞机_20. 在门后面_21. 讨论_22. 沙发_23. 台灯_24. 钟表_25. 在书桌下面_26. 钥匙_27. 把。收起来_28. 照顾_29. 靠近窗户_30. 在庭院的中间_31. 美丽的花儿_32. 在庭院的后面 _33. 镜子_34. 抽屉_34看一下_重点句型1. Where is your bedroom?-Its _ the second floor.2. There _ a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.(be)3. There _ many flowers in the garden.(be)4. There is a study _ my bedroom.(靠近)5. There _(be) so many books on the shelves.6. Why not come upstairs and _(看一看)7. What is he doing?- He is _(clean the car).8. You must _ your things.(照顾、照看)9. Dont put them here. Put them _, please.(收起来)10. There is a football _(书桌的下面)11. _ water in there?-only a little.12. _ planes are there?-There are three.13. There _(be) a small garden in the center of the yard.14. There _(be) many beautiful flowers in the garden.15. My father and I _(be) watching TV in the living room.Topic 2 what kind of home do you live in?词汇1. 公寓楼_2. 民房_3. 城镇房_4. 农村_5. 寻找_6. 帮助_7. 一个安静的房间_8. 在。的前面_9. 每个月份_10. 夫人,太太_11. 家具_12. 邻居_13. 银行-存钱_14. 医院-看医生_15. 街道_16. 拐角_17. 邮局-邮寄信_18. 书店-买书_19. 博物馆-保存和展示东西_20. 停车场-停车_21. 超市-买食物_22. 火车站-坐火车_23. 饭店_24. 事情_25. 听见_26. 钢琴_27. 大声的/地_28. 真正地_29. 结束_30. 道路_31. 小孩(单复数)_32. 靠近_33. 远离_34. 小区服务中心_35. 地区_36. 停止_37. 厨房风扇_38. 电话线_39. 坏的_40. 检查_41. 马上_42. 乡下_43. 城市_44. 城镇_45. 喧闹的、吵闹的_46. 生活费_47. 思念、错过_48. 新鲜的空气_49. 许多的_50. 外公_重点句型1. What kind of home do you _?- its a townhouse with two floors.2. _ floors are there in your building?- There are seven.3. Lets _(帮助)him.4. I am liming, your new _.(邻居)5. I am_(look for) a store.6. There is a bank on the _.(街角)7. What is the _?(事情)What is _ with you?=what is up?8. I am _ it is too loud.(恐怕) 9. I am really sorry _ that.(关于)10. I _(居住在) yushancun.11. It is a _ community.(安静的)12. There are _ tall buildings and small gardens in our community.(许多的)13. There are many shops and restaurants _ my home.(靠近)14. The train station are not _(远离)here.15. Sorry, i cant _ you. The line is bad.(听见)16. There is _ wrong with your kitchen fan.17. Ill get someone _(check) it right now.18. Many people are moving _ the countryside to the cities.19. It is _ in cities.(吵闹的)20. The _ is heavy and the cost of living is high.(交通)21. People like _(live)in a house with a big yard.22. I can hear you _(play) the piano, but i am afraid it is too loud.Topic 3 which is the way to the post office?词汇1. 穿过这座桥_2. 图书馆_3. 餐馆_4. 公园_5. 书店_6. 沿着这条街走_7. 左转、右转_8. 新的、新人_9. 在。之间_10. 体育馆_11. 歌剧院_12. 到达_13. 必须做。_14. 应该、应当_15. 改变_16. 在对面_17. 大学_18. 直到。才、为止_19. 千米_20. 人行道_21. 斑马线_22. 公共电话亭_23. 交通灯_24. 直走_25. 危险_26. 安全的_27. 受到伤害_28. 丢失他们的性命_29. 交通事故_30. 服从交通规则_31. 在。之前_32. 在。之后_33. 第三_34. 第一_35. 第二_36. 最后_37. 小心_38. 罚单_39. 加速_40. 快的_41. 等待_42. 当。的时候_43. 上学不要迟到_44. 爬山_45. 酒驾罚单_46. 超速罚单_47. 乱停罚单_48. 乱转弯罚单_49. 做。是好的、对。有益_重要句型1. Which is the way to the post office?2. Is there a bank near here?3. How can i get to the bookstore?4. Could you tell me the way to Dingbao building?5. Where is the bank?6. _(沿着) Xinhua street and _(左转)at the first crossing,7. _ the bridge.