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初一下翻译(词组类) Class_ Name _ Number_1-25 Unit 24 26-42 Unit 25 43-64 Unit 26 65-93 Unit 27 94-112 Unit 28 113-140 Unit 29 141-162 Unit30 sth.-something sb.-somebody1.来自美国 come from America; be from the USA 2.来自英国伦顿 come/be from London, England(the UK) 3.只有一点点only a little 4.人民the people (人们people 民族peoples) 5.跟我来follow me 6.像那样叫我call me like that 7.姓the family name;名 the first name 8.把我们的姓放在前面put our family name first9.许多a lot of ; many 很,非常a lot; very much 许多朋友a lot of friends 一点水a little water 说一点中文speak a little Chinese 有点a little 10.长城饭店the Great Wall Hotel11.说日语speak Japanese 说法语speak French 12.那么她呢(她怎么样)what/how about her13.一张Lily 写给她在法国的朋友的明信片 a postcard from Lily to her friend in the USA14.每周五天five days a week 15.叫他们英语teach them English (teach sb. sth.)16.每周日出门 go out on Sundays 17.请(叫)某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.请我们去他们家吃晚餐ask us to go to their homes for dinner 叫Emma 参加我的生日聚会ask Emma to come to my birthday party18.写信给某人write to sb. 尽快写信给我write to me soon 19.和老师说话talk to the teacher20.收到Jack发来的电子邮件get an e-mail from Jack 21.一个高中生a high school student22.想要做某事want to do sth. 想学中文want to learn Chinese 23.互相帮助help each other 互相教teach each other 24.谢谢你的电话/谢谢你打电话来 thanks for calling 25.从周一到周五上学go to school from Monday to Friday 26.喜欢吃蔬菜/热狗like vegetables/hot dogs喜欢每餐吃米饭like to have rice for every meal 27.一点也不 notat all 不客气,没关系not at all 一点也不喜欢它dont like it at all 28.三口之家a family of three people 29.这种自行车this kind of bike 几种小汽车some kind of cars 喜欢吃不同种类的食物like to eat different kinds of food 30.很了解他,和他很熟 know him very well 31.玩具商店the toy shop 去商店go to the shop 32.喜欢做饭like cooking; 喜欢制造东西like making things33.做家务do the housework 做我们的作业do our homework 34.机器的名字the name of the machine 35.我不这么想I dont think so 36.明天再来come back tomorrow 37.回答11页的问题answer the questions on page 11 38.起居室living room 餐厅dining room 39.做饭do the cooking洗盘子wash the dishes 40.不得不做某事 have to do sth. 必须走,不得不走have to go 41.想到另一个名字think of another name 42. 讲故事tell a story 43.介词prep. A. in 在里面;表示一段时间 在工厂in a factory 在办公室in an office 在学校里in a school 在校(上学)in/at school 在医院in a hospital 住院in hospital 在同一班级in the same class在日本in Japan 在田地里in the fields 在图上in the picture 戴红帽in the red hat 穿连衣群in a dress 在白天in the day 在晚上in the evening B. at 在;表示某一点时间 在工作at work 在中午at noon 在夜晚at night 在每天这个时候at this time of day 在6:20 at six past twenty 在书桌旁at the desk 在门边at the door 在公共汽车站at a bus station 在聚会at a party 在邮电局at a post office 在旅馆at a hotel 在市场at a market 在周末at/on weekends C. on .在.之上; 在.时候(天);关于 在农场on a farm在地板上on the floor 在值班on duty 在星期六on Saturday 在星期天早上on Sunday morning 骑自行车的男孩the boy on the bike by bike 走路on foot 在101页on page 101 关于医学on medicine 44.售货员,店员a shop assistant 45.赚钱make money 赚更多的钱make more money 46.轮到你了its your turn 47.唱得很好sing very well 48.辣的事物hot food 49.很友好be very friendly 50.很高兴认识你nice meeting you/to meet you 很高兴和你说话nice talking to you 51.儿童医院a childrens hospital 52.中药,中医学Chinese medicine 53.努力工作/学习work hard 54.关于中医(中药)的英文书English books on Chinese medicine 55.向某人学某事learn sth. from sb. 向中国医生们学中文 learn Chinese from the Chinese doctors 56.上三节课have three classes 教三节课teach three classes 57.和一个中国家庭住在一起live with a Chinese family 58.回来come back回家来come back home回家去go (back) home 59.想,思考;认为,觉得(怎么样) think of.觉得成都人怎么样think of the people in Chengdu 60.在一个晚宴上at an evening party 61.洗脸wash ones face打扫教室clean the classroom 62.离开家leave home 离开学校leave school 63.上中文课take Chinese lessons 64.为我们画画draw us pictures 把我们载到. draw us to 65.