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1、假如你是李华,你准备为你父亲庆祝即将到来的父亲节。现在你打算将你的庆 祝计划发表到一个美国网站的论坛上,并征询其他网友的建议。请根据以下写作要 点和写作要求,写一篇你将要发表的英语短文。【写作要点】庆祝计划送贝多芬(Beethoven)的唱片作为礼物,因父亲喜爱古典音乐;帮助妈妈煮一顿美味的晚餐,并制作父亲节蛋糕;饭后全,家合影;其他征询网友的意见,询问他们的庆祝计划。Hi, guys! Fathers Day is coming soon, and Fd love to share my celebration plan with you. Heres my plan. First of all, I will give my father a CD of Beethovens music as a gift and Im sure he will love that, because he loves classical music. Then, Ill help Mother to cook some delicious food for dinner and make a special cake for Fathers Day. After dinner, well take a photo of the whole family for this special day. My father also loves football and I know there is a football match that night, so I think he will feel happy if I watch the football match with him. Now, what do you all think of my plan of celebration? What will you do to celebrate this Fathers Day? I would be more than glad to know that.2、假设你在一次英语口语大赛中获奖,有一家英文报刊邀请你写一篇短文,介绍你如何练习英语口语,并给其他同学提供12点建议。请根据以下写作要点和写作要求,写一篇你将要发表的英语短文。写作要点英语被世界约1/4的人口使用。每天背诵好的句子或文段,收看英文节目。经常用英语给外国朋友介绍佛山的名胜以及美食。正在收集上海世博会(the Shanghai Expo)的英文资料,打算暑假带美国笔友参观。我的建议I am very glad to share my experience on practicing spoken English with you. I think English is very important because it is used by about a quarter of the worlds population To improve my spoken English, I recite excellent sentences and passages every day. I also watch English programs. Besides, I often introduce the places of interest and delicious food of Foshan to my foreign friends in English. Im collecting some English materials of the Shanghai Expo and Im going to take my American pen pal around it during the summer holiday. That will be the best chance to use English. If you want to speak English well,you must take any chance to practice !I hope you will make great progress in your spoken English soon. 3、4月23日是“世界读书日”(the World Book and Copyright Day),你将代表学校参加全市举办的英文演讲比赛,请你就以下要点写一篇演讲稿。【写作要点】 每年4月23日人们举办各种活动,鼓励更多的人热爱读书; 许多名著至今仍然流行,例如,孔子的论著(Confucius works) 现在仍被很多人阅读; 我把大部分空闲时间花在阅读名著上,他们对我的思想产生很大影响; 我常跟家人和朋友分享读书的乐趣; 我最喜爱读的书是,因为Good morning, everyone! Today is the World Book and Copyright Day. It started in 1995. In order to encourage more people to read more books, all kinds of activities are held on April 23rd. Till now many famous books are popular, such as Confucius works by Confucius are still read by many people. I spend most of my free time reading famous books which affect me greatly. I often share my happiness of reading books with my family and friends. Of all the books, I like the Long March best. From the book I can know about our history better. I wish you will enjoy reading as much as I do. Thank you!4、中考(high school entrance exams)结束后,有一个英国中学生代表团到你母校访问。你受 邀回校给英国学生谈谈你的中考备考情况,请你就以下要点写一篇演讲稿。【写作要点】中考时间:每年 6 月 17 日至 19 日 考试科目:八门 你的做法:学习中有问题,上网找答案、与同学讨论等 拉小提琴和听音乐来放松 从不晚睡,常早起复习其他做法:Good morning, everyone! I m very proud that I can tell you something about my high school entrance exams.The exams are held from June 17th to 19th every year and we take the exams in eight subjects. When I had problems in my study, I could look for answers on the Internet or discuss them with my classmates. And it was important to have some hobbies. I liked to play the violin and listen to music to help me relax. Also, I never went to bed late in order to revise for my tests. I preferred to get up early. I often wrote down my mistakes in a notebook too. In this way, I made great progress.I wish you enjoy your trip in China. Thank you!5、校园英文杂志New Standard的主编邀请你为该杂志写一篇评论。请你就以下写作要点用英文陈述你的观点。