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三年级第一学期英语复习小结班别:_ 姓名:_一、字母12345678910111213AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm14151617181920212223242526NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz自我检测:读一读,辨一辨,认真读并区分下列读音相近的字母。1. Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz 2. Aa Jj Gg 二、Letters and soundsAa - apple ant Bb- bag book Cc- cat crayon Dd- duck dogEe- egg elephant Ff - face foot Gg - green gift Hh - hand hiIi - ice ice cream Jj - juum jeep Kk - Kate kite Ll - long legMm - mum milk Nn - nose noodles Oo - orange on Pp - pig penQq - quiet queen Rr - red rice Ss - Sarah six Tt - ten tigerUu - under umbrella Vv - vet vest Ww - wet water X - fox boxYy - yellow yo-yo Zz - Zip zoo三、单词Unit1(文具类): ruler pen pencil pencil box eraser crayon bag bookUnit2(颜色类): red green yellow blue black white orange brownUnit3(身体部位类): head hand ear eye leg foot arm face body mouth noseUnit4(动物类): duck dog cat pig bear bird tiger monkey elephant panda zooUnit5(食物类): bread egg rice fish cake juice milk waterUnit6(数字类): one two three four five six seven eight nine ten plate自我检测:读一读,辨一辨。1. blue brown black 2. bird bear bread 3. bag book body 4. cake crayon cat can5. dog duck bag 6. ear eye egg eight eraser 7. fish foot five four face 8. green great gift9. hand head have 10. red leg bread 11. milk mouth monkey 12. nose nine nice 13. one on orange 14. pig pen pencil panda15. red rice ruler 16. six seven Sarah school17. ten two three tiger 18. water white what19. you your yellow 20. Zip Zoom zoo 四、句子Unit1 Hello! (自我介绍、询问名字、道别)1. A: Whats your name? 2. A: Good morning. B: My name is Zoom./ I am Sarah. B: Good morning.3. A: Good afternoon. 4. A: Hello. Im Mike. B: Good afternoon. B: Hi. Im Sarah./My name is ChenJie.5. A: Goodbye. 6. A: Whos there? B: Bye. B: Guess./ My names Mike.7. A: Are you Tutu? 8. A: I have a ruler./ I have an eraser. B: Yes./No. B: Me too./I have a book.Unit2 Colours! (介绍别人、问好、涂色)1. A: Lets paint. 2. A: Nice to meet you. B: OK./ Great! B: Nice to meet you, too.3. A:Dad, this is Mr Jones. 4. A: This is Miss Green. B: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you. .5. A: I see green. 6. A: Colour it brown! B: I see red. B: Ok!Unit3 Look at me! (问好、建议、赞扬)1. A:Lets play. 2. A: How are you? B:OK./Great. B: Im fine, thank you. / Im fine, thanks / Fine thank you./Fine, thanks./Very well, thank you./ Very well, thanks. 3. A:I like blue. 4. A: Lets go to school. B:Me too./I like red. B: OK./ Great.5. A: Lets make a puppet! B: OK./ Great.Look at me. 6. This is my face. This is the arm. This is the leg. Unit4 We love animals! (询问动物或物品、表示喜欢)1. A: Whats this? 2. A: Whats that? B: Its a duck/dog B: Its a bear/tiger 3. A: Look, a funny dog. 4. A: Act like an elephant.B: Cool! I like it. B: Act like a bird. 5. Follow me.Unit5 Lets eat! (表达想吃什么、会请别人吃、感谢)1. A: Id like some juice, please. 2. A: Have some bread. B: Here you are. B: Thank you./Thanks.3. A: Mum, Im hungry. 4. A: Can I have some water, please? B: Have some bread. B: Here you are./ Sure, here you are.5. A: Thank you. 6. Drink some milk. Eat some bread B: Youre welcome. Cut the cake.Unit6 Happy birthday! (询问年龄、询问数量、祝福生日1. A: Happy birthday. 2. A: How old are you? B: Thank you./Thanks. B: Im 9/five ( I am six years old.)3. A: How many plate?. 4. A: John, this is my brother. B: Three./ Five B: Hi, Sam. Happy birthday.5. A: Lets eat the cake. 6. Wait a minute! B: Great. 家长签名:(请按日期填写在表格里)请为你的孩子证明是否有读试卷,如果读了就帮他签名。(请对照日期签名。)周次 星期星期1星期2.星期3星期4星期5星期6星期7十七周十八周十九周


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