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高考阅读理解迎考策略1、阅读理解能力测试的要求 (一)掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,以及用以说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; (二)既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念; (三)既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等; (四)既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断; (五)既根据材料所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。 2、阅读理解各题型的解题方法与技巧 (1)细节理解题:一般针对某个特定的细节而提出,难度较小,属浅层理解。考生通读短文后可直接找出答题依据。细节理解题有三种题型:纯细节题、计算题、细节推断题。三类题中细节推断题一般难度较大,考生要细细推敲。从最近几年的高考题看来细节理解题占了考题的一半左右。 1)、通读短文,领悟文章大意,理解文章结构层次及细节,特别注意: 五个w (who, which, when, where, what), 一个h (how)以及其它特殊之处 数字、日期、时间等: 例2:Due in part to old, inefficient batteries, Helios finished fourthout of fourin its kind, the sunpowered class. “We were there for the fun of it.” Anna says. “Were proud of Helios,” says Ariel Gleicher, 14. “Its a car thats good for the environment.” 65. How many sun-powered cars took part in the race? (B) A.1 B.4 C. 23 D.44 (NMET2004全国卷二) 同位语,破折号,括号,省略号等: 例3:They may plan more parties or try to attract more people to join their informal talks. Some publishers have expressed interest in a book, something they say theyll consider. 60. How do they like the idea of writing a book? (B) A.They have decided to wait a year or two.B. They will think about it carefully. C. They agreed immediately D. They find it hard to do that. 2)、利用排除法排除不符合原文细节的选项,剩下的正是要选择的最佳答案。考生要注意的是有时在两个难以抉择的题项之间一定要通过文章的整体意思来作出判断。找到关键词后最好在下面划线,以便检查。(2)词句理解题:此类题要求考生正确理解短文中一些关键词、短语或句子的含义。常用的手段是利用多种表达法、词的多义性、同近义词语替换、习语释义、句型或语态转换等。 1)、理解题意,从短文中找到相关的词、短语或句子,根据特定的语境来判断理解,推敲斟酌,最后确定其准确含义。 2)、要熟悉常见的设问形式: The underlined word in theparagraph refers to / means _. What does “ _” in paragraph stand for / mean? “_” could best be replaced by which of the following? The expression / phrase “_” means _. The word “_” is closest in meaning to _. 3)、要掌握常见的猜词技巧 定义;解释;同位语;)对照比较;因果;同近义词;反义词;构词法(派生、合成、转化);语境或上下文;常识和经验;要具备有关的西方社会人文知识,逐步习惯西方人特有思维特点,如女士优先(ladies first)、人人想年轻(everyone wants to be young)、幽默感(the sense of humor)、个性坚强(strong character)、不干涉他人隐私(concept of privacy)、诚实最好(honesty is the best policy)、守时(punctuality)等。 请猜测下列划线部分词的意思: 例4:My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him, but the more I tried, the more he pulled away. By saying “Karl became withdrawn”, the author means that the boy changed entirely and _. A. refused to stay alone at home B. lost interest in his studies C. refused to talk to others D. began to dislike his mother (C) (3 )推理判断题:这一类题主要针对短文的结论、隐含意义(寓意)、作者的倾向、文章的论调、写作思路及目的等方面,要求考生纵观全文,在汇集短文提供的各项信息的基础上,严格按照短文陈述的观点或描述的事实,进行正确的、合乎逻辑的推论和引申,包括事情的前因后果、人物的目的动机和性格特征、作者的倾向态度、语言中的语态和语气等。有时还可能会假设一种情况要求考生对原文中没有提到的情况进行推理想象,对题目中提出的各种可能性进行推敲,从而选出符合原文信息或作者愿意的最佳答案。 1)、要熟悉常见的设问形式: We can infer / conclude from the passage that _. It can be inferred / concluded (from the passage ) that _. The passage / story / author / paragraph implies, but does not directly state that _. The authors / writers attitude(态度)towards is _. What do you think would happen (to) at the end of the story? 