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沪教版2020届九年级文理联赛模拟英语考试试卷(I)卷一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Have you seen _ film Where Are We Going, Dad? Yes. Its _ interesting film.A . a; theB . the; anC . a; an2. (2分)Lily thinks the best way to get to school is by bus. I think it _ from her. I think the best way is walking.A . earlyB . quicklyC . friendlyD . differently3. (2分) Excuse me. students are there in your class?一 Therere thirty, eighteen boys and twelve girlsA . How aboutB . How oldC . How manyD . How much4. (2分)I cant help you _ you tell me whats wrong. A . becauseB . soC . unless5. (2分)- Excuse me, when _ you _ the girl over there?- Last year in Beijing. And I _ her for about one year.A . have; known; have knownB . did; know; knewC . did; know; have knownD . have; known; knew6. (2分)- How far is it from here to the hospital?- Its about drive.A . ten minuteB . ten minutesC . ten minutesD . ten minutes7. (2分)The meeting _ for a week now. A . has finishedB . has endedC . has been overD . was over8. (2分)After finishing your paper, look it over to _ there are no mistakes.A . think aboutB . try outC . find outD . make sure9. (2分) Peter, I will visit our teacher this Sunday. _. Lets go together.A . Nor do IB . I will doC . So will ID . So can I10. (2分) Hi, Bruce. My eraser is missing. May I use yours? _, here you are. I am not using it now.A . Of course notB . No wayC . Go ahead二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分) One day the boss asks Tom to meet his friend Mr. Green in London. But it is his 1time to come to London. He doesnt know the 2to Mr. Greens home. He thinks he can ask people for help. When he 3in London, he gets off the bus. There are4people in the street. He looks around and stops a 5and tells her where he wants to go. The woman is very helpful. 6 her help, he finds Mr. Greens home. Two weeks 7, Tom needs to visit Mr. Green again. But he cant 8 where his home is. He stops a person to ask the way. Its the same woman. The woman is very 9. She says, “Are you 10looking for the place?”(1)A . last B . first C . second D . third (2)A . name B . way C . city D . man (3)A . comes B . gets C . arrives D . goes (4)A . many B . much C . a little D . a lot (5)A . man B . woman C . boy D . girl (6)A . With B . Without C . Under D . By (7)A . after B . later C . behind D . late (8)A . remember B . forget C . know D . tell (9)A . sad B . glad C . surprised D . sorry (10)A . never B . still C . just D . again 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)12. (8分)阅读理解Going to work by car is getting more expensive today because the petrol(汽油)is getting more expensive(贵).People are looking for a cheaper way of transportation and they find out that it is a good choice(选择) to ride bikes to work.More and more return to bikes.Children often go to school by bike.But now more people are going to work by bike, too.“The bike is easy to use,”says Molly,“and it is also very cheap. Its a good choice for those who do business(生 意) like me.You can buy thirty bikes for the price of a small car. A bike doesnt use expensive petrol.”Mr.Brown goes to his hospital by bike every day. He says,“A bike doesnt cost so much money, and most families can have two or more bikes. Bike riding is good for our health. Today most people get fat because they dont get enough exercise. So I tell all my patients(病人) to buy bikes. Besides, in big cities its usually quicker to travel by bike than by bus or car. Car drivers can do nothing but get angry when there is a traffic jam(有交通阻塞).(1)Some people dont want to drive to work because. A . cars are getting more expensiveB . the petrol is getting more expensiveC . cars are difficult to take care ofD . the traffic becomes bad(2)The underlined phrase “returns to bikes” in the first paragragh means “ ”. A . begin to ride bikes againB . give bikes back to their owners(主人)C . begin to buy bikesD . sell their bikes to others(3)From the passage, we can know Molly is a . A . teacherB . doctorC . studentD . businesswoman(4)According to Mr. Brown, bike riding is good for us mainly in aspects(方面). A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five13. (10分)Judge the following sentences true or false. 根据短文内容判断正误。There are no peasants (农民) in Britain. The workers on a farm are called farm workers. The farmer pays them every week. There are not many workers on a farm. The farmers have many machines. The machines do most of the work. A farm with four workers is a big farm, and a farm with one worker is a small farm.Britain does not grow rice. The summer is not hot enough. The most important grain crop in Britain is wheat. Wheat and other crops grow best in the east of Britain. In the west there is a lot of rain. Here grass grows very well. So, in the west of Britain, most farms are animal farms. They are not crop farms. The Britain winter is warm and the grass grows all the year. The animals live out in the fields and on the highlands all the year. The Britain people eat lots of meat and they drink lots of milk. Cattle give milk and meat, sheep give meat. Cattle and sheep farms are in the west. Pigs are on farms here and there.Britain can now produce about half of its food. It doesnt produce enough wheat, so some wheat is imported (进口) from other countries. Britain must also import all the hot climate food, such as rice, tea, coffee and so on. (1)In Britain, a big farm has only four workers.