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考点1. engage, be engaged in,take up.engage使从事于,使忙于(常用被动语态);约束,约定,使订婚;占用(时间等);雇用.例如:Housework engaged much of her time. 家务占用了她许多时间.Can you engage that all what he said is true? 你能保证他说的都是真话吗?Ill engage to be there on time. 我保证准时到达.be engaged in doing sth 这个短语动词作“从事”讲,其中的engaged是个表语形容词;be engaged to do sth 则是“被任用”的意思,是被动式.例如:He is engaged in writing a book on English usage. 他正在编写一本讲英语用法的书.He is engaged to write a book on English usage 他被约编写一本讲英语用法的书.be engaged to定婚. 例如:John is engaged to Mary. 约翰同玛丽定了婚.engage in参加.例如:They engaged in conversation. 他们参加了谈话.注意:engage含有“占有”的意思; take up也作“占有”解.1. Studying most of a serious students time.A. engages B. takes C. spends D. pays for解:答案为A. 该题题意为“读书占用了认真学习的学生的大部分时间”.Engage含有“占有”的意思; take作“占有”解时后面应加up ;spend, pay off的主语应该是人.考点2. Work on, work at.work at , work on 表示从事于某事情,但work at为一般用语,其深度不如work on.例如:work at math 学习数学;work on math 致力于数研究;work on some wood cuts 创作一些木刻1. Mr. Zhao, an English teacher, sat up far into the night, a paper on how to teach beginners of English.A. and worked at B. and worked on C. working at D. working on 解:答案:D. work at为一般用语,其深度不如work on, work at a problem和work on a problem意思不大一样,前者可作学习中的“计算一道题”解,后者可引伸到生活和工作中的“研究或解决一个问题”. work out意为“计算出”.2. You will have to work the weak points in your English if you want to pass the examination. A. out B. at C. for D. on 解:选A. work out解决;work on在上工作;work hard at + subject在科目上努力工作.考点3. morethan.more than +名词,表示超出该名词所指,意思是“不止”“不仅仅是”.例如:We need more than material wealth to build our country.建设我们国家,不仅仅需要物质财富.more than +形容词或动词,表示加重语气,意思是“非常”“很”.例如:I am more happy to help you 能帮助你,我特别高兴.more than +数词,表示超出该数,意思是“多于”“大于”.例如:More than one person has made this suggestion. 不止一人提过这个建议.more than + (that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”.例如:That is more than I can understand . 那非我所能懂的.如果在more than之间插入形容词或副词,这时它就有两种含义:一为普通的比较级的用法;二是用来表示“与其说 倒不如说”的意思,试比较:例如:The concert was more enjoyable than the lecture. 音乐会比讲座更令人愉快.注意这种用法也适用于less.than结构. 例如:He was less hurt than frightened. 与其说他受了伤,不如说他吓坏了.1. Do you think him naughty enough?Im afraid hes than naughty.A. more clever B. clever C. much clever D. much more clever 解:答案:A 在此句中more .than意为“与其说倒不如说”. 2. We advertised for pupils last autumn ,and got 60.A. more than B. more of C. as much as D. so many as解:答案为A. as much as 意为“和.一样多”,往往用来表示程度,不能用来修饰可数名词;so many as 虽然可以修饰可数名词,但用于肯定句中要用as many as .more than后跟名词或数量词,表示“超过,不止是,不仅仅是”,即相当于over.no better than=only 仅仅, not better than=at most 不超过.No more than 仅仅,同一样不His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他所受的全部学校教育加起来只有一年.例如:I could no more do that than you. 你不能做这事,我也不能做.Not more than 至多,不超过,不必更.例如:There are not more than six people over there .至多有六个人在那里.1. I did not do well in the exam. How about you?I did you. Maybe even worse.A. not better than B. no better than C. as well as D. nit worse than 解:答案为B.由maybe even worse(有可能比你还差)推知,前面的句意应是“我做的不比你好多少”.Not better than不比.