牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习(2)B卷.doc

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牛津版(深圳广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习(2)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)For most people in America, home should be, , comfortable. A . at allB . in factC . above allD . at first2. (2分)Did their favourite team win?Yes. The victory of the team made them all feel excited.A . successB . prizeC . praise3. (2分)Sam is in a hurryMaybe he has got important to do A . everythingB . nothingC . anythingD . something4. (2分)We should do what we can the hunters from the animals.A . to prevent; killingB . to prevent; to killC . prevent; killingD . prevent; to kill5. (2分)Tom,I will go to the Great Wall with my parents today一Great A . Excuse meB . Youre welcomeC . Thank youD . Have a nice day6. (2分) Will you go _ when you are back in your hometown this winter holiday? No, we _have any time because well visit our relatives.A . sightseeing ; hardlyB . swimming, usuallyC . shopping; happily7. (2分)It is not good to _ half of the people while making the other half angry. But its quite hard to make everyone happy.A . discoverB . satisfyC . refuse8. (2分)This shop is very _. It has twenty floors.A . oldB . smallC . bigD . bad9. (2分) Its raining hard , I still want to go there. Youd better take all umbrella.A . SoB . PerhapsC . However10. (2分)When a baby is _, it comes out of its mothers body at the beginning of its life. A . fedB . bornC . taught11. (2分)You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet. A . mapB . pictureC . ticketD . information12. (2分)Please the lights when you leave the classroom. A . turn onB . turn downC . turn upD . turn off13. (2分)Did you knock on the door?Yes, but nobody answered.A . no oneB . somebodyC . anyone14. (2分)All the students are busy. _ are drawing, _are singing and dancing. A . Others, othersB . Some, otherC . Others, someD . Some, others15. (2分) I have _ to do now. Can you give me some advice? Why not _ the park with me?A . nothing; cleaningB . anything; cleanC . nothing; cleanD . anything; cleaning二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空It was raining heavily and the temperature was very high. After class, I took two 1to go to the water room to collect some hot water . Oh! There were so many people! I had to wait in the rain. My2didnt get wet because I wore a hat, but my clothes3.When at last it was my 4I filled the bottles as quickly as possible. I began making my 5back when I saw a boy coming towards me. He was6two umbrellas in his hand. He shouted hello and as he came 7I recognized (认出) that it was Tom.He had been my classmate for 8three years, but we never shared more than ten sentences. He was silent, but I liked talking. We were quite9people and had nothing in common. I didnt like him and even didnt want to see him.“Hey! Whats wrong?” His words brought me 10my thought. “I saw you standing in the rain, so I brought you this umbrella. But it seems a little 11your clothes are already wet.”On hearing this, I was so 12that I couldnt say a single word.“Dont just stand there. Lets go!” He said and held the umbrella for me. We walked towards the dormitory (宿舍) and this time we13a lot.“I know you dont like me, but I want to 14with you.” he said, “You may think I am a boy with few15but it is because I cant find the right words to say.”The rain finally stopped and we saw a rainbow in the blue sky. I said to myself, “it is wrong to judge someone only by his appearance.”(1)A . cups B . glasses C . bottles D . boxes (2)A . hair B . hands C . shoulders D . arms (3)A . will B . did C . were D . would (4)A . pleasure B . place C . turn D . choice (5)A . duty B . car C . chance D . way (6)A . selling B . hiding C . hitting D . holding (7)A . nearer B . faster C . slower D . further (8)A . mostly B . nearly C . mainly D . quickly (9)A . similar B . different C . familiar D . same (10)A . out of B . into C . onto D . within (11)A . early B . easy C . late D . difficult (12)A . surprised B . tired C . moved D . interested (13)A . helped B . talked C . laughed D . collected (14)A . make friends B . shake hands C . have meals D . get water (15)A . friends B . bottles C . classmates D . words 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAs a teenager, I felt I always let people down.Once I left home for California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasnt easy, and there were many times I didnt feel safe. When I returned home, I was different, not so sure of myself.I was happy to be home. But then I notice that Penelope, who was staying with us, was wearing my clothes. And my family seemed to like her better than me. I told my mom, and she replied that Penelope was a lovely girl, but no one could replace (替代) me. I pointed out, She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been. But my mother made me realize (意识到) that even with my mistakes, I was a loved member of the family who couldnt be replaced. When I became older day by day, I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place.Each of us holds a unique(独一无二的 ) place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So forget about being replaced. You cant be.(1)Why did the writer go to California? A . To take a trip.B . To visit friends.C . To take part in a party.D . To see a movie.(2)What did the writer think of being at home after the trip? A . Sad.B . Excited.C . Glad.D . Bored.