起床get up 66.迟到be late 67.上学go to school68.穿上他的校服put on his school clothes 69.和某人说话speak to sb. 和我说话speak to me 70.在星期六和星期日以外的日子on weekdays 71.开始做某事begin to do sth. 开始工作begin to work 开始上课begin to have classes; begin ones classes72.进行体育活动have sports 73.睡觉go to bed 74.在此刻,立即,马上right now 75.脱衣服take off (反义词put on) 76.放学后,下课后after school 77.回家吃晚饭go home for supper 78.去公园溜狗go to the park with her dog 79.(去)买东西go shopping (去)游泳go swimming 80.到达get to 到学校get to school 到家get home 81.在大约7:45 at about a quarter to eight 82.结束be over 83.朗读,阅读do (some) reading 写作do some writing 洗衣服do some washing 打扫卫生do some cleaning 跑步do some running 84.读书,看书read a book 85.在起居室in the living-room 86.在操场上on the playground 87.没有脚have no feet 没有嘴have no mouth 88.有许多事情要做have many things to do89.一场(和二班的)篮球赛 a basketball match (with Class Two) 90.看中央电视台新闻报道watch CCTV news 91.是时候做某事its time to do sth. 没有时间吃早餐have no time to eat breakfast 92.做早操do morning exercises 93.喝绿茶drink green tea 喝咖啡drink coffee94.太阳the sun 月亮the moon 95.在天上in the sky 在桥上on the bridge 96.在河上(与河有接触)on the river 在河上(与河无接触) over the river 97.走路on foot 骑自行车by bike 乘公共汽车by bus 乘小汽车by car 乘飞机by plane/air 乘船by ship/sea 乘火车by train 乘出租车by taxi 98.回家度假go home for holidays 99.每年every year 100.花费时间take time 花太多时间take too much time 100.表演对话act out the dialogue 101.多久how long 多少how many/much 102.来上学come to school 103.为什么不why not 104.坏了be broken .我明白了I see 105.在一个新学校in a new school 106.离很远be far from 离他家不远be not far from his home 107.有个问题have a problem 108.早一点a little earlier 109.大约十分钟about ten minutes 110.生病be ill 卧病在床be ill in bed 111.在恰当的时间at the right time 112.他们中间的许多人many of them 113.冰箱里in the fridge 114.看一看have a look (at) 115.一点,一些a little+不可数;a few+可数 一点面包a little bread 一些苹果a few apples 116.购物单shopping list 做张购物单make a shopping list 117.去买那些东西go and buy the things 118.帮某人做某事help sb. do sth. 帮我搬东西help me carry the things 119.半公斤豆腐half a kilo of tofu 两公斤苹果two kilos of apples 120.一些饮料some drinks 一些食物some food 121.多少钱how much. 多少牛奶how much milk 多少瓶水how many bottles of water122.一公斤八元eight yuan a kilo 一袋/瓶两元two yuan a bag/bottle 123.给我六个give me six 124.给你钱heres the money 125.在我家附近near my home 126.被称做,名叫be called 127.许多东西a lot of things 许多人a lot of people 128.学习用品school things 129.各种各样的(食物)all kinds of (food) 130.营业,开门be open 打烊,关门be closed 131.从早上九点到晚上九点from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 132.一整天,一天到晚all day 133.超市的名字the name of the supermarket 134.一个买东西的好地方a nice place to buy things135.她的两个好朋友two of her good friends 136.请她们去她家吃晚餐ask them to her home for dinner 137.开车到Mr Hunt的店去drive to Mr Hunts shop 138.高兴看到她be glad to see her 139.她手里,在她手上in her hand 140.一磅西红柿a pound of tomatoes 两磅鸡腿two pounds of chicken legs 141.乘公共汽车上学go to school by bus 乘公共汽车take the bus 坐火车回家go home by train 142.在公共汽车上on the bus 143.对有益be good for对健康/孩子有益 be good for health/children 144.很长的一段时间a long time 145.很贵be very expensive 146.当然of course 147.便宜又安全cheap and expensive148.等等and so on 149.蔬菜市场vegetable market 去蔬菜市场go to the vegetable market150.英语书的价格the price of the English book 那些苹果的价格the prices of those apples151.例如for example 152.在一个市场in a market 153.开一辆小车drive a car 154.许多外国人a lot of foreign people 155.戴太阳镜wear sunglasses 156.来自不同国家come from different countries 157.其他许多国家many other countries 158.他们中的每个人each of them 159.名片business card; name card160.有一天,某一天one day 161.成人每人两元two yuan for an adult 两张成人票twotickets for adults 162.跑去赶公共汽车run to catch the bus Unit 17-Unit 23 1.让我想一想let me see 2.把某物给某人give sth. to sb.;give sb. sth. 