例5:2005安徽卷: Just as crying can be healthy, not crying holding back tears of anger, pain or suffering can be bad for physical (身体的) health. Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems and some other illnesses. If you have a health problem, doctors will certainly not ask you to cry. But when you feel like crying, dont fight it. Its a natural and healthy emotional response (反应). 61, It can be inferred from the text that _. Athere are two ways to keep healthy Bcrying does more good to health than laughing Ccrying and laughing play the same roles Demotional health has a close relationship to physical health (D) 2)、注意:干扰项的特点 *只是原文的简单复述,而非推断出来的结论,把直接表达当作间接推理 *看似从原文推断出来的结论,然而实际上与原文不符,如因果倒置,手段变目的等 *根据考生已有的常识是正确的,但是却不是基于文章,一切以文章为准 *推理过头,引申过渡 正确选项的特点 *不是文中明确说明的内容,没有引申推理就不是正确选项 *正确选项大多含义深刻,不是常识选项 推断秘诀: * 不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点; * 推理的根据来自于上下文。 * 注意那些似乎话中有话的的间接表达句,它们往往采用说半句,打比喻,反着说的方式,让考生有推理的余地 * 注意含义深刻或结构复杂的句子. (4)归纳概括题:此类题主要针对文章的主题、中心思想、文章的结构层次(主题句或主题段)、作者的写作目的(purpose)、作者的态度等方面,要求考生在准确理解全文后归纳短文要点,概括中心思想,也包括分析和归纳段落大意、重要情节、人物特征和环境特点等。 1)、领会文章大意,灵活运用概念、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑思维方法,真正准确地理解文章的话题和中心思想。 秘诀:(1)注意首段和各段第一句话,将其含义连接成一个整体。 (2)小心”首段陷阱”,不要一看开头就选择答案。 (3)不管主旨题出现在第几道题, 都作为最后一道题去做,因为做完其他题以后会对主旨的理解有帮助。 (4)段落中出现转折时,该句很可能是主题句 (5)作者有意识的反复重复的观点通常是主旨 (6)首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的解答就是文章主旨 (7)提出文章主旨时常伴有的文字提示:therefore, thus, but, however, in short等等。 2)、 真正理清作者的态度和目的 秘诀:(1).理解四个选项词语的含义。归纳起来,常见的态度词有: opposition反对 suspicion怀疑的 approval支持 unconcerned不关心的(一般不选) optimistic乐观的 subjective主观的 objective客观的 pessimistic悲观的 sensitive 敏感的 (2).不要搀杂自己的观点. (3).可以寻找文中一些具有感情色彩的词 (4).可以抓论述的主线及举例的方式 3)、要熟悉常见的设问形式: (1) What is the main subject / the best title of the passage? (2) Which of the following is the best title for the passage? (3) The title that best expresses the main idea of the passage is _. (4) From the passage we know that _. (5) The main idea of this passage is _. (6) The passage is mainly about _. (7) Choose the best title for the passage. (8)Whats the purpose/attitude of ? 例6:UK workers are among the least stressed in Europe, a survey has suggested. Just 20% of British workers found their workplace too stressful compared with an average of 27% across Europe. Switzerland and Sweden suffered the highest levels of anxiety in their job (33%), the survey by global recruitment(招募) agency Kelly Services found. The poll of 19,000 people across 12 countries also found that male workers, older staff and those in steady jobs were under the greatest pressure. A certain amount of stress is inevitable and can be a good thing when it pushes people beyond their comfort zone to work harder and smarter, said Steve Girdler, marketing director of Kelly Services UK. But high levels of prolonged stress are not good because they have an effect on productivity(生产效率) and are associated with physical and emotional illness, he warned. The group also found stress increased significantly with age - rising from 19% in the 15-24 age group to 23% for those aged 45 and above. The