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www.xinghuo100.com 星火教育一对一辅导教案学生姓名性别“学生姓名” “性别”“教师”“上课时间”“共()次课”“第()次课”后面不填年级学科授课教师上课时间 年 月 日第( )次课共( )次课课时:2课时教学课题北师大版英语必修五unit 13 Warm up & lesson1 四号宋体,加粗,左对齐 EQ:IQ同步教案(与教案文件名统一,“教材版本+科目+教材+章节+教案类型”)教学目标知识目标:1. 能够区分好本课易混淆词汇 2. 能够掌握过去分词的用法(充当宾补、状语、定语和表语)能力目标:学会把过去分词用在写作中五号宋体,单倍行距,左对齐教学重点与难点1. even if的让步状语从句。 2过去分词在句子中充当宾语、状语、定语和表语的用法(用关键词或简短的句子列举重难点,简洁清晰)五号宋体,单倍行距,左对齐教学过程Warm up & lesson1 四号宋体,加粗,左对齐 EQ:IQ(一)词汇词汇知识梳理1. comparevt. & vi.比较,比作;比得上,相比(教材P8)Then compare and discuss your results with a partner. 然后与一个伙伴比较并讨论你们的分数。拓展:compare.with/to. 把和相比compare.to. 把比作beyond/without/past compare 无与伦比He compares the girl to the moon in the poem.他在诗中把那位姑娘比作月亮。The country is very quiet compared with/to the town.与城镇相比,农村显得非常安静。学以致用:(1)Life is poetically _(比喻成)the morning dew.(2)_ (把这个和那个比较),and you will see which is better.2 . giftedadj.有天赋的(教材P8)You are a gifted student who always gets As in exams,but you have just found out you got a C in a recent test. 你是一个有天赋的学生,考试经常得A,但在最近的一次考试中,你发现自己只得了C。拓展:be gifted in. 在方面有天赋gift n. 天资;天赋have a gift for 对有天赋He is gifted with rare talent.他有罕见的天资。Chen Jingrun was gifted in maths.陈景润在数学方面有天赋。The girl has a gift for music.这个女孩有音乐天赋。The gifted young girl with gift for music was presented with some wonderful gifts by the audience. 这个年轻的天才女孩在音乐方面有天赋,观众送给了她一些精美的礼物。应用:(1)We all believed that he used to _(是一个有天赋的)singer.(2)He _(对有天赋) foreign languages.3. concentratevt. 集中;聚集vi. 集中;聚集,全神贯注(教材P5)Concentrate on what is really important. 把精力集中在真正重要的事情上。拓展:concentrate on 集中于;专注于concentration n. 专心;专注keep ones concentration 保持注意力应用:(1)We must _(把注意力集中于)efficiency.(2)I found it hard to _(保持注意力)with such a noise going on.4. predictvt. 预测;预言(教材P8)Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someones future success,their character,as measured by EQ tests,might actually matter more than their IQ. 萨洛维教授根据他的学术研究指出,在预测一个人未来的成功时,他的性格,如同通过情商测试测定的那样,也许比他的智商更为重要。拓展:prediction n. 预言,预测predictable adj. 可预言(测)的,不出所料的The fortuneteller predicted that I would marry a doctor. 算命先生预言我会嫁给一个医生。Her prediction turned out to be correct. 她的预言证明是正确的。The ending of the film is entirely predictable. 那部电影的结局是完全可以预料到的。应用:用predict, prediction和predictable的适当形式填空。(1)Someone _that it would be colder than ever this winter.(2)The data theyve collected can be used to make useful economic _.(3)The disease develops in a way that follows a _ pattern.5. deservevt. 应受;值得(教材P8)For example,have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class,who you think deserve good grades,sometimes end up failing exams?例如,你是否有过这样的困惑:为什么班上有些你认为应该取得好成绩的最聪明的学生有时却难过考试关?拓展:deserve to do sth. 应该做deserve to be donedeserve doing 值得被get what you deserve 罪有应得deserve consideration/attention 值得考虑/注意deserve well/ill of sb. 应受到某人好的/坏的待遇与deserve一样跟动名词的主动形式表被动意思的还有:need,want,require应用:(1)我想他们值得庆贺。I think they _.I think they _.(2)不要让他说服你!他不值得你帮助。Dont let him get round you! He doesnt _.6. mistakenadj. 错误的;弄错的(教材P8)People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well. 人们经常错误地认为高智商的人也总是拥有高情商。拓展:be mistaken for 把错认为be mistaken in 在(方面)错了be mistaken about 把弄错;对持错误见解If he thinks he can carry on drinking so much without damaging his health,then hes mistaken.