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外研版高一必修三 Module3 The Violence of NatureNew words1.experience vt.经历 n(可数)经历 n(不可数)经验2.cause vt.引起,导致 cause sb. to do sth.导致某人去做某事 cause sb. trouble/problems给某人带来麻烦/问题 cause n.起因,理由,事业-指造成某事的直接原因,后常接of或to do reason n.原因,理由-指从逻辑推理上得出的原因,后常接for或定语从句。3.bury vt.埋葬 bury oneself in =be buried in 专心于,埋头于 bury ones face in ones hands 双手捂脸4.occur vi.发生-指发生时,有计划无计划均可。脑海中出现某种想法。 happen vi.发生-指事先无计划偶然发生。碰巧作某事happen to do sth. take place 发生-指事先安排,计划的事情。举行。以上三词均无被动形式。sth. Occurs sb. 某人想起=strike/hit eg: A good idea occurred to me .It occurs to sb. to do sth.某人想起 It occurred to me to visit my teacher.It occurs to sb. that某人想起 It occurred to me that I should visit my teacher.5.take off 去掉,脱掉,起飞,成功,休假,减去,移动6.strike vtn.(雷电,暴风雨等)袭击=hit,击打,碰撞,罢工,想起=occur to,打动(1)The miners went on strike for higher pay. (2)Does this clock strike twelve?(3)A good idea struck me while I was walking along the river. (4)He hit me ,so I struck him back.(5)A huge forest fire broke out after the lighting struck. (6)I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake.7.ruin vt.毁坏,破坏,使堕落 n.毁灭,崩溃,废墟 in ruins 变成一片废墟8.warn vt.警告,告诫,提醒注意 warn sb. of/about sth.提醒某人注意某事 warn sb. not to do sth.= warn sb.against doing sth. 提醒某人不要做某事give a warning 发出警告 without warning 毫无预警9.in all 总共,总计 above all 最重要的是 after all 毕竟 at all 确实,根本first of all首all of a sudden突然 all in all从各方面考虑 all along一直,始终10.possibility n.可能性,可能发生的事There is a/no possibility that. 有(不)可能 There is a/no possibility of doing sth.有(没有).的可能possible adj.可能的 It is possible (for sb.)to do sth. It is possible that.11.set fire to =set.on fire 放火(焚烧).on fire着火(状态) catch fire 着火 (动作) put out a fire扑灭火12.put out 扑灭(火),伸出,出版put off推迟 put up张贴,建造 put away放好,收好 put on 穿上,上演 put forward 提出sentences 1. On average, there are800 trnadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. 现在分词短语作 结果状语The fire burned for 3 days, destroying a total of 25,000 buildings.现在分词短语作结果状语表自然而然的结果。不定式短语作结果状语表意象不到的结果。常用only/just+todoHe hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.Grammar1. 过去完成时的被动语态2. 间接引语外研版必修三 Module 3 The Violence of Nature直接引语与间接引语的转换练习1.The hotel manager said to me , “You have to stay in the hotel because this is the start of a hurricane.” The hotel manager said to me _.2.He said , “ I saw the roof of the house across the road disappear a moment ago.” He said _.3.A scientist said, “ Volcanic eruptions dont happened very often on this island. A scientist said _.4.The journalist said, “ The residents will travel back to the island when the danger is over. The journalist said _.5.He said, “ Half the residents left the island last week.” He said _.6.He asked, “Does this mean that the danger is over?” He asked _?7.He asked her, “May I go there now?” He asked _?8.He asked me, “What were you doing when the earthquake happened?” He asked me _?9.He asked the governor, “Can we go back to our homes tomorrow?” He asked the governor _?10.The tourist asked the local people, “ Had the fire been put out before firefighter arrived? The tourist asked the local people _?11.I said to him,“Do it at once.” I_(said)(told)him to do it at once.12.He said to me,“Shut the window,please.” He asked me_(shut)(to shut)the window.13.I said to him,“Dont cry!” I told him_(to not cry)(not to cry)(cry not).14.The doctor said to me,“Dont smoke.” The doctor told/advised me_(not to smoke)(not smoke)(did not smoke).15.I said to him yesterday,“Please come early tomorrow morning.”Yesterday I_(told)(asked)(said) him to come early_(the next)(this)(that)morning.改正下列句子中的错误1.When she was at middle school,she often reads in the library.2.When she got home,the children went to bed.3.He said he didnt see his uncle for many years.4.I didnt go to see the film because I saw it before.5.By the end of last term,we learned about 1 500 words.单项填空1.They said that the traffic accident at midnight. A.broke outB.happenC.occurredD.take place2.I thought I was going to fail the exam,but I succeeded . A.after all B.first of all C.in all D.at all3.China is a large country,which 9 600 000 square kilometres. A.coverB.covering C.coveredD.covers4.They were surrounded by the enemy,but they at last from the village.A.managed escapingB.tried to escape C.managed to escapeD.tried escaping5.Dad missed a step and fell, the new suitcases rolling down the stairs.A.sending B.sends C.sentD.to send6.21st Century School Edition is newspaper.It helps us to improve our English.A.no less thanB.no more thanC.less thanD.more than7.You should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again. A.whenB.where C.thenD.which 8.How long each other before they married? For about a year.A.have they known;getB.did they know;were going to get C.did they know;are going to getD.had they known;got9.I was amazed to find that you are an excellent cook. I have experience cooking at an Italian restaurant.A.ofB.inC.atD.on10.His words her pride. A.harm B.damageC.destroyD.hurt11.The huge clock in London is as “Big Ben”. A.treated B.thought ofC.referred toD.referred12.Ill on the corner at three.Dont be late. A.pick up youB.pick