report suggested these workers could also be suffering from added stress at home and increased responsibility. Those working the longest hours found their job the most stressful - 18% for those working 30 hours or less, 34% for those clocking on for 41-50 hours, and 50% for those working longer than 51 hours. Kelly Services also uncovered a close link between stress and job satisfaction. For those workers who said they faced too much stress, just 28% were happy in their jobs, while for those with just the right amount of stress happiness levels jumped to 65%. The findings suggest staff enjoy jobs where they face challenges that push them to learn new skills. 4. The purpose of writing the passage is _. A. to offer practical tips on reducing working stress B. to find the link between stress and job satisfaction C. to seek ways to reduce the workers working stress D. to report the result of a recent survey in Europe(D) (5 )图示理解题:图示理解中的一般坐标方位是“上北下南,左西右东”(特别标明方位的除外)即有时根据文章内容提供一幅或多幅图(地图、示意图或其它图形),要求考生正确判断和选择符合原文的图示。 1)、先看问题和图示,再读原文,要以原文提供的事实、逻辑关系为自己思维活动的基准点,使自己的思维模式与作者写作时的思维模式相吻合,仔细研读和准确理解与图示有关的信息(词、短语或句子),分析其中的细节,找了符合图示所要求的必要条件; 2)、熟悉常见的设问形式: (1) Which of the following maps gives the right position of? (2) Which of the following diagrams / pictures / figures shows the correct relationship between A, B and C? (3) Which of the diagrams shows the right relation of the mentioned in the passage? (4) Which of the drawings below gives an idea of what is / looks like? 例7:In the northeast of USA there are six small states. Together they are called New England. The most important state of New England is Massachusetts. Its capital city is Boston, with a population of just over half a million, which is the biggest New England city. Greater Boston is made up of 78 cities and towns. It has a population of nearly 3 million which is half the population of the state of Massachusetts. 69.Which of the following diagrams gives the correct relationship between New England, Massachusetts and Boston? (NNew England; MMassachusetts; BBoston) 3、答题步骤及注意事项 答题步骤 1)、先看问题,再读文章:带着问题阅读短文,确定主攻方向,特别要注意首尾段和首尾句,把握文章的主题和脉络,摘取有用的材料,舍弃无关的信息,有的放矢、高效省时。 2)、细读全文,认真推敲:针对测试题的要求,细心阅读与问题有关的词汇、句子或段落,要特别留心一些关键信息词,它们既是测试的重点,又是把握全文意思的突破口,因此,必须准确判断,仔细斟酌,以便选出最佳答案。 3)、推敲词义、分析长句:阅读中如碰到生词、考生要通过上下文、词缀、复合词的一些构造、词形的转化来猜测词义,碰到长句时,考生要学会把长句层层剥开,先找出主干,然后再看修饰成分,降低理解的难度,以便充分理解文章。 4)、复读全文,验证答案:在选出全部答案后,应将答案带入问题中重读全文,看前后意思是否贯通,有无矛盾,若前后不一致或意思矛盾,则要考虑重选答案。 注意事项: 1)所选有据,避免主观。 阅读他人之作,理解他人之意,必须以作者的思维模式为准绳,以原文提供的事实、细节和逻辑关系为自己思维活动的基准点,切忌把自己的观点和看法与原文或作者的观点和看法混为一谈,自以为是。文章中的数字、日期、时间、表限量的词或短语等都是设题的重点,若只注意明显的内容,正好走进了实的陷阱。若不注意虚的内容,想当然答题也必错无疑。因此,必须学会“虚实结合”。 2)符合原文的答案=正确答案最佳答案。 阅读题要求选的最佳答案,有的答案从某个枝节来看是对的,但从全文来看则不是最佳的,因此,必须通盘考虑,取主要,舍枝节。 3)解题有法,但无定法,贵在得法。 要答好阅读理解题,必须多读、巧读和善思,要不断扩大词汇量,拓宽阅读面,提高阅读速度。同时也要探索和总结适合自己的学习方法或技巧。实践出真知,多练出效益。 高分策略一干扰项九大特点1. 张冠李戴2. 偷梁换柱 3. 断章取义 4. 以偏概全 5. 曲解原意 6. 添油加醋 7. 颠倒是非 8. 混淆视听 9. 无中生有 二、高分解题四大原则 原则一、异曲同工原则原则二、顺应主旨原则 原则三、求新思变原则原则四、中庸之道原则三、高分解题技巧技巧一、回归定位法技巧二、主旨推断法技巧三、选项定位法技巧四、转折词定位法技巧五、常识排除法 四、考场三忌一忌、忌主观臆断二忌、忌妄加推断 三忌、见树不见林

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