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牛津小学英语4A期末复习资料Name_缩略形式和完整形式:thats = that is whats = what is wheres = where isits = it is hes = he is shes = she isIm = I am youre = you are theyre = they areisnt = is not dont = do not cannot=cant lets = let usheres=here iswhos=who isId=I wouldwere=we are反义词或对应词black-white yes-no come-goopen-close here-there big-smalllong-short tall-short new-oldfat-thin right-wrong hot-cold hungry-thirsty eat-drink man-womanboy-girl father-mother brother-sisterson-daughter grandfather-grandmothergood-badup-downhe-shehis-hersit-stand同音词too-two-to for-four right-writeno-knoweye-Ipear-pairC-seeU-youB- beWhos-whoseby-bye音近(hes-his)特殊的单复数he she it-theyyou-youI-wescarf-scarfs, scarvesmango-mangos, mangoesbus-busesdress-dressesglass-glassesbox-boxespencil box-pencil boxeswatch-watchesman-menwoman-women近义词like-lovetable-deskhat-cap不可数名词(不能加s)some watersome milksome breadsome ricesome juicesome teasome coffee也可以变化成可数名词(有单、复数形式)a bottle of watera glass of milka cup of juicetwo bottles of watertwo glasses of milktwo cups of juice一般总以复数出现的单词shoes socks shorts jeans trousers gloves添加pair of之后整体就成为了单数(因为pair是单数)a pair of shoesthe pair of socksthis pair of shortsa pair of jeansthe pair of trousersthat pair of gloves例句:Here is a pair of shoes for you.“两双”“三副”的表示方式,整体因此成为了复数(因为pair后添加了s)two pairs of shoesthree pairs of socksfour pairs of jeans例句:Here are two pairs of shoes for you.与an连用的单词appleorangeelephantice creamumbrellaauntuncleeggEnglish人称代词和物主代词I -my you -your he -hisshe -heresTeachers-Teachersmy father-my fathersMr. Chen-Mr. ChensMiss Li-Miss LisUnit1 May I have?语音名词和所有格Helen-HelensMike-Mikb- /b/ big boybird bed banana c- /k/ cap cat car clock coat 词组1. come in 进来 2. have a copybook 得到(拿)一本抄写本3. this ball pen 这支圆珠笔 4. that ruler 那把尺子5. two rubbers 两块橡皮 6. in your pencil case 在你的笔袋里7. my pencil 我的铅笔 8. a little book 一本小书9. have a look 看一看 10. a nice bookmark 一张漂亮的书签11. Good morning! 早上好! 12. Here you are. 给你。13. All right. 好的。 14. Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐!句型1. May I come in ? Yes. Come in, please.我可以进来吗?可以,请进。2. May I have a pen? Sure. Here you are.我可以要一支钢笔吗?当然,给你。3. May I have a notebook for Helen? Yes. Here you are.我可以为海伦要一本笔记本吗?好,给你。4. This school bag is for you. Thank you!这只书包是给你的。谢谢!5. That pencil sharpener is for Liu Tao. All right.那把削笔器是给刘涛的。好的。6. Heres a card for you. Thanks!这儿有一张卡片给你。多谢!7. The cat and the big cap are for the boy.猫和帽子是给这男生的。Unit2 In a toy shop语音d -/d/ desk dog bed door panda f - /f/ fat five father knife football 词组1. a nice panda 一只漂亮的熊猫 2. have a look 看一看3. my dog 我的狗 4. your cat 你的猫5. his tiger 他的老虎 6. her lion 她的狮子7. this monkey 这只猴子 8. that bear 那只熊9. a toy rabbit 一只玩具兔 10. on the desk 在书桌上11. a new photo 一张新照片 12. five fat dogs 五只肥狗13. in a toy shop 在一家玩具店 14. in which box 在哪只盒子里15.How lovely! 多么可爱啊! 16. Id like 我想要缩写式和完整式heres=_ whats=_ its=_isnt=_ thats= _ cant= _ 句型1. Whats this ? Its a tiger.这是什么?这是一只老虎。2. Whats that on the desk? Its a lion.桌子上的那个是什么?那是一只狮子。3. This is your dog, I think. Yes, it is.我想这是你的狗。是的。4. Thats his panda, I think. No, it isnt. Its her panda.我想那是他的熊猫。不,那是她的熊猫。