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小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-11This is my bedroom. You can see 1 pictures on the wall. A nice light is 2 the desk. A football is 3 the chair. 4 is the bed? Its near the window.My father and 5 bedroom is near my bedroom. 6 flowers and a nice big bed 7 in their room. Some windows are 8 the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, 9 .Do you like my bedroom and 10 ?( )1.A. aB. anC. oneD. some( )2.A. inB. onC. underD. behind( )3.A. toB. inC. forD. under( )4.A. WhoB. HowC. WhatD. Where( )5.A. brotherB. motherC. brothersD. mothers( )6.A. theB. someC. TheD. Some( )7.A. amB. isC. areD. isnt( )8.A. behindB. underC. in D. on( )9.A. ofB. tooC. hereD. there( )10.A. themB. theirC. theirsD. their room 1 name is Chen Gang. Im 2 Chinese boy. I 3 twelve. I 4 English. Im in 5 . Im in Class Seven, Grade One. My 6 name is Miss Gao. She is a good teacher. 7 school I have a friend. 8 name is Ma Qiang.This is a photo of my 9 .That man is my father. 10 is thirty-nine. The woman is my mother , she is thirty-seven. The girl is my sister .She is ten. That boy is me.( )1.A. IB. MyC. MeD. His( )2.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )3.A. isB. amC. areD. /( )4.A. likeB. likesC. look likeD. look for( )5.A. No. 1 middle schoolB. No.1 Middle school C. No.1 middle SchoolD. No.1 Middle School( )6.A. teachersB. teachers C. teachersD. teacher( )7.A. atB. inC. AtD. In( )8.A. HeB. HisC. Her D. she( )9.A. homeB. schoolC. familyD. bedroom( )10.A. heB. HeC. ItsD. It1. D a, an, one修饰单数名词,some修饰复数名词。2. B 灯应该在书桌上,用介词on, in表示在里面,under “在下面” ,behind“在后面”。3. D 足球在椅子下面,表示“在下面”用under.4. D 根据下句回答了地点,此空应填问地点的疑问词where ,who问谁,How问方式,What问什么。5. D 表示两者共有时,在后一个名词后加s6. D 此处不是特指不用the, B项没有大写。7. C and连接两个并列成份作主语时,谓语动词用复数。8. C 窗户、钉子在墙上要用介词in,地图在墙上应用on.9. B too表示“也”,用于肯定句句尾。10.D 此外应填名词性物主代词或形容词性物主代词+名词作宾语。1. B 根据下文推测此处要用第一人称,排除D项。A项主格作主语,B项为形容词性物主代词在句中作定语。C项宾格在句中作宾语。2. A a Chinese boy一位中国男孩。a用在发辅音音素的开头的单词前。an用在发元音音素的开头的单词前。3. B I与系动词am搭配。4. A 主语为第一人称,谓语动词like要用原形,表示“喜欢”。Look like为“看起来像”,look for为“寻找”。5. D No.1 Middle School第一中学。No.为number 的缩略形式,表示专有名词,要大写。6. B 表示有生命名词的所有格,要用名词+s来表示。7. C 固定词组at school.8. B 根据马强为男名推测此空用His.9. C family指家庭成员。10.B 这里用He 指代my father.Tom: Hello ! Lin Tao. Lin Tao: 1 ! Tom.Tom: How are you? Lin Tao: 2 , 3 . 4 you?Tom: Im fine, 5 . Lin Tao: Look! My teacher, Mr Chen is coming. Lin Tao: Good morning ! Mr Chen. Mr Chen: Good morning ! Lin Tao.Lin Tao: Mr Chen, 6 is my friend, Tom. Tom: this is my teacher, Mr Chen.Tom: Hello. Mr Chen. Nice 7 meet you !Mr Chen: Hello! Nice to meet you, 8 . Welcome 9 our school.Tom: 10 very much.