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中考状语从句点拨在复合句中作状语成分的从句称为状语从句。常见状语从句可分为:时间、原因、条件、方式、让步、比较、结果、目的状语从句等。一、时间和条件状语从句由before, after, when, while, since, until, as, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句以及由if,unless引导的条件状语从句,若主句出现以下四种情况之一时,则从句用一般现在时。(一)当主句谓语是一般将来时时。如:Ill tell her the good news when she comes back.He will come here on time unless it rains.(二)当主句是祈使句时。如:Let him call me as soon as he comes back. Please stay at home if it rains tomorrow.(三)当主句的谓语含有can, may, must等情态动词时。如:She cant help you until you tell her the truth. You must stop when the traffic lights are red.(四)当主句的谓语是hope, wish, want等动词时。如:I want to go there if the rain stops.友情提示: 1. since引导的时间状语从句如用一般过去时,则主句常用现在完成时。2. when引导的时间状语从句如用一般过去时,则主句常用过去进行时或过去完成时。3. “祈使句 + or + 陈述句”这一并列句常可与if或unless引导的条件状语从句进行同义句转换。考题链接1. If you late tomorrow morning, you wont catch the early bus. A. get up B. dont get upC. will get up 2.Ididnt know he came back I met him in the street. A. since B. whenC. until D. after3.Hurry up! Or you will miss the train. (改为同义句) you hurry up, you will miss the train. 【答案解析】1. 时间和条件状语从句遵循“主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时”的原则。选A。2. 句意为“直到在街上见到他我才知道他回来了。”not . until .为固定结构,意为“直到才”。选C。3. “祈使句+or+陈述句”常与if引导的否定的条件状语从句进行句型转换。应填If; dont。二、原因状语从句原因状语从句可以由as, because, since等引导。在引导原因状语从句时,because语气最强,其次是as和since。由why提出的问句要用because来回答。友情提示:because与so不能在同一个复合句中使用。考题链接1. I keep an English diary it helps me improve my writing skill. A. how B. whenC. because D. if2. his leg was hurt, he walked slowly. A. Because; so B. Because; /C. Although; but D. Although; /3. .I collect toys because they are beautiful. (对画线部分提问) you collect toys? 【答案解析】1. 本题考查原因状语从句的用法。句意为“我坚持写英语日记,因为它能帮我提高写作能力。”前后句是因果关系,故答案为C。2. because与so不能同时使用,再由句意“因为他的腿受伤了,所以他走得很慢”可知,应选B。3. 对because 引导的原因状语从句提问时需用why。故应填Why do。三、让步状语从句让步状语从句一般由though / although, even if / though 等连词来引导。友情提示:though / although与but不能在一个复合句中同时使用。考题链接( )11. I will never forget that terrible accident it happened so long ago. (2007 江苏扬州)A. only if B. even thoughC. only when D. ever since( )12. it is dark now, the workers go on working there. (2007黑龙江)A. Though B. Because C. As【答案解析】1. 由句意“尽管那场可怕的事故发生这么长时间了,但我决不会忘记”可知, 需用even though(尽管,即使)。选B。2. 本题考查让步状语从句。句意为“虽然现在天黑了,但是工人们仍然在那里继续工作着。”though用于句首,意为“虽然,尽管”。不能和but同时出现在句中。选A。四、比较状语从句比较状语从句一般由as和than引导。考题链接( )11. Our village has changed a lot, and it becomes before. _.A. so beautiful as B. as beautifully as C. more beautiful thanD. much more beautiful( )12. Dont just believe the advertisement. That kind of camera is _ it says. A. as good as B. not as good asC. as well as D. not as well as【答案解析】1. 由前句“我们村子发生了很大变化”可知,“它比以前更美丽了。”故选C。2. 根据前句句意“不要只相信广告”可知下文为“那种相机不像广告说得那么好。”not as +adj. / adv. +as . 表示“和不一样”。be 动词后跟形容词作表语,应选B。五、结果和目的状语从句so / such . that(如此以致于)引导结果状语从句;so that(以便于,为了)引导结果或目的状语从句。考题链接( ) 1. This exercise is difficult .A. so; that few of us can doB. so; that few of us can do it C. too; for anyone of us to do D. too; for anyone of us to do it 2. This math problem is so easy that I can work it out. (改为简单句) This math problem is to work out. 【答案解析】 1. anyone后不能跟of ., 故排除C、D两项。在so . that句型中,that引导的应是一个完整的状语从句,因此其主谓宾各种成分应齐全。选B。2. 根据that后的句子用了肯定句,前后句子主语不一致可知,能与简单句. enough for sb. to 转换。应填easy enough for me。友情提示:1. 复合连词so that 既可引导结果状语从句,又可引导目的状语从句。如:The room was filled with people, so that we couldnt get in. (结果状语从句)2. so that 引导目的状语从句,若主从句的主语一致时,则常改为简单句so as to do sth. 或in order to do sth. 。如:He worked hard so that he could make more money. He worked hard so as to / in order to make more money. 考题链接( )1You must check your paper carefully there is no mistake in it. A. so that B. such thatC. in order to D. so as to【答案解析】 so that意为“以便于;为了”,后面跟句子;而in order to或so as to意为“为了”,后跟动词原形。选A。

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