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一、高考代词考点扫描代词是英语语法结构中的重要一环,也是高考测试的重点内容之一。纵观历年高考试题,出现频率最高的是不定代词,其次是it用法、疑问代词、反身代词以及人称代词等。本文结合高考试题,对不定代词的易考点进行归纳,以帮助同学们更好地掌握这一语法现象。 1. 名词替代词one, ones, that, those的区别 one和ones用来代替前面提到过的可数名词,one指代单数,ones指代复数,所替代的是同名异物,表示泛指,可有前置定语或后置定语,也可单独使用。特指时必须加定冠词the。 that用来代替前面提到过的单数可数名词或不可数名词,不能和冠词连用,其后常有修饰语。代替可数名词的复数时,用代词those。 【原题再现】 We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _ from some wood we had. A. it B. one C. himself D. another 【解析】 one替代上文中的cupboard,表示泛指意义;it则用于指代上文提到的原事原物。答案为B。 2. all, both, either, neither, each, none的用法比较 both, either和neither都表示两者,可作主语、宾语和定语。both还可作同位语。neither表示两者否定;either表示两者中任何一个,强调个体;both表示两者都。all和none表示三者或三者以上。all表示全部肯定,而none表示全部否定。all可作主语、宾语、表语、定语和同位语;none可作主语、宾语和同位语,但不能作定语。all作主语时,指人时看作复数,指事物时看作单数;none作主语,看作单复数皆可。both, all, each, none作主语同位语时,通常放在行为动词的前面,be动词、助动词和情态动词的后面。all和both与not连用表示部分否定。 【原题再现】 I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but _ of them came. A. neither B. either C. none D. both 【解析】由but可知,第二句话表示否定意思,对两者的否定用neither。答案为A。 I had to buy _ these books because I didnt know which one was the best. A. both B. none C. neither D. all 【解析】 best是最高级形式,表示三者以上。根据句意因为不知道哪一本最好,我只好把这些书全买下来可知,答案为D。 -Do you want tea or coffee? -_. I really dont mind. A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither 【解析】 问话中使用了or,表示让对方选择茶或咖啡,根据答句: I really dont mind.可知答案应选C。 3. other, the other, another, others的用法比较 指代单数时,若是泛指,用another;若是特指,则用the other。 指代复数时,若是泛指,用other修饰名词的复数形式;若是特指,用the other修饰名词的复数形式。 others不能作定语,表示复数意义,相当于other+复数名词;the others相当于the other+复数名词。 another一般表示单数,其后接可数名词的单数形式。但若其后有数词或few时,则可接复数名词。 【原题再现】 One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _. A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white 【解析】 根据常识,板子有两个面,不能用another;这是一个省略句,在the other和white之间省略了should be painted。选项A具有很大的干扰性,the other is white的意思是另一面是白色的,而不是漆成白色的。故答案为C。 I have done much of the work. Could you please finish_in two days? A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others 【解析】 work是不可数名词,不能用the others代替;the rest既可指代可数名词,也可指代不可数名词。故答案为A。 4. some, any及其相应复合不定代词的辨析 some多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句。在下列情况下常用some: 1) some后接单数可数名词,意为某一时,相当于a certain + 单数可数名词。 2) 在表示请求或邀请的句子中,当期望对方给予一个肯定的答复时,通常用some,不用any。 在下列肯定句中常用any: 1) 用于陈述句或祈使句中,意为任何;无论哪一个,后接可数名词单数形式。如: Any book will do-I just want something to read on the train. 2) 用于肯定的条件句中,意为什么;一个(些);if any是固定词组,意为若有的话。如: He asked me if I had any books in my desk. some, any, every常与-one, -body, -thing构成复合不定代词,其基本用法与some, any, every用法相当。 【原题再现】 -When shall we meet again? -Make it _ day you like; its all the same to me. A. one B. any C. another D. some答案为B。 I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 【解析】not.everything是部分否定。 答案为A。二、近年高考中的代词(2000 2005 年高考题汇编 )1. If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay_$15. (2000全国)(A)Aanother BotherCmore Deach2. - Why dont we take a little break? - Didnt we just have _? (2000全国)(C)Ait Bthat Cone Dthis3. It is the ability to do the job _matters where you come from or what you are. (2000全国)(B)Aone BthatCwhat Dit4. - Do you want tea or coffee? - _. I really dont mind. (2000北京春季)(C)A. BothB. None C. Either D. Neither 5. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _.(2000北京春季)(C)A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white 6. The Parkers bought a new house but_ will need a lot of work before they can move in. (01全国)(B) A. they B. it C. one D. which7. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,_ I will always treasure.(02全国)【】thatoneitwhat 8. - He was nearly drowned once.- When was ?- was in 1998 when he was in middle school. (02北京春季)(A)A. that; It B. this; This C. this; It D. that; This9. Youre always working. Come on, lets go shopping. you ever want to do is going shopping. (02北京春季)(C)A. Anything B. Something C. All D. That10. - Theres coffee and tea: you can have .- Thanks. (03全国卷)(A)AeitherBeachConeDit11. Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.Why ? John is sitting there doing nothing. (03全国卷)(D)AhimBheCIDme12. I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but _ of them came. (04北京)(A)A neitherB eitherC noneD both13. Theres_ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get_? (04北京)(A)A little; someB little; anyC a little; someD a little; any14. I got the story from Tom and _ people who had worked with him. (04天津)(C)A every otherB many othersC some otherD other than15. It is easy to do the repair. _ you need is a hammer and some nails. (04天津)(B)A SomethingB AllC BothD Everything16. I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately couldnt spare me even one minute. (04重庆)(A)A. theyB. oneC. whoD. it17. - One weeks time has been wasted.- I cant believe we did all that work for . (04重庆)(B)A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything18. The husband gave his wife every month in order to please her. (04重庆)(A)A. all half his income B. his half all incomeC. half his all income D. all his half income19. I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will_. (04江苏)(B) A. anyone B. anyone else C. no one D. no one else20. We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for _. (04浙江)(C) A. none B. either C. any D. each21. - Which of the three ways shall I take to the village? - _ way as you please. (04福建)(C)AEachBEveryCAnyDEither22. She doesnt know anyone here. She has got_to talk to. (04广东)(D)A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one23. We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made _ from some wood we had. (04广西) (B)A. it B. one C. himself D. another24. Playing tricks on others is _ we should never do. (04湖南) (B) A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing25. I have done much of the work . Could you please finish in two days ? (04辽宁) (A)Athe rest Bthe other Canother Dthe others 26. I had to buy _ these books because I didnt know which one was the best. (04上海) (D)A. both B. none C. neither D. all27. I like_ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (04全国I) (C)A thisB thatC itD one28. Thats an unpleasant thing to say about your father after_ hes done for you. (04全国II) (C)A somethingb anythingC allD that29. - Do you like_ here? - Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice. (04全国II) (D)A thisB theseB thatD it30. Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are _. (04上海春季)(B) A. him and her B. his and hers C. his and her D. him and hers31. I think hes just going to deal with this problem _ day. (05广东卷) (D) A. next B. other C. following D. another 32. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from . (05湖北卷) (A)Aeveryone elseBthe otherCsomeone elseDthe rest 33. You will find as you read fiats book that you just cant keep some of these stones to _. You will want to share them with a friend. (05湖南卷) (B) A. itself B. yourself C. himself D. themselves 34. Im moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than_ in the city. (05江苏卷) (C)A. ones B. one C. that D. those 35. Cars do cause us some health problems in fact far more serious _ than mobile phones do. (05江西卷) (B)AoneBonesCitDthose 36. The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _ didnt help. (05全国卷3)(A)Ait BsheCwhichDhe 37. We havent enough books for ; some of you will have to share. (05全国卷1) (C)Asomebody Banybody Ceverybody Dnobody 38. The chairman thought necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. (05全国卷1) (B)Athat Bit Cthis Dhim 39. No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of _. (05上海卷) (B)A. others B. the otherC. eitherD. another 40. Weve been looking at the houses but havent found _ we like yet. (05浙江卷) (A)Aone Bones Cit Dthem 41. - Victor certainly cares too much about himself.- Yes. Hes never interested in what _ is doing. (05重庆卷) (B)A. no one else B. anyone else C. someone else D. nobody else 42. I prefer a flat in Inverness to _in Perth, because I want to live near my Moms. (05天津卷) (A)A. one B. that C. it D. this 43. I dont think weve met before. Youre taking me for _. (05安徽卷) (B)A. some other B. someone else C. other person D. one other 44. We asked John and Jerry, but _ of them could offer a satisfactory explanation. (05北京春季)(D) A. either B. none C. both D. neither 三、代词强化训练题1. Let _ promise not to quarrel about such an unimportant matter any more.A. you and I B. I and you C. yours and me D. you and me2. _ is _ family that the villagers all admire it.A. It, such an united B. His, such a united C. Hers, so united a D. Theirs, so an united3. - Are you going to buy the blue shoes?