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七年级下册词组及重点句型Unit5 Topic 11.come/go to school 去上学 at the school gate 在校门口2. ride a/the/ones bike to sw by bike take a/the bus to . sw by bus take a/the ship to . sw by ship take a/the boat to .sw by boat 动词 take a/the plane to .sw go/come tosw by plane= by airtake a/the train to .sw by train take a/the subway to .sw by subway drive a/the/ones car to .sw by car walk to .sw on foot 3.come on 加油,赶快 4.get up起床5. on weekdays /on weekends 在工作日/在周末 6.do ones (my/ his /her/our/their.) homework做家庭作业 7.watch TV看电视8.in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上 9.play basketball/soccer/ping-pong打篮球/踢足球/打乒乓球 10.see a movie看电影 11.have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭12.have four classes上四节课 13.after school/class/dinner 放学后/下课后/晚饭后14. get to.到达get home到家 15.go to bed 去睡觉 16.go shopping/swimming/fishing 去购物/游泳/钓鱼 17.listen to music 听音乐 18.go to the zoo/library/park 去动物园/图书馆/公园 19.meet friends会见朋友20.read books 读书 21.once/ twice a week一周一次 /两次 22.three times a week 一周三次23.very often很经常24. know about 了解25. the school life校园生活26. in ones free time 在某人空闲时 27. for a short time 一小会儿重点句型1. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!The same to you. 你也一样。2. Its time for class= Its time to have classes 到了上课的时候了。3. What/ How about you? 你呢?4. What time do you usually get up on weekdays? 工作日你通常几点起床?5. How do you usually come/go to school? 你经常怎样去学校?I usually come/go to school by 我经常乘 去学校6. The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃7. What does Han Qing usually do ?韩青通常做什么?8. How often do you cook? Once a week.你多经常煮饭?一周一次9. What time is school over? 几点放学?10. have no more time 没有跟更多时间 Nice talking to you 和你交谈很愉快Unit5Topic21.would like to do sth 想要做某事 2 make cards 制作卡片3 in the gym 在体育馆4 on the playground 在操场5. in the lab 在实验室6.in the library 在图书馆7 in the swimming pool在游泳池8. on time 按时9. look for 寻找 find 找到cant find 找不到10 at the lost and found 在失物招领处11 show sb. around sw 带领某人参观某地 12. have a soccer game举行一场足球赛13 over there在那儿15 have lessons /classes上课17 read English newspaper看英语报纸18 write a letter 写信19 clean the blackboard擦黑板 20. at the back of 在的后部 21.draw pictures 画画22 listen to music 听音乐23 sing songs 唱歌24 play games 玩游戏25 a picture/photo of一张的照片26 talk to/with sb.与某人交谈 27 in Picture 1 在图1中28 on the Great Wall 在长城上 重点句型1. What are you/ is he/is she doing? Im.你/他/她正在做什么?2. See you soon.一会儿见3. Excuse me, may/ can/could I borrow a / an/some .?Of course/ Sure打扰一下,我能借 吗?4 .Excuse me, do you have a/an/any.?打扰一下,你有吗?5. Sorry, I dont have one/ any. 很抱歉,我没有 6. Thank you all the same 还是谢谢你7. How long can I keep it/them?我能借多久?Two weeks两周8. You must return it/them on time.你必须按时归还 9. Sure, I will.当然,我会的。10. Whats in it? 里面有什么? Unit 5 Topic 31.talk about 谈论 2.on that day 在那一天3. on Thursday morning 在星期四的早上 4. a littledifficult 有点5. help each other互相帮助6.learn about the past 学习过去的东西7.work on math problems解决数学问题8. work on computer 在电脑上工作9.a map of China 一幅中国地图 10. at school在学校11.be kind /friendly to sb 对某人友好12.some other subjects一些别的科目13.do outdoor activity做户外活动14. some other subjects一些其他的科目 15.between and 在和.