5. Can you see the toys? No, I cant.你能看见这些玩具吗?不,不能。6. Id like this lion. I like my lion.我想要这只狮子。我喜欢我的狮子。7. Your five fat dogs are on the desk.你的五只胖胖的狗在课桌上。Unit3 A purse语音g -/ get go girl good big h -/h/ hot he herhis here词组1. my purse 我的钱包 2. over there 在那边3. Helens key 海伦的钥匙 4. come here 过来5. in the classroom 在教室里 6. on the box 在盒子上7. get up 起床 8. eat a hot dog 吃一个热狗9. in the TV room 在电视房里 10. in the computer room 在电脑房里11. an umbrella 一把伞 12. a big fan 一把大扇子13. his tape 他的修正带 14.Not at all. 别客气。15.Let me see. 让我看看。 16. I dont know. 我不知道。 缩写式和完整式hes=_ shes=_ wheres=_ Im=_句型1. Wheres my water bottle ? Is that your water bottle? Yes, it is.我的水壶在哪里?那是你的水壶吗?是的。2. Wheres my storybook? Is this your storybook? 我的故事书在哪里?这是你的故事书吗?No, it isnt. Its Mikes. Perhaps your storybook is on the chair.不,是麦克的。也许你的故事书在椅子上。3. Wheres my crayon? Its over there.我的蜡笔在哪里?在那边。4. Wheres Yang Ling? Shes in the park.杨林在哪里?她在公园里。5. Where are you? Im in the bedroom.你在哪里?我在卧室里。8. The girls get up and eat a hot dog and a hamburger.女孩们起床后吃了一个热狗和一个汉堡。Unit4 I like语音j -/ / Jim juice jacket jeans jeepk -/k/ key kitchen kite book cake 词组1. in English 用英语 2. an English car 一辆英国小汽车3. like toy buses 喜欢玩具公共汽车 4. a doll for you 给你的一个玩具娃娃5. look at my kite 看我的风筝 6. colour it red 把它涂成红色7. look at the yellow bike 看这辆黄色的自行车 8. Lets colour it 让我们给它着色。9. in the kitchen 在厨房里 10. clean the window 擦窗户11. fly kites 放风筝 12. very much 非常13. an orange balloon 一只桔色的气球 14. a brown bear一只棕色的熊15.Me, too. 我也是。 16. Thats OK.不要紧。 按要求写词dont(完整式)_let us(缩写式)_like(近义词)_ bus(复数)_you(物主代词)_come(反义词)_句型1. Whats this in English? Its a puzzle.这用英语怎么说?是一张拼图。2. Whats that in English? Its a doll.那用英语怎么说?是一个玩具娃娃。3. Do you like kites? Yes, I do.你喜欢风筝吗?是的,我喜欢。4. Do you like bikes? No, I dont. I love cars.你喜欢自行车吗?不,我不喜欢。我喜欢小汽车。5. Lets clean the classroom. All right.让我们打扫教室吧。好的。6. -Im sorry.- Thats OK.-我很抱歉。-不要紧。7. I like blue. Me, too.我喜欢蓝色。我也是。6. Jims juice and key are in the kitchen.吉姆的果汁和钥匙在厨房里。Unit6 Whose gloves?语音l -/ l / like look long lunch classroom m -/m/ mango milk mother small morning词组1. whose scarf 谁的围巾 2. look at my sweater 看我的毛衣3. too small 太小 4. try it on 把它试穿一下5. try the shoes on 试穿这双鞋子 6. look so funny 看上去如此有趣7. so big 那么大 8. my fathers gloves 我父亲的手套9. a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤 10. a pair of shorts 一条短裤11. two pairs of socks 两双袜子 12. her mothers dress 她母亲的连衣裙13. a skirt 一条短裙 14. look pretty看起来漂亮15. Dont worry. 别担心。 16. all the boys 所有的男孩 按要求写词theyre(完整式)_ big(反义词)_long(反义词)_ dress(复数)_too(同音词)_ they(单数)_句型1. Whose sweater is this? Its Nancys.这是谁的毛衣?是南希的。2. Whose shoes are they? Theyre Helens.它们是谁的鞋子?是海伦的。3. Look at my jacket. Its too small.看我的夹克衫。它太小了。4. Look at her jeans. Theyre so long.看她的牛仔裤。是那么的长。5. The rubber is too small. Dont worry. Heres a big one.这块橡皮太小了。别担心。这儿有一块大的。