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英语从句 从句有主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句6类。前四类由于主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句及同位语从句在句子的功用相当于名词,所以通称名词性从句;后两类定语从句和状语从句功用相当于形容词,称为形容词性从句。状语从句还可以分为条件状语从句、原因状语从句、方位状语从句和时间状语从句。 1.主语从句(Subject Clause):用作主语的从句叫主语从句。引导主语从句的关联词有从属连词、疑问代词、疑问副词、缩合连接代词、缩合连接副词等。 2.表语从句(Predicative Clause):用作表语的从句叫表语从句。引导表语从句的关联词与引导主语从句的关联词大都一样。 3.宾语从句(Object Clause):在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句.宾语从句分为动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。一、主语从句 定义:主语从句时名词性从句中的一种,指句中的主语是一个完整的句子。 位置:它可以放在主句谓语动词之前,但多数情况下由it作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句之后。 连词:引导主语从句的连词有that, whether, 连接代词有who, what, which, 连接副词有when, where, how, why等。 例句:That she was able to come made us very happy. Whether she will come or not is still a question. What we need is more time. Who will go makes no difference. Which team will win the match is still unknown. When they will start is not known yet. Where she has gone is a mystery. How this happened is not clear. Why he did that wasnt. 引导主语从句的that不作成分,但不能省略。 由it作形式主语,常用句型有:It is +名词/形容词/过去分词+主语从句It is still a question whether she will come or not.It is strange that you should like him.It is still unknown which team will win the match.此外,还有以下常用结构:It turned out that 结果是It has been found that已经发现It has been proved that已经证明It happened/occurred that恰好It is well-known that据说It is said/reported that据说/据报道It must be pointed out that必须指出It doesnt matter whether是否都没关系It makes no difference whether是否毫无区别二、表语从句 定义:表语是一个完整的句子。,由引导,有时可省略that. 位置:从句位于系动词之后。 连词:引导标语从句的连词有that,whether, as if, 代词who, what, which, 副词when, where, how, why等。 例句:That fact is (that) she never liked him. It could be this part of the ice sheet is not necessarily sensitive to golbal warming. 这可能是此处的冰层覆盖对全球变暖不那么敏感。 The question is who can complete the difficult task. 注意:用because引导的标语从句仅限于以下一个句型 This/That/It is because (that) I think its because you are doing too much. 主语是reason是,表语从句不能用why或because引导,只能用that. One reason why Hamlet is such a sucessful play is that it appeals to many different people. 表语从句不能用if引导,但可用as if引导。 He looked as if he was going to cry.三、同位语从句 定义:同位语是一个名词,表示与前面名词相同的人或物,如“my friend John”中,John 是friend的同位语, the Yangtze, the longest river of China”中,river 是Yangtze的同位语。同位语从句即表示同位语是一个完整的句子。 位置:同位语从句跟在名词后面,进一步uom该名词的具体内容,或对该名词作进一步解释。 可接同位语从句的名词一般是具有一定内容含义的名词:conclusion, evidence, fact, hope, idea, news, opinion, problem, promise, reason,truth等。 连词:that(不能用which), 连接副词when, how, why, whether, 连接代词what. 例句: His delay is due to the fact that the car went wrong halfway. The news that our team has won the match is true. She asked the reason why there was a delay. The problem whether this material can be used in our factory has not been solved. He has no idea what a remarkable woman Mary is.四、同位语从句与定语从句的区别 从意义上看,同位语从句是名词性从句,是对一个名词加以补充说明,而定语从句是形容词性的,是对一个名词加以修饰和限定。 从结构上看,同位语从句是由连接词引导,连接词虽在从句中那个不充当任何成分,但不可省略。而定语从句中的关系代词代替先行词,并在句中充当成分(主语或宾语),充当宾语时常可省略。 例句:The news (that) he told me is really encouraging. 定语从句 The news that our team has won the game is really encouraging. 同位语从句五、宾语从句 定义:就一个句子作动词或介词的宾语。 学习宾语从句要抓住三要素:连接词、语序和时态。 连接词一般都是that(指事务或人),which(指事),who(指人) 1从句为陈述句,常选择连接词that或将that省略,直接与主句相连。 2从句为一般疑问句,常选择连接词if或whether。在whetheror not结构中不能用if替换。 