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3A Moudule 3 Unit 2 Shopping Nov.24th(第十三周)班级 姓名 家长签名 一、听磁带:P30二、本单元重点词汇,没词抄四遍,并注上汉译。an apple一个苹果/an orange一个橘子/a banana一个香蕉/apples几个苹果oranges几个橘子/bananas几根香蕉/a peach一个桃子/peaches几个桃子 三. Copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子, 注意大小写变化和标点符号)Whats this its a school 四. Choose the best answer (选择填空) ( )1. May I have _ apples?A. aB. anC. some( )2. How _ oranges? Five, please.A. muchB. manyC. old( )3. Mum, do you like _? No, I dont. I like cakes.A. bananaB. biscuitsC. an orange( )4. Kitty, do you like _? Yes. I like this _.A. bear, bearsB. bears, bearsC. bears, bear( )5. Here you are. _.A. OKB. Thank youC. Sure ( )6. There _ many toys in the shop.A. isB. areC. have ( )7. _ do you want? I want some juice.A. WhoB. WhereC. What ( )8. I _ this apple. Its sour(酸的).A. likeB. dont likeC. am like ( )9. _ are the peaches? Seven yuan.A. How many B. How oldC. How much3A Moudule 3 Unit 2 Shopping Nov.26th(第十三周)班级 姓名 家长签名 一、听磁带:P31二、本单元重点句型,每个句型抄2遍,并注上汉译。May I have,please?请给我 /我能要 吗?表示征求同意或表示允许。How many ?多少 ?用来问数量。后面一般接名词复数。How much?多少钱?用来问价钱。完整形式是How much is it/are they?Do you like?你喜欢吗?这是一般疑问句。Can I help you?有什么可以为您效劳?这是商店服务员向顾客打招呼的用语。三. Copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子, 注意大小写变化和标点符号) how _many_oranges four how many apples six please 四. Read and judge (读一读,判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同用表示,不同用表示) 1. doghot( )2. nosesome( )3. photoclose ( )4. hislike( )5. fivebicycle( )6. ninelist( )五、Read and write(选择合适的单词写在横线上) A. likes B. football C. balls D. big E. see Peter and his mum go to the supermarket. The supermarket is very_. There are many things in it. Now they can _ the toys. They can see three kites, ten _, nine cars and seven dolls. Peter doesnt like dolls. He _ balls. He and his mum buy a _.They are happy.3A Moudule 3 Unit 1 My school Nov.28th(第十三周)班级 姓名 家长签名 一、听磁带:P33二、以下单词及词组必须会熟练运用。an apple一个苹果/an orange一个橘子/a banana一个香蕉/apples几个苹果oranges几个橘子/bananas几根香蕉/a peach一个桃子/peaches几个桃子 May I have,please?请给我 /我能要 吗?表示征求同意或表示允许。How many ?多少 ?用来问数量。后面一般接名词复数。How much?多少钱?用来问价钱。完整形式是How much is it/are they?Do you like?你喜欢吗?这是一般疑问句。Can I help you?有什么可以为您效劳?这是商店服务员向顾客打招呼的用语。三. Copy (正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子, 注意大小写变化和标点符号) 7%how many apples eight please_四. Read and write (按要求改变句子)16%1. They are pears. (改成否定句)_ _ pears.2. They are six yuan. (划线提问)_ _ _ they? 新课标第一网3. The dog is in the shop. (划线提问)_ _ the dog?4. The football is black and white. (改成一般疑问句)_ the _ _ and _?五. Read and number(应答配对,在括号内写上相应答句的编号)( ) 1. May I have an apple, please? A. Two yuan.( ) 2. How many apples? B. Thank you.( ) 3. How much are the apples? C. Sure, Here you are.( ) 4. Heres your apples. D. Two apples, please.六 Write the words (写出下列名词的复数形式) 6%1. May I have some _ (banana), please? Sure.2. There are seven _ (boy) in the playground.4. How many _ (peach)? There is only one.5. There are two _ (library) in our school.七. Read and complete (读一读,根据上下文,填空完成对话,一格一词) 10%_ morning, Sir. Can I _ you?May I _ some pencils?How _ pencils?Five, please.Here you _.How _ are they?Twenty _.Here _ the money._ you, Sir.You are _.八. Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用“”或“X”表示) Bonnie is a girl. She is short. Shes small. Shes only “Woof” She has a dog. The dog is small. It is yellow. Now its hot. Its thirsty. It wants a hot dog. Her dog likes hot dogs.( ) 1. Bonnie is a girl.( ) 2. She is young.( ) 3. She has a blue dress.( ) 4. The dog isnt small.( ) 5. The dog can eat a hot dog.

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