把这书给你的妈妈give the book to your mum 把花给我们give us the flowers 3.仔细听我讲listen to me carefully 4. 没有眼睛和耳朵have no eyes or ears; have no eyes and no ears 5.把某物带到. take sth. to 把一些书带到教室take some books to the classroom 6.2:50 two fifty; ten to three 7.11:15 eleven fifteen; a quarter to eleven 8.12:30 twelve thirty; half past twelve 9.让我帮你let me help you (let sb. do sth.) 10.装满be full of 一个装满书的箱子a box full of books 11.三瓶橙汁three bottles of orange juice 12.儿童节Childrens Day 13.在那儿over there 14.坏了be broken 16.谢天谢地thank goodness 17.下来get down18.一个另一个onethe other 19.把你的书放好put away your books 20. 把他们收好put them away 21.12把小刀twelve knives 22.一袋米a bag of rice 23.修理电脑mend the computer 24.许多蛋糕a lot of cakes; many cakes 25.五片面包five pieces of bread 26.一些面条/水some noodles/ some water 27.我最喜欢的动物my favorite animal 28.吃些蔬菜have some vegetables 29.一些吃的something to eat 一些喝的something to drink 30.其中一只鞋子one of the shoes 31.把笔放进书包put the pen in the bag 32.走丢,失踪了be lost 33.许多牛奶much milk 许多家庭many families 34.一些女工人some women workers 35.快来come on 36.非常喜欢语文like Chinese very much 37.擅长于be good at 擅长于跑步be good at running 在数学方面学得好be good at maths 擅长打篮球be good at playing basketball 38.像那样传球pass the ball like that 39.像这样跑run like this 40.想要试一试want a go; want a try 41.骑自行车ride a bike 42.打牌play cards 43.打排球play volleyball 44.打乒乓球play table tennis45.放风筝fly a kite 46.做蛋糕make a cake 47.玩溜溜球play with a yo-yo 48.像这样带着它跑run with it like this 49.扔飞盘throw a frisbee 50.想要吃个苹果would like an apple; would like to eat an apple 51.在工作at work 52.一些少先队员some young pioneers 53.做作业do ones homework 54.看电视watch TV 55.写封信write a letter 56.整理床铺make the bed 57.看些书read some books 58.画幅画draw a picture 59.做飞机make a plane 60.擦桌子clean the desk打扫我的房间clean my room 61.穿上他的衣服put on his clothes 穿上他们put them on62.寻找look for sth. 寻找那个孩子look for the child 63.浇花water the flowers 浇树water the trees 64.照相take photos/pictures 65.和Lily谈谈talk with Lily 66.在同一个班级in the same class 戴着同样的帽子wear the same hat 67.去商店go to the shop 68.每天这个时候at this time of day 69.一个晴朗的星期天早晨a fine Sunday morning 70.看上去很漂亮look very nice71.抓鸟catch the birds 72.跑上树run up the tree 跑下树run down the tree73.他们中的三个人three of them 74.去看看go and see 75.二十四小时营业 be open 24 hours 76.一本英汉词典an English-Chinese dictionary 77.把某物归还某人give sth. back to sb. 把那书还我give the book back to me 尽快归还他们give them back soon 78.下周next week 79.向某人借某物borrow sth. from sb. 向Mike借本字典borrow a dictionary from Mike 80.一个篮球迷a basketball fan 81.他最喜欢的篮球运动员his favourite basketball player 82.在校篮球队on the school basketball team 83.在晚上at night; in the evening 84.明天早上tomorrow morning 85.约翰叔叔Uncle John; 玛丽阿姨Aunt Mary 86.帮助某人give sb. a hand; help sb. 给我帮个忙give me a hand 87.帮我修理它help me mend it 帮我学英语help me with my English 88.课后after class 89.从周一到周六from Monday to Saturday 90.休息一会儿have a rest 好好休息have a good rest 91.努力学习,努力工作work hard 92.在湖中央in the middle of the lake 93.跳入水中jump into the water 94.开会have a meeting 95.向某人学某事learn sth. from sb. 向Jim 学英语learn English from Jim 96.互相帮助help each other 互相问答ask and answer each other 97.确信be sure 98.有点毛病theres something wrong with 我的电脑有些问题theres something wrong with my computer 99.上数学课have a maths class 100.他们所有人all of them 所有的学生all of the students 101.拿些喝的给你get you something to drink 102.给你here you are; here it is 103.喝一(玻璃)杯苹果汁have a glass of apple juice 104.对我来说太难了too hard for me 105.就这些thats all 106.把面包扔给鱼吃throw bread to the fish 107.担心be worried 担心某人be worried about sb. 108.看起来很像你的look very much like yours 109.有些事情要做have something to do


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