(穿过)8. The library is _ xinhua street and Zhongshan Road.(在。的角落)9. There is a park _ the bank _ the restaurant.(在。之间)10. You cant _ it.(错过)11. You should _ to the No. 718 bus at anzhen bridge.(改变)12. First, we must _(遵守交通规则);second, before we cross the road, we must _ (停止) and look both ways; Third, we must _(玩耍)on the street. Last, it is good _ (去帮助)children and old people cross the road.13. Dont be late _ school.14. Lets have a _.(休息)15. Which is the way _ the post office?Unit 7 The birthday partyTopic 1 when is your birthday?词汇1. 生日派队_2. 讨论_3. 最喜爱的运动明_4. 下课_5. 当然_6. 大粉丝_7. 一月至十二月(英文书写)_8. 当。时候_9. 单独的_10. 计划做某事_11. 庆祝_12. 朋友_13. 第一至第五_14. 第十二_15. 第二十_16. 第二十一_17. 第四十_18. 第一百零一_19. 礼物_20. 猜_21. 一个飞机模型_22. 形状_23. 看一看_24. 我恐怕_25. 黑色的_26. 白色的_27. 圆的_28. 兔子_29. 老鼠(单复数)_30. 刚刚_31. 刚才_32. 女儿_33. 特殊的晚餐_34. 一个意外_35. 蜡烛_36. Square_37. Circle_38. Triangle_39. Rectangle_40. Oval_41. Centimeter _42. 多长_43. 多宽_44. 为某人_重点句型1. _ was he born?-He was born _ June, 1985.2. _ were you born?-I was born in Shanghai.3. _today?- It is May 8th.4. Your birthday is _(come).5. How do you plan_(celebrate)it?6. My friends want to have a birthday party_ me.7. Would you like_(come)?-Yes, Id love to.8. What is the _ of your present?-It is round.9. _ is it?- Its black and white.10. What is it _?-It is like a flower.11. What _ is it?- Its a rectangle.12. _ is it?-It is 24 centimeters long.13. _ is it?- Its 6.4 centimeters wide.14. What do we use it _?-we use it to keep pencils, rulers, erasers and so on.15. It _ be a pencil-box.(一定)16. Mrs. Brown was born _ May 22nd, 1976.17. Mary and her father are _(plan) to celebrate it.18. She would like to cook a _(特殊的) dinner for her mother.19. He also _(想要) buy a birthday cake and some _(蜡烛).20. That would be a _(惊喜、意外) for her.Topic 2 Can you dance or draw?词汇1. 弹钢琴_2. 喝一些歌_3. 仅仅_4. 跳迪斯科_5. 表演芭蕾_6. 弹吉他_7. 面包_8. 当然可以_9. 骑自行车_10. 开小车_11. 踢足球_12. 打篮球_13. 画图画_14. 聪明的_15. 鹦鹉_16. 生日快乐_17. 其余的_18. 为我_ 19. 如此多的_20. 爬树_21. 捉老鼠_22. 数数_23. 读英语书_24. 做飞机模型_25. 说日语_26. 拍照_27. 用电脑_28. 擅长做某事_29. 听音乐_30. 打乒乓球_31. 在某人的帮助_32. 五岁_33. 不再_34. 开始做某事_35. 很难的_重点句型与语法1. Would you like _ sing with me?2. I can _(跳舞) and _(弹吉他).3. Can you dance to disco or _(表演芭蕾)?4. I am _(确信) well have a good time at the party.5. Can I eat these bananas?-_(我恐怕你不能).6. Can you dance or draw?- I can dance. I can do it _(一点点)7. I can count so many flowers.(一般疑问句并作肯定,与否定回答)8. She can perform ballet very well.(一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)9. Monkeys cant swim _.(一点也不)10. It is time _ outdoor activities. Look! Jane is _(放一个风筝). She can _(放风筝)very well now. But one year ago, she _ (不能)do it at all. Maria is _(表演芭蕾). She can _ (表演芭蕾)very well now. But _(当。