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3B Unit 1 In class 第一教时作者:高维林点击数:1回复数:0发布日期:2014/2/17 9:24:37Unit 1 In class第一教时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇open, the, door, close, window。2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇in class,stand up,Mr, sit down, please, sorry,come in.3.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Open the door/the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.教学重点1.句型:Open the door/ the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.2.词汇:in class,stand up,Mr, sit down, please, sorry,come in. open, the, door, close, window.教学难点:1.句型:Open the door/ the window. Close the door/ the window .Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please.的正确读法和在情境下的正确运用。2.词汇:open, close的用法教学准备:1.第一单元Story time部分的挂图、多媒体、磁带、录音机。2.人物Mr Green, Liu Tao, Mike, Wang Bing的头像卡片。3.句型:书写Open the door/the window. Close the door/ the window . Stand up. Sit down. Come in, please. Im sorry.的条形卡。4.在黑板上画好四线三格。教学过程:一、GreetingsT: Good morning/afteroon, class.Ss: Good morning/afteroon, . . .出示人物头像,T: Whos he?S: Hes Liu Tao/ Mike/ Wang Bing.T: Whos he?S: Hes Mr Green.(引导学生说)领读并教学Mr,区别Mr与Miss的用法。二、Listen and act1.事先安排一名学生站在门外,教会迟到了说Im sorry.教师关门上课。门外学生敲门,T: S1, please open the door.(做手势).S1:Yes, Mr/ Miss . . .S2(门外学生):Im sorry,Mr/ Miss . . .T: Come in , . . .出示句型,边做动作边领读:Please open the door.Im sorry.Come in .2.T教师指门)Whats this?S: Its a door.引导学生学习、拼读单词door.教师做关门、开门动作,并领学生说;Open the door.Close the door.同法教学window. Open the window. Close the window.出示句型,边做动作边领读。3.做手势,让学生边做边说:Stand up.Sit down.出示句型条形卡,边做动作边领读。三、Look, read and act.教师打乱句型顺序,指名学生认读并做相应的动作。四、Story time1.出示本部分图片,引导学生看图说话。T: Look, Mr Green and his students are in class.(教学in class.) What are they saying? Lets watch and listen.播放多媒体动画,引导学生理解在课堂上的各情境中老师和学生分别说了些什么。1)刚上课班长说什么?2)师生是怎样问候的。3)Mike迟到了,他怎么说,老师怎么说。4)老师请开门、关窗上怎么说的。2.学生看图、听录音跟读,注意语音、语调。五、Do a role-play.1.请一名学生上来,做“小老师”用学过的语句来上课,并请其他同学做动作。2.小组活动。一名学生做老师,用学习的句子命令其他同学做动作。六、Read and write1.教师在黑板上示范板书open, the, door, close, window。2.领读并让学生模仿抄写。七、Homework1.抄写单词open, the, door, close, window。2.听录音跟读Story time。

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