you upC.pick you outD.pick out you13.The mother is worried about her child,because he never eat vegetables.A.hardlyB.nearlyC.almostD.about14. It suddenly _ to me that the man might be the robber the police had been hunting for. A. comes B. referred C. happened D. occurred15.Lilys mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally , never _ again . A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. being found16. Children need many thing , but _ they need love. A. above all B. in all C. as well D. after all 17. The teacher _ the exam marks on the wall so that the students could see them. A. put up B. put on C. take down D. take off18.The boss went into the house ,_ the five boys _ in the rain. A. left ; standing B. leaving ; standing C. left; stand D. leaving; stand 19.She started with the aim of doing harm to others only _ ruining herself. A. to end up with B. ending up with C. to end D. ending in 20. When the firemen arrived ,the office building _ for an hour. A. had been on fire B. was on fire C. had caught fire D. caught fire完形填空The house next door had been empty for so long that we had quite forgotten what it was to have neighbors.One day,1 ,a great furniture lorry drew up near our front gate and in a short time,all kinds of furniture were 2 on the pavement.A small car arrived,out of which came seven people:a man,a woman and five children of 3 ages.The children hurried out and began laughing 4 as the whole family moved into the house.Windows were 5 open;furniture was put into 6 ;and little faces looked curiously at us over the fence and disappeared.It was our first 7 to the Robinsons.Though we became firm 8 with our new neighbors,we often had causes to be made angry by them.Our garden became an unsafe place:little boys 9 as cowboys or Indians would jump up from behind bushes, 10 wooden guns at us and 11 us to put our hands up.Sometimes our lives were 12 ;at others,we were killed with a 13 “Bang!Bang!”Even more dangerous were the arrows that occasionally came sailing 14 the garden fence.But we did not 15 go in fear for our lives.The Robinsons were friendly and helpful and when we left for the holidays,we knew we had nothing to fear 16 our neighbors were around.We understood what it was like to have 17 in the long,friendless,winter evenings 18 Mr Robinson would 19 in for a cup of tea and chat;or when Mr Robinson would 20 over the fence and talk endlessly with father about gardening problems.1.A.but B.therefore C.however D.strangely 2.A.unloaded B.removed C.loadedD.destroyed3.A.the sameB.variousC.young D.middle 4.A.delightedly B.sadlyC.astonishingly D.frighteningly5.A.brokenB.kickedC.forcedD.pushed 6.A.placeB.roomC.orderD.using7.A.managementB.introductionC.interviewD.arrangement 8.A.enemiesB.strangers C.friends D.relatives9.A.lookingB.pretendingC.dressedD.worn 10.A.throwB.putC.fireD.point11.A.askB.orderC.makeD.lead 12.A.savedB.wastedC.devotedD.spared 13.A.softB.sharpC.funnyD.slow 14.A.onB.throughC.overD.across15.A.alwaysB.everC.sometimesD.then 16.A.unlessB.though C.so long asD.even if17.A.funB.cheersC.discussionsD.company 18.A.whileB.whenC.asD.since19.A.dropB.slipC.jumpD.break 20.A.climbB.fallC.leanD.lie阅读理解AWhile you are much safer inside than out,lightning can strike you even in the home.Heres how to protect yourself indoors.1.Stay away from windows.Get out of the shower or bath.Dont touch conductors such as fire-places and metal pipes. Cheryl Falvey of Killing-worth,Conn. ,was struck by lightning last year while washing her clothes.Lightning entered a window next to the washing machine,struck her right hand,traveled through her body and finally out of her left arm.“It was as though I was holding a bolt(雷电)of lightning in my hands,” remembers Falvey,who was thrown across the room.2.Stay off the telephone.It isnt an old wives talemany people have been hurt through telephone wires.It was raining outside while Peter Van Artrijk,Jr. ,was on the phone at his house in Florida.“Bam!A bolt hit the building,” he says.“I felt the hair on my arms stand on end,and a charge hit me through the telephone,which was almost blown out of my hand.”3.Unplug television,computers,etc.Dont just turn them off.If the house is struck,they could be damaged if you keep them plugged in.4.Try lightning rods if your area is very often hit by lightning.Properly fixed,says Rust,lightning rods reduce the chances of damage to a home and to the people inside it.1.According to the writer, believe that many people have been hurt through telephone wires.A.not all of usB.none of usC.even childrenD.only old wives2.Peter said,“I felt the hair on my arms stand on end,.” That is to say,Peter .A.was deeply frightenedB.was his senseless C.got an electric shockD.had his arms broken3.Which of the following is NOT a conductor that acts as a path for electricity?A.A fireplace.B.A human body. C.A lightning rod.D.None of the above.4.The passage is mainly about .A.the danger of staying indoors during a thunderstorm B.the conductors by way of which lightning may strike youC.the reason why we are not much safer inside than out during