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高中英语语法总结大全之特殊词精讲stop doing/to do stop to do停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。stop doing停止做某事。They stop to smoke a cigar高考资源网ette.他们停下来,抽了根烟。I must stop smoking.我必须戒烟了。典型例题She reached the top of the hill and stopped _on a big rock by the side of the path.A. to have restedB. restingC. to restD. rest答案:C。由题意可知,她到了山顶,停下来在一个路边的大石头上休息。因此,应选择stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事。而不仅仅是爬山动作的终止,所以stop doing sth.不正确。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m forget doing/to do forget to do忘记要去做某事。(未做)forget doing忘记做过某事。(已做)The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off.办公室的灯还在亮着,它忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作)He forgot turning the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了。( 已做过关灯的动作)Dont forget to come tomorrow.别忘了明天来。 (to come动作未做)典型例题- The light in the office is still on.- Oh,I forgot_.A. turning it offB. turn it offC. to turn it offD. having turned it off答案:C。由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth表示灯已经关上了,而自己忘记了这一事实。此处不符合题意。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m remember doing/to do remember to do 记得去做某事 (未做)remember doing记得做过某事(已做)Remember to go to the post office after school.记着放学后去趟邮局。Dont you remember seeing the man before? 你不记得以前见过那个人吗? w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m regret doing/to do regret to do对要做的事遗憾。(未做)regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔。(已做)I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没有办法。I dont regret telling her what I thought.我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。典型例题-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. -Well, now I regret _ that.A. to doB. to be doingC.to have doneD.having done答案:D。regret having done sth. 对已发生的事感到遗憾。regret to do sth. 对将要做的事感到遗憾。本题为对已说的话感到后悔,因此选D。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m cease doing/to do cease to do长时间,甚至永远停做某事。cease doing短时停止做某事,以后还会接着做。That department has ceased to exist forever. 那个部门已不复存在。 The girls ceased chatting for a moment when their teacher passed by.姑娘们在老师走过时,停了会聊天。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m try doing/to do try to do努力,企图做某事。try doing试验,试着做某事。You must try to be more careful.你可要多加小心。I tried gardening but didnt succeed.我试着种果木花卉,但未成功。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m go on doing/to do go on to do做了一件事后,接着做另一件事。go on doing继续做原来做的事。After he had finished his maths,he went on to do his physics.做完数学后,他接着去做物理。Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one.作完这个练习后,接着做其他的练习 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m be afraid doing/to do be afraid to do不敢,胆怯去做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为怕;be afraid of doing担心出现doing的状况、结果。 doing 是客观上造成的,意为生怕,恐怕。She was afraid to step further in grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake.她生怕被蛇咬着,而不敢在草丛中再走一步。She was afraid to wake her husband.她不敢去叫醒她丈夫。She was afraid of waking her husband.她生怕吵醒她丈夫。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m be interested doing/. interested to do 对做某事感兴趣,想了解某事。interested in doing对某种想法感兴趣,doing 通常为想法。I shall be interested to know what happens.我很想知道发生了什么事。 (想了解)Im interested in working in Switzerland. Do you have any idea about that?我对在瑞士工作感兴趣。你想过这事吗?(一种想法) w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m mean doing/to do mean to do打算、想mean doing意味着I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to.我想去,但是我父亲不肯让我去。To raise wage means increasing purchasing power.赠加工资意味着增加购买力。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m begin(start) doing/to do begin / start to do sth begin / start doing sth.1)谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,使用doing.How old were you when you first started playing the piano?你几岁时开始弹钢琴?2)begin, start用进行时时,后面动词用不定式to doI was beginning to get angry。我开始生起气来。3)在attempt, intend, begin, start 后接know, understand, realize这类动词时,常用不定式to do。 I begin to understand the truth。我开始明白真相。4)物作主语时It began to melt. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 感官动词 + doing/to do感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调我看见了这个事实)I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(强调我见他正干活这个动作)昨天我见他正在花园里干活。典型例题1)They knew her very well. They had seen her _ up from childhood.A. growB. grewC. was growingD. to grow答案:A。因题意为,他们看着她长大,因此强调的是成长的过程,而非正在长的动作,因此用see sb do sth 的句型。2)The missing boy was last seen _ near the river.A. playingB. to be playingC. playD. to play答案A. 本题强调其动作,正在河边玩,应此用see sb. doing sth句型 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m高中英语语法总结大全之名词性从句名词性从句 在句子中起高考资源网名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (Noun Clauses)。 