如果他觉得继续喝那么多酒不会损害他的健康,那他就错了。You are mistaken in thinking that they wont help you.你以为他们不会向你伸出援手,那就错了。Anna realized she had been completely mistaken about Dennis.安娜认识到她对丹尼斯的看法完全错了。应用:(1)我把她的年龄弄错了。来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#KI was _ her age.(2)玛丽经常被误认为是她的孪生妹妹。Mary is often _ her twin sister.(3)古代人错误地认为地球是扁平的。The ancients were _ their belief that the earth was flat.【词语辨析】 mistake / error / faultmistake指各种错误,偶然做错了事,如拼写错误,错拿了东西等,强调日常生活中的错误。 Itwasamistakebuyingthathouse. 买那套房子是个错误。error指违反某一标准做的错事,(计算,书写,计算机)包括道德上的错误。 Hecantforgettheerrorsofhisyouth. 他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误。fault常常指人在性格上或办事方式上的“缺点”“毛病”,强调过失的责任,不能与make连用 搭配:findonesfault 挑毛病 Itsmyfaultthatwearelate. 我们迟到是我的错。7. accusevt. 控告(教材P9)The man was accused of stealing money. 那个男子被控偷盗钱财。拓展be accused of 被控犯有(罪) accuse sb. of 控告某人犯有(罪)He was accused of stealing the secret information. 他被控窃取了机密。The police accused him of murder. 警方控告他犯了谋杀罪。chargesb.with.适用范围十分广泛,用于“指控”“谴责”“责备”都可以,而且常用于表达道德方面的错误。应用:(1)警察指控他超速。The police _ speeding.(2)He_themofhavingbrokentheirwords. AaccusedBaccusedofCchargeDcharged(3)她控告他偷她的表。She accused him _ stealing her watch.She charged him _ stealing her watch. Key:1 compared to; Compare this with that 2 be a gifted; has a gift for3 concentrate our attention on; keep my concentration4 predicted; predictions; predictable5 deserve to be congratulated; deserve congratulating; deserve your help6 mistaken about; mistaken for; mistaken in 7 accused him of; A; of; with巩固训练一、单词翻译1. _adj. 有天赋的 2. _ adv. 精确地,准确地 3. _ n. 练习;连接 4._ adj. 不安的 5. _ n. 要求 6. _ n. 特点,特性 7. _v. 评判 8. _ n 翻译员9. _adj. 感激的,感谢的 10. _ adj. 完全的11. _v. 专心致志于,献身于 12. _ v. 盯着看13. _n. 卫星,人造卫星 14. _v.控告,谴责15. _v.预言 16. _n.同伴,伴侣二、单词拼写:根据提示,用本单元单词的适当形式填空。1. The government has declared a state of _(紧急情况).2.I gave them a detailed _(描述)of my car.3. She _(应得) a reward for her efforts.4. I think that the old man has a mental _(残疾).5. _(指控) of stealing money, the man was brought to court.6. From her facial _(表情), I know she is very angry with me.7. Its impossible to predict the weather _(精确的).Key: 一、gift; accurately; connection; upset; requirement; character; judge; translator; grateful; entirely; devote; stare; satellite; charge; predict; company二、emergency; description; deserves; disable; Charged; expression; accurately(二)短语短语知识梳理1take turns to do sth.(take turns doing sth.) 轮流做某事 如:We took turns to do the driving on the way to London. We took turns doing the driving on the way to London. 在去伦敦的路上我们轮流开车。 in turn 依次,轮流;转而 Its sb.s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 Increased production will, in turn, lead to increased profits. 增加生产会继而增加利润。 Its our turn to drive the kids to school this week. 本周轮到我们开车送孩子们上学了。 【即时练习】完成句子:轮流描述上面照片中的人物。 describe people in the photos above. 2come up with想出;提出;赶上 如:Can you come up with a good idea to spend our summer holiday ?I came up with them as they were rounding the corner. 他们正在拐弯时,我赶上了他们。 come up 发芽;升起;被提出;发生 come out 出版;开花 come about 发生 come across 偶遇 【即时练习】完成句子:分析你的问题,想出一个方案来提高你的分数。Analyse your problems and a plan to improve your grade. 翻译句子:分析你的问题,想出一个方案来提高你的分数。 3talk sb.into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 如:Bill talked me into moving abroad yesterday. talk sb.out of (doing) sth. 