好;as well as和.一样好;not worse than不如差;no better than不比.好.2. What a wonder ! Theyve finished 30of the task within one week. A. no more than B. no less than C. not more than D. much less than 解:选B. no more than= only仅有、只有;not more than = at most 至多,不超过;no less than = Just as many as有之多;less than少于.根据题意,只有B项符合题意.3. How is the article you are reading? - It is no more than ordinary one. It is .A. excellent B. terrible C. attractive D. valueless解:选D. 由no more than ordinary one可知,这篇文章很一般,没什么价值,故选D. 考点4. inform.be informed of是固定短语,意为“听说;接到的通知”.1. He going to the front last year.A. was informed of B. was informed C. was informed from D. informed him 解:答案:A .be informed of 是固定短语,意为“听说;接到的通知”.考点5. sell.sell的名词是sale, sale作“售卖,销售”讲是不可数名词.1. He got four pounds from the of his drawing.A. sale B. sold C. selling D. sales 解:答案为A .该句话的意思是“他卖画得了四英镑”.sell的名词是sale, sale作“售卖,销售”讲是不可数名词.考点6. see notice observe watch, look at.look (at) 意味着集中注意力地看,是有意的,强调动作.例如:The old lady was looking at him from head to foot 这位老夫人从头到脚地看着他.see强调结果,意为“看见、看到”. 例如:I looked but saw nothing. 我看了,但什么也没看见.watch表示所看事物的变化、移动和发展. 例如:We watched that boy swim. 我们观看那个男孩游泳.注意i. look at和watch的区别在于:look at 注意的是它后面的宾语,watch注意的是它后面宾语的举动. 例如:I am looking at the boy. 我在注视这孩子.I am watching the boy. 我在注视这孩子的举动.ii. look at, see, watch都可跟不带to的动词不定式或现在分词作宾语补足语.例如:We looked at the children walk up the hill. 我们望着孩子们上了山.(强调动作的全过程) We looked at the children walking up the hill. 我们望着孩子们在上山.(强调动作在进行之中)see表“看见、看到”时,一般不用进行时态.see还作“看望;送行”讲,这时可用进行时. 例如:Im seeing him tomorrow . 我明天去看他. Were going to see him home tomorrow. 我们打算明天送他回家.注意根据习惯选用see和watch.看电视用watch,看电影用see .如:Did you watch TV last night?昨晚你看电视了吗?Have you seen the film? 你看过这部电影吗?notice“看到,注意到,觉察到”;偶而看到细小的但可能是重要的事情.例如:Did you notice anything unusual?你觉察出有任何异样的情况吗?observe“观察”;从不同的角度长时间地看并研究.例如:observe the behave-iour of birds 观察鸟的习性/ observe stars all ones life一生致力于观察星象.1. Several possible buyers have come to the house.A. look B. observe C. view D. watch 解:答案为C.该题意思是“几个可能是买主的人来看过房子”.observe, watch含有“观察”的意思,look是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语.2. They the train until it disappeared in the distance.A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed解:答案选B. 这句话的意思为“他们注视着火车直到它消失在远方”.; saw意思是“看见”noticed“注意到”; observed “注意到,观察”,都强调结果,只有watched “观察”强调动作的延续.scene, sight,view,look.sight表示“风景名胜、视力,视野”;scene则表示一个地区的自然景色或人为的环境;view多指从高处向下或向远处所看到的景色;look则强调“神色、外表”.1. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good . A. sight B. scene C. view D. look 解:答案选 C. 本句意思为“住在高层建筑的顶层的优势之一就是能看到好的景色.”考点7. disturb ,damage, destroy.disturb意为“搅乱、扰乱”平静、秩序(break the quiet, calm peace or order ofetc.)等;interrupt意为“使中断、阻断”、“插嘴”(break in upon a person/action/speech etc.)1. The cries of help the peace of night.A. damaged B. destroyed C. interrupted D. disturbed 解:答案为D. 该题题意为“救命的喊叫声打破了夜晚的宁静”.2. The cries for help the peace of night. A. damaged B. destroyed C. interrupted D. disturbed 解:选D. 