(2)The Britain summer isnt very hot so rice doesnt grow well in Britain.(3)In the west of Britain, there are lots of crop farms.(4)The animals can live out all the year because the Britain farmers dont like to keep the animals inside in winter.(5)Britain can produce half of its food.14. (10分)阅读理解 Tom is an eight-year-old boy. He is sick to death of school because he doesnt want to do his homework. He is always looking for excuses not to do it. When he has a cold, he tells his morn he is badly ill and he can not do his homework. Though Toms mom is angry, she doesnt know what to do with him.Most of the time, Tom goes to school without finishing his homework. Even though he finishes his homework, he usually does it very carelessly.One Thursday evening, Tom told his morn that he couldnt do his homework because he was having a fever. After his morn took his temperature, she realized that Tom didnt tell the truth. So he had to do his homework. To his moms surprise, the light in Toms bedroom was still on at midnight. His morn opened the door quietly and found Tom was already asleep. His homework was only half done.The next evening, Tom went back home from school, his morn asked, Did your teacher punish you today? I know you didnt finish your homework last night.No, mom, Tom answered.How did you make it? his mom asked him. What did you say to the teacher?I told my teacher that an accident happened to me this morning.What? Toms morn looked at him with eyes wide.The school bus fell into the pool on my way to school, Tom said, I climbed out of the pool, but my homework didnt climb out of the pool.But you didnt take the school bus! Toms morn said.Of course, I didnt, Tom said. But my teacher didnt know that.(1)What does was sick to death of means in the this passage?. A . dislikedB . lovedC . felt excited(2)When Tom is ill, .A . he is always in bed.B . he doesnt do his homework.C . His mother is always angry at him.(3)At midnight on Thursday, . A . Tom was asleep with the light onB . Tom was staying up doing his homeworkC . Tom fell asleep and his homework was finished(4)What happened on that Friday morning? A . Tom took a school bus to schoolB . The school bus fell into a poolC . Tom made up a story for not doing his homework(5)From the passage, we know the boy doesnt like his _. A . teachersB . studyC . school四、 单词拼写。用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共15分)15. (2分)How long _ your parents _ (watch) TV every day? 16. (1分)Its _ (danger) to drive after drinking. 17. (1分)She was waiting for them to call out the _(win) in the dancing competition.18. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Malala Yousafzai, 19, is a Pakistani youth activist. She is the _(young)person in the world ever to be named United Nations(U.N.)Messenger(信使)of Peace. The United Nations is _international organization, which is meant to encourage _(country)to work together on different opinions without the use of war. Yousafzai has _(glad) accepted the role of working for girlseducation. Usually, a messenger _(stay) in the position(职位)for three years. “If _want to see your future bright, you have to start working now and not wait _anyone else,” she said at the acceptance meeting in New York. In 2012, Yousafzai was nearly killed by the Taliban because she worked hard _(get) the same education for young girls in Pakistan. But later her condition improved. _a brave girl! Since then Yousafzai _(become) a symbol for peace and girls right to receive an education.19. (1分)My friend Frank Smith _ twelve years old. (be) 五、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)根据文意及首字母提示补全短文。Have you ever thought of living on Mars? Our Earth is becoming more and more c_. And at the same time theres terrible p_here. If we move to Mars, things will probably change. However, it may be d_for people to have a conversation there, because sound doesnt travel very f_on Mars. The low pressure(气压) makes it so. For example, as_by a human scream on Earth can travel a little over a kilometre. But on Mars, the sound from that same scream will only move 15 metres at m_. Besides, the atmosphere on Mars is also much t_than that on Earth. On Earth, our atmosphere is about 3 km t_, while it is very thin on Mars. Also Earth has a much higher t_than Mars. while it is very thin on Marsso, are you r_to go to Mars?第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 单词拼写。用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共15分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、五、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)20-1、

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