说服某人不做某事 persuade sb.(not) to do sth. 说服某人(不)做某事 persuade sb.into/out of (doing) sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 如:She tried to talk him out of leaving . 她极力劝他不要走。 My teacher persuaded me into entering the competition. 【即时练习】完成句子:去找你的任课老师,说服他或她给你提高分数。Go and see your teacher and try to you a better grade. 翻译句子:最终,他说服了他的儿子不要整天玩电脑游戏。 4draw up起草;制定,拟定;(车辆)到达某处停下、停止 如:Ive drawn up a list of candidates that Id like to interview. 我起草了一份我想采访的候选人的名单。 The taxi drew up at the school gate. 出租车在校门口停了下来。 【即时练习】完成句子:起草一份会议议程并与小组成员讨论。 and discuss it with the group. 翻译句子:起草一份会议议程并与小组成员讨论。 5. on the other hand 另一方面on the one hand. on the other hand 意 为 “ 一 方面,另一方面”。如:On the one hand, I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to receive.一方面我必须工作,另一方面我有许多来宾要接待。【即时练习】完成句子:一方面,他要上班,另一方面他还要照顾女儿。 , he must work; .请用on the one hand. on the other hand 造句。 6. compare.to 把与相比;把比作点拨 (1)compare.to 意为“把与相比”时,相当于 compare.with。如:It is unwise to compare your children to/with other children.把你的孩子与别的孩子作比较是不明智的。2)compare.to 意为“把比作”时,强调两者的相似性,其中 to 为介词。如:The poet compares his lover to a rose.这位诗人把他的爱人比作玫瑰。【即时练习】完成句子:Shakespeare _ (把世界比作) a stage_ ( 与 相 比 ) our small flat, Bills house seemed like a palace.短语巩固训练一、英汉互译:1 与有关联 2 轮流做某事 3 把与相比较 4 想出;提出 5 说服某人做某事6 draw up 7 even if 8 in terms of 9 accuse sb. of sth. 10 on the other hand 二、选择短语,并用其正确形式填空。end up,be open to,get ahead,draw up,be determined by,in terms of,be willing to,compare to,be involved in,make sure _finances,Company A has great advantage. They have held several meetings _ this years production plans. If you continue to steal, youll _ in prison. National policy should not _ outside influence. The tournament _ amateurs as well as professionals. I was shocked to learn my coworker _ in a shakedown(敲诈) Many tried _ of him,but none succeeded. I think it is true,but you had better _ Id like to buy your house if you _ sell. Life is _ a voyage.Key: 一、 be involved in; take turns to do sth; compare with/to; come up with; take sb into doing; 起草;即使;就某师来说,从某个角度上看;指控某人某事;另一方面二、in terms of; to draw up; end up; be determined by; is open to; was involved in; to get ahead; make sure; are willing to; compared to(三)句型句型知识梳理1. (P8 paragraph1) Even if they never see their results, they feel that their IQ is what determines how well they are going to do in life.即使永远没有看到自己的测验结果,他们仍然感到自己的智商决定了他们将来在生活中的发展状况。句法分析这是一个含有多重从句的复合句。even if 引导的是让步状语从句;主句为 they feel that.。在 that 引导的宾语从句中,含有一个表语从句 what determines.,what 在从句中作主语。在这个表语从句中,又含有一个宾语从句how well they are.。Even if we can afford it,we wont go abroad for our vacation. 即使我们负担得起,我们也不会出国度假。Even if you try again,you may fail. 即使再试一次,你可能还会失败。拓展:引导让步状语从句的从属连词除了 even if/though,还有 though,although,as,no matter疑问词,疑问词ever(还可引导名词性从句),whether.or not,while。应用:(1)当时尽管很累,我们还是继续走着。Tired _we were, we walked on then.(2)虽然我理解你说的话,但是我不能同意你._I understand what you say,I cant agree with you.(3)不管你信不信,这是真的。_you believe it _not,its true.(4)无论发生什么事,我们都不会放弃工作。We will never give up working ,_ happens.2. (P8 paragraph2) Supported by his academic research,Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someones future success,their character,as measured by EQ tests,might actually matter more than their IQ. 