之间 16. learn a lot from 从中学到许多17. fromto 从.到.18. different kinds of不同种类的 重点句型1、What day is it today? 今天星期几?2、What class are they having? 他们正在上什么课?3、What time is the class over? 什么时间下课?4、What time does the next class begin? 下节课上课在什么时候?5、How many lessons do you have every weekday?你每天有几节课?6、Classes begin at 8:00. 课程在八点开始。7Which subject do you like best? 你最喜欢的科目是哪一科?8、You must like English very much. 你一定很喜欢英语吧。9. What do you think of it? =How do you like it?你觉得它怎么样?10. What about yours? 你的呢?11.Can you tell me something about it? 你能告诉我关于它的一些事吗?12. Thank you for your hard work谢谢你们的辛勤劳动 Unit 6 Topic 11.on the first/ second floor 在一楼/二楼 2.in 在里 3.on 在上 4.under在下 5. 在后at the back of. (空间内 ) 6.在前 in the front of (空间内 ) behind. (空间外 ) in front of . (空间外 )7.in the center of 在中央 8.next to 在旁边 9.near 在附近10.on the left/right of在的左边/右边11.in the center of在中心12.and so on 等等 13.go /come upstairs上楼 14.have a look (at)看一看 15. on the shelf(shelves)在书架上16. 这么多so many(加可数名词复数)so much(加不可数名词)17. in the tree 在树上 on the tree长在树上18.put it/them away 把收起 19. play with 与玩耍 20.look after 照顾,保管 21.make model planes 制作飞机模型 22.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事23.write a letter 写一封信 24.write to sb 写信给某人重点句型:1.Whats in your study? 你书房里有什么?2.Why not go upstairs and have a look 为什么不到楼上看看呢?3.You must look after your things. 你必须照看好你的东西6.How many model planes are there? 有多少架飞机模型?7.How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水?Unit6Topic21. townhouse with two floors 带有两层楼的排房2. in the country /countryside在乡村3. like doing sth.喜欢做某事 4. rent sth. to sb. 把某物租给某人5. rent sth. from sb.向某人租来某物7. on the street corner 在街道拐角处 9. keep money 存钱10. park buses停车11.see a doctor 看病12.post letters寄信 13.at the end of 在尽头14. a lot of/lots of许多15. close to靠近16. far (away) from远离 17. a community service center社区服务中心18. in our area 在我们小区19.call/ask sb. for help 向某人寻求帮助20. do sports做运动have a colorful life 过着五彩缤纷的生活21.move from A to B 从A地搬到B地22. the cost of living 生活费用 重点句型 1. What kind of home do you live in? 你居住在什么类型的房子里?2. How many floors are there in your building? 这栋楼有几层?3. Lets help him.让我们帮助他 4.Call sb at.(号码)5. Would you like me to help you? Yes, thanks.你想要我帮助你吗?是的,谢谢Could you help me? 你能帮助我吗? Of course.当然。6. Its very kind/nice of you你真好!7.There are many old people living here. 有许多老人住在这儿8. Many families with young children live here, too. 很好有小孩的家庭也住着这里 9. The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. in big cities.在城市,交通拥挤,生活费用高10. The air is fresh and the life is quiet.空气清新,生活安静Unit6 Topic31.near here 在这附近 2. across from 在对面3.on the corner of在拐角处4.get to 到达5.turn right/left右转/左转 6.No right/left turn禁止左/右转No parking 禁止停车6. at the first/second/third crossing 在第一/二/三个十字路口7. on your left/right 在你的左边/右边 8. need to需要9.change to 换到10.take sb to sw 带某人去某地11.the way to 去的路12.keep safe 保持安全13.get hurt 受伤14.lose ones life(lives) 失去生15.in traffic accidents在交通事故中16. obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则17. look both ways 看两边的路18.be careful 小心19. a ticket for speeding 一张超速的罚单a ticket for making a wrong turn 一张转错弯的罚单12.a ticket for drunk-driving 一张醉驾罚单a ticket for parking in the wrong place乱停车罚款 问路句型:1.Excuse me,how can I get to the library?