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高一第八单元Sports要点综述I.Teaching aims and demands1.Topics 1talk about sports 2talk about the Olympic Games 3talk about sports stars2.Function: 兴趣和爱好(Interests and hobbies) Which do you like,.or.? I like watching it. What s your favourite sport? Shooting,I think. Which sport do you like best? I like.best. Which do you prefer,.or.? I prefer.to. What about.? I d rather watch it than play it. Are you interested in.? Yes,very much/No,not really/Sure,I love sports3.Vocabulary BC;AD;continent;well-known;athlete;gold;medal;torch;badminton;speed skating; track and field;tie;final;dive;shooting;Greece;competitor;motto;further;rank;gymnastics;prepare;preparations;effect;flame;compete;flag;weight;position;superstar;point;skill;weigh;title;gesture;facial stand for;because of;would rather;take part;in preparation for 4.Grammar:被动语态(2) 1描述事物将受到某种影响或某种处理-使用将来时被动态 2描述人物将被动的接受某种行为或某种处理-使用将来时被动语态 II.Key points1.listening and speaking1What do the five Olympic rings stand for? stand for 用法代表;象征 举例In a kind of alphabet for the blind,different finger positions letters of the alphabet.2How many gold medals did China win the 2000 Olympic Games? win 用法vi/vt 赢;赢得(奖金,比赛,奖牌,荣誉等) 注意中文里A 赢了B,英文中需用beat(打败)而不是win. 举例Without your help,you would not have won.3In which year was the first Olympic Torch Relay? Relay 用法n. 替班;接力赛跑 举例The shop-assistants work in s these days. We won in the 4100 race.4Each question is worth one point. worth 用法a. 有(.的)价值,值. 举例This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars. That novel is not worth reading. The exhibition is worth a visit.5Congratulations!You really know the Olympics well. Congratulations 用法祝贺;恭喜(常用复数) 举例a letter of congratulations6I prefer.to. 用法prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth 宁愿(做).而不愿(做). 举例He preferred going to the cinema to watching TV at home.7I d rather watch it than play it. would rather 用法宁可,宁愿. 后接动词原型,否定句在rather后加not 举例I ll never be dependent on anyone again. I d rather starve.2.reading1Every four years athletes take part in the Olympics. Every four years 用法每四年或每隔三年 举例Take the medicine every five hours. 联想每隔一天 every second day;every other day;every two days 每隔数百米 every few hundred metres take part (in) 用法参加(.活动) 举例When was it that China took part in the Olympic Games for the first time?2The ancient Olympics began around the year 776 BC in Greece. 用法=before Christ 公元前.年(基督之前.年),亦指bachelor of chemistry 化学学士 或bachelor of commerce 商学士 联想A.D. =Anno Domini (=in the year of our Lord) 【拉】公元.年3Most of the sports were the same as they are now. the same as. 用法先行词为same或含有same时,后面的定语从句关系词用as,表示和.同样的 举例I have the same T-shirt as you.4Women were not allowed to take part in in the games. allow 用法allow sb to do/allow doing 举例Visitors are not allowed to go inside the temple. We don t allow smoking in the offices.5The Olympic motto means that every athlete should try to run faster,junp higher and throw further. further 用法a./ad. 1. 更远的;较远的 2. 另外的;进一步的;深一层的 3. 而且;另外;再者 举例Do you need further help? It s getting dark.We had better not go any further.6Following the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another competition in 2001 which was not for a medal. Following. 用法分词做状语.意为继2000悉尼奥运会取得历史性的成功后.7The sentence below summarise the article. summarise 用法vt./vi 1. 总结,概述,概括;作总结,作概括 举例She summarized the aims of the new party in a couple of sentences.8What will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing? in preparation for 用法为.作准备 举例He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat. 联想相应的动词短语为make preparations for 举例We made preparations for the trip.10Hosting the Olympic Games is a great honour and a great responsibility. honour 用法n.1. 荣誉;名誉,面子U; 2. 光荣的事或人C;3.敬意U 举例We fight for the honor of our country. He is an honor to our school. Children should be taught to show honor to their elders.11Being the host will have good and bad effect on the host city. have effect on 用法对.起作用;对.产生影响 举例This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.12They will make the flags by hand. by hand 用法用手 联想She went to prepare him a meal with her own hands. 她去亲手为他做一顿饭。 He was an old hand at the job. 他做这工作是老手了。3.integrating skills1Yao Ming scored 32.4 points per game. score 用法vt.1. (体育比赛中)得(分),记(分);使得分; 2. (考试等中)得(分); 3. 给.打分,给.评分 举例He only scored nine hundred marks. Mary scored the highest marks on the exam. Professor Hunter is busy scoring the examinations. 亨特教授正忙于给考试评分。2Yao Ming has more than just size. more than 用法不仅仅是 举例Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡觉.3Yao Ming is working hard to live his dream. live 用法实践;经历;实现 举例None of the others have lived my experiences. 其他人没有一个经历过我的这些遭遇。4When did Yao Ming turn professional? turn 用法vi. 此处意为变成成为 举例On hearing the news,her face turned pale. 4workbook1You have been asked to discuss the cause and effect of some serious problems. causes and effect 用法起因与结果2Athletes set a good example for young sports fans. set a good example for 用法给.树立好的榜样 联想还可以这么说: set sb a good example3Every day the big man weighs himselff to see whether he has put on weight. put on weight 用法长胖;体重增加 联想lose weight 减肥 weigh 用法vt/vi 称.的重量; 称重多少. 举例He weighed the parcel by hand. 他用手估量那个包裹的重量。 How much do you weigh? 你体重多少?4What about those who don t make lots of money? What about 用法同how about,意为.怎么样? 用来征求意见或询问看法.后接名词,代词或动名词 举例You like the style.What about the colour? How about the two of us going to dance on Sunday?5Even if they do become the best,they may never be as famous as the bog stars. do become 用法do用来对become进行强调 举例Do remember to bring your exercise book tomorrow. I did see him the street this morning.Why didn t you believe me?6I sometimes wish I could make as much money as Jordan. wish 用法后面的句子要用虚拟语气形式,具体要看所指的时间 举例I wish (that) I had never met her. 我要是没遇见过她就好了。(对过去而言) I wish (that) I were/was younger. 我真希望能年轻一些。(对现在而言)7I only care about getting better and about competing for my country. care about 用法在意;在乎;感兴趣;关心 举例I don t care about the expenses.So long as I have time I will go. They don t care about this kind of books. compete 用法vi 竞争;比赛;媲美 联想competition n.比赛 competitive a.有竞争力的 competitor n. 比赛者;对手8I am proud to be part of the Games. proud 用法a.1. 骄傲的,有自尊心的; 2. 傲慢的,自负的; 3. 自豪的,得意的 举例He s too proud to speak to poor people like us. 他太骄傲了,从不与我们这样的穷人说话。

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