萨洛维教授根据他的学术研究指出,在预测一个人未来的成功时,他们的性格,如同通过情商测试测定的那样,也许比他的智商更为重要。句法分析句中 supported by.,是过去分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语是句子的主语,与逻辑主语之间是被动关系。Encouraged by these successes,they decided to expand the business. 在这些成绩的鼓舞下他们决定扩大经营。Built in 1192,the bridge is over 800 years old. 这座桥是1192年修的,已经有八百多年的历史了。拓展:(1)过去分词也可作原因状语(2)过去分词也可作时间状语(3)过去分词也可作假设的条件状语Influenced by his example, they performed countless good deeds.在他的事迹的影响下.他们做了无数件好事.Confined to bed, she needed to be waited on in everything.(由于)她卧病在床,什么事都需要人照顾。He soon fell asleep,exhausted by the journey. 由于旅途劳累他很快就睡着了。Seen from the hill,the town looks magnificent.从山上看这个小镇非常漂亮。应用:用所给单词的适当形式完成句子(1)_ (compare) with the old one,the new building looks more beautiful.(2)The workers had the machines _ (run) all night long to finish the work on time.3. (P8 paragraph2)At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted. 在职场上,一个人的智商决定了他能否被录用,而情商则决定了他能否得到提升。结构分析: 整句是一个由“but”引导的并列句。两个分句都含有强调结构: It is/was + 强调部分that/who+句子其他部分。该句的有用表达:get sb/sth done。学以致用:用强调结构和get sb/done done翻译下列句子。父母生你养你,而在学校老师教育你。 4. (P9 paragraph4) It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life.人们普遍认为高情商的人容易接受新思想,对生活有积极的态度。句法分析It is generally believed that. 人们普遍认为People believe that.Sb./Sth. is believed to do.It is believed that proper morning exercises are good for our health.People believe that proper morning exercises are good for our health.Proper morning exercises are believed to be good for our health.大家都相信适当的早操对我们的健康有利。拓展:It is hoped that. 人们希望It is said/ reported that. 据说/报道It is thought that. 人们认为It is suggested that. 人们建议It is well known that. 众所周知It is recorded that. 据记载It is ordered that. 根据命令It is thought that we should advocate a low carbon lifestyle.人们认为我们应该提倡低碳生活。It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.据报道另一颗地球卫星已被送入轨道。学以致用:(1)It was thought that he had received his fathers letter._have received his fathers letter.(2)It is reported that the car accident has killed five persons.The car accident _have killed five persons.5. (P9 paragraph4) On the other hand, there is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations; thus they have a harder time surviving in life. (p9)另一方面,毫无疑问的是低情商的人经常在与别人相处和处理困难形势时有问题,因此会生活得比较艰难。结构分析: 这是一个并列句,两个分句用分号隔开。第一个分句包含句型There is no/little doubt that +从句 (毫无疑问)和另一个结构have problems doing sth。第二个分句thus意为因此,含有一个句型have a hard time doing sth. 学以致用:There is no/little doubt that, have problems doing sth, thus, have a hard time doing sth翻译下列句子。毫无疑问,我们在一天内完成如此多的作业有些问题,因此会学习得比较辛苦。巩固训练翻译练习。1. 你能否完成这个任务并不重要。Whether you can complete the task _ _.2. 正是你所说的话让我感到惊讶。It was _ _ _ _ made me surprised.3. 他们能否想出得很好,还值得怀疑。There is _ _ _ they can _ _ _.4. 史密斯先生被公认为公司里最勤奋的职员。 Mr. Smith _ _ _ the most diligent clerk in the company.5. 和其他孩子比起来,汤姆对数学表现出更大的兴趣。 _ _ other children, Tom shows a greater interest in Maths.Key: isnt important; what you have said; Compared with(四)语法语法知识梳理分词(分词分为现在分词和过去分词。在句中可做作定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。) 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词有两种形式:规则动词形式和不规则动词形式。规则动词形式由规则动词+ed构成;不规则动词有其特殊的分词形式。在语法功能上,它在句子中所能承担的成分基本与-ing分词相同,可以作表语,定语,状语和宾语补足语,不管它作什么成分,其最基本的含义是被动的。