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重点句子小学英语六年级上册复习要点(二) 1.-What grade are you in ? -Im in the sixth / first / second grade. 2.-Why were you late yesterday?-Because my watch stopped. 3.We re in the same grade. 4.Here comes the bus. 5.Lets get on the bus. 6.Im not late today. 7.-Where did you live in Canada? 8.I lived in Ottawa. 9.Isnt Ottawa in the west / east?-No,its in the east. 10. -Whats your favorite subject?-My favorite subject is P.E. 11.Im not good at calculating. 12.Which do you like better, the purple one or the gray one? 13.I like the gray one better.7.This shirt is too small for me. 14.-Do you have a bigger one?-Sure! This is the biggest one. 15.That shirt looks good on you.16.Lets go into the shop. 16. Can I try this shirt on ? -Of course. 17. -How can I get to the amusement park? -Go down this street and turn right / left. Itll be on your left / right. 18.You should be more careful.19.We can cross the street. 19.-What should we do now?-We should park our bikes. 10.-How tall are you?-Im 150cm tall. 11.Im taller than you are. 12.I m the tallest. 11.I want to ride the roller coaster.-Im tall enough. 12. -Shall we go to the safari park? -Yes, Im interested in jungle life 13.I want to take pictures of them. 14.Can I borrow your camera? 15.-I cant find my brother.-Weve got to call the police. 16.Please take all your coins out. 17.Im afraid of tigers. 18.Qiaoqiao is missing. 19.Lets ask her for help. 19.-What does he / your son look like? - He has small brown eyes. 20.Whats he wearing? -Hes wearing a green shirt and glasses. 22.-Is he / Qiaoqiao as tall as you?-No, hes shorter than I am. 23.A boy is coming out of the restroom. 24.Oh,thats my son! 25.When did you lose your son? 26.About half an hour ago. 重点单词 小学英语六年级上册复习要点1.sixth 2.same 3.yesterday 4.watch 5.grade 6.why 7.because 8.hurt 9.absent 10.today 11.first 12.stop 13.live 14.west 15 .east 16.south 17.north 18.calculating 19.subject 20.PE 21.basketball 22.difficult 23.player 24.scientist 25.science 26.art 27.math 28.morning 29.shirt 30.purple 31.gray 32.bigger 33.biggest 34.small 35.long 36.short 37.shop 38.expensive 39.cheap 40.dog 41.cat 42.twenty 43.better 44.should 45.adult 46.medicine 47.street 48.left 49.right 50.light 51.cross 52.park 53.tall 54.taller 55.tallest 56.ride 57.enough 58. coin 59.year 60.boy 61.soup 62.pocket 63.young 64.old 65.than 66.cold 67.warm 68.cap 69.jacket 70.borrow 71.missing 72.everywhere 73.find 74.policewoman 75.police 76.anytime 77.call 78.concert 79.ambulance 80.together 81.leg 82.museum 83.meet 84.lose 85.half 86.clown 87.restroom 88.son 89.hour 90.camera 91.hair 92.blond 93.girl 94.younger 95.shorter 96.wear 97.ago 98.sister 99.brother 100.pink 101.blue 102.red 103.white 104.driver 105.student 重点短语 1.on time 2.get on/get off 3.new friend 4.try on 5.too small 6.look good 7.amusement park 8.roller coaster 9.tall enough 10.take off 11.take out 12.safari park 13.take pictures 14.small brown eyes 15.green shirt 16.as tall as17.come out 18.ask for 19.over there 20.get to 21.go straight two blocks 22.go down this street 23.jungle life 24.look for 25.be more careful 26.youd better 27.be good at 28.be interested in 29.book fair 30.cold enough 31.have got to 32.in thirty minutes 33.wake up 34.welcome aboard! 