( )1.A. Good morningB. Good afternoon C. Hello D. Oh( )2.A. fineB. I fineC. FineD. Im Fine( )3.A. ThankB. thankC. ThanksD. thanks( )4.A. HowB. AndC. AreD. and( )5.A. tooB. toC. twoD. now( )6.A. HeB. heC. ThisD. this( )7.A. tooB. C. toD. two( )8.A. tooB. toC. twoD. please( )9.A. tooB. toC. comeD. you( )10.A. Thank youB. Thank C. like D. OKMy mother goes to (去) the food shop every day. 1 has to buy many 2 of food because(因为) she has three children, one son and two 3 . I am her 4 . After school, I can help her do the housework(家务). Today(今天) is Sunday. I go to 5 with my mother. In the shop, I find some food 6 very expensive(贵). We buy some cakes and bread. My little sister likes 7 very much. My mother buys 8 apple juice for my elder(大) sister. 9 I dont buy anything, because we have a 10 bag to carry (提).1. A. IB. HeC. SheD. Him2. A. kindsB. kindC. glassesD. pairs3. A. boysB. daughterC. daughtersD. girls4. A. daughterB. sonC. friendD. friends5. A. a food shopB. a vegetable shopC. a clothes shop D. a shoe shop6. A. areB. isC. doesD. has7. A. themB. itC. twoD. one8. A. twoB. anyC. a bottle ofD. one9. A. ButB. SoC. AndD. Or( )10. A. goodB. heavyC. niceD. expensive1. C 问候语上下要一致,选项A、B的上文应是与其对应的Good morning 与Good afternoon, D不是打招呼用语。2. C How are you! 你好啊!答语用Fine, Im fine, Im OK, Im all right.均可,选项A、D在大小写上有误,且句子的开头首字母要大写,句中要小写。选项B句子错误。3. C 表示感谢可用Thank you (very much), Thanks(very much).选项A、B要接宾语。选项D开头字母未大写。4. B 为表示自己对对方关心,Fine, thanks后面加And you? 或And how are you?还可直接用How are you?5. A Im fine, too. 我也很好。Too “也”的意思。其他选项没有“也”的意思。6. D 在介绍别人时,用This is,而本题前面有称呼,用了逗号,因此this应用小写。7. C Nice to meet you.这是两人初次见面或经人介绍后常用的套话。Its nice to meet you是它的完整句子。8. A 认识你也很高兴。“也”用“too”来表示。9. B Welcome to“欢迎到来”,或“欢迎来”,如果说“欢迎您到长春来,”就用Welcome you to Changchun。10.A 选项B“Thank”不能单独使用。选项C、D不表示感谢,不符合情节。1. C 据第一句my mother可知用she。2. A 据上下文 because she has three children 所以要买许多食品。因为不知为何种食品,所以前面量词也不能确定,故排除C、D。因many后接可数名词复数,所以排除B选A。3. C 结合全文, 以及对应词son可确定此空应为daughters。4. B 由下文中My little sister likes . 及 . for my elder sister. 可知此空应填son。5. A 由下句In the shop, I find some food . 及We buy some cakes and bread . 可知。6. B 在此处food为不可数名词后面动词用单数。expensive为形容词,其与系动词连用构成be expensive系表结构。7. A 此空用代词, 指上文中提到的some cakes and bread, 所以用them。8. C apple juice为不可数名词且在此处表示肯定的语句, 所以只能用a bottle of。9. A 结合上下文语境, 此处为转折的意思,所以选A。10. B 根据上文“我没有买东西”可推断出其原因:我们有很重的包要提。小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-13This is a 1 girl. 2 name is Wu Yan. 3 is twelve. Shes 4 No. 8 Middle School . She is in 5 .Bill is 6 American boy. 7 eleven . He is in No.8 Middle School, 8 . Miss Gao is 9 English teacher. She is a 10 teacher.( )1.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. AmericanD. Japanese( )2.A. HisB. ShesC. HesD. Her( )3.A. SheB. HeC. ID. We( )4.A. /B. onC. inD. a( )5.A. Grade Two, Class OneB. grade two, class one C. Class one , grade twoD. Class One , Grade Two( )6.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )7.A. HisB. HerC. HesD. Shes( )8.A. andB. tooC. studentD. teacher( )9.A. theyB. theirC. yourD. my( )10.A. very goodB. veryC. oldD. rightBruce likes playing 1 a river. But there 2 a river near his new house. He is not very happy.One day, he asks 3 mother,“ 4 a river near here?”