- No, I like _ red ones over there.A. these B. those C. this D. their4. - I feel a bit hungry? - Why dont you have _ bread?A. any B. little C. some D. a5. - Have you a color TV? - Yes, I have a good _.A. it B. one C. that D. ones6. - I dislike _ when others laugh at me in public or speak ill of me behind. - So do I. A. them B. those C. it D. that7. Is this skirt _ she likes best?A. one B. that C. the one D. which8. - How many elephants did you see? - _.A. None B. No one C. Not many ones D. No many9. Id rather ride a bike as bike riding has _ of the trouble of taking buses. A. much B. all C. neither D. none10. She was left alone, with _ to look after her.A. someone B. anyone C. not one D. no one11. _ of us knows the reason why winter is colder than summer.A. Every one B. Everyone C. Someone D. All12. Some people are against the plan, but _ support it.A. many more B. much more C. no more D. any more13. Mary and Jones have arrived, but _ students in the class arent here yet.A. other B. the other C. the others D. others14. The street is beautiful, for there are trees on _.A. neither side B. either side C. both side D. all sides15. - Which of the two Italian films do you like better?- _, because they are meaningless.A. Both B. Either C. None D. Neither16. The thieves fled the town separately, _ carrying a bag.A. all B. each C. every D. either17. _ an English Chinese dictionary.A. The students each have B. The students each has C. Each the student has D. Each of the student has18. He comes to see his aunt _ three weeks.A. every B. each C. any D. per19. Where shall we be in _ ten years?A. other B. that C. another D. nothing20. Was it during the Second World War _ he died?A. that B. while C. in which D. then21. Canada is larger than _ country in Asia.A. any B. any other C. other D. another22. Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A. this B. that C. he D. it23. _ wrong going in by the back door.A. Im B. Its C. Thats D. Were24. We played several matches against the visitors, but unfortunately lost _.A. ones B. every one C. everyone D. someone25. I bought them _.A. an each ice cream B. an every ice cream C. each an ice cream D. each ice cream26. I dont know which book is better, I shall read _.A. all B. both C. more D. none27. New English-Chinese Dictionary has been republished several times, _ more up to date than the last edition. A. any B. everyone C. either D. each28. After paying 1,000 dollars _, youll all become full members of our club. A. each B. all C. every D. both29. _ was her cruelty that we all hated her. A. It B. What C. That D. Such30. Mary has been ill in bed for a week. I wonder if she is _ better now. A. much B. some C. any D. very31. Which of these two ties will you take? I dont like these. Do you have any_?A. one B. other C. ones D. others32. I need some blue ink today but there is _ at hand. A. not B. nothing C. a little D. none33. Shall we introduce _ fire-fighting equipment from abroad? Go ahead, if necessary. A. other B. a few more C. another D. some other34. Ive just seen no more than one copy of Gone with the Wind in the bookshop opposite. Tom, go and buy _ back. A. one B. any C. it D. some35. Cut the apple into halves so that the twins may each get _ half. A. every B. each C. another D. either36. The children were catching butterflies in the garden. Some caught a lot, and others caught _ at all. A. nothing B. none C. no one D. neither37. Is he content to accept our offered price? Yes. He cares more about the quality. Money is _ to him. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something38. I love you more than her, child. You mean more than _ love her or more than she loves _ ?A. you, me B. I. you C. you, you D. I, me39. Surely its _ with the big nose you mean, not _!A. he, I B. him, me C. him, I D. he, me40. _ of us can do everything, but all of us can do _ . A. None, something B. Some, everything C. Few, something D. Few, nothing1-10: DBBCB CCADD 11-20: AABBD BAACA 21-30: ADBBC BDADC 31-40: DDDCD BCABA

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