考查动词的含义.damage“破坏”;destroy“摧毁”;interrupt“打断(谈话等)”;disturb“扰乱”(多与peace ,quietness plan 等词搭配使用). 考点8. way,means,views,directions.means“方法”;directions“方向”;views“观点”;ways“方面”.1. There are usually at least two of looking at every question.A. means B. directions C. views D. ways 解:答案选D. 题于意思是“看问题至少从两个方面”.比较四个词的词义:means“方法”;directions“方向”;views“观点”;ways“方面”.考点9. see sb. do/doing, see sth done.1. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see the next year. A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 解:答案为C .此题考查see sth. done结构,此结构中的sth.即题干中的plan,它作了定语从句中的先行词.此题只要把plan还原,就不难选出正确答案.考点10. die of ,die from.die of 常表示由于疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷、年老等内部原因而死;die from 则多表示除疾病或情感以外的原因而死.1. What did he die ? He died old age. A. of, from B. from, of C. from , from D. of, of 解:答案选D. die of 常表示由于疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷、年老等内部原因而死;die from 则多表示除疾病或情感以外的原因而死.根据答语中的old age 可知选die of 较好.考点11. be free of change表示“免费”. 1. You can take as many as you like because they are free of .A. fare B. charge C. money D. pay 解:答案选B. be free of charge 表示“免费”,charge 表示“收费”之意.考点12. mean doing/to do.mean to sth的意思是“打算做某事”;mean doing sth的意思是“意味着干某事”.1. Why havent you bought any butter ? I to but I forgot about it . A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected 解:答案选C. 本题难度较大,因为liked ,wished, meant 和expected 都可接动词不定式作宾语,但从句子的意思解,应选meant .这句话的意思是“我本打算去买,但我忘了”.考点13. sure,certain.(1)be sure of和be sure about.be sure of(表示“对.很确信/有把握”)和be sure about(表示“一定会干某事”)后面跟“连接词(疑问词、连词whether)+不定式”结构,意思是“确定”.例如:Im not sure whether to go to the party. 去不去参加聚会我还不能确定.(2)be certain.和of(有时用about)连用,后接名词或动名词(用about时不跟动名词),意思是“确信”,只能用人作主语.如:He was too certain of her coming to send for her. 他相信她肯定要来,所以没有打发人去请她.后接从句,意思是“确信,确定”,只能用人作主语.例如:Im certain (that) he saw me.我确信他看见了我.后面跟“连接词(疑问词、连词whether)+不定式”结构,意思是“确定”,只能用人作主语. 例如:They were not certain whether to go or not. 他们不能确定该不该去.表示“(某人做某事)肯定无疑的”时,要用It is certain that 句型(该句型中不能用sure, It is certain for sb. to do sth. 这样的用法是错误的.)例如:It is certain that your team will win. 你们队肯定会赢.注意这一句型可以转换为:Your team is certain to win. / Your team will certainly win. 1. Wait till you are more .Its better to be sure than sorry. A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain 解:答案选D.本题考查形容词的意义辨析.从下句的Its better to be sure than sorry. 可以判断,此处应选certain,,句意为“等到你更确信,弄确定(不出错)比(没弄确定而出错)向别人道歉更好些”.其他选项不合句意.2. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster if a mirror was broken. A. was sure of striking B. was sure of having struck C. was sure to be struck D. was sure to strike 解:答案选D. be sure of doing 表示“对.很确信/有把握”;而be sure to do表示“一定会干某事”;而strike可作为不及物动词使用,表示“降临”,本句意思为:“过去许多人相信如果镜子了,灾难一定会降临”.考点14. spare.share表示“共享;共用”;spend“花费;度过”,save“节省;储蓄”;spare“抽出”.1. The manager said he could the office- lady a few minutes to talk about her programme. A. share B. spend C. save D. spare 解:答案选D. 本题考查动词的意义辨析.share表示“共享;共用”;spend“花费;度过”,save“节省;储蓄”;spare“抽出”.根据句子的意思应选spare“抽出”.