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阅读理解第一节(建议用时: 30分钟)A(2013绵阳模拟)体裁议论文题材禁止用动物进行实验词数294In an ideal world, people would not test medicines on animals. Such experiments are stressful and sometimes painful for animals, and expensive and timeconsuming for people. Yet animal experimentation is still needed to help bridge vast gaps in medical knowledge. That is why there are some 50 to 100 million animals used in research around the world each year. Europe, on the whole, has the worlds most restrictive laws on animal experiments. Even so, its scientists use some 12 million animals a year, most of them mice and rats, for medical research. Official statistics show that just 1. 1 million animals are used in research in America each year. But that is misleading. The American authorities do not think mice and rats are worth counting and, as these are the most common laboratory animals, the true figure is much higher. Japan and China have even less comprehensive data than America. Now Europe is reforming the rules governing animal experiments by restricting the number of animals used in labs. Alternatives to animal testing, such as using human tissue or computer models, are now strongly recommended. In addition, sharing all research results freely should help to reduce the number of animals for scientific use. At present, scientists often share only the results of successful experiments. If their findings do not fit the hypothesis being tested, the work never sees the light of day. This practice means wasting time, money, and animals lives in endlessly repeating the failed experiments. Animal experimentation has taught humanity a great deal and saved countless lives. It needs to continue, even if that means animals sometimes suffer. Europes new measures should eventually both reduce the number of animals used in experiments and improve the way in which scientific research is conducted. 1. What is the main idea of this passage? A. The success of animal experiments should be ensured. B. A ban on the use of animals in the lab should be enforced. C. Greater efforts need to be taken to reduce the number of lab animals. D. Scientists should be required to share their research results with each other. 2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about animals used in the lab? A. America uses only about 1. 1 million lab animals per year. B. Europe does not use mice and rats as lab animals at all. C. Britain does not use as many lab animals as China does. D. Japan has less comprehensive data on the number of lab animals used each year. 3. Which of the following is mentioned as an alternative to replace animal experiments? A. Statistical studies. B. Computer models. C. DNA planted in animals. D. Tissue from dead animals. 4. What usually happens to unsuccessful animal experiments? A. They are not revealed to the public. B. They are made into teaching materials. C. They are collected for future publication. D. They are not removed from the research topic list. B体裁记叙文题材第一次欧洲旅行词数326As a boy growing up in India, I had longed to travel abroad. I used to listen to the stories my father would tell me about his stay in Canada and tours to Europe in the 1970s, with great interest. My big moment finally came in the summer of 1998 when I was able to accompany my parents to Europe, where my father was to attend a meeting. We planned to travel to Belgium, Netherlands and West Germany. I have vivid memories even today of going to Mumbai airport at night all excited about finally going abroad. I had heard several great things about Lufthansa till then but now I finally got to experience them first hand, during the flight to Frankfurt. We flew business class and even today I can remember the excellent service by the Lufthansa crew. The flight was really smooth and thoroughly enjoyable, even for someone like me, who is otherwise scared of flying. After spending almost two weeks in Europe, we took the Lufthansa airport express from Dusseldorf to Frankfurt airport, for our return flight. What a journey that was! All along the Rhine(莱茵河), it was simply an unforgettable experience. I was in a somber mood on the flight back to Mumbai as it marked the end of a wonderful vacation, but the Lufthansa crew members were able to change it into a most enjoyable experience yet again, with the quality of their service. Being the first airline to take me overseas, Lufthansa will always hold a special place in my heart. Even today, I continue to enjoy flights on Lufthansa and simply cannot dream of choosing any other airline. Flying, in general, for me, has always been an ordeal(terrible and painful experience). Flying on Lufthansa, however, is something I always have and always will look forward to. 5. Which country does the author live in now? A. India. B. Canada. C. Belgium. D. Germany. 6. Which of the following is TRUE about the authors trip to Europe in 1998? A. The author traveled with one of his parents. B. Both their going and return are by air. C. They traveled in spring that year. D. They stayed in Europe for nearly two months. 