“No, there 5 ”,his mother says, “But 6 new house has a garden? ”“I dont like 7 ”says Bruce.One morning, his mother says “ 8 is a beautiful park near here. Bruce, and there 9 two pools in it. Well go there this afternoon.” Bruce is very happy.After lunch, Bruce and his mother 10 the park, and he plays in one of the pools. He has a very good time.( )1.A. atB. toC. inD. from( )2.A. isntB. isC. arentD. are( )3.A. herB. hisC. our D. their( )4.A. There isB. Are there C. There areD. Is there( )5.A. isntB. is C. arentD. are( )6.A. yourB. my C. our D. us( )7.A. youB. me C. themD. it( )8.A. TheyB. It C. ThisD. There ( )9.A. isB. are C. isntD. arent( )10.A. go toB. comes to C. toD. come1. A a用在辅音音素的开头的单词前,B项C项发元音开头,D项不符合现实。2. D 名词前用形容词性物主代词作定语。3. A 根据上文用she作主语。4. C 表示在第几中学用介词in或at.5. D “Class One, Grade Two”表示“二年级一班”,在英语中先说班级再说年级且要大写。6. B an用在发元音音素开头的单词前。American发元音音素,此处不表示特指,不能用C项。7. C Hes=He is,句子缺少主语和系动词be。8. B “too”意为“也 ”,用于肯定句句尾,且前面要用逗号隔开。9. B 此空要填形容词性物主代词作定语。10.A “a very good teacher”意为“一位非常好的老师。”1.C in a river意为“在河里”。2. A 根据上句Bruce喜欢在河里玩,本句意思表示转折意思“但是在他的新家附近没有小河”,所以应填一个否定词。3. B 本句意思是他问他的妈妈。4. D There be句型表示某处有某物。变成疑问句时,将动词be放在there之前。5. A 根据上句回答本句应用单数形式。6. C 名词前应用形容词性物主代词作宾语。7. D like是动词,其后要用代词的宾格形式作宾语,这里it指代a garden.8. D 这里考查There be句型的用法。本句意思是在这儿附近有一个漂亮的公园。9. B There be句型中的be与它后面的主语保持数的一致。10.A 本句主语为Bruce和his mother两人,谓语动词要用原形。小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-14My 1 is Wang Fang. Im 2 new student. I am in Class Six, 3 . My teacher is Miss Li. 4 home I have a good friend. It 5 a bird. 6 name is Polly. Its very 7 .I like 8 very much. But I dont 9 its age(年龄). I 10 its two.( )1.A. classB. nameC. rowD. a name( )2.A. anB. theC. aD. /( )3.A. Grade OneB. Grade twoC. Class OneD. grade One( )4.A. InB. AtC. OnD. To( )5.A. isB. areC. amD. be( )6.A. HisB. ItsC. ID. He( )7.A. newB. rightC. niceD. wrong( )8.A. themB. himC. sheD. it( )9.A. lookB. see C. goD. know( )10.A. findB. thankC. knowD. thinkLook at the picture. Its 1 picture 2 a park(公园)。 In the park 3 are some big trees and some flowers. 4 the trees there are some birds. There is a river in the park. In the river there is 5 . 6 are in the boat. There is 7 in the river, too. Can it jump(跳)?Yes, It can. Look! There is a cat 8 the river. It wants to catch the fish(鱼). “Come here, fish! ” says the cat.“Would you 9 something to eat?” “No, thank you! I 10 youd like something to eat. Goodbye!” ( )1.A. aB. theC. anD. /( )2.A. inB. onC. ofD. to( )3.A. theseB. thoseC. thereD. here( )4.A. In B. BehindC. UnderD. near( )5.A. a girlB. a boatC. a boyD. a dog( )6.A. Some womanB. Some girlC. Some boysD. A girl( )7.A. a treeB. a catC. a flowerD. a fish( )8.A. inB. underC. nearD. on( )9.A. likeB. lookC. findD. help( )10.A. swimB. jumpC. lookD. think1. B 本题题意是指名字叫什么,故A、C答案不合题意。D选项中name前已有My修饰,就不必用不定冠词。2. C 本题题意为“一个新学生”,又new是辅音音素开头的单词。3. A 本题主要考查班级序号的写法。本题中B选项数字没有大写,不对;C选项和原文有重;D选项“年级”没有大写。4. B 本题主要考查介词短语at home的用法。