打扰一下,怎样去图书馆2. Excuse me,which is the way to the hospital?打扰一下,哪一条路可以到医院?3. Excuse me,could you tell me the way to Dinghao building?可以告诉我到鼎好大楼的路吗?4. Excuse me,where is Beitai road?打扰一下,北台路在哪里? 5. Excuse me, is there a bank near here? 打扰一下,这附近有银行吗?6. How far is it from here? 它离这儿有多远?指路句型:1.Go along Xinhua street and turn right at the first crossing. 沿着新华街直走, 在第一个路口右转.2. Go up Xinhua Street to the end.沿着新华街走到尽头。3. Go along this road until you get to Beisihuan road 沿着这条路一直到北四环路. 4. Go across the bridge 过桥 5. Walk on 继续走6. You need to take bus No.718. 你需要坐718路公车.7. You should change to the No. 108 bus at Liyuan stop. 你应该在梨园站换108路车8. It will take you there.它会带你到那。 9. You cant miss it.10. You will find it on your left/ right. ; Its on your left / right. 11. Its about 15 kilometers away from here. 它离这里大约15公里 Unit7Topic11 be born 出生2. have a look 看一看4.be like像5. have a birthday party for sb为.举办生日晚会6. plan to 计划做某事7.buy sth for sb 为买.8. cook a big dinner 做一顿丰盛的晚餐9. make a cake 做蛋糕10.do some cleaning/shopping/cooking/reading/running重点句型:1.A: What day is it today? B: Its Sunday. A: Whats the date today? B: Its May 8th.2. When were you born? I was born in 1998. Where were you born? I was born in Taining.3.When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?4. Youre a big fan of J.K.Roling.你是J.K.罗琳的超粉5. How do you plan to celebrate your birthday?你计划怎样庆祝生日?My friends want to have a birthday party for me. 我的朋友想为我开一个派对6. A: Would you like to come to my party? B: Yes, Id love to. Thank you.7. What shape is=Whats the shape of?Its a triangle/rectangle/circle/square/an oval.8. How long is it? Its 20 centimeters long. How wide is it?Its 12 centimeterswide.What do we use it for? We use it to listen to music.= We use it for listening to music.Whats your present for Kangkangs birthday?你给康康的好生日礼物是什么?9. Oh,I get it.=Isee.=I know.哦,我知道了10. May I have a look?我可以看一看吗?Sorry, Im afraid you cant.抱歉,恐怕不行11. What is it like? 它像什么?12.That would be a wonderful day for Mrs. Brown 对布朗夫人来说,那将是一个不一样的日子Unit7Topic21. at the birthday party 在生日晚会上 2. play the piano/guitar 弹钢琴/吉他3.sing Chinese/English songs唱中文歌/英文歌 4. fly a kite/ kites 放风筝 5. perform ballet 表演芭蕾6. have a good time玩得开心 8. dance to disco 跳迪斯科 9. notat all 一点儿也不/根本不 10. draw pictures 画画 11. take photos 照相 12. speak Japanese 说日语13.make model planes 制作飞机模型 14. take sth/sb to sw 把某物/某人带到某地 15.play ball games 玩球类运动 16. so many/much这么多 17.with ones help= with the help of sb在某人的帮助下 18. not any more再也不 19. do outdoor activities做户外运动 21. Im sure我相信21. in the past 在过去 22. ten years ago 十年前 23. last year/month/week 去年/上个月/上一周 this year今年 24. at the age of 8 = when sb was 8 在8岁时 25. a few 几个,若干 a little +不可数名词复数 26. want to be 想要成为 27.learn sth from sb 向某人学习某事重点句型1、What would you like to do at Kangkangs birthday?你想在康康的生日聚会上做什么?2、Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? 你想唱英文歌还是中文歌?3、What else can you do? I can also perform ballet.你还会做别的什么?4、Im sure well have a good time at the party.我相信我们在聚会上会玩的很开心5、Happy birthday to you! Thank you.