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2009高考英语写作热点素材集锦 三鹿奶粉事件近期,“三鹿奶粉事件”吵得沸沸扬扬。经相关部门调查,发现三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉里有一种对婴儿有害的物质三聚氢胺。到目前为止,奶粉污染事件已导致4名婴儿死亡,约5,4000名婴儿染病。假如你是一名记者,请你对这一事件做一下简要介绍并发表自己今后对如何确保食品安全的看法。字数130左右。参考答案: Recently, the incident of Sanlu milk powder has become the focus of peoples attention. According to the investigation of related departments, the powder was found to contain a chemical called C3N6H6 which can cause great damage to infants health. So far, four children have died and approximately 54,000 have developed illness after drinking the milk. From this incident, we can see that there are still more things to be done. Firstly, the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products, particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyones life. Secondly, as for the producers, it is very important for them to be morally honest. They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of people. Thirdly, we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if cheated. Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious society. 神舟七号英语作文Do We Need Space Exploration Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years. It has been almost over forty years since mans first landing on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point out the fact that it cost billions of dollars to carry on the space research, but a little information was brought back. However,every coin has two sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of space programs, and they have benefited people all over the world. And whats more, scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by mankind. We believed that it wiil bring more benefits in the future, which we can not even imagine now. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. Thats why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously. 我们是否需要太空探索人类对外部空间着迷已有上千年的历史了。从人类第一次登上月球起至今已有四十多年了。现在,有些人认为空间探索完全是浪费时间和金钱。他们指出,数百亿美元用于太空研究,但收获甚微。 然而,任何事物都具有两面性。仍有大多数人认为进行空间探索利大于弊,我也非常赞同他们的观点。许多新产品,如气象、通讯卫星都直接得益于空间研究,使全球受益匪浅,而且人类从中获得了不少关于太空的知识。 我们相信,将来它会带给人类更多的好处,有些甚至是我们现在无法想象的。太空探索对我们人类来说是个挑战,这也是为什么许多国家不断进行探索的原因之一。Chinese astronaut to spacewalk on Sep. 27 An astronaut will spacewalk outside the capsule on the afternoon of September 27, Gu Yidong, the commander-in-chief and chief designer of the spacecraft application system of Chinas manned space program, explained to the media on September 23. Earlier on September 23, several news portal websites reported that a Shenzhou VII astronaut would spacewalk at 16:30 the day after launch. They said if Shenzhou VII was launched at 21:10 on September 25, the astronaut would leave the capsule at 16:30 on September 26. However, Gu corrected the reports, explaining that the spacewalk would begin on the day after orbit is achieved. If the launch was on September 25, the spacecraft would enter orbit on 26, and the astronaut would spacewalk on the afternoon of 27. Experts said the spacecraft would climb to an altitude of 300 km and then into outer space. Though the astronaut would be protected by the special seat and garment, he would need a certain period of time to adjust to the environment. He might experience nausea, vomiting or other discomfort if he left the capsule too early. Six astronauts the three confirmed Shenzhou VII team members Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming, and Jing Haipeng, plus their back-ups moved to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern Chinas Gansu Province on September 21. One of the three astronauts onboard Shenzhou VII will step out of the capsule and conduct a historic space walk that will be telecast live.奥运作文一、作文猜想关于奥运方面的作文二、猜想理由近几年来,高考英语书面表达试题出现了一些变化:1.写作内容的多元化:从外事活动到青少年多姿多彩的课余活动;从单一说事到发表个人看法与评价;从介绍国外文化到介绍国内文化、名胜与人文传统等;选题的特点表现在文化性、地方性和多元性三个方面。2.命题形式的多样化:,目前命题形式有汉语提纲,图表提纲,直方图配汉语提示,图画与汉语提示,汉语提示,标题配汉语提示,标题配画,标题,英文提示等。3.写作形式的去叙事化,近三年的主流写作形式有三种:议论性质,陈述性质+混合性质(陈述+议论或叙事+议论),但本质而论只有两种即议论性质和陈述性质的文体。且标题性作文与命题性作文已露端倪。鉴于这几种变化,同时随着奥运的临近,写有关奥运的作文是很有可能的。三、内容举例 “鸟巢”介绍假如你是一名导游,请你根据所给的提示,向来北京观光的外国游客介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场“鸟巢”。