at home在家里。5. A 主语是代词it, 故用is作谓语动词。6. B 本题鸟需用代词it,故其形容词性物主代词是its,置于句首,大写第一个字母。7. C 本题主要考查形容词的用法,由上下文可知“这鸟是好看的”,而不是新的(A选项),对的(B选项),错的(D选项)8. D 本题中like是动词,其后需加宾语,若是代词,要用宾格。从句意来看,应选D,it的宾格还是it,B选项中him不能代替鸟。9. D I dont know.我不知道,其他动词都不合题意。10.D 本题主要考查I think的用法。前文作者已提到她不知道鸟的年龄,只是自己认为它是两岁,故应用I think.1. A 当可数名词单数初次出现时,其前一般要加不定冠词a或an。picture前应用a.2. C a picture of意为“一幅画”。3. C 本题主要考查There be句型的用法。由上下文可知本句所示意思为“某处有某物”4. A 由题意可知“树上有一些鸟”,故用介词in,其他介词均不合题意。5. B 从上下文可以看出“河里有一艘船”。6. C 本题主要考查名词的数。A、B选项中some不可修饰woman和girl,D选项中girls不可用a修饰。7. D 本题主要考查名词的判断。由下文和猫之间的对话,可看出应是“一条鱼”。8. C 对于“猫”来讲,它应是在河边,它不会游泳,所以不可能在河里、河面上。更不可能在河底。故选C。9. A 本题主要考查交际用语“Would you like”的用法。它主要用于询问某人是否有某种需要时,常用在商店、饭店或家里。10.D 本题主要考查动词的辨析。由文中可以看出,这里是鱼反驳猫的一句话,反映鱼的机智,应用“认为,想”,其他选项均不能表达鱼的本意。小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-151Lucy is 1 American girl. She is 2 student. 3 father is Mr King. Her mother is Mrs King. Lily is 4 sister. She is a student, 5 . She is 6 a red sweater . Lucy is in a 7 sweater, too. They are good. 8 ( )1.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )2.A. theB. anC. /D. a( )3.A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His( )4.A. sheB. heC. herD. his( )5.A. butB. tooC. orD. and( )6.A. onB. toC. inD. under( )7.A. redB. yellowC. greenD. white( )8.A. girlsB. boysC. a girlD. a student2This is Lucy and that is Lily. They are twins. They look 1 . They are 2 . They are new students in 3 class. They are 4 Grade One. Jim can 5 them. They are new 6 . They go to the shop(商店) . They would like something 7 and drink. Lucy would like 8 some bread. Lily would like 9 a bottle of 10 . Jim would like some apples.( )1.A. a sameB. the sameC. sameD. an same( )2.A. twinB. sistersC. brothersD. American( )3.A. JimB. of JimC. JimsD. of Jims( )4.A. onB. atC. inD. of( )5.A. look likeB. look afterC. look atD. look( )6.A. teachersB. studentC. friendsD. boys( )7.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats( )8.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats( )9.A. to drinkB. to eatC. to giveD. drink( )10.A. orangeB. an orangeC. orangesD. some orange1. B 先介绍Lucy, 故用不定冠词。American前需用an, 所以选B。2. D 英语中,介绍某人身份、职业时,常用不定冠词a或者an, student前应用a.3. B 本题有所属关系,即“Lucy 的父亲”,所以用其形容词性物主代词形式,即her, 句首大写,即Her。4. C “她的妹妹”也有所属关系,故用her。5. B 本题主要考查too的用法。too意为 “也”,通常表示和前面相同的内容,文章的前面有:She is a student,故这儿再次出现 “She is a student”时,在其后应加too6. C in后加衣服、帽子等时常译作“穿着,带着”。本题中有a red sweater一件红色的毛衣,故应用in7. A 本题主要考查表示事物颜色的形容词的用法,因本题句末有too, 故可判断Lucy的毛衣帮Lily的一样,所以应选答案A。8. A 本题主要考查名词复数的构成和用法。本题主语是they,动词是are,故应用名词的复数形式。Lucy和Lily都是女孩,故用A。1. B 固定词组look the same意为“看起来很像”。2. B Lucy和Lily为女孩名又是双胞胎,所以她们应是姐妹关系。3. C 名词加“s”表示有生命的东西的名词所有格。4. C 表示在哪个年级,班级用介词in.5. B look after意为“照顾,照看”,look like意为“看起来像”,look at意为“看”look意为“看”。6. C 本句是说Jim和双胞胎两个是好朋友。7. B something to eat意为“一些吃的东西。” something to drink表示“一些喝的东西”,两者均为不定式作定语时放在所修饰词的后面。8. B would like后面接不定式,即: would like to do sth.意为“想要干某事。”9. A eat表示“吃”,drink表示“喝”。