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一学就会的并列句会写简单句就会写并列句,因为写并列句就是“写两个简单句”;会写复合句也就会写并列句,因为写并列句就是“写两个复合句”并列句=简单句1+并列连词+简单句2并列句=复合句1+并列连词+复合句2在一个并列句中,连词是你要格外重视的部分,为你总结了四种关系的并列连词A联合关系 B.选择关系 C.转折关系 D.因果关系第一种“联合关系”的连词主要有两个:and (和;并且)Not onlybut (also)(不仅而且)示范空气污染是一个极其严重的问题,而且 我们应该采取强有力地措施来解决它。A b c 第一步,我们先把这个句子分成三个部分来写:a.空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:air pollution is an extremely serious problem(简单句1)b.而且:and (并列连词)c.我们应该采取强有力地措施来解决它:we should take strong measures to deal with it (简单句2)第二步,我们按照公式“并列句=简单句1+并列连词+简单句2”来组装这个句子:Air pollution is an extremely serious problem and we should take strong measures to deal with it 再举第二个例子,以便加深印象。造句:这幅图画发人深省(thought-provoking),并且他描绘(illustrates)了当今社会的一种普遍现象(common phenmenon)。第二种“选择关系”的连接词有三个:or(或者;否则),therwise(否则),eitheror(不是就是)造句:1)政府应该对私家车主征税(levy tax on),或者尽快发展公共交通系统(develop the public transport system)2)我们必须认真对待(take.seriously)教育问题,否则它将对下一代造成不良影响(have an ill impact on)3)必须阻止(halt)这种令人担忧的(worrying)趋势(trend),否则很多年轻人将成为其牺牲品(victim).第三种“转折关系”的连接词有两个:But (但是;可是) ,yet (可是)造句1)我们正在享受着使用互联网带来的便利和快乐(the convenience and pleasure),然而网络也造成了很多问题。2)文化融合(cultural integration)已经给我们带来了益处(benefit),但是我们应该正确对待(take a right attitude toward)这种特殊的现象(this special phenomenon).第四种“因果关系”的连接词有一个:so (因此)造句1)远程教育(distance education)在现代教育中起到的日益重要的作用(play an increasingly significant role),因此,我们要对它足够重视。2)方便食品对健康有害,因此,我们要避免吃太多。最出其不意的神句双重否定句著名体育服装品牌阿迪达斯有一句著名的广告语: Impossible is nothing (一切皆有可能)Nothing is impossible to willing mind (心之所愿,无事不成)这两句话都有一个共同的特点都是双重否定句,功能是加强语气,使你的句子与众不同。你会问:什么叫做双重否定句?简单回答,就是一个句子中出现两次否定词。举个最简单的例子。Everybody believes in UU.我们对这句话中的主语和谓语各否定一次,看看会出现“什么情况”主语 everybody nobody谓语 believes in does not believe in 这句话就变成了:Nobody does not believe in UU.改造以后的句子与原句的意思相同,只不过语气更加重了。我们再看一个让你一学就会的双重否定短语:Never fail to do 一定会2004年美国总统小布什的竞争对手在电视演讲中说了一句话,感动了亿万美国女性,差一点就当选为美国总统,就是使用了这个短语。原句是:I will never fail to get your kids home.译文:我一定会让你们的孩子回家。用这个短语造句1)我坚信(I am convinced that),他们一定会完成(accomplish)这项艰巨的工作。2)中国人民一定会在太空技术(space technology)方面取得更多的成就。双重否定造句1)It is not unrealistic to do .去过某事是现实的造句:通过现代医学研究(through modern medical research)来保护濒临灭绝的物种(endangered species),这是可以实现的。2)It is not uncommon that 某种现象是比较常见的。造句:近来,年轻人把某些超级巨星作为自己的偶像(idol),这种现象比较常见。3)Not surprisingly,不出所料造句:长期处于高压之下的(be under constant stress)学生会患有精神疾病(mental disease),这一点不足为奇。68.way(方法)approach, method69.precious worthwhile(值得的),priceless(无价的)70. ignore turn a blind eye to, lose sight of, overlook, neglect71. be related to be connected with, be associated with, be linked with72. individuals in trouble individuals in difficulty, people in hard environment73. purpose aim, goal, intention, object74.it is high time it is imperative(紧急的) for us to do, it is about time that we +V- 过去式75. bright brilliant(光辉的,明亮的),splendid(灿烂的),promising(有希望的)76. like(喜欢) enjoy, prefer, love, be fascinated with77. decide(决定) Be determine to(下定决心),make up ones mind78. a little a bit79. try attempt80. these the following81. before prior to82.build erect, estabhsh83. cold chilly, icy84.hot boiling85.only unique(独特的),distinctive(与众不同的)86.dont fail to87. quite fairly88.do/make achieve毅力It is universally acknowledged that people cannot succeed or achieve their targets with-out a strong will and persistenceNo one can deny the fact that persistence is the key point in accomplishing one s taskStrong will is a kind of good quality which successful people should own范文: Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong WillIt is universally acknowledged that people cannot succeed or achieve their targets without a strong will and persistence. One of the most typical examples is that in the present-day society, a growing number of people give up or fail to quit smoking just because of their poor willpower during the process. A variety of factors may account for this phenomenon as follows.For one thing, no one can deny the fact that persistence is the key point in accomplishing ones task. It is of importance for people to stick to their original aim. A great number of drugsters would stop smoking a couple of days after they have made their determination, but only a few of them may succeed in the end. For another, the people who cannot quit smoking may easily be affected by his circumstance and surroundings. In that case, people tend to fail to resist various temptations around them.From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that only by concentrating on the object and strong self-discipline can we obtain our goals successfully in the future.

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