场馆名称 国家体育场(鸟巢)建设地点 奥林匹克公园建筑面积 258,000m2;长330m;宽220m;高69.2m座席数 91,000赛时功能 奥运会开幕式和闭幕布式;田径、足球赛后功能 体育比赛和文化、娱乐活动中心开工时间 2003年12月24日完工时间 2007年底评价 中国十大新建筑奇迹之一注意:1. 不要逐条翻译; 2字数:100左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:开幕式和闭幕式 Opening and Closing ceremonies 娱乐活动 entertainment 平方米 square metres Welcome to Beijing! Thats all! Thank you!四、写作指导1、引导学生认真审题,读懂题目要求,所给的表格及文字说明材料,理解解题要求并按要求答题。2、重视文章篇章结构的指导训练,如没给开头、结尾,要求学生精心写好文章的开头和结尾,段与段之间、句与句之间恰当使用连接词、过渡词(句) 提高书面表达的档次。3、努力杜绝文中出现低级错误(如时态、主谓关系、基本搭配、常用词的拼写等)。4、重视书写训练。 由于高考作文批阅速度很快,所以整洁的卷面、美观工整的笔迹是给阅卷老师留下的积极信号。重视书写是英语拿高分的关键之一。5、基本达到词数要求(100左右)。但也不要过长,越长的作文越可能呈现错误。6.所给的提示性的词汇要都用上,但可以不按顺序使用。五、写作提示1.要认真审题,读懂题目要求,所给的表格及文字说明材料,理解解题要求并按要求答题。2、重视文章篇章结构的指导训练,如没给开头、结尾,要求学生精心写好文章的开头和结尾,段与段之间、句与句之间恰当使用连接词、过渡词(句) 提高书面表达的档次。3. 努力杜绝文中出现低级错误(如时态、主谓关系、基本搭配、常用词的拼写等)。4、重视书写训练。 由于高考作文批阅速度很快,所以整洁的卷面、美观工整的笔迹是给阅卷老师留下的积极信号。重视书写是英语拿高分的关键之一。5、基本达到词数要求(100左右)。但也不要过长,越长的作文越可能呈现错误。6. 所给的提示性的词汇要都用上,但可以不按顺序使用。六、参考范文Welcome to Beijing! Id like to introduce you to the Beijing National Stadium, also known as Birds Nest. The stadium is located in Beijing Olympic Park , covering 258,000 square metres. It is 330 metres long, 220 metres wide, and 69.2 metres tall. The construction began on December 24,2003, and was completed at the end of 2007. The splendid Opening and Closing ceremonies are to take place in Birds Nest, which will hold the main track and field events as well as football matches during the games. Afterwards the 91,000-seat stadium will serve as the center of sports events, cultural activities and entertainment. It has been honored as one of the latest wonders buildings in China.Thats all! Thank you!12009年高考英语话题作文预测(5篇)1.How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big CitiesHousing problem has become one of the biggest concerns for people in big cities. With the rapid development of industry and great increase in employment, more people are swarming into cities. Accommodations have become ever difficult, causing inconvenience to peoples work and life.Many proposals have been put forward to solve this problem. Some suggest that more high buildings be constructed. Some insist that the underground be developed. Others propose that satellite cities be built. Still others argue that cities should be expanded to move people to the suburbs.Personally, I am in favor of building satellite cities in the suburbs. For one thing, these cities are not far away from big cities. It is still very convenient for people to go downtown as they wish. For another, the fresh air and adequate space there will be a great attraction for people who are living in crowded cities. If many people move to the satellite cities, the housing problem in big cities will cease to exist. I am against the idea of developing the underground. Because compared with building satellite cities, it is more costly. With each house to light even at daytime, we need a lot of electricity. Besides, it witt deprive people of the fresh air and bright sunshine which they can get so easily when they are above the ground.2The Importance of Physical Exercises汉语提示:据报道,我国年轻人,特别是大学生的健康状况不容乐观。请写一篇150字左右的文章,说明体育锻炼的重要性。写作导航先从所给提示“我国年轻人,特别是大学生的健康状况不容乐观”入手,引入主题:造成这一结果的原因是忽视体育锻炼;第;段详细列举体育锻炼的重要性,如加速血液循环、增进新陈代谢、消耗多余脂肪、促进睡眠等;最后一段总结体育锻炼的好处,呼吁人们积极参加锻炼。 It is reported that the health of young people in China, college students in particular, is not as good as is supposed to be. There are many reasons for this fact, but the main reason is that many people ignore the importance of physical exercises.Why, then, are physical exercises so important to our health? First, physical exercises can improve blood circulation, speeding up the supply of nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body and the removal of waste from the blood through sweating and exhalation. Secondly, physical exercises can promote a healthy metabolism. It helps with the digestion and absorption of food, thus giving everyone a good appetite. Thirdly, physical exercise can help consume excessive fat in the body, preventing people from putting on too much weight, thus keeping them in good shape. Finally, after physical exercises we usually need a good rest and a sound sleep at night, refreshing us for the next days work.In conclusion, physical exercises not ony keep us fit and strong, but also help us to be successful in our lives. It is, therefore, strongly suggested that young people spare some time to take an active part in various kinds of physical exercises.3 My Idea on Teacher student Relationship1师生关系的重要性;2如何保持良好的师生关系。