(3)Who thought no one could take the writers place? A . Her friend.B . Her mother.C . Her father.D . Her sister.(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Penelope was the writers friend.B . The writer thought Penelope wasnt patient.C . The writers mother thought Penelope was lovely.D . The writer became sure of herself when she was older.(5)Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A . A thing in my childhood.B . My friend and I.C . My mother and I.D . Everyone is unique.18. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。BIt was only with her death that Nurse Edith Cavell became known, but her story became one of the great epics (ASF) of the First World War. Edith Cavell, born on December 4, 1865 at Northfolk, England, studied nursing, and became First Matron(护士长) at a hospital in Brussels, Belgium. During the war she became an important link in a chain of people helping the wounded and stray Allied soldiers (离散的盟军土兵) back to their own lines. The Germans caught her and she was sentenced to be shot. This brave woman, who had helped over two hundred soldiers to safety, acted with great pride during the short trial(审判). She said at the end her only regret was that she could not have done more than she did.Edith Cavell was killed by several German soldiers on October 12, 1915 after an Americans request to spare her life had been rejected. There is a statue(雕塑) of her in London, arid Mount Edith Cavell in Canada is named for this heroic nurse.(1)The best title for this passage should be .A . A Brave WomanB . Nurse Edith CavellC . Mount Edith CavellD . An English woman, Brussels(2)Edith Cavell was and became the head nurse in .A . a German; BelgiumB . from Belgium; EnglandC . from Belgium; CanadaD . an English woman; Brussels(3)Which of the following is NOT true?A . Edith Cavell served as a matron during the war.B . Edith Cavell had been to Canada.C . Edith Cavell was on the side of the Allied Armies.D . Edith Cavell acted bravely before the enemies.(4)Mount Edith Cavell is .A . named by Edith Cavell B . the name of a ladyC . the name of a mountainD . named after Edith Cavell because she had once worked there(5)The writer wrote the article to .a. show that the war was very cruelb. cell on us to learn from Edith Cavellc. tell us why Edith Cavell was killedd. just record the important happening during World War Ie. sing high praise for Edith CavellA . b and eB . a and bC . a, e and dD . d and e四、 填空题 (共1题;共6分)19. (6分)阅读短文, 然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词.used, just, line, heard, happy, came, piece,from, wellWe can often see dog owners taking their dogs for a walk. But have you _of taking penguins(企鹅) for a walk? Here is a _of news from Japan. In Tokyo Zoo, penguins go out for a walk in_every day. It is said that this can make them happy and stop them_being homesick(想家的). The penguins in the zoo didnt eat _and were not kind to workers when they first came to the zoo, maybe they were not _to the life in the zoo. So the zookeepers_up with this good idea.They_let them walk as they did in South Pole. Now, all these penguins have become _.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)语法填空 Tom had a tour to England last winter. He _(go) by plane. There were lots of _(people) on the plane. When he arrived at the airport, his friend Jack was waiting for _(he). When they _(arrive) at Jacks home, Tom was very happy. The house was so beautiful _many flowers. He lived with Jacks family. They were very _(friend) to him.He was able to _(cook) Chinese food At Christmas, Tom _(receive) some presents from Jacks family and he had _good time. He hopes he will _(come) there again. 六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)补全对话, 其中有两个多余选项。A: Hi, Bill. I notice you are reading the novel again. _B. Three times. Every time I read it, I can learn something new.A: Really? Who wrote it?B: Richard Adams. _I like writers who have special opinions.A: Me too. Could you please tell me more?B: OK. Richard wrote a book for his daughters in the early time. _A: Sounds interesting. Where did you buy this book?B: _A: Is it far from here?B: No. _Just next to the Peoples Cinema.A: Oh, I see. Thank you!A. Only 10 minutes walk from here.B. What a wonderful novel!C. In the Rose Bookshop.D. Hes a great English writer.E. How many times have you read it?F. What are you doing here?G. In 1974, the book came out and it became very popular.七、 翻译 (共1题;共15分)22. (15分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (1)他现在正在美国学习。He _in the United States now.(2)她正给她在北京的朋友打电话。She is _on the phone _her friend in Beijing.(3)Zhu Hui想念他的家人并且希望吃他妈妈做的美味的饺子。Zhu Hui _his family and _to have his moms delicious dumplings.(4)他正在电视上看龙舟比赛。He is _dragon boat races _TV.八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)请结合下面两幅图片所示内容, 以“How to behave(表现)at school?”为题写篇短文。要求:1.简要描述两幅图片, 并针对这些校园欺凌现象谈谈自己在学校应该如何做(至少2点);2.文中不得出现考生真实的姓名和学校名称;3.80个词左右, 已给出的部分不计人总词数。参考词汇:beat, kick, laugh at, respect(尊重), harmonious(和谐的)How to Behave at School?There is something unpleasant happening at school. In Picture One, _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 填空题 (共1题;共6分)19-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)21-1、七、 翻译 (共1题;共15分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、八、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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