35.do the exercise 36.see a doctor 37.my favorite subject 38.cross the street 39.turn left 40.a white sweater 41.blond hair 42.as old as 43.There is a boy. 43.half an hour 44.long brown hair 45.find a book 46.call the police 47.be afraid of 48.borrow a camera 49.How tall 50.How old 51.What a good boy! 52.stay with 53.park our bikes 54.a ticket box 55.Thanks a lot 56.take some medicine 57.Of course 58.amusement park (义务教育课程标准实验教科书EEC小学英语五年级上册 How Do You Go to School? 呼兰区双井小学 李炳云 【教材分析】 本课选自 EEC小学英语五年级上册第二课第一课时。学生的主要生活空间是家庭和学校。本节课设计的内容就是学会用英语谈论家庭的远近和出行时的交通工具。让学生在情景中感悟、模仿、操练语言,在游戏活动中达到交流与运用的目的。 【学情分析】五年级的学生学习英语已两年多了,他们已具备了一定的英语学习能力,积累了一定的语言知识。出行是他们所喜欢和感兴趣的事,又跟他们的生活息息相关,因此学习起来不会感觉吃力。但受地区差异和条件的限制,对于一些交通工具还是比较陌生的,如subway(地铁),我们这里就没有开通,学生没有亲身的体验,学习起来会有些困难。所以,在教学过程中,我借助图片和动作来帮助学生学习和理解,从而激发了学生的兴趣,发展了求知欲。 【教学目标】学生学会用英语谈论家的远近及交通手段。掌握一些交通工具的名称,如:car bike bus subway。学习句型 Do you live near/far ? How do you go to?培养学生搜索信息能力,提升实践与合作互助意识。教学重点、难点:学生以家庭和学校之间的距离和交通手段为内容的问答训练是本课的重点,难点是个别单词的发音和拼写,句意的整体把握。 【教学思路】通过图画和录音将新的语言知识呈现给学生,使学生在轻松愉悦的情境中感悟新知,调动学生的学习积极性。运用 chant让学生熟悉各种交通工具的名称,并达到上口,为下一环节问答操练作准备。在新课内容呈现完毕后,首先引导学生进行对话练习,选择自己喜欢的交通工具进行听说训练,并运用歌曲的形式,易学易记,激发兴趣。然后通过听录音,让学生跟读对话,复习巩固新知,规范语音、语调,增强语感。最后在活动设计上,通过大地图带领学生一起去旅行,理论联系实际,使学生学有所得,学有所用,让学生在活动中学会英语,具备用英语进行交际的能力。 【教学过程】一、 热身与复习二、 1唱英文歌 唱英文歌曲Glad to meet you,师生互相问候。 歌词:Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Im glad to meet you. Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Im glad to meet you. Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! (渲染气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣。) 2.复习巩固 教师出示带有国家名称和人物的地图进行问答训练 T: Now, please look at the map. Who are they? Ss: Theyre Dongdong、Sandy and Cody. T: Where are they from? Ss: Dongdong is from China. Sandy is from the USA. Cody is from Australia. 通过问答练习,复习巩固旧知,为新知的学习作准备。) 二、呈现与感悟 1讲故事 T: In Ellia, Dongdong and his friends get together. Theyre talking about some secrets. What secrets? Do you want to know? Please open your books to page 18. Look and listen. (通过故事导入新课 过渡自然。) 2.听对话录音 3. 引出课题 T: What are they talking? How do they go to school? Today, Lets go on learning lesson 2 together. 4. 板书课题 三、生词和短语教学 教学单词教师出示学校和简的房子的图片,并贴在黑板上,教学“live”一词,使学生自然理解掌握词义,然后以one by one的形式学说加以巩固。 T:Look! Where is it? Ss: Its a school. T: Yes, this is Janes school. Look! This is Janes house. Jane lives here. Read after me “live”. 2. 教学短语 教师出示两所小房子的图片贴到黑板上,教学短语near school far from school. T: Look here! We can see two houses. This house is near school. That house is far from school. (通过贴图教学短语直观形象,易于识记。) 