3从句为特殊疑问句,常选择what,when,where,which,who,how等的疑问代、副词作连接词。 当who为主语时,句式为:who+谓语+其他 判断时态情况: 1.主句是一般现在时,从句为各种时态情况 2.主句是一般过去时,从句为各种相应过去时态注意:从句描绘客观事实,用一般现在时 3.主句是一般将来时,一般从句为一般现在时(“主将从现”) 结构: 主语+谓语+(连接词)+宾语从句(用陈述句语序)Do you know who(whom) they are waiting for?I wonder whether(if) daughters are valued as much as sons in the countryside.主语+谓语+it+宾补+that+宾语从句 用于这一结构的及物动词有consider, find, make, regard, see, take, think。 We find it necessary that we practise speaking English every day. He always take it for granted that he can pass the exam without hard work. (1)主、从句时态一致: 主句谓语过去时,从句相应过去时; He answered that he was listening to me. 主句谓语现在时,从句时态任所需; He says (that) he will leave a message on my desk. They know (that) he is working hard. 具体过去永不变,真理格言现在时; He told me that he was born in 1980. Father told me that practice makes perfect . (2)否定前移,及完成反意问句; 在think / believe / suppose / guess / imagine / expect等动词后跟宾语从句否定式时,应转移到主句上去,完成反意疑问句时,应与从句主、谓保持一致。(注: 否定前移的条件是,主句主语是第一人称) I dont think you are right ,are you ? I dont believe they have finished their work yet,have they ? (3)在表示建议 suggest , advise 要求demand 、desire、require、request、propose; 决定 decide; 命令 order、command; 坚决主张 insist; 等动词后跟宾语从句,用(should)+v(虚拟语气) eg I suggested that you(should)study hard He ordered that we should go out at once (4)如果宾语从句后有宾语补足语,用it作形式宾语,把宾语从句后置 egYou may think it strange that he would live there (5)宾语从句that常可省略,但在以下情况下不能省略 A当主句谓语动词带有两个或两个以上宾语从句时,可以省略第一个that,其他不能省略。 egI believe(that)you have done your best and that things will get bet?鄄ter B当it作形式宾语时 egShe made it clear that she had nothing to do with him C当宾语从句前置时 egThat our team will win,I believe 分类 A 、作动词的宾语: egI heard the news I 主语 heard 谓语动词 the news.名词作宾语 I主语 heard 谓语动词 that he would come here later on.一个句子作宾语-宾语从句 B 、作介词的宾语: egHe said nothing about this plan 。 He主语 said 谓语动词 nothing 代词作动词的宾语 about 介词 the plan. 名词作介词的宾语 带有宾语从句的复合句的构成: 带有宾语从句的复合句就是用连接词把一个主句和一个宾语从句连接在一起。连接词有:that(可省略),what, who, when, where, why, which, if, whether, how. 注意: A 宾语从句必须用陈述语序。 False: He is wondering when can he finish this difficult job. Right: He is wondering when he can finish this difficult job. B 有时候可以用it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语从句放在后面。 Bad: I thought that he could finish this job in just two hours impossible. Good: I thought it impossible that he could finish this job in just two hours. Bad: He left whether we should continue this project to my judgment. Good: He left it to my judgment whether we should continue this project. C 带有宾语从句的复合句的否定形式一般是否定主句。 Bad: I think he doesnt like the English teacher. Good: I dont think he likes the English teacher. D False: He wanted to know why he is crying in the corner. Right: He wanted to know why he was crying in the corner. 六、定语从句 定语从句所修饰的先行词可以是名词或代词,也可以是一个句子。定语从句通常位于先行词之后,由关系代词或关系副词引导。 关系代词在定语从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语等;关系副词在定语从句中用作状语。*限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句修饰先行词,对先行词起修饰作用,紧接先行词之后,无逗号,若省去,原句意思不完整。引导定语从句的关系代词有who,whom,whose,which,that等。who,whom,whose用于指人,whose有时也可指物,相当于of which;which用于指物;that既可指人也可指物,但只用于限制性定语从句中。关系代词除了引导定语从句,替代先行词外,还在从句中担任主语、宾语、定语等。 The computers and cables which make up the Internet are owned by people and organizations. Those who live alone or who are sick may have trouble in getting close to other people. The girl whose parents died in an accident is living with her grandmother. 