生日快乐!谢谢 Happy New Year! The same to you.新年快乐! 你也一样6、You are so smart! 你这么聪明7、Its time for outdoor activities.=Its time to do outdoor activities. 到了户外活动的时间8、There was something wrong with her eyes. 她的眼睛出了问题9、Jenny could not see anything any more. Jenny再也看不见任何东西。10. With her mothers help, Jenny can write well now.在他妈妈的帮助下,Jenny现在写得很好了11. Life was hard for her. 生活对她来说很难12. She wants to be a great writer. 她想成为一位伟大的作家Unit7 Topic 3 1. perform magic tricks 表演魔术 3.perform Chinese kung fu表演中国功夫4. enjoy oneself( myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves) =have a good time玩得开心 5. miss the chair错过椅子7.fall down摔倒8.at once=right away立刻,马上9.forget the time忘记时间10.sit around围着转坐 11. make a card 做卡片by hand亲自,亲手12.make a wish许愿 13. blow blew) out吹灭 14.next time 下次15.tell sb to do sth 叫某人想做某事16.buy (bought)sth for sb.=buy sb sth为某人买某物17. bring( brought) sth for sb 带给某人hurt oneself伤到某人自己句型1. How was Kangkangs birthday party? It was very nice.康康的聚会怎么样?2. Whats the matter (with sb/sth)?怎么啦?3. Where is the washroom?This way, please 请这边走4. Dont be so late next time. Sorry ,I wont do that again.下次别迟到了。抱歉,我再也不会了5. Each of us gave Knagkang a birthday card.我们每个人都给了康康一张生日贺卡。6. There was a big birthday cake with 13 candles on it. 有一个上面插有13根蜡烛的大蛋糕7. What does it mean in Chinese?用汉语讲是什么意思8. Michael lost the game.迈克输了比赛。Unit8Topic1 1. climb hills爬山 2. learn to do sth 学习做某事3.put on穿上 4.forget/ remember to do sth忘记/记住做某事 5.go out出去 6. between and 在和之间 7. summer holidays暑假 8. wear warm /cool clothes穿着暖和/凉爽的衣服9.shines brightly明亮地照耀10.in most areas of China在中国的大部分地区 11.later on过后 12.get fine变晴 132.turn green变绿 14.come out开花 15 rain/snow heavily下大雨/大雪 16.be busy doing sth忙于做某事 17.fall(fell) from从掉下 18.last from 从持续到 19. blow strongly猛烈地吹 20.take/have a walk散步 21. see sb do /doing sth看某人做了/正在做某事 22.have a short rest 休息一会儿 23. take photos照相 24.at once/right away马上 25. begin /start to do sth开始做某事 重点句型1.What s the weather like in spring? =How is the whether in spring ? 2.Its a good season for flying kites. = Its a good time to climb Hills.4.Which season do you like best ? I like spring best . = Whats your favorite season? My favorite season is spring5.Why do you like winter ? Because I can make snowmen. 堆雪人6.How are things going ? Things are going very well.进展顺利7.Whats the temperature ? It is between 8 and 12。 温度多少?The high temperature is 12 and the low temperature is 8.8.Remember to put on your raincoat when you go outside .出门时记得穿上雨衣9. Its hard to say .很难说10.Evething comes back to life in spring. 春天万物复苏11.Fall is the harvest season. The farmers are busy harvesting. 农民们忙着收获Unit8Topic21.talk about 谈论2. plan to do sth 计划做某事want to do sth 想要做某事 would like to do sth 想要做某事 wish/hope to do sth 希望做某事 5.get together (with sb) (和某人)团聚 6. places of interest 风景名胜7. go back to回到9.a plan for. .的计划 10.go on a trip=have a trip =take a ship旅游go (to sw) for a holiday 去度假travel to sw 去某地旅游all year round一年到头12.travel around China/the world/country 环游中国/世界/全国14.take sth with sb 随身携带某物a pair of.一双,副 16.go to .for /ones holiday 去某地度假17.decide to do sth 决定做某事18 prepare for . 为.