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非谓语动词复习目标熟练掌握非谓语动词的用法。备考中考主要考查动词不定式作宾语、宾语补足语以及带有疑问词的动词不定式的用法,同时还考查现在分词作宾语。单项选择、完形填空、所给词适当形式填空均对此部分进行考查。题组训练一(问题习题化)用所给动词的适当形式填空1. It is necessary _(ask) the teacher for help.2. It is very kind of you _(help) me with my English.3. Dont pretend_(be) honest.4. My job at old peoples house is _ (clear) the old people up.5. I told Sally _(join) the English club, but she refused.6. These photos make me _(think) of my old days.7. Can you help the girl_(cross) the road?8. Have you got anything_(do) this afternoon?9. Yous better not_(take) your friends to the school party.10. He would rather_(stay) at home than go out.11. Can you tell me where_(buy) a map?12. _(play) computers too much is bad for your eyes.13. Have you finished_(read) the book?14. He practices_(play) the piano every day.15. The young lady kept me_(wait) for 30 minutes16. I remembered_(return) this book to Lily, but she said I didnt.17. Stop _(work) and lets have a rest.18. I saw them_(play) soccer when I walked past.19. I often see them_(speak) English in the yard.20. Children under 18 shouldnt be allowed_ (drive).易错点梳理考点一 不定式作定语时,当动词是不及物动词时,它的后面要跟上相应的介词。考点二 不带to的几种不定式结构had better do sth; do nothing but do sth; would rather do sth; Why (not) do sth.考点三 在have, make, let, see, hear, watch等词后,宾语补足语要省去to;但在被动语态中to不能省去。考点四 “疑问词+动词不定式”是疑问词引导的从句简写而来。考点五 动词-ing形式可用于there be句型中,表示主语的动作正在进行。题组训练二(知识网络化)单项选择( )1. Wheres your brother now, Bob? I saw him _in the street a moment ago and I told him_.A. playing; dont do soB. playing; not to do soC. play; to do so ( )2. The woman made his son_ finally after she told him some jokes.A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh ( )3. Dont forget _ an umbrella _ you. Its going to rain.A. to take; to B. taking; with C. to take; with ( )4. Most of the young people enjoy _ Jay Chous songs.A. sing B. sang C. singing( )5. As teenagers, were old enough _ with housework. We can help set the table, wash the dishes and clean our own rooms.A. to help B. helping C. helped( )6. What would you like for breakfast? I like hamburgers. But now Id like _some cakes.A. eating B. to eat C. to drink( )7. The boy is looking forward to _a good time after the exam.A. to have B. has C. having( )8. How long does it take your father _ to work every day? About half an hour.A. drives B. driving C. to drive( )9. Last weekend, the Green had great fun _ at Water World.A. swimming B. cookingC. hiking( )10. Would you mind_the radio? Im doing my homework.A. turning down B. to turn offC. turn on题组训练三(与中考链接)单项选择( )1. It took me two weeks reading the novels written by Guo Jingming.A. finish B. to finish C. finishes D. finishing( )2. Dear, you need to _by next week, to go to university at home or to go abroad. You are going on eighteen . OK, Mum. I am considering it.A. make an appointmentB. make a suggestionC. make a decision( )3. Parents often ask their children_their Internet friends because the kids may be in danger.A. to meet B. not to meetC. meeting( )4. Smoking is bad for your health. Youre right. I decided to _. A. take it down B. find it out C. turn it off D. give it up( )5. Stop _ about the traffic. Just think about what we can do to improve it. A. complain B. to complain C. complaining D. compalined二、用所给词语的适当形式填空 Here is some advice on how (1)_ (talk) with your parents. Try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, asking your parents questions about their day. They love these! Make it clear what you want (2)_ (tell) your parents. If they have an opinion, let them (3)_(finish) and dont interrupt(打断) them. Ask them (4)_ (do) the same for you. Show them respect(尊重) by (5)_ (listen) to them carefully. Look them in the eyes. Be honest. Honesty builds trust. Life is good when your parents trust you. If your parents dont understand, thats OK. It doesnt mean they dont love you. Sometimes you have to (6)_ (explain) things to them again or in a different way. When you finish the talk, thank them for (7)_(listen). Say something like,“Thanks, that helped.”It will let them know this is important to you, and make them (8)_(want) to do it more often.If you think there are still things (9)_(talk) about, set up a time with them (10)_(talk) about it another day.非谓语动词【题组训练一】1. to ask 2. to help 3. to be 4. to cheer 5. to join 6. think 7. cross/to cross8. to do 9. take 10. stay 11. to buy 12. playing 13. reading 14. playing15. waiting 16. returning 17. working 18. playing 19. speak 20. to drive【题组训练二】1-5 BCCCA 6-10 BCCAA 【题组训练三】一、1-5 BCBDC 二、1. to talk 2. to tell 3. finish 4. to do 5. listening 6. explain 7. listening 8. want 9. to talk 10. to talk


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