Unit7 Its late语音n -/n/ name new plane fine eleven afternoon knowp -/p/ panda Peter please pencil cap perhaps happy词组1. what time 几点 2. have breakfast 吃早饭 3. have lunch 吃午饭 4. see you 再见5. in the afternoon 在下午 6. come home 回家(来)7. go home 回家(去) 8. get up 起床9. go to school 去上学 10. go to bed 去睡觉11. watch TV 看电视 12. go to the cinema 去看电影13. go by bus 乘公交车去 14. the new pandas name这只新熊猫的名字15. from one to ten 从一到十 16.seven thirty-five 七点三十五分17. at four forty 在四点四十分 18. in the morning 在早上数字1.one11.eleven21.twenty-one2.two12.twelve22.twenty-two3.three13.thirteen30.thirty334.four14.fourteen40.forty445.five15.fifteen50.fifty556.six16.sixteen60.sixty667.seven17.seventeen70.seventy778.eight18.eighteen80.eighty889.nine19.nineteen90.ninety9910.ten20.twenty100.a hundred句型1.Whats the time, please? Its seven ten. Its time to go to school.请问现在几点了? 七点十分。该去上学了。2.What time is it? Its four twenty-five. Time to go home.现在几点了?四点二十五分。该回家了。3.What time do you have lunch? I have lunch at eleven.你几点吃午饭?我在十一点吃午饭。Unit8 In class语音r -/ r / right rabbit running write red s -/s/ seven sofa small sitsix词组1. Im late.我迟到了。2. Youre late.你迟到了。5. stand up起立6. open your books打开你们的课本7. boys and girls孩子们8. the new words生词(新单词)9.read English 读英语 10. read the storybook看故事书11. draw in your book.在你的书上画画 12. open the door开门13. open the window开窗14. close that book合上那本书15. eat the apple吃苹果16. drink the juice喝果汁17. drink the water喝水18. do the puzzle做拼图19. good night晚安20. look at this看这个21. give me the cap把帽子给我22. go to bed睡觉23. sit on the chair 坐在椅子上24. stand on the desk 站在课桌上25. write the new words写生词26. copy the new words抄生词按要求写词Dont(完整式)_ right(同音词)_eat(对应词)_they(单数)_句型1. Im late. / Hes late. / Nancy is late. / Nancy and Helen are late.我迟到了。/他迟到了。/南希迟到了。/南希和海伦迟到了。2. Thats all right.=Thats OK.=Not at all. Thats right. Youre right.没关系/不用谢。 完全正确。 你是正确的。3. Dont draw in your book. Dont sit on the desk.不要在你的书上乱涂乱画。 不要坐在课桌上。4. Dont be late again.别再迟到了。5. Draw a pair of gloves for me.为我画一副手套。6. Write the new words in your notebook.把单词写在你的笔记本上。7. -Dont close that book. Close this book, please.-All right.-不要合上那本书。请合上这本书。-好的。8. -Dont drink the juice. Drink the water, please. -All right.-不要喝果汁。请喝水。-好的。9. Shall we do the puzzle now?我们现在做拼图,好吗?10. Seven rabbits are running on the sofa.七只兔子在沙发上奔跑。Unit9 Whats the matter?语音t -/ t / tie tiger table timewaterv -/v/ seven volleyball vest veryviolin词组1. heres / here are 这里有2. a glass of water一(玻璃)杯水3. a cup of tea一杯茶 4. a carton of milk一盒牛奶5. a bottle of juice一瓶果汁6. a bar of chocolate一块巧克力7. boys and girls孩子们8. the new words生词(新单词)9. look happy 看起来很开心 10. look tired看起来很累11. good evening晚上好12. have some cakes 吃一些蛋糕13. some juice一些果汁 14. some soft drink / some soft drinks一些软饮料15. cold and hungry 又冷又饿 16. hot and thirsty 又热又渴按要求写词am(否定式)_ is(否定式)_are(否定式)_can(否定式)_do(否定式)_句型1. Im hungry. / Im not hungry.我饿了。/ 我不饿。2. Youre thirsty. / Youre not thirsty.你渴了。/ 你不渴。3. Hes tall. / Hes not tall.他很高。/ 他不高。4. Come and have some cakes.来吃些蛋糕。5. Heres a glass of water for you.这里有杯水给你。/ 这里有给你的一杯水。6. Whats the matter(with you)? / Whats the matter with Helen?(你)怎么啦? 海伦怎么啦?7. -Are you ill? -No, Im not.-你病了吗?-不,我没有。8. Why dont you go to bed now?你为什么现在不去睡觉呢?9. You look happy. / She looks happy. 你看起来很开心。/ 她看起来很开心。10. Ive got a new car.我有一辆新车。11. The tiger has a vest, a tie and a violin.这老虎有一件背心,一条领带和一把小提琴。12. Are you hungry?你饿了吗?13. No? I see. Youre thirsty.不是?我明白了。你渴了。14. What a nice car!多么漂亮的一辆小汽车!


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