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语法讲义语法复习二、主谓一致在英语句子里,谓语受主语支配,其动词必须和主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就叫主谓一致。寻其规律,大致可归纳为三个原则,即语法一致、逻辑意义一致和就近一致原则。(一)语法一致原则:语法上一致就是谓语动词和主语在单、复数形式上保持一致。1、以单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式;主语为复数时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:His father is working on the farm. / To study English well is not easy. / What he said is very important for us all. / The children were in the classroom two hours ago. / Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.注意:由what引导的主语从句,后面的谓语动词多数情况用单数形式,但若表语是复数或what从句是一个带有复数意义的并列结构时,主句的谓语动词用复数形式。如:What I bought were three English books. / What I say and do is (are) helpful to you.2、由连接词and或both and连接起来的合成主语后面,要用复数形式的谓语动词。如:Lucy and Lily are twins. / She and I are classmates. / The boy and the girl were surprised when they heard the news. / Both she and he are Young Pioneers.注意: 若and所连接的两个词是指同一个人或物时,它后面的谓语动词就应用单数形式。如:The writer and artist has come.; / 由and连接的并列单数主语前如果分别有no, each, every more than a (an) , many a (an)修饰时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。如:Every student and every teacher was in the room. / No boy and no girl likes it.3、主语为单数名词或代词,尽管后面跟有with, together with, except, but, like, as well as, rather than, more than, no less than, besides, including等引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式;若主语为复数,谓语用复数形式。如:Mr Green, together with his wife and children, has come to China. / Nobody but Jim and Mike was on the playground. / She, like you and Tom, is very tall.4、either, neither, each, every 或no +单数名词和由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词,都作单数看待。如:Each of us has a new book. / Everything around us is matter.注意: 在口语中当either或neither后跟有“of+复数名词(或代词)”作主语时,其谓语动词也可用复数。如:Neither of the texts is (are) interesting. 若none of后面的名词是不可数名词,它的谓语动词就要用单数;若它后面的名词是复数,它的谓语动词用单数或复数都可以。如:None of us has (have) been to America.5、在定语从句时,关系代词that, who, which等作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与句中先行词的数一致。如:He is one of my friends who are working hard. / He is the only one of my friends who is working hard.6、如果集体名词指的是整个集体,它的谓语动词用单数;如果它指集体的成员,其谓语动词就用复数形式。这些词有family, class, crowd, committee, population, audience等。如:Class Four is on the third floor. / Class Four are unable to agree upon a monitor. 注意:people, police, cattle等名词一般都用作复数。如:The police are looking for the lost child.7、由“a lot of, lots of, plenty of, the rest of, the majority of + 名词”构成的短语以及由“分数或百分数+名词”构成的短语作主语,其谓语动词的数要根据短语中后面名词的数而定。如:There are a lot of people in the classroom. / The rest of the lecture is wonderful. / 50% of the students in our class are girls.注意: a number of“许多”,作定语修饰复数名词,谓语用复数;the number of“的数量”,主语是number,谓语用单数。8、在倒装句中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。如:There comes the bus./ On the wall are many pictures. / Such is the result. / Such are the facts.(二)逻辑意义一致原则:逻辑意义一致就是谓语动词的数必须和主语的意义一致(因有时主语形式为单数,但意义为复数;有时形式为复数,但意义为单数)。1、what, who, which, any, more, all等代词可以是单数,也可是复数,主要靠意思来决定。如:Which is your bag? / Which are your bags? / All is going well. / All have gone to Beijing.2、表示“时间、重量、长度、价值”等的名词的复数作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式, 这是由于作主语的名词在概念上是一个整体,如:Thirty minutes is enough for the work. 3、若英语是书名、片名、格言、剧名、报名、国名等的复数形式,其谓语动词通常用单数形式。如: “The Arabian Nights” is an interesting story-book.4、表数量的短语“one and a half”后接复数名词作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数形式(也可用复数。如:One and a half apples is (are) left on the table.5、算式中表示数目(字)的主语通常作单数看待,其谓语动词采用单数形式。如:Twelve plus eight is twenty. / Fifty-six divided by eight is seven.6、一些学科名词是以 ics 结尾,如:mathematics, politics, physics 以及news, works等,都属于形式上是复数的名词,实际意义为单数名词,它们作主语时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。如:The paper works was built in 1990. / I think physics isnt easy to study.7、trousers, glasses, clothes, shoes, 等词作主语时,谓语用复数,但如果这些名词前有a (the) pair of等量词修饰时,谓语动词用单数。如:My glasses are broken. / The pair of shoes under the bed is his.8、“定冠词the + 形容词或分词”,表示某一类人时,动词用复数。(三)就近一致原则:在英语句子中,有时谓语动词的人称和数与最近的主语保持一致。1、当两个主语由either Or, neither nor, whether or , not only but also连接时,谓语动词和邻近的主语一致。如:Either the teacher or the students are our friends. / Neither they nor he is wholly right. / Is neither he nor they wholly right?2、there be句型be动词单复数取决于其后的主语。如果其后是由and连接的两个主语,则应与靠近的那个主语保持一致。如:There are two chairs and a desk in the room.