10.A 瓶子装的应是桔汁而不是桔子。orange作“桔汁”讲时,为不可数名词,前面不可用不定冠词修饰,也不能加s.小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-16I am a 1 boy. My name 2 Wu Dong. I am twelve . This is 3 classroom. Its 4 big room. There are 5 desks, chairs and a teachers desk 6 it. Some flowers are 7 the teachers desk and some brooms are 8 the door. This is my desk, 9 English book and a pencil-box 10 on it. In the pencil-box 11 a pen and a ruler. 12 pen is red and the ruler is blue.( )1.A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. EnglishD. American( )2.A. amB. areC. beD. is( )3.A. mineB. ourC. ours D. your( )4.A. anB. aC. the D. /( )5.A. aB. muchC. some D. an( )6.A. inB. onC. near D. of( )7.A. underB. atC. behindD. on( )8.A. underB. atC. behindD. on( )9.A. anB. theC. aD. /( )10.A. isB. amC. are D. on( )11.A. itsB. there isC. there areD. they are( )12.A. aB. theC. The D. anIts four thirty. The students 1 Class 4 2 in the classroom. Li Lei and Jim 3 off their coats and 4 them on the chairs. They put their bags in the desks. They think its 5 to go and 6 games. Li Lei says, “Excuse me, Wei Fang, can you look 7 my coat and bag ?”“ 8 ! I must go home.”( )1.A. atB. inC. toD. near( )2.A. areB. isC. amD. be( )3.A. putB. takeC. leaveD. turn( )4.A. putB. carryC. bringD. take( )5.A. whenB. youC. timeD. for( )6.A. seeB. playC. doD. have( )7.A. atB. forC. upD. after( )8.A. Excuse meB. SorryC. CertainlyD. OK1. A 根据下文“我叫吴东”,推测我是一位中国男孩。2. D 主语My name为单数,系动词用is.3. B classroom为名词,前面要用形容词性物主代词作定语。另外根据上下文的介绍,此教室为作者所在的教室,所以用第一人称的代词。4. B a 用在发辅音音素开头的单词前。5. C a(an)+单数可数名词, some+复数可数名词, much+不可数名词,本句中desks为可数名词的复数形式。6. A 书桌,椅子,讲台在教室内面用介词in.7. D 花在讲台上用介词on8. C 扫帚应放在门后面。behind意思是“在后面”,under意为“在下面”,at 表示在几点钟,on 表示“在上面”。9. A an用在发辅音音素的开头的单词前。10.C and连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。11.B 本句为There be句型表示“某处有某物。”。在There be结构中,作状语的介语短语也可位于句首,以示强调。12.C 上文提到过的人或事物,在下文中再次提到时名词前要加定冠词the.1. B 表示在哪个班级用介词in.2. A 句子主语The students为复数,系动词要用are.3. B 固定词组“take off ”脱下(衣服等)。4. A “put on”意为“把放在上面”。 Carry意为搬运,leave意为“离开”,turn“翻、转”。5. C 固定句型。Its time to do sth,意为“是该干某事的时候了”。6. B play games 意为“玩游戏”。7. D 本句意思应是“你能照看我的外套和包吗?”, look after表示“照顾,照料”。8. B 根据下文“我必须回家”说明作者不能帮他照看。用Sorry表示委婉的拒绝。小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-171Kate 1 John are students. They are in 2 Three. Kate is in Class Four. And John 3 in Class Two. 4 are forty-five students in Kates class. Twenty-five students 5 boys. There are fifty students in Jims 6 .Twenty-eight students are girls. They go to 7 at seven in the 8 , and go 9 at three in the 10 .( )1.A. orB. andC. with( )2.A.gradeB. ClassC. Grade( )3.A. isB. areC. be( )4.A.TheyB. TheirC. There( )5.A. areB. amC. is( )6.A. gradeB. teamC. class( )7.A. classroomB. schoolC. home( )8.A. morningB. afternoonC. evening( )9.A. schoolB. homeC. factory( )10.A. eveningB. morningC. afternoon2Li Lei, look 1 this picture. This is a 2 of a classroom. In the picture you can see chairs 3 desks. On the blackboard, you can see a tree. A map is 4 the door. The room is different from 5 classroom. Under the 6 desk, there is a football, 7 you cant see it. The boy in the hat is my friend. Jack . He is a new student. He is 8 American. He looks 9 Kate. But they are not 10 .