考点15. live,lively,living,alive. live做形容词时,表示“现场的;活着的”,可以做前置定语;lively 表示“生动的,活泼的”,可以做定语、表语或宾补;living 表示“活着的”,可以作表语或前置定语;alive 表示“活着的”,可以做表语、后置定语或补足语.1. The bear was caught .A. live B. lively C. living D. alive解:答案选D. live做形容词时,表示“现场的;活着的”,可以做前置定语;lively 表示“生动的,活泼的”,可以做定语、表语或宾补;living 表示“活着的”,可以作表语或前置定语;alive 表示“活着的”,可以做表语、后置定语或补足语.此处应选alive 做补足语,表示“那只熊被活捉了”.2. The World Cup in France was the biggest football match in the world. A. alive B. live C. lively D. living 解:选B. alive为表语形容词,意为“活着的”,live可作定语,意为“实况转播的”符合题意,lively意为“生动的”,“活泼的”living意为“有生命的”.考点16. on+Ving=no sooner than 1. On the news, I felt uncomfortable.A. I heard B. heard C. to hear D. hearing 解:答案选D. on 表示“在.之时”,是介词,后接名词或动名词做宾语,不接从句、不定式或过去分词.考点17. calm. 1. Wait till you are more .Its better to be sure than sorry. A. inspired B. certain C. calm D. satisfied 解:答案选C.本题考查形容词的词义辨析.句意为:等到你弄准确后再说吧,准确总比后悔好. Inspired“有灵感的”; calm“镇静的;平静的”; satisfied“满意的”,这三个词都不合句意,此处选 certain表示“确定的”,和后面的 sure 对应.考点18. convenient. convenient意为“方便的”,常用于it is convenient (for sb) to do .或sth. is convenient to sb. 结构.1. Come and see me whenever .A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you 解:convenient意为“方便的”,常用于it is convenient (for sb) to do .或sth. is convenient to sb. 结构. convenient 常用it 作主语,指时间;另外,whenever 引导时间状语从句,其谓语动词应用现在时表示将来.故选C.考点19. remind.remind意为“提醒”,常接宾语从句或用于remind sb. about sth.结构;也可表示“使某人想起/回忆起.”,常用于remind sb. of sth. /sb 结构. mention(提到、提及)和memorize(记住)都不能用于“v + sb. +of sth, / sb”结构;inform sb. of sth 表示“通知某人某事”. 1. What he said just now me of that American professor. a. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized 解:remind意为“提醒”,常接宾语从句或用于remind sb. about sth.结构;也可表示“使某人想起/回忆起.”,常用于remind sb. of sth. /sb 结构. mention(提到、提及)和memorize(记住)都不能用于”v + sb. +of sth, / sb”结构;inform sb. of sth 表示“通知某人某事”,不合句意,故选C.考点20. make(great)progress.1. He has made a rapid progress in his studies this term. (改错)解:应把a去掉,progress是不可数名词,前面不能加冠词,同学们容易按汉语意思加上冠词a.英语中还有一些类似的不可数名词,如:news, information, fun, advice等.考点21. choose from(有几双供选择)与choose(选择几双).1. There are five pairs ,but Im at a loss which to buy. A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choosing解:答案为B.动词不定式 to choose from在句中作定语.因为所表示的意思是有五双可供选择,而不是选择无双,所以要在 to choose后加介词 from .考点22. agree. 一般说来,在下列动词后可接不定式作宾语:afford, agree, decide, demand, expect, fail, happen(碰巧),hope, manage, pretend, refuse, tend, offer, want等. agree with sb. agree with what sb. said . agree on 主语是复数,译为“在达成协议”.1. We agreed here, but so far she hasnt turned up yet.A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met解:答案为C. 此题考查不定式作宾语的用法.动词agree后要求用带to的不定式作宾语,故排除A、B.又根据题意所示,meet所表示的动作没有先于agree所表示的动作,排除答案D,故选C. 一般说来,在下列动词后可接不定式作宾语:afford, agree, decide, demand, expect, fail, happen(碰巧),hope, manage, pretend, refuse, tend, offer, want等.2. At last both sides agreed the price and they signed a contract(合同).A. with B. to C. on D in 3. Im quite agreement what you say. A. in; on B. on;with C. in;with D. on;on 2-3解:CC.