3. 练习 (1) 学唱chant: near, near, near, far, far, far, near school, far from school. (2) 结合实际练习短语: near school, far from school T: Please look at the picture. If you live here, We can say“I live near school.”If you live there. We can say“I live far from school.” Now, please tell me you live near school or far from school. S1: I live near school. S2: I live far from school. (学生根据实际情况,介绍自己家离学校的远近,巩固了生词和短语。) 四、对话教学 1.18页第1幅图对话 听录音引出对话内容,反复用各种语气和声调教学句子Do you live near school? 出示笑脸和哭脸进行肯定和否定回答。T:Do you want to know Janes house is near school or far from school. Ss: Yes. T: Now, please listen to the tape, then tell me. Ss: Jane lives a little far from school. T: How do you know it? Lets ask Jane together. Ss: Do you live near school? T:No, I dont. /Yes, I do. (此环节通过让学生变换语调,根据哭脸和笑脸进行机械问答训练,使学生熟悉了句型 Do you live.?及其回答。) 2. 练习 ()同桌之间互相练习对话。(2)根据家的远近,画笑脸和哭脸进行练习。(3)利用手偶分角色进行对话训练。(此环节通过多层次的操练:同桌之间的机械练习-画一画的有意义的练习 分角色的对话练习,巩固了新知,突出了教学重点,激发了学生的学习兴趣。) 3.18页第2-4幅图对 听录音引出短语by car by bike by bus take the subway.教师边出示相 应的交通工具图片,边拼写出短语。并利用 TPR教学短语。 T: Please listen to the tape. How do they go to school? Ss: By car/by bike/take the subway. T: Good. 4. 练习(1)学生根据教师的动作,在纸上写出相应的短语,并以抢答的形式读出来,看谁说得又快又准。(2)师生共同做Chant :car, car, by car/bike, bike, by bike/subway, subway, take the subway.。(3)根据对话内容自编英文歌曲,以小组为单位进行对唱。 歌词:How do you go to school? go to school go to school. How do you go to school? I go to school by car/bus/bike. I take the subway. (利用抢答、Chant 、唱歌等形式进行练习,使学生积极参与到活动中来,在轻松愉快的氛围中巩固了知识,提高了兴趣。) 五、跟读对话 六、操练与实践 1. 完成调查表。以小组为单位,统计本班同学上学使用不同交通工具的情况然后向老师汇报。2.游戏。教师出示一张中国地图,并且把直观的交通工具在地图上表示出来,让学生设计路线去旅行。 七、总结: Let the students talk about this lesson. 八、作业 :Imagine: How to go to Auia? 附:板书设计 Lesson 2 How Do You Go to School? Do you live near school? Yes, I do./No, I dont. How do you go to school? I go to school by 小学EEC英语五年级上册教案设计 Lesson 3 Im getting dressed now(第一课时) 一、设计意图 本课以早晨起床收拾床铺开始一天生活为内容,训练学生学会有关日常生活的英语表达。 二、学生分析 五年级学生,经过三四年级的英语学习,已经具备了一定的基本知识、技能,在四年级已学过一些动词短语,如get up、 make the bed 、 have breakfast 、 go to school、 wake up 等。 课堂用语,教师的指令已基本掌握,为本课教学做了很好的铺垫。 三、核心任务 1、 能力目标 1) 能够听、说、认读:in the bathroom 、brush teeth 、oclock 、be late。 2) 能够听懂,并熟悉运用句型What time do you_?At _。 2、 知识目标 1) 掌握时间表述方式:What time is it? Its _. 2) 运用新学的句型及单词进行日常交际 3、 情感,策略文化等有关目标 19:00 watch Tv 21:00 go to bed 2) 将印好的空白表格发给学生,自制一天的时间表, 3) 两队中各选一位代表到讲台前,介绍自己的一天的安排。代表两队进行最后一次比赛。学生可向他们提问:What time do you _?生生互动,将所学知识扩展到生活中。 4) 小组交流 4、总结比赛结果 数两队获得的图案,数量多的为获胜者。 5、 情感教育 Today ,We studied Lesson3 you know: T: Boys and gorls ,Time is everything for all of us ,Its knowledge, its money ,its lifeSo we should to choose time and to save time. 6、 Lets chant (结束)齐朗诵课文,在儿歌中结束一课学习。 7、 板书 lesson 3 Im getting dressed now What time do you_? At_ oclock be late in the bathroom brush teeth


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