( )1.A. inB. onC. atD. to( )2.A. mapB. pictureC. roomD. door( )3.A. orB. but C. thereD. and( )4.A. behindB. inC. atD. of( )5.A. yoursB. my C. meD. mine( )6.A. teachersB. teachersC. of teacherD. teacher( )7.A. soB. orC. andD. but( )8.A. aB. anC. theD. that( )9.A. afterB. atC. the sameD. like( )10.A. studentsB. boys C. twinsD. girls1. B 连接两个并列的主语用and.2. C 根据上文,此处意思应是他们在三年级。表示几年级几班,应看作专有名词,第一个字母要大写。3. A 主语John为单数,系动词用is。4. C 这里考查There be句型,表示某处有某物。5. A 主语Twenty-five students是复数,系动词要用are.6. C 根据句意,应是“在吉姆的班上有50名学生。”7. B 固定词组go to school去上学。8. A 7点钟上学应该是早晨,而不是下午或晚上。9. B go home意为回家,如果表达“上学”用go to school“去工厂”用go to the factory。10.C 3点钟回家应该是下午而不是早晨或晚上。1. C look 一般用作不及物动词,后面跟介词at构成短语动词才能表示及物的意义。2. B 上句“看这张照片”,这句接着介绍“这是一个教室的照片。”3. D 连接两个并列的成份用连词and4. A 此句意思是“一幅地图在门后”。Behind意为“在后面”,in“在里面”,of意为“的”5. B 名词classroom前应用形容词性物主代词my作定语。6. A the teachers desk意为“讲台”。7. D but表示转折意思。8. B American发元音开头,前面冠词用an.9. D 固定词组look like意为“看起来像”。A项look after“照顾”,B项look at意为“看”,C项look the same意为“看起来一样” , look the same后面不能带宾语。10.C 根据上句“他看起来像凯特”本句应是“但他们不是双胞胎。”小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-18Im a boy. Im twelve. I am 1 American. My name is Fred. Now Im in Class Six, 2 ,No.12 Middle School. My teacher is Miss Wang. I 3 a sister .Her name is Lucy. We are twins. We 4 the same . She is in 5 different school.I am 6 duty today. I cant look fater my sister . At school I help the teacher 7 her map, ruler and picture 8 her desk. I tell my teacher everyone is here. But Im 9 . Jim is not at school. I dont know where he is. I 10 he is at home.( )1.A. aB. anC. theD. ( )2.A. grade oneB. grade OneC. Grade OneD. Grade one( )3.A. haveB. has C. to haveD. having( )4.A. are lookB. looksC. lookD. look at( )5.A. anB. aC. D. that( )6.A. inB. onC. atD. for( )7.A. to puttingB. put C. putsD. putting( )8.A. onB. atC. ofD. near( )9.A. rightB. good C. wrongD. fine( )10.A. thinkB. know C. thankD. do 1 Miss Gaos class there are 2 students. There are twenty-four boys, and twenty-two girls. 3 of the boys is 4 . His name is Jim. All 5 boys are Chinese . All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. In the class there are two 6 girls. They are 7 . 8 names are Lily and Lucy. The other girls are Chinese. We are 9 friends. Theres 10 difference, American-English-Chinese.( )1.A. InB. AtC. OnD. About( )2.A. forty sixB. forty and sixC. fourteen sixD. forty-six( )3.A. AB. An C. OneD. Ones( )4.A. EnglandB. EnglishC. EnglishesD. Englandman( )5.A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. the others( )6.A. AmericaB. american C. AmericasD. American( )7.A. twinsB. twin C.


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