名词从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 引导名词性从句的连接词 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 连接词:that,whether,if 不充当从句的任何成分) 连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom,whose, which. 连接副词:when, where, how, why 不可省略的连词:1. 介词后的连词2. 引导主语从句和同位语从句的连词不可省略。That she was chosen made us very happy.We heard the news that our team had won.比较:whether与if 均为是否的意思。 但在下列情况下,whether 不能被if 取代:1. whether引导主语从句并在句首2. 引导表语从句 3. whether从句作介词宾语4. 从句后有or not Whether he will come is not clear.大部分连接词引导的主语从句都可以置于句末,用 it充当形式主语。It is not important who will go.It is still unknown which team will win the match. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 名词性that-从句 1)由从属连词that引导的从句叫做名词性that-从句。 That只起连接主句和从句的作用,在从句中不担任任何成分,本身也没有词义。名词性that-从句在句中能充当主 语、宾语、表语、同位语和形容词宾语,例如:主语:That he is still alive is sheer luck.他还活着全靠运气。宾语:John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday.约翰说他星期三要到伦敦去。表语:The fact is that he has not been seen recently.事实是近来谁也没有见过他。同位语:The fact that he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. 近来谁也没有见过他,这一事实令办公室所有的人不安。形容词宾语:I am glad that you are satisfied with your job.你对工作满意我感到很高兴。2)That-从句作主语通常用it作先行词,而将that-从句置于句末,例如:It is quite clear that the whole project is doomed to failure.很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。Its a pity that you should have to leave.你非走不可真是件憾事。用it作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:a. It + be +形容词+ that-从句It is necessary that有必要It is important that重要的是It is obvious that 很明显b. It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句It is believed that人们相信It is known to all that从所周知It has been decided that 已决定c. It + be +名词+ that-从句It is common knowledge that是常识It is a surprise that 令人惊奇的是It is a fact that 事实是d. It +不及物动词+ that-分句It appears that似乎It happens that碰巧It occurred to me that 我突然想起 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 名词性wh-从句 1)由wh-词引导的名词从句叫做名词性wh-从句。Wh-词包括who, whom,. whose, whoever, what, whatever, which, whichever等连接代词和where, when, how, why等连接副词。Wh-从句的语法功能除了和that-从句一样外,还可充当介词宾语、宾语补语和间接宾语等,例如:主语: How the book will sell depends on its author.书销售如何取决于作者本人。直接宾语:In ones own home one can do what one likes.在自己家里可以随心所欲。间接宾语:The club will give whoever wins a prize.俱乐部将给得胜者设奖。表语: My question is who will take over president of the Foundation.我的问题是谁将接任该基金会主席职位。宾语补足语:She will name him whatever she wants to. 她高兴给他起什么名字就取什么名字。同位语:I have no idea when he will return.我不知道他什么时候回来。形容词宾语:Im not sure why she refused their invitation.我尚不能肯定她为什么拒绝他们的邀请。介词宾语:That depends on where we shall go.那取决于我们去哪儿。2)Wh-从句作主语也常用先行词it做形式主语,而将wh-从句置于句末,例如:It is not yet decided who will do that job.还没决定谁做这项工作。It remains unknown when they are going to get married.他们何时结婚依然不明。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m if, whether引导的名词从句 1)yes-no型疑问从句从属连词if, whether引导的名词从句是由一般疑问句或选择疑问转化而来的,因此也分别被称为yes-no型疑问句从句和选择型疑问从句,其功能和wh-从句的功能相同, 例如:主语:Whether the plan is feasible remains to be proved. 这一计划是否可行还有等证实。宾语:Let us know whether / if you can finish the article before Friday.请让我们知道你是否能在星期五以前把文章写完。表语:The point is whether we should lend him the money.问题在于我们是否应该借钱给他。同位语:They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy.他们调查他是否值得信赖。形容词宾语: Shes doubtful whether we shall be able to come.她怀疑我们是否能够前来。介词宾语: I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness.我担心他是否能度过疾病的危险期。2)选择性疑问从句选择性疑问从句由关联词if/whetheror或whetheor not构成,例如:Please tell me whether / if they are Swedish or Danish. 请告诉我他们是瑞典人还是丹麦人。I dont care whether you like the plan or not.我不在乎你是否喜欢该计划。 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 否定转移1) 将think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, imagine等动词后面宾语从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。I dont think I know you.我想我并不认识你。I don t believe he will come.我相信他不回来。注意:若谓语动词为hope,宾语从句中的否定词不能转移。I hope you werent ill. 我想你没有生病吧。2) 将seem, appear 等后的从句的否定转移到前面。It doesnt seem that they know where to go.看来他们不知道往哪去。It doesnt appear that well have a sunny day tomorrow.看来我们明天不会碰上好天气。3) 有时将动名词,介词短语或整个从句的否定转变为对谓语动词的否定。I dont remember having ever seen such a man.我记得从未见过这样一个人。 (not否定动名词短语 having)Its not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street. 在这里,人们不会想到在街上会碰上陌生的人。(anyone 作主语,从句中的谓语动词不能用否定形式。)4) 有时状语或状语从句中否定可以转移到谓语动词前。The ant is not gathering this for itself alone.(否定状语)蚂蚁不只是为自己采食。He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so. (否定because状语) 他并不因亚里斯多德说过如何如何,就轻信此事。She had not been married many weeks when that mans younger brother saw her and was struck by her beauty.(否定状语many weeks)她结婚还不到几个月,这个人的弟弟就看见她了,并对她的美貌着了迷 w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m高考英语单选题解题技巧强调句型一般看到题目中开头是It is/was 或者Its时,选that 看看是不是强调句,直接去掉强调句式It is/was 和that后,看看剩余的部分还能组成一个完整的句子吗,能就对了,不能就不选that.另外,如果It is/was 或者Its后面的时间前有介词或者时间后有.ago,later时一般选that.