【写作要点】从该杂志可以了解校园发生的大事,如校园音乐会、英语节、篮球赛学生经常为该杂志写文章,提高了写作能力学生最喜爱Homework Help栏目(column),能够帮助解决学习上的问题我提两点建议:一是开设环境教育栏自,介绍环境保护方面的知识;二是,因为New Standard is very popular among students. From this magazine students can learn about the school events, such as school concerts, the English Festival and basketball matches. Also, some students often write articles for it, and they have improved their writing. The students favourite column is Homework Help because it can help them work out problems on study.Id like to make two suggestions far the magazine. First, it can start a new column named Environmental Education to introduce knowledge on how to protect the environment. Second, it can become an online magazine to save paper.I hope New Standard will be much more helpful to the students in the future!6、建设平安校园是我们每个人的责任与义务。作为一名学生,我们更应该珍惜自己的生命,更应该注意自己的人身安全。假如你是Daming,并担任校学生会主席,请你就安全问题,向全校学生发出倡议,写一封安全倡议书。 内容提示:(1)不带管制刀具到学校;(2)不私自下河洗澡;(3)不打架;(4)上学放学的途中应该注意安全;(5)遇紧急情况,立即报告警察或老师。参考词汇:管制刀具:restricted knives or things;洗澡:have a bath;打架:fight;紧急情况:emergency;交通安全:pay attention to the traffic。Dear students,As we know, safety is the most important thing in our lives. So, we should try our best to make sure we are safe. We mustnt bring restricted knives or things to our school because these things may cause serious problems. Do not have a bath in rivers or ponds by ourselves without our parents permission. And, we should be friendly to others so fighting is strongly banned. Make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home. Furthermore, if we meet some emergency, we must call for help from the police or our teachers. In a word, following these safeties rules above can make us live in peace. Yours, Daming7、假如你是赵辉, 就个人爱好带来的困惑给英国朋友Jack发电子邮件进行交流并请求帮助。要点: 赵辉爱好对集邮感兴趣,经常和朋友交流困惑得不到老师的理解观点1. 个人爱好有助于学习2. 老师观点时间应花在功课上,成绩就是一切Dear Jack,I am writing to tell you about my problem with my teacher. I dont know how to deal with it and would like your help.You know I am crazy about collecting stamps. In my spare time I often go to the library to find something to read. This makes my teacher very angry. To him, good marks are everything and I should spend more time on my lessons, even at weekends. I think healthy hobbies are helpful for our studies. If I can achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobby, it will be of great value to my future development. But I dont think my teacher understands me. I feel bad about that.What shall I do? Can you offer me some suggestions? I am looking forward to your reply. Best wishes!8、目前在学生的日常学习中,抄袭作业是一种普遍现象。上周你班就此现象召开主题班会。班会课上,老师和学生就作业布置的目的、抄袭作业的原因以及可能带来的危害进行了热烈的讨论。请根据表格提供的信息,以“My opinion on copying others Homework”为题谈谈自己对这一问题的认识和看法,可做适当的展开,开头已给出。(词数90)抄袭作业的原因1,作业布置过多学生做不完2部分作业太难,学生做不来3部分学生不愿思考或懒惰,更愿意将时间花在玩上4. 作业布置的目的1让学生更好的了解所学的知识2让老师知晓哪些知识点学生没有掌握,帮助老师提高教学水平。3 个人对抄袭作业的看法1抄袭不对违反校规。会让学生对功课更不感兴趣2要诚实,勤奋学习,有困难可请教老师和同学。3学科王 Last week, our class had a warm discussion on copying others homework. Nowadays, copying others homework is very common at school. Why do so many students like to copy homework? I think there are many reasons for it. Some students think they have too much homework and they cant finish it all. Some think it is too difficult for them. And others are lazy or dont want to think a lot and they prefer to spend time playing.In fact, homework is left for students to make what they learn clearer and better. And also its important for teachers to know whether their students learn a lot in class. Teachers may also try out new ideas to improve their teaching.In my opinion, its not right to copy others homework and it breaks school rules. As students, we must be honest and try our best to work hard. The more they copy others homework, the less interest they will have in what they are learning. I think we could ask teachers or other students for help when we have problems.

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