a thunderstormD.the ways to protect ourselves from being hit by lightning indoorsBIt is interesting that the arrival of snow has the effect on people in different countries.For some countries it is an important happening to celebrate each year,while for others a catastrophe(灾害)or even a wonder.But there are countries between these two kinds that normally expect snow some time over the winter months,but never receive snow regularly or in the same quantities every year.Britain is one of them,for which the arrival of snow quite simply creates problems.Within hours of the first snowfalls,however light roads are blocked,trains and buses have to stop in the middle of the way.Normal communications are affected as well:telephone calls become difficult and the post immediately takes more time than usual.And almost within hours there are also certain shortagesbread,vegetables and other thingsnot because all these things can no longer be produced or sent to shops,but mainly because people are frightened and go out and store up with food and so on “just for fear that something bad should happen”.But why does snow have this effect?After all,the Swiss,the Australians and the Canadians dont have such problems.It is simply because there is not enough planning and preparation.We need money to buy equipment to deal with snow and ice.To keep the roads clear,for example,requires snow-ploughs and machines to spread salt.The reason why a country like Britain does not buy snow-ploughs is that they are only used for a few days in any one year,and the money could be more useful in other things such as hospitals,education,helping the old and so on.5.According to the writer,Britain is a country . A.which has regular snow B.which is not well prepared for snow C.for which snow is a catastropheD.for which snow is a wonder6.After a few hours snow there is often some shortage of food because . A.shops have closed downB.people buy as much as they can C.farmers cannot produce any moreD.people eat more vegetables in winter7.The first reason why the British do not buy snow-ploughs is that . A.spreading salt is good enoughB.old people need more money C .snow-ploughs are not used oftenD.the hospital is more important8.The underlined words “two kinds” mean the countries .A.which have snow either as yearly happening to celebrate or as rare weather B.which either have heavy snow or light snowC.to which snow either causes problems or no problems D.which either have snow-ploughs or no snow-ploughsCMore than 10 000 people were made homeless in Ternang when the Sungai Mas overflowed its banks yesterday after six days of continuous heavy rain.The wooden bridges across the river had been swept away.The town is cut off by floodwaters.At the fifth mile,Jalan Tengkn,the water is now two meters deep.It is closed to all traffic.Flooding first appeared at mid-afternoon yesterday along the riverbanks.People struggling to higher ground were just in time to escape the destroying of the flood.Most of the flood victims had to leave all their things behind.The National Flood Relief(救济)Center was reported to and by early evening the whole town was moved out,helped by the army,police,Red Cross Society and volunteers.The flood victims are now housed in various simple relief centers in the nearby town of Ternang.“Everything possible is being done to help the unfortunate people,” a government spokesman said.“In fact,money,food and clothing have begun to come in from public organizations and helpful people.”According to the latest reports it is still raining heavily at Ternang.The whole town is expected to be totally covered by the water.So far no deaths have been reported.9.Most possibly this passage is from a . A.government reportB.news reportC.story bookD.tale10.Which of the following can be the most suitable title for the passage?A.A Big FloodB.Ternang Is in Danger C.Many People HomelessD.Help Them11.According to the passage,the town of Ternang .A.has been swept awayB.will soon be under the water C.is safe from the waterD.is empty of people12.Which of the following groups of sentences is right according to the passage?a.When the message was published only buses could enter the town.b.As soon as the water flowed over the banks,people went to higher ground.c.The National Flood Relief Center is in charge of the affairs to help the flood victims.d.The government and the whole society take great care of the flood victims.A.a,bB.c,dC.a,cD.b,d单词拼写1. U_, hundreds of house caught fire when the lava reached them.2.A tornado is a c_ of air that turns very quickly in the air.3.A lighting is the flash of light which o_ during a thunder storm.4.Thousands of people lost their lives during the natural d_.5.His village was f_ in the heavy rain, so he had to move to a mountain nearby.6.After he died, he was b_ with his wife in the country.7. It happened that no one was on the island during the volcanic e_.8. Is there any p_ that well see you this weekend.9. The v_ earthquake in California in 1906 caused 500 deaths.


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