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Book2 unit2English Equivalents of Chinese1. 导致血缺铁to lead to reduced iron in the blood2. 四分之一女孩one in/out of four female teenagers 3. 吸收蛋白质to take in protein4. 危险最大to be at greatest risk 5. 导致铁离子流失to result in iron loss 6. 妨碍;干扰to interfere with 7. 气喘吁吁to be out of breath 8. 解决问题to undo the problem 9. 想呕吐a feeling of wanting to throw up 10. 弥补不足to remedy the deficiency 1. 恢复; 振作起来to bounce back 2. 高达;直到;胜任up to 3. 为了:in an effort to (do sth.)4. 耗尽;用完;为零to go to zero5. 增加to add to Sentence Structure:1. 原句Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.结构:A new study / research / opinion poll / survey by sb. suggests / indicates that 某人进行的一项新的研究 / 科研 / 民意测验 / 调查表明,Eg: 心理学家们的一项新研究表明:大难的突然降临可能会为受灾的人带来非同寻常的关爱。A recent study by psychologists suggests that the outbreak of unprecedented calamity may lead to the arrival of unusual affection for its victims.2. 原句For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. 结构:For sb. / sth. that , as they have observed / found, any be enough / liable to 正如他们所观察 / 发现的那样,对于的某人 / 某物来说,任何的足以 / 可能用于表述“特定人 / 物可能出现的状况”。 Eg: 对饱受精神创伤折磨的人,任何新打击都可能使之走上绝路。For those who are fully cursed with mental scars, any new attack is liable to put them on the road to ruin.3. 原句 People think that if theyre not at the third stage, nothing is wrong, but thats not true. 结构:Sb. believe / feel that , but that is not true / the case. 某人认为 / 感到,但这是不正确的 / 但这并非如此。用于强调“人们常识的不正确”。 Eg: 许多青少年认为,玩网络游戏能体现他们的人生价值。但这是错误的。Many teenagers believe that their life worth is embodied in playing online games. But that is not true.4. 原句While active, childbearing age women are most likely to have low iron stores, he notes, “Men are not safe, especially if they dont eat meat and have a high level of physical activity.”结构:While sb. / sth. be most likely to , sb. / sth. (else) be (not) , especially if / when 虽然某人 / 某事最有可能,但(另一)某人 / 事也(并非),尤其是当用于表述“事物的普遍性或严重性”。 Eg:虽然青少年最有可能迷恋网上不健康的东西,成年人对此也并非免疫,尤其是当他们没有人生目标时。While teenagers are most likely to become obsessed with unhealthy things online, adults are not immune to them, especially when they have no compass in life.5. 原句In general, its better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. 结构:Its better / suggestive / advisable (for sb.) to do sth. (Its advisable that sb. should do sth.) by doing ., because (对于来说)最好是通过来,因为用于强调“对世人的建议及缘由”。 Eg:一般说来,父母应该提高自己的生活品位,因为他们通常是孩子日常行为的模范。In general, it is advisable for parents to refine their taste for life, because they usually act as daily models for their childs behavior.6. And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals, since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body.结构:Sb. who be (not) likely / liable / inclined to should , since (从句) (不)可能的人,应该,因为用于表述“对特殊群体的建议”。 Eg:道德观念不坚定的官员不应被提升,因为他们的提升会对党的利益造成更大危害。Officials who are liable to lend themselves to easy morality should not be promoted, since their promotion could do greater harm to the interests of our Party.Phrases:1. 有的迹象: to show evidence of 意志坚强和自信的人通常对生活表现出乐观的心态。Those with strong will and self-confidence usually show evidence of optimism about life.2. 恢复健康 / 振作起来: to bounce back 人一想到死亡就会如此恐惧,以致会重新振作起来, 拒绝接受命运的摆布。 People are so frightened at the thought of death that they tend to bounce back, refusing to be playthings of their fates.3. 大体上 / 通常: in general 一般说来,爱美之心人皆有之,但人们对美的标准各有不同。In general, it is only human to love beauty, but peoples criteria for it vary from person to person.4. 高达;一直到;接近于;胜任;忙于;取决于: up toEg:如果你们的产品跟广告宣称的一样好,在市场上就会有很好的销路。 If your product is up to what your ad. claims, it will sell readily in the market.5. 为了 : in an effort to如果你疯狂上网只是为了寻求刺激,长此以往,你从中所收获的肯定是遗憾。If you are crazy for access to the Internet in an effort to seek stimulation, you are bound to reap regret from it in the long run. 6. 可能 / 有倾向:be liable to近朱者赤,近墨者黑One is liable to take on the color of ones company.7. 使某人受不了 / 使某人难过得不得了:to tip sb. over the edge对已经如履薄冰的婚姻,任何来自外界的诱惑都足以使其境况更糟。For a marriage that is already on thin ice, any additional temptation from outside will be enough to tip it over the edge into a worse state.8. 耗尽 / 为零 / 用完: to go to zero对于一支不知为何而战的足球队来说,其胜率趋于零。For a football team that has no idea about what to play for, its chances of victory will go to zero.9. 增加: add to人越纵情于责任之外的事情,将来就会越后悔。The more indulged you become in something other than your duties, the more regret you will add to your future.10. 获得 / 来源于to derive from年轻时的懒散给人之感受,将随着岁月演变为日渐加重的悲伤。What can be derived from ones idleness in youth will evolve into more and more sadness with age.


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