注意:Here引导的句子用法同上。练习:主谓一致1.I, who_ your friend, will try my best to help you with your English.A. am B.is C.are D.be2. The rich _ not always happy.A.are B.is C.has D.have3. Neither Tom nor Jack and I _ his students.A.are B.am C.is D.was4. Mary as well as her sisters _ Chinese in China.A. are studying B. have studied C. studies D. study5. Neither my father nor I _ at home.A.am B.is C.are D.be6. Not only my brother but also I _ good at painting. Both of us _ good painters.,A.are;are B.am;am C.ani;are D.is;is7. Every boy and every girl _ to attend the evening party.A.wish B.wishes C.is like D.like8. Over 80 percent of the population of China _ peasants.A.was B.is C. would be D.are9. The population of China _ larger than that of .any other country in the world.A.is B.are C.has D.have10. Every means _ tried but without any result.A. have been B.is to be C.are to be D. has been11. Alice, together with two boys,_ for having broken the rule.A. was punished B. punished C. were punished D. being punished12. The League secretary and the monitor_ asked to attend the .meeting this afternoon.A.is B.was C.are D.is being13. The great writer and professor_.A. is an old man B. are both old menC. is an old man and a young man D. were two Chinese14. There _ a pen, two pencils and three books on the desk.A.are B.is C.has D.have15. A large number of students in our class_ girls.A. are B. was C. is D. be16. The number of deer, mountain lions and wild roses _ much if people leave things as they are.A. doesn t change B.dont change C.change D.changed17. The Arabian Nights _ well known to the English.A. is B. are C. was D. were18. Chairman Mao s works _ published.A. has been B.have been C.was D.is19. A chemical works_ built there.A. is to being B.have been C. were to D.has been20. The Olympic Games _ held every _ years.A.is;four B.are;four C.is;five D.are;five21 .The United States of America one of the most developed countries in the world.A.is B.are C.was D.were22.He is the only one of die students who _ elected.A. are B.have C.has D.is23.Theis is one of the most interesting questions that _ asked.A.have B.has C. have been D.has been24.Many a man _ come to help us.A.have B.has C.is D.are25.All_ present and all_ going on well, our monitor said.A.is;is B.are;are C.are;is D.is;are26. The police _ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.A. is searching for B. were searching forC. are searching for D. were searching27.Your trousers_ dirty.You must have_ washed.A.is;il B.are;it C.are;them D.is;them28.This pair of trouseis _ too long for him.A.is B.be C.are D.were29. One and a half bananas _ left on the table.A.is B.are C.has D.have30. Eight times eight _ sixty - four.A.is B.are C.get D.equal31 .Ten minutes_ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.A.seems B.seem C.seemed D.seemes32._of the money_ nm out.A. Three-fifth; has B. Three-fifth; has beenC. Three-fifths; has D. Three-fifths; have33. The whole class _ the teacher attentively.A. are listening to B. is listening toC.are listening D. is listening34.1 have finished a large part of the book, the rest of which_ more difficult.A.is B.are C.was D.were35. Between the two rows of trees _ the teaching building.A.stand B.stands C. standing D.are36. Large quantities of water _ for irrigation.A. is needed B. has -needed C. are needed D. need37. That they were wrong in these matters _ now clear to us all.A. is B.was C.are D.all38.What we need_ good textbooks.A.is B.are C.have D.has39. What you said just now_ the matter we are discussing.A.have something to at B. has something to do withC.had something to do with D.has been something to do with40. More than one member _ against the plan.A. is B.are C.has D.have41. When and where to build the new factory _ yet.A. has not decided B. is not decidedC. are not decided D. have not decided42. Half of the fruit _ bad.A. are B. has C. is D. have43. _ either of your parents come to see you recently?A. HaveB. HadC. HasD. Is44. Mathematics _ the language of science.A. areB. are going to beC. isD. is to be45. My family _ small.A. is B. wereC. areD. makes46. The following _ some other examples.A. areB. isC. wasD. were47. They both have some friends; but his _ more active.A. isB. will beC. wasD. are48. Both rice and wheat _ grown in that country. A. isB. areC. wasD. has49. Early to bed and early to rise _ a good habit.A. areB. isC. wereD. was50. To play basketball and to go swimming _ useful for character-training.A. wasB. isC. areD. were51. Either he or I _ to attend the mass meeting this evening.A. isB. amC. areD. be52. _ either he or I to attend the mass meeting this evening.A. isB. amC. areD. be53. An iron and steel works, with some satellite factories, _ to be built here.A. areB. wereC. isD. will54. She as well as her brother _ a League member.A. areB. wereC. willD. is55. His family _ a big one. Now the family _ watching TV.A. is, areB. are, isC. is, isD. are, are56. It is I who _ going to attend the meeting tomorrow.A. isB. amC. areD. be57. More than 60% of the students _ the countryside.A. is B. areC. is fromD. are from58. Many a man _ the novel.A. has readB. have readC. is readD. are read59. Tom is the only one of the students who _ going to swim this afternoon.A. isB. wasC. areD. were60. Here _ a pen, a few pencils and some paper for you.A. areB. isC. wasD. were语法复习三:名词性从句名词性从句相当于名词,可分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。因此,名词性从句可分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。(一)引导名词性从句的连接词1、连接代词:who, whose, whom, what, which。有词义,在从句中担任成分,如主语、表语、宾语、或定语等。2、连接副词:when, where, why, how。有词义,在从句中担任成分,作状语。3、连接词:that, whether, if, as if。that 无词义,在从句中不担任成分,有时可省略;if (whether), as if虽有词义,但在从句中不担任成分。注意:连接代词与连接副词在句中不再是疑问句,因而从句中谓语不用疑问式(即陈述句语序)。连接代词与连接副词在从句充当句子成分,连接词whether 和if(是否),as if(好象)在从句中不充当句子成分,只起连接作用。根据句义,如果连接代词与连接副词,whether、if 和as if都用不上时,才用that作连接词(that本身无任何含义)。(二)主语从句1、主语从句在复合句作主语。e.g. Who will go is not important.2、用it作形式主语,主语从句放在句末。e.g. It doesnt matter so much whether you will come or not.3、that引导主语从句时,不能省略。e.g. That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised.(三)表语从句1、表语从句在复合句中作表语,位于系动词之后。e.g. The question was who could go there.2、引导表语从句的连接词that最好不省去。e.g. My idea is (that) we can get more comrades to help in the work.(四)宾语从句1、宾语从句在复合句中作宾语。引导宾语从句的连词that一般可省略。e.g. I hope (that) everything is all right.2、介词之后的宾语从句,不可用which(就变成了定语从句)或if连接,要分别用what或 whether。e.g. Im interested in whether youve finished the work. Im interested in what youve said.3、whether与if都可以引导宾语从句,常可互换。但下面情况不能互换。用if 会引起误解,就要用whether。e.g. Please let me know whether you want to go.(此句如果把whether改成if,容易当成条件句理解)宾语从句中的whether 与or not直接连用,就不能换成if;不直接连用,可换。e.g. I dont know whether or not the report is true.I dont know whether/ if the report is true or not.介词后的宾语从句要用whether引导。whether 可与不定式连用。whether也可引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句,还可引导让步状语从句,以上均不能换成if。但引导条件从句时,只能用if,而不能用whether。(if用于条件句及宾语从句,其余用whether)e.g. It depends on whether we have enough time. They dont know whether to go there. Please come to see me if you have time.(五)同位语从句同位语从句在句中作某一名词的同位语,一般位于该名词(如:news, fact, idea, suggestion, promise等)之后,说明该名词的具体内容。e.g. I have no idea when he will be back.The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.练习:名词性从句一、判断下列各句哪句含有名词性从句,并指出是什么从句:1. China is no longer what it used to be.2. The truth that the earth turn around the sun is known to all.3. It was snowing when he arrived at the station.4. How he persuaded the manager to change the plan is interesting to us all.5. The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school.6. The news that you told me yesterday was really disappointing.7. That is where Lu Xun used to live.8. He spoke as if he understood what he was talking about.9. Do you remember the teacher who taught us English at middle school?10. I wonder why she refused my invitation.二、用适当的连词填空:1. I cant decide _ dictionary I should buy.2. Thats _ he refused my invitation.3. I am very interested in _ he has improved his pronunciation in such a short time.4. _ we need is more time.5. The fact _ she had not said anything at the meeting surprised everybody.6. _ and _ they will meet has not been decided yet.7. Please tell me _ you are waiting for.8. Is that _ you are looking for?9. Would you please tell me _ the nearest post office is?10. I dont know _ he will agree to the plan or not.