考点23. that = so. 1. Now that you like the portable personal computer so much ,why not buy one? Well, I cant afford computer at present. A. that expensive a B. a such cheap C. that an expensive D. so a cheap 解:A.考点24. point. point to“显示,说明”. 例如:All the evidence point to his guilt. 所有的证据(物证)表明他的犯罪.There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有意义. be on the point of 意思是“正要的时候,即将之时”,in point of 意思是“关于,就而言”,up to a point 意思是“在某种程度上”,to the point of 意思是“到程度”.1. There is no point further . It wont help much. A. on explaining B. to explain C. of explaining D. in explaining 解:选D.2. The coach was giving up the game when our team scored two points.A. in point of B. up to a point C. to the point of D. on the point of 解:选D. be on the point of 意思是“正要的时候,即将之时”;in point of 意思是“关于,就而言”;up to a point 意思是“在某种程度上”;to the point of 意思是“到程度”.考点25. doubt. doubt在肯定句中用if 或whether,否定句中只能用that. 1. Theres no doubt . A. that Mr John is in good health B. whether is Mr John healthyC. whether Mr John is health D. if Mr Johns health is returning 解:选A.考点26. state 陈述. a state of 以的状态.1. She is in a poor of health which worries her mother much. A. position B. situation C. state D. condition 解:选C.2. Im sorry, but can you your views in English? Thats OK. A. state B. impress C. debate D. elect 解:选A.考点27. call. call on sb.拜访某人,call at some place拜访某地,call up sb.给某人打电话.注意drop to sb/ at + place 访问某人/ 某地.1. I called his house, but he wasnt in. Then I called him but I couldnt get through, either. A. at , on B. on; on C. at; up D. on; to 2. The other day Li Ming dropped in Li Fang her home. A. at;on B. on;at C. but;at D. 不填; on1-2解:CB.3. The work a cot of time. A. calls for B. calls on C. calls at D. calls up 解:选A. call for在此是“要求,需要”的意思.call on“号召,邀请,访问”,call up“给打电话”,call at“拜访(某地)”.考点28. have an advantage over 胜过,比优越.1. His height and reach give him a big advantage other boxers.A. at B. in C. over D. of解:C.考点29. glance at瞟,扫视.1. On the bus I always manage to the headlines in the newspaper.A. glance at B. look for C. look up D. join to 解:A.考点30. have a preference for 对有喜好(performance 表现)1. He has never liked meat , and has always had a(n) for vegetables and fruit. A. perspiration B. feeling C. idea D. preference解:D.考点31. attitude. be attitude to sth. 对某事的态度;be attitude with sb. 对某人的态度.1. I wonder whats your attitude the problem yesterday. A. in ; discussing B. to ; to be discussed C. towards; discussed D. with ; being discussed 解:C.考点32. for once就这一次;once again 在一次;at once 马上;once more再一次.1. In general , the old man is generous .But , he was mean to an old beggar . A. at once B. once again C. for once D. once over解:C.考点33. run over溢出,车辆、辗过,复习;run out跑出去,被用完;run off 逃跑;run in to遇见;run down往下跑;run across遇见.1. The cup was full and the water in it was . A. running over B. running out C. running off D. running away解:A.考点34. come up出现;come out长出、出版;come along来到;come to ones life苏醒;come at = arrive at到达.1. We saw a big black bear on us from the woods. A. coming up B. coming out C. coming back D. coming away2. Difficulty is temporal. Good luck will sooner or later.A. come along B. come to C. come over D. come at 1-2解:AA.