做准备 21.keep safe保持安全 22.arrive in +大地点/at +小地点= get to (地点副词:there/here/home ) 23.share sth with sb 与某人分享某物 24.be different from 与.不同 25.keep away from 远离 重点句型:1. Whats your plan? 你的计划是什么?2. The summer holidays are coming soon. 暑假马上就要来临3. Each of you has a good plan for the holiday. 你们每一个人都有一个好的暑期计划4. Can you tell me something about.? Sure.能告诉我一些关于的情况吗?当然5. What would you like to know? 你想要知道什么?6. Whats the best time to go there? 什么时候是去哪的最佳时间?7. What places should I visit? / What places did you visit? 我应该参观/参观了什么地方? 8. What should I take with me? 我应该带些什么?9. The weather there is fine all year round. 那里的天气一年到头都很好10. I think you can go anytime.我认为你随时都可以去11. It sounds very interesting. 听起来很有趣!12.Who would you like to go with? / Who did you go with? 你想要和谁去?/你和谁一块去?13.What else would you like to take for the trip? 你还想要带别的什么去度假?14. How long do you plan to stay there?/ How long did you stay there?你打算在那呆多久? 16. Youd better take a camera, a pair of sunglasses and so on. 你最好带相机,一副太阳镜等等 Youd better not stay in the sun too long. 你最好不要在太阳下呆太久。17.You should only drink safe water. 你应该只喝不损害健康的水。18.You shouldnt swim alone/ by yourself 你不应该独自去游泳。19.How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗?20,Please give my love to your parents =please give my best wishes to your parents. Unit8 Topic3 1. perform lion and dragon dances舞狮舞龙2. give each other presents互赠礼物3.the end of 的结束 4.on this/ that day 在这天/那天 5. the most important最重要 6.must be 一定是 7.have a get together 举行一次聚会8.greet each other 互相问候 9.for good luck 为了好运 10.start doing sth 开始做某事11.stay up 熬夜 12.knock on 敲13.play tricks on sb 开某人的玩笑 ,捉弄 Festival Date Food Activities the Lantern Festivallunar January 15thsweet dumplings watch lantern shows 看灯展guess riddles on lanterns猜灯谜Thanksgivingthe 4th Thursday in November turkey and pumpkin piefamilies get together for a big dinnerEaster a Sunday in Mar.or Apr.make Easter eggsMothers Day the second Sunday in Mayshow their love for their mothers by giving cards and other presentsTeachers Day September 10thStudents give best wishes to their teachesMid-autumn Festival lunar August 15thmooncakesenjoy the bright full moon.赏月International Labor/May DayMay 1stenjoy a one-day holidaygo shopping or travelingDragon Boat Festivallunar May 5thzongzi have dragon boat races举行龙舟赛National DayOctobor 1stgo to Tiananmen Square to watch the national flag go upTimeBefore the Spring FestivalOn the Eve of the Spring FestivalOn the First Day of the Spring FestivalActivityprepare delicious foodclean and decorate homesbuy some new clothesget together for a big dinner 聚在一起吃大餐stay up(熬夜) and enjoy dumplings children put on new clothes and greet their parentsget lucky money from their parents 从获得TimeBefore ChristmasOn Christmas EveOn Christmas DayActivitygo shoppingclean their housesgive Christmas cards to friends decorate Christmas treeswith colorful lights ,ballsgo to churchsing Christmas songsput up (挂)stockings at the end of their bedsopen the presentsgive gifts to each otherhave a get-together with(带有) a special dinnergreet each other and sayMerry Christmas


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