现在分词和过去分词的区别:在语态上,现在分词表示主动意义,过去分词表示被动意义;在时间上,现在分词表示的动作往往正在进行或者与谓语动词同时发生,过去分词表示的动作已经完成或没有一定的时间性。如:falling leaves 正在下落的树叶 fallen leaves 已经落在地上的树叶 例:The cup is broken. 及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是被动关系,表示主语的状态,不但表示被动,还表示已完成了。 例:He is retired. 不及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是主动关系,表示主语的状态,只表示动作的完成。过去分词的作用1、 作定语(1) 单个分词作定语,分词前置。如:The excited people rushed into the building.A lost opportunity never returns.He is a retired worker.(2) 分词短语作定语,分词后置;分词修饰不定代词something等要后置;个别分词如give,left等作定语也后置。如:The building built last year is our library.This is the question given.(3) 过去分词作定语与其修饰的词是被动关系,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。如:例:Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists2、 作状语过去分词在句中可以作时间、原因、方式、伴随、条件、结果等状语。Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.(条件)If more attention was given, the trees could have grown better.(条件)Bitten by a snake, he was taken to hospital(原因).Though defeated, he didnt lose heart.(让步) 注意:(1) 选择现在分词还是过去分词,关键看主句的主语。如分词的动作是由主句的主语发出,分词就用现在分词,反之就用过去分词。试比较:(Being)Used for a long time, the book looks old.由于用了很长时间,这本书看上去很旧。 Using the book, I find it useful.在使用的过程中,我发现这本书很有用。(2) 分词作状语时,其逻辑主语必须和主句的主语一致,如果不一致,就用独立主格结构,即在分词前加上它的逻辑主语。现在分词的完成式主要用于作状语,一般不用作定语。3、 作表语现在分词作表语多表示主语具有的特征,过去分词作表语多指主语所处的状态。如:The glass is broken.She looked tired with cooking.4、 作宾语补足语分词和不定式一样,在一些感官动词或使役动词后作宾语补足语。如:I heard my name called.I cant make myself understood in English.Ill have my watch repaired.我想把我的手表修一下。5、 作插入语(较少使用)其结构是固定的,意思上的主语并不是句子的主语。all things considered 从整体来看 语法巩固练习1.The first textbook _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A have written B to be written C being written D written2.Whats the language _ in Germany?A speaking B spoken C be spoken D to speak3.Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A are bought B bought C been bought D buying.4.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.”A read B reads C to read D reading 5._ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army. A Followed B Followed by C Being followed D Having been followed 6._ , liquids can be changed into gases. A Heating B To be heated C Heated D Heat 7.When_, the museum will be open to the public next year. A completed B completing C being completed D to be completed8._ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.A Having suffered B Suffering C To suffer D Suffered 9.Im very_ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. Mm, it does have a _ smell. A pleasant; pleased B pleased; pleased C pleasant; pleasant D pleased; pleasant 10.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year. A carry out B carrying out C carried out D to carry out答案:1-5 DBBDB 6-10 CAADC 课后作业检测学生对学习内容的掌握情况,强化巩固,以及综合训练。设置梯度,把握题量。一、用所给短语的适当形式填空 follow through, concentrate on, end up, stand for, in terms of1. It was a bad year for film-making, _ both quality and quantity.2. To tell the truth, I cannot _ my work if you stay here.3. The success of any plan for studying depends on how it is _.4. Would you please explain to us what the symbol used in your report _?5. If you continue to waste your money like this, youll _ in debt.二、单项选择1. The result of the test was rather

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