考点35. pat on the + 身体的部位“打在 部位”. 如:pat on the head打在头上.1. He was head when his grandma saw him. A. patted on the B. patted on his C. patted in the D. patted in his解:A.考点36. fit,match,suit. fit 与sui可指衣服“合适”或“适合”的意思.fit 指大小、尺寸合体,suit指颜色,花样或款式适合.如:The coat fits me well. 这件上衣我穿着很合身. The colour of the cloth suits a woman at my wifes age. 这布的颜色适合我妻子年龄的妇女穿.match多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配. 如:The Peoples Great Hall and the Historical Museum match the Tian An Men beautifully. 人民大会堂和历史博物馆与天安门陪衬得极为优美.1. I cant go that far .Long plane trips dont me.A. agree with B. agree to C. fit for D. match with 2. He knows a lot about film .No one in our class can him in that knowledge.A. catch B. suit C. compare D. match1-2解:AD.3. The shirt is two sizes for me. Would you please show me another one? A. larger B. too large C. more large D. very large 解:B习惯用语问题.说明:英语中,表示“(衣帽等)太大或太小因而不合适“,须用 too large/small for sb. “对某人大几号为”“sizes too large for sb.”考点37. enjoy. enjoy done sth. 喜欢某事被做;enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事.1. I enjoy noodles by my mother ,which taste very delicious. A. cooked B. cooking C. being cooked D. being cooking 解:A.考点38. leave. leave sth done.留下某事被做.leave with,leaveto. 二者都可用来表示“把托付(交给)”的意思.用to时,有时含有“赠送”之意;用with时,含有托付某人“保管、 处理”之意. leave后接人的名词时,一般只用leave with 结构. 如:She had left a number of books with me. 她把许多书籍交给了我.Leaving me with a relative,he went to join the Red Army. 他把我托付给一位亲戚之后,就去参加红军了.1. alone in the dark room, the little boy was so frightened as to cry. A. Leaving B. left C. To be left D. Having left2. It seems, everybody, that some of the questions will have to be left because of the time limit .A. answered B. unanswered C. to answer D. answer1-2解:BB.考点39. contribute 投稿.1. That man? Oh ,he is Mr Hancock , one of the several regular authors our Morning Post with their good articles.A. reading B. contributing to C. recommending D. relating to解:B.考点40. break down崩溃,(谈判)失败;break out 战争爆发;break in 插嘴;break up关系破裂.注意broken是形容词,译为“损坏了的,不好的,弱的”.1. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have with no agreement reached. A. broken down B. broken out C. broken in D. broken up2. He managed to make himself with his English. A. understand; breaking B. understand; brokenC. understood; breaking D. understood; broken 1-2解:DD.考点41. seat , sit.sit是不及物动词,而 seat是及物动词,使用seat时要用be seated或seat oneself两种形式. 如:“玛丽坐在书桌旁.”这句话可译为: Mary sat at the desk. / Mary was seated at the desk. / Mary seated herself at the desk. /而不能译为:Mary seated at the desk.sit只能用作动词,而seat除用作动词外,还可用作名词,意思是“座位”.如: “Heres a seat for you. 要表达“请坐”. 可以说: Have a (the)seat/ take a (the) seat意思相当于sit down. Take this seat. 请坐这儿.set 表示“使坐于坐的姿势”. 如:He set the child on his knee. 他让孩子坐在膝上.1. When the speaker found all the guests ,he began his

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