三、选择填空:1. Do you see _ I mean?A. that B./C. howD. what2. Tell me_ is on your mind.A. thatB. whatC. which D. why3. We must stick to _ we have agreed on.A. whatB. thatC. /D. how4. Let me see _.A. that can I repair the radioB. whether -I can repair the radioC. I can repair the radioD. whether can I repair the radio5. Keep in mind _.A. that the teacher saidB. what did the teacher sayC. that did the teacher sayD. what the teacher said6. Could you advise me _?A. which book should I read firstB. what book should I read firstC. that book 1 should read firstD. which book I should read first7. He was criticized for _.A. he had done itB. what he had done C. what had he done D. that he had done it8. Would you kindly tell me _?A. how can I get to the Beijing Railway StationB. how I can get to the Beijing Railway StationC. where can I get to the Beijing Railway StationD. whether can I get to the Beijing Railway Station9. Mrs. Smith was very much impressed by _.A. what had she seen in ChinaB. that she had seen in ChinaC. what she had seen in ChinaD. which had she seen in China10. We took it for granted _A. that they were not comingB. that were they not comingC. they were coming notD. were they not coining11. I really dont know _A. I should do nextB. what should I do nextC. what I should do nextD. how I should do next12. Im afraid _.A. the little girl will have to be operated onB. that will the little girl have to operate onC. the little girl will have to operate onD. that will the little girl have to be operated on13. She walked up to _ .A. where did I stand B. where I stood C. I stood there D. where I stood there14. Can you tell me _?A. who is that gentlemanB. that gentleman is whoC. who that gentleman isD. whom .is that gentleman15. Well give you _.A. that do you needB. what do you needC. whatever you needD. whether do you need16. They want us to know _ to help us.A. what can they B. what they canC. how they can D. how can they17. We must put _ into practice.A. what we have learnedB. that we have learnedC. that have we learnedD. what have we learned18. Did she say anything about _?A. that the work was to be doneB. how was the work to be doneC. that was the work to be doneD. how the work was to be done19. He was never satisfied with _.A. what she had achievedB. had what she achievedC. she had achievedD. that she achieved20. These photographs will show you _.A. what does our village look likeB. what our village looks likeC. how does our village look likeD. how our village looks like21. Peter insisted _ he pay the bill.A. on thatB. whatC. thatD. on which22. They urged _ the library open during the vacation. A. whenB. whereC. whyD. that23. We wish we could have learned _ when we were at high school.A. what you did B. that you had doneC. that what you did D. what did you do24.1 will describe to you _ I saw when there.A. whatB. thatC. which D./25. From _ I should say he is a good worker.A. what 1 know of himB. that I do know of himC. what do I know of himD. that do I know of him26. I will give this dictionary to _ wants to have it.A. whomever B. anyoneC. whoeverD. someone27._ they will come here hasn t been decided yet.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhenD. Where28. _ was said here must be kept secret.A. Who B. The thingC. Whatever D. Where29. It is still a question _ we shall have our sports meet.A. ifB. thatC. whatD. when30. Im going anyway. _ she will go is up to her to decide.A. If or notB. Whether or notC. IfD. That31. It is strange _ she have left without saying a word.A. thatB. whatC. whyD. how32. It is very clear _ our policy is a correct one.A. whatB. thatC. why D. where33. _ Mr Zhang said is quite right.A. That B. WhenC. WhatD. Whether34. It has been decided _ he will be sent there.A. ifB. whether C. whyD. that35. It doesn t matter _he s come back or not.A. ifB. whetherC. thatD. when36. Its a great pity _ we wont be able to finish the task on time.A. when B. thatC. why D. where37. It happened _ I wasnt there that day.A. when B. whyC. where D. that38._ you have done might do harm to other people.A. What B. ThatC. Which D. The things39. _ leaves the room last ought to turn oft the lights.A. Anyone B. The personC. Whoever D.Who40._ the 2000 Olympic Games wont be held in Beijing is known to all.A. Whether B. IfC. Whenever D. That 41. _ fails to see this will make a big mistake.A. That B. WhoeverC. Whether D. Whether or not42. _ we need more equipment is quite obvious.A. What B. WhetherC. ThatD. Whatever43. Has it been announced _?A. when are the planes to take offB. that are the planes to take offC. where are the planes to take offD. when the planes are to take off

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