Pep 8 小学六年级英语下册Recycle 1.doc

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Pep 8 小学六年级英语下册Recycle 1 Lets take a trip 教学设计第一课时 Read and Say一、教学目标与要求1 能够读懂Read and say的小短文,并能在具体情景中运用并写出一个出行计划第三人称的小短文。2 能熟练掌握并能运用be going to句型询问并回答他人和自己旅程的安排3 通过对本课的学习,要求学生了解昆明的一些信息,以及Stone Forest和folk dance的了解。4 通过本课学习,培养学生爱祖国,爱家乡,爱学校以及爱生活的情感。二、教学重、难点分析本课时的重难点是让学生将第四单元的中心语言与be going to句型融为一体,在具体情景中能自然运用,并写出一个出行计划第三人称的小短文。三、学情分析 六年级的学生面临着小考,本单元又是最后的复习单元,孩子们已有用完正语言叙述一件事的能力,但是在语法点上仍需要细细点拨。四、教学步骤1热身(Warm-up)(1)Lets singT: Today we are going to learn a new lesson “take a trip!” (学生跟读本课课题) I like taking a trip. And you? This class we are going to take a trip !First ,Lets sing a song: What are you going to do? 课件播放歌曲,学生一起跟唱。(2)Greetinga. Whats the weather like today ? b. What day is it today ? c. What did you do last night? d. What are you going to do this evening ?. 学生根据教师的话题聊一聊自己平时的生活。2.复习(Review)T: The Qingming Festival is over. Guess! Where did I go on Qingming Festival?S1: Did you go to ?老师揭晓答案,课件显示赏杏花的照片并说:I went to Yujiagou on Qingming Festival. I saw many beautiful flowers. Do you want to know more information about my trip? 引导学生用句型Who did you go with? How did you go there? What did you do? When did you go? 向教师提问。运用下列句型师生交谈: What did you do on Qingming Festival? Where did you go on Qingming Festival? Who did you go with? How did you go there? When did you go? Did you have a good time? 3. 新课呈现(Presentation) (1) 课件呈现劳动节图片,说:May holiday is coming. Are you excited? What are you going to do on your holiday?让两三个学生回答后,再说:oh, you have so many good ideas,but I have a good idea ,too. Im going to take a trip. Where am I going?Can you guess? (同时课件呈现中国地图)让学生用Are you going to 猜测数次后,课件呈现昆明图片,播放月光下的凤尾竹的音乐并说:Im going to visit this beautiful place, its a warm city ,its always sunny ,its known as “Spring city”. Do you know which city?SS: Kunming.T: Yes. Im going to visit Kunming.板书:Where are you going on your holiday?I m going to 领读并自编chant: Where, where, where are you going? Where are you going on your holiday? Im going to visit Kunming.(2)课件播放民乐九尾凤竹片段,同时呈现民族服装图片说: Listen! This is the folk music. And these are folk clothes.Wow! How nice! Do you like them? Im going to listen to folk music. Im going to buy folk clothes.课件呈现民族舞蹈图片,说:And Im going to see folk dances.板书folk music/clothes/dances并领读。课件呈现石林图片,说:Where is it? Its Stone Forest. Is it beautiful? Yes.o Im going to visit Stone Forest.板书Stone Forest并领读。 In kunming,Im going to listen to folk music,see folk dances ,buy folk clothes and visit Stone Forest. If youre going to Kunming ,what are you going to do?请学生回答。板书What are you going to do? Im going to (3) T: class,just now ,you know, Im going to visit Kunming. Do you want to know more imformation about my trip?S:生问:1.when are you going there? are you going to get there ? 3.who are you going with? 板书上述句型并领读。 (4)Chant: Where, where,Where are you going on your holiday? What, what, What are you going to do? Who, who, Who are you going with? How, how, How are you going to get there? When, when, When are you going? (5)Listen to the tape and answer the questions about the dialogue. T: Mike is going to take a trip, too. Where is he going? Who is he going with? What is he going to do there? When is he going? How is he going to get there? Have the students listen and try to find out the answers. Then check the answers. (6) Listen to the tape and repeat. (7) Have students read and fill in Mikes trip schedule. Then ask and answer with partners.4.操练(Practice)Plan your holiday, then ask your friends plan.T: Summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do? Where are you going? 课件呈现各地风景图片,说:Please ask your partners holiday plan.学生两人一组问答后,叫几组学生上台表演。让学生四人小组内将讨论的结果按照对话格式或出行计划形式总结出文本,再汇报同桌的假期计划,再叫几个学生向全班汇报。5、作业(homework)将小组总结的出行计划重行整理,写成一篇第三人称的小短文。教学反思:本课是一节综合技能复习课,回顾到be going to的语法点,及相关应的疑问词的使用,所以此次的写作目标是以一次出行计划作为基线的小短文或对话,其实对话形式比较简单,而一片小短文所要求的语法较难,本科我一直注重第一人称向第三人称的转化,在小组总结之后再写,合全组智慧,写出的文章还是较为不错的。


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