否则选befor .since. when It was three hours ago _ he left here. ( 答案: that,强调句型) It was three oclock _ he left here. ( 答案: when前加具体时间,翻译成“某事发生时,时间是。”时间状语从句) It is three hours _ he left here. ( 答案: since前加段时间,翻译成“自从。以来有多长时间”时间状语从句) It will be three hours _ he leaves here. ( 答案: before前加段时间,翻译成“多久才”时间状语从句) It wasnt long _ he left here. ( 答案: before前加段时间,翻译成“多久才”时间状语从句)强调句的基本句型:陈述句:It is(was)被强调的部分that(who)原句其它部分It is on Friday that the school sports meeting will be held疑问句Is(Was)it被强调的部分that(who)原句其它部分?Is it on Friday that the school sports meeting will be held?特殊问句:特殊疑问词+Is(Was)it that(who)原句其它部分?When is it that the school sports meeting will be held?强调句型的特点: 去掉强调句式It is/was 和that后,剩余的部分还能组成一个完整的句子。强调句是用来强调主语,宾语,状语的,不能强调谓语动词。It was Mike that wore his new coat to attend the party yesterday.强调主语 It was Mikenew coat that he wore to attend the party yesterday.强调宾语 It was to attend the party that Mike wore his new coat yesterday.强调目的状语 It was yesterday that Mike wore his new coat to attend the party .强调时间状语上面的四句话把It is/was 和that去掉后都还能组成Mike wore his new coat to attend the party yesterday.强调句的考题形式一考强调句的基本句型。陈述句、疑问句、特殊问句1.It was in the street _ I lost the book.A. that B. which C. in which D. where2._that he managed to get the information?Oh, a friend of his helped him. ( 2005山东) A. Where was it B. What was it C. How was it D. Why was it 二考强调句的Not until形式:It was not unitl .that.3.It was not until late in the evening _ her husband arrived home . A. which B. when C. that D. how三强调一个其它从句,例如主语从句,定语从句,状语从句。4.It was _ he said _ disappointed me at that time. A. what ; that B. that ; that C. what ; what D. that ; what5. It was the training _ he had as a young man _ made him such a good engineer. A. what ; that B. that ; what C. that ; which D. which : that6. _ he came back home that we knew what had happened . A. When it was B. It was when C. Was it when D. When was it四为了避免重复,在回答的时候把强调句“that+原句其它部分”都省去。7. - I cant find Mr. Smith .Where did you meet him this morning?- It was in the hotel _ he stayed.A. that B which C. the one D. where 这题在stay后省了that I met him this morning.其实hotel后_ he stayed是定语从句。还原回去变成It was in the hotel _ he stayed that I met him this morning. A. that B which C. the one D. where五:强调动名词作主语的8.-what causes your heart attack? -It is_A because of your overweight B. your being overweightC. because you are overweightD. you are so overweight选B ,若果选D则在开头加that。强调句练习1.Were all three people in the car injured in the accident? No,_ only the two passengers who got hurt. A. it was B. there is C. it were D. there was 2. -Who is making so much noise in the garden? - _ the children.A. It is B. They are C. That is D . There are 3. It was _she was about to go out _the telephone rang.A. when ; that B. so; that C. before; then D. when; before4. 4.It was _ he said _ disappointed me.A. what; that B. that; what C. that; when D. it; when 5._ that silver is not widely used as a conductor?A. Why is B. Is it why C. Why is it D. Why is that 6.I cant find Mr. Smith .Where did you meet him this morning? It was in the hotel _ he stayed. A. that B which C. the one D. where 7.It was in the small house _was built with stones by his father _ he spent his childhood. A. which; that B. that ;where C, which; which D. that; which 8.It was _ it was raining so hard that we had to stay at home all day A. since B .for C. as D. because9.Is _three hours _ the boy _family is poor to come to school on foot? A .it ;that; whose B. it; that it takes; whose C. it for ;that it takes; whose D. it; when ;that 10.It was his wife_ left him without saying goodbye. A. who B .which C .when D. in which11. It is on a winter night _he spent with me last night. A. that B. where C. as D .when 12 It is the young man _ looked for _ caught the murderer. A.that; who B.that; they C. they ;that D they ;which 13.It was _ my teacher worked _ I work hard. A. where; that B. where; where C .that; that D. that ;where14.It was in the evening_we reached the littletown of Winchester. A that B. until C. since D. before 15.It was until dark _ he found _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem. A. that; what B. that; that C. when; what D. when; that16.It is the ability to do the job _ matters ,not where you come from or what you are.A. one B. that C .what D. it 17. I dont know _ that you stay here. A. how long it is B. how long is it C. it is how long D. is it how long 18.It was _ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.A. we being late B. our being late C. we were too late D. because we were late19.-what was the party like? -Wonderful. Its years _ I enjoyed myself much. A. after B. before C .that D. sinc20.Why! I have nothing to confess(承认). _you want me to say. A.What is it that B.What it is that C.How is it that D. How it is thatkeys:110 AAAAC AADBA 1120 ACAAA BABDB

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