时候) she was five, she _ (能)dance just a little. Michael and Kangkang are _(打乒乓球). They _ (能)do it before, but not very well. They both like _(打乒乓球). Kangkang is _ (擅长)playing soccer, _ (然而)Michael does well in basketball. Now the _(孩子们) are all _(have) a good time.11. Six years ago, there was something wrong _ the childs eyes.12. She couldnt see anything _(不再).13. _(在她母亲的帮助下), Janny can write many words now.14. She is _(begin) to write books.15. She is _(很棒的).16. She can sing some chinese songs.(变过式)Topic 3 We had a wonderful party.词汇1. 朗诵一首中文诗_2. 表演一些魔术技巧_3. 自己开心_4. 当然_5. 一个很棒的派队_6. 表演功夫_7. 摔倒_8. 看着_9. 这边,请_10. 错过了椅子_11. 洗手_12. 站起来_13. 伤害自己_14. 立刻_15. 玩电子游戏_16. 在这个时候_17. 向某人撒谎_18. 每个人_19. 上周三_20. 许多食物_21. 许多礼物_22. 蜡烛_23. 许个愿望_24. 吹灭蜡烛_25. 一囗气_重点句型与语法1. _ was Kangkangs brithday party?- It was very nice.2. She recited a chinese poem.(一般疑问句)_3. What about Tom?(同义句)_3. Kangkang enjoyed _(他自己) at the party.4. They performed Kungfu yesterday.(变一般疑问句并作肯否定回答)5. _(出了什么事情)?-I missed the chair.6. Did you hurt _(你自己)?7. Go and wash them _(立刻)8. You _(be) not at home yesterday.9. How can you _ _ (撒谎)me?10. Why didnt you tell me _ _(真相)?11. Judy_(go) to Kangkangs birthday party with her friends last night. Everyone _(have) a good time at the party and _(forget) the time, so she _(come) back home very late. But the next morning, she _(tell) a lie to her father. It _(make) her father very angry, because her father _(think) she played video games.12. We had a birthday party for Kangkang _ (上周)Sunday.13. We _(bring) many presents for him yesterday.14. He _ _ (吹灭)the candles in one breath at his birthday party.Unit 8 The seasons and the weatherTopic 1 What is the weather like in spring?词汇1. 季节_2. 天气_3. 春夏秋冬_4. 温暖的_5. 热的_6. 凉爽的_7. 冷的_8. 最喜爱的季节_9. 最喜爱的活动_10. 它是放风筝的好季节_11. 它是去爬山的好时间_12. 做雪人_13. 下雨_14. 下雪_15. 学会去做某事_16. 在。之前_17. 情况怎么样?_18. 写一封信_19. 地面_20. 操场_21. 下雨的、多雨的_22. 多云的_23. 下雪的_24. 有风的_25. 多雾的_26. 阳光明媚的_27. 最高温度_28. 最低温度_29. 计划去做某事30. 查明,发现_31. 一把雨伞_32. 记得去做某事_33. 在中国的大部分地方_34. 明亮地照耀_35. 突然地_36. 后来,以后_37. 家乡_38. 如果_39. 旅行,旅程_40. 暑假_41. 旅行_42. 最好做某事_43. 澳大利亚_44. 明亮地照耀_45. 变得温暖_46. 戴墨镜_47. 复苏,复活_48. 忙于做某事_49. 短裤_50. 后来,以后_51. 与。不同_52. 到达_53. 立即,马上_54. 我们自己_55. 希望去做某事_56. 每件事、事事_57. 叶子(单复数)_58. 开放_59. 大量地,重地(下雨)_60. 持续_重点句型与语法1. What is the weather _ in spring?-Its warm.2. _ is the weather in spring?-Its warm.3. Its a good season for _ _.(放风筝)4. Its a good time _ _ _(去爬山)5. Jane, _ season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter?6. -Well, _(这个很难说). I _(喜欢) winter before, but now i like summer _.(最喜欢)7. I _ _(学会去) swim last year.8. _ do you like it?-Because it is a good time to go swimming.9. _ is it going?(情况怎么样)10. What are you doing now?-I am _(write) a letter to you.11. Youd better _(发现,找到) the weather in different places in August.12. You _ _(必须去) take an unbrella when you _ _(外出).13. Please _ _ wear warm clothes.(记得去)14. _(有时) in the afternoon, it rains suddenly, but _ _(过后), it may get fine again.15. Everything _ _ _ _ (复苏)in spring.16. Trees _ (变)green and flowers _ _(开放).17. It often rains and sometimes it rains _.(大量地)18. The farmers are busy _(harvest)


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