写作导航先从正反两方面说明师生关系在学校生活中的重要性:良好的关系可使学习有趣,教学开心;反之,学习无聊,教学没趣;而要想师生关系良好,相互理解和尊重很重要;老师既不能太严和太松;学生则应理解老师的苦衷,并虚心向老师学习;总之,良好的师生关系会使学生、老师双双受益。 Teacher student relationship plays an important role in school life. A good relationship will make learning interesting and teaching enjoyable. A bad relationship, however, can make learning dull and teaching unpleasant.To have a good teacher student relationship, it is important that the teacher and the student understand each other and respect each other. The teacher must know that he should be neither too tough, nor too permissive. If he is too tough, the student may be frightened and discouraged. If he is too permissive, the student may become lazy and careless. So his attitude should be between the two extremes. He should be strict yet friendly. As for a student, he should know that what the teacher does is for the benefit of his students. He should always show his proper respect to the teacher. Moreover, he should always be eager to learn and willing to work hard. If he is modest, he will learn more than just knowledge from his teacher.In one word, a good teacher student relationship can be mutually beneficial. The student may find the learning process both fruitful and enjoyable while the teacher may find his teaching satisfactory and pleasant.4私家车越来越多私家车越来越多,由此产生好多问题,请就此提提你的建议。 With the development of economics as well as the improving life standard, more and more people possess private cars.As each coin has two sides, there are also disadvantages in such a trend. First of all, the air and noise pollution is undoubtedly going from bad to worse. The poisonous gas the private cars send out is not only of great harm to the environment around us, but to our human bodies as well, especially to the respiratory systems. Private cars, of their owners most are new drivers, meanwhile, are consequently easy to result in traffic jams or even accidents. You can imagine how worrying the situation can be when you are in a hurry!Such being the case, some immediate measures must be taken to prevent it in my opinion. For instance, we should pay more attention to the environmental protection to refresh the air, if possible, to reduce the noise level. It is expected that more advanced technology can make it a reality to replace the poisonous gas with one which both saves energy and causes no harm, thus making our daily life more satisfying!5 Waste提纲1生活中的各种浪费现象。2最严重的浪费是3为阻止浪费我们应该做些什么。Mankind is wasting things everywhere and everyday. Wherever we go, we can see that paper, bottles and cans are thrown away; food is wasted just because of poor taste; clothes are discarded simply due to their old fashion. Not only things and money are wasted, but natural resources are abused as well. Trees are cut down merely for fuel; wild animals are killed simply for meat and fur; oil and coal are exploited in a bad way.The worst example of mans waste is the waste of time. Many people tend to spend their time on worthless things, such as wandering about in the street, gossiping in the office, sleeping too much during the day. As we know, time is very precious to us since it passes by and never returns. The waste of time amounts to the waste of life.It is time to call for an end to the waste. On one hand, we must save on natural resources and make full use of them; otherwise human beings will be faced with the shortage of natural resources and suffer from the pollution caused by waste. On the other hand, we must trea sure our time. Only with our time devoted to the study and the work for the people, will we never regret the life we have had.

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