7. It can be inferred from the passage that Lufthansa is. A. a city in IndiaB. a city in EuropeC. an airline companyD. a travel agency8. The underlined word“sombre”in the 4th paragraph probably means“”. A. happyB. sadC. angryD. enjoyableC体裁说明文题材北京雾霾天气词数336While students in Hainan are quite used to clear skies, Beijing teenagers are not so lucky. As another warm winter approaches, the city can expect the normal clouds of smoke caused by air pollution. But things may start to improve soon. The government is co-operating with a US-based environmental protection agency to update existing buses and trucks with clean fuel technology. The new technology could reduce air pollutants in existing diesel engines(柴油机)by 40 percent. The programme will begin by testing buses in Beijing to see if the technology can be applied to them. “We encourage the development of public transports. But at the same time we need to reduce pollution from them, ”said an official. Efforts are being made to improve the capitals environment with tighter controls on emissions(排放). Some heavily polluting factories and construction sites, such as those owned by the steel giant Shougang Group, have been asked to cut production in November and December or be closed. Beijing was the third polluted city in the world at the end of last century, according to the UN. But thanks to recent measures, the capital has made some progress. Last year 224 clear days were rated as having good air quality. In 1998 the air quality index(指数)gave just 100 days as good. “I am glad to see an improvement, ”said a senior 1 boy living in the northwest of Beijing. “Compared to other places, the air quality of Beijing is still worrying though. I hate pollution. Once I was riding my bike in the morning when I almost had a traffic accident because I couldnt see a car only metres away from me in fog. ”In early October, the skies were covered by such a thick fog that a display show by the visiting French Air Force was called off. Rapid development, industry, traffic fumes and sandstorms from the desert all contribute to the citys bad air. 9. The passage is mainly about. A. a programme aiming at improving Beijings air qualityB. progress made in Beijings air qualityC. Beijings air pollutionD. the differences between Hainan and Beijing10. Which of the following is NOT the measure taken or to be taken to improve Beijings air quality? A. Clean fuel technology will be used in public transports. B. Some factories have been asked to cut production. C. Some construction sites have been told to be closed. D. A display show of airplanes has been called off. 11. We can infer from the passage that, with the aim of being an ecological(生态的)city, . A. far more still needs to be doneB. nothing else needs to be doneC. all traffic has to be closedD. the development of the city has to be slowed down12. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage? A. Beijings air quality is getting worse and worse. B. Rapid development, industry, traffic fumes and sandstorms are all the causes of bad air quality. C. People see clouds of smoke in the sky in the winter of Beijing. D. The government is making efforts to stop air pollution. 【拓展训练】1. 阅读B篇文章, 写出下列单词和短语的含义。(1)thoroughly adv. _(2)somber adj. _(3)long to do _2. 阅读B篇文章, 回答下面问题。What made the author so interested in traveling abroad? _答案解析【文章大意】该不该用动物做实验呢? 欧洲国家正努力采取新措施, 减少用动物做实验, 同时又能改善科学实验方法。1. 【解析】选C。主旨大意题。文章第一段指出, 用动物进行实验难以杜绝的原因, 第二段提到欧洲对用动物进行实验的法律限制效果并不理想; 第三段讲了欧洲为限制动物实验所做出的努力; 最后一段提到欧洲的新措施应该既能减少用于实验的动物的数量, 又能够改善科学研究的方法。所以C项最能概括文章大意。2. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。第二段最后一句提到与美国相比, 日本和中国有关动物实验的数据更不全面。由此可推知, 日本对每年用于实验的动物的数据记录有限。3. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的内容可知, 可以使用 “人体组织”或“电脑模型”来取代动物实验。4. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二、三句可知, 科学家们只分享成功的实验, 如果结果与假设不符, 所做的工作将永不公开。由此可推知, 不成功的实验不会展示给公众。故A项正确。【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者给我们讲述了他第一次去欧洲的难忘旅行。5. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第一段首句以及最后一段“Being the first airline to take me overseas”可分析, 作者生活的国度是印度(India)。6. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。A项错在与事实“和父母双亲一起去的”不符; C项错在与事实“他们是在夏季去的”不符; D项错在与事实“在欧洲待了两个星期”不符。B项与文章吻合。7.【解析】选C。推理判断题。通过后三段内容不难看出, 此为一家航空公司的名称(德国汉莎航空公司)。8. 【解析】选B。词义猜测题。想到愉快的旅行就要结束, 其心情自然不好, 故选B项。根据后半句“但德国汉莎航空公司却以其高质量的服务使得我这一返程旅行转变为a most enjoyable experience”也可推知。【文章大意】文章讲述的是北京的空气污染现状和政府为此而采取的措施。9. 【解析】选C。主旨大意题。纵观全文可知文章讲述的是北京的空气污染现状, 故选C。10. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句话可知A项正确; 根据第四段第二句话可知B、C两项正确; 根据倒数第二段可知航空飞行表演是因为浓雾被取消, 不是治理空气污染的措施而是空气污染造成的结果, 故选D。11. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据倒数第三段第二句话可知尽管北京在治理空气污染方面取得了一些进展, 但仍然令人担忧, 所以要达到生态城市的目标, 治理工作任重道远, 故选A。12. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第五段第二句话可知A项错误; 根据最后一段可知B项正确; 根据第一段第二句话可知C项正确; 根据第二段可知D项正确。只有A项与原文内容相悖, 故选A。【拓展训练】1.(1)彻底地 (2)阴沉的; 忧郁的 (3)渴望做某事2. 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