1)当先行词是all,anything,everything,something,nothing等不定代词或先行词前有first,last,any,few,much,some,no,only以及形容词最高级修饰时,只能用关系代词that引导从句。 That is all that Ive heard from him. Hes the first person that Im going to interview this afternoon. 2)关系代词的省略 在从句中作宾语的关系代词常可省略。关系代词紧跟介词,作介词宾语时不可用that,只可用which或whom引导从句,并且不可省略,但当介词位于宾语从句句末时,作为介词宾语的关系代词仍可用that,也可省略。 This is one of those things with which we have to put up. This is one of those things (whichthat) we have to put up with. 3)引导定语从句的关系副词有when,where,why等。关系副词在从句中作状语,意义上相当于一个“介词+which”的结构。 Even in comic books where(=in which) there are no words,the stories are fully expressed through the drawings. No one knows the reason why(=for which) he was so angry that day. *非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句既可修饰先行词,也可修饰整个主句,起补充说明作用,与主句之间有逗号隔开,若省去,原句意思不受影响。不可用that引导非限制性定语从句。关系词不可省略。 Every object has a gravitational pull,which is rather like magnetism. *“介词+whichwhomwhose”引导的定语从句 “介词+whichwhomwhose”可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句,该结构中介词的选择取决于从句谓语动词的固定搭配,或先行词的习惯搭配。 This is the computer on which he spent all his savings It is written by a person with whom we are all familiar. *as引导的定语从句 as引导的定语从句主要用于“such.as”及“the same.as”的结构中,代替先行词是人或物的名词。as引导非限制性定语从句时,代替整个主句,从句可位于主句之前、之后或中间。 These are not such problems as can be easily solved.(as代替先行词problems) As is mentioned above,no single company or group can control what happens on the Internet.(as代替主语) 七、状语从句 *时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的从属连词和词组有: 1)when,whenever,while,as,after,before,since,till,until,once等。 We have learnt quite a lot about it since we came here. 2)as soon as,hardly(scarcely).when,no sooner.than,each(every) time,the moment,immediately(that)等。 As soon as I sent an e-mail message,I received positive responses. The moment he heard the good news,he jumped with joy. *地点状语从句 引导地点状语从句的连词是where,wherever. Wherever she went,she took her little daughter with her. *原因、结果和目的状语从句 1)引导原因状语从句的从属连词有:because,as,since,now(that),seeing that,considering that,in that等。 Considering that he is a freshman,we must say he is doing well. 2)引导结果状语从句的连词有:so.that,such.that ,so that,that,so等。 Mickey Mouse is so attractive that the children are reluctant to leave. 3)引导目的状语从句的连词有:so that,in order that,for fear that,lest等,从句常使用may,might,can,could,would等情态动词。 We got up early this morning so that we could catch the first bus to the railway station. *条件和让步状语从句 1)引导条件状语从句的连词和词组有if,unless,as(so) long as,on condition that,in case,provided(providing) that,supposing等。 As long as you have the right equipment,you can use a telephone line to transmit computer data. 2)引导让步状语从句的连词和词组有though,although,whether,even though,even if,no matter what(when,how.),whatever(whenever,wherever,however.)等。though,even if等引导状语从句可转换成含有as的部分倒装结构,具有强调意义。其结构为“形容词(副词、动词、名词)+as+主语+谓语”。 No matter what you may say,I would not change my mind. Young as he is,he is quite experienced in this work.(=though he is young) Child as he is,he can speak English fluently.(=though he is a child) *方式状语从句 引导方式状语从句的连词有as,just as,as if,as though等。as if,as though引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反。 The young man made the experiment just as the teacher had taught him. Everything went on as usual as if nothing had happened.

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