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Unit 4 Love and MarriagePassage A Our International Love StoryDetailed Discussion of the Text1. In China we have an old saying, “separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.” (Introduction)中国有句古话:有缘千里来相会。1)predestination:n. (1) 宿命论 (2) 得救预定论 e.g.The doctrine of predestination is very popular in the West.宿命论在西方很流行。2. Emily Grace tells us how she and Sean are destined to be together despite the distance between them. (Introduction)Paraphrase: Emily Grace tells us that although she and Sean are thousands of miles apart and dont know each other at that time, it seems that they are certain to be together in the future.1) destined: a. (not before noun) certain to have sth. or do sth. at some time in the future命中注定的;;预定的pred 作表语 (fml 文) (a) destined for sth./to do sth; be destined that命中注定要做;;预定e.g.Comimg from a theatrical family, I was destined for a career on the stage. 我生于戏剧工作者之家,这注定了我的舞台生涯。It was destined that they would marry. 他们结婚是缘分。(b) destined for on the way to (a place) 去,到,往,赴(某处)e.g.A letter, a traveler, an aircraft destined for London 往伦敦的信、游客、飞机2) destination: n. a place to which sb./sth. Is is going or being sent 目的地e.g.Tokyo was our final destination. 东京是我们的最终目的地。3. I was also determined to one day live in this distant and charming country. (Para Para. 1) Paraphrase: I was also determined to one day live in France, a delightful country, although it is a long way from me.1) charming: a. delightful; pleasant; attractive迷人的, ,娇媚的e.g. a charming girl, a charming little cottage; charming manners 迷人的姑娘,讨人喜欢的小村舍,迷人、优雅的风度2) charm: n. power of to pleasingplease, fascinating fascinate or attractive people; attractivenes迷人的力量; 魅力e.g.A woman of great charm 极为迷人的女子 The charm of the countryside in spring 郊外的春光明媚 He has a lot of charm. 他很有魅力。4. Eleven years later I found myself in the Los Angeles Airport with two big suitcases. (Para Para. 2)e.g. sb. finds oneself in (a certain place)意思是:“意外发现自己身处某地”。e.g.Michael woke up to find himself in a strange place. l 迈克尔醒来时发现自己在一个陌生的地方。5. the delightful town situated amid olive trees, vineyards and lavender fields was now my new home, at least for the summer. (Para Para. 2) Paraphrase: I was going to live, at least for the summer, in Aix-en-Provence, a southeastern French town surrounded by olive trees, vineyards and lavender fields.1) situate v. esp. passive 尤其用于被动语态 place or locate (e.g. a building or town) in a certain position 尤其用于被动语态 使(建筑物或城镇)建于或坐落于某处e.g.The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north. 公司想把总部设在北方。The village is situated in a valley. 那个村子在山谷里。Where will the school be situated? 学校要建在哪儿?The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north. 公司想把总部设在北方。The village is situated in a valley. 那个村子在山谷里。6. After an amazing two weeks in Paris(Para Para. 3) 1) amazing: a. (usually approving 通常用作褒义) 令人惊异的e.g.an amazing speed, player, feat 令人惊异的速度、表演者、事迹I find it amazing that you cant swim. 你不会游泳可使我大吃一惊。2) amaze: vt. to fill with surprise; astonish使大为吃惊, 使惊奇e.g.He amazed everyone by passing his driving test. 他驾驶考试合格使大家大为惊奇。She was amazed/It amazed her that he was still alive. 他居然还活着使她感到惊奇。7. As I met different people both American and French I continually received comments from people saying that I would have loved the guy who moved out of my flat. (Para Para. 3)“would/should have+过去分词”为虚拟语气,表示:应该会已经做了某事,(要是)。e.g.I should have known. 我早该想到的。He should have helped her. 他理应帮助她。I would have bought it if you didnt stop me. 如果你没有拦我,我可能已经买下它了。8. I thought that this guy must be amazing, but I knew that I would never meet him, so I let it go.1) let it go: say or do no more about sth. 任它去,不要再想那么多想e.g.I dont agree with all you say, but Ill let it go at that. 我并不完全同意你说的话,但我不再多说了。I thought she was hinting something, but I let it go. 我想她是有所指,不过我没有理会。2) let sb./sth. be: not disturb or interfere with sb./sttsth. 随它/他/她吧。 e.g.Let me be, I want a rest. 别打搅我,我要休息。Let the poor dog be. 别逗那条可怜的狗吧。3) let sb./sth. go; let go of sb./sth: release (ones hold of) sb./sth. 松开或释放某人【某事物】(某事物)e.g.let the rope go/ let go of the rope 松开绳子Will they let the hostages go? 他们会释放人质吗?9. Five months later, I moved back to Southern California when I received an email entitled Outta Nowhere. (Para Para. 4)1)“Outta Nowhere” means out of an unknown or unfamiliar place. “Outta” is an American slang, the spoken form of “out of”. “Nowhere” refers to an unknown or little known area.e.g.Some of the great men came out of nowhere. 有些伟人来自不知名的小地方的出身并不显赫。 10. Apparently we rented the same flat in the South of France(Para Para. 4)1) apparently ad. According to appearances; as it seems 显然地;; 表面上; 看来,似乎e.g.He had apparently escaped by bribing a guard. 他看来是贿赂了守卫而逃跑的。Apparently theyre getting divorced. 看样子他们要离婚了。2) apparent a. a). pred 作表语 clearly seen or understood; obvious 清楚易见的;明显;显然e.g.Certain problems were apparent form the outset. 有些问题一开始就是显而易见的。Their motives, as will soon become apparent, are completely selfish. 很快就能看出,他们的动机很快就能看出,完全是自私自利。b). seeming, unreal 表面上的;假的e.g.Her apparent indifference made him even more nervous. 她表面上若无其事反而使他更加紧张。Their affluence is more apparent than real. 他们的富足是虚有其表。11. I sat at my computer and my jaw dropped open. (Para Para. 4)我坐在电脑前,瞠目结舌。sbs ones jaw dropped open形容惊讶、震惊得瞠目结舌,e.g.My jaw dropped open when I saw how much the meal had cost. 我看到那顿饭要花这么多钱真大吃一惊。其语法结构为:不及物动词+形容词(或过去分词)。再如:The plate fell broken. ( 盘子摔碎了。) The old woman cried herself blind.( 老妇哭瞎了。) 12. We were both single at this time and they knew we were supposed to be together. (Para Para. 4)那时我们都是单身,他们认为我们将会注定是要在一起。1) to be supposed to do sth.( a)表示被期望或被要求(按规则、惯例等)做某事。e.g.Youre supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. 你如果要离开教室,应该先问问老师。 Were not supposed to smoke here. 我们不应该在这里抽烟。( b) 本应,本该(用于表示某事本应发生而没有发生)e.g.The new law is supposed to prevent crime. 这些新法令本应起到防止犯罪的作用。2) to be supposed to be sth. 被相信是,被认为 “Dirty Harry” is supposed to be one of Eastwoods best films. 人们认为肮脏的哈里是伊斯伍德的最佳影片之一。3) to be generally supposed 被多数人认为,一般认为e.g.Mr. Tyke was generally supposed to leave the country. 一般认为泰克先生要离开这个国家了。比较:to be supposed to have done sth. 被认为已经做过某事了Mr. Tyke was generally supposed to have left the country. 一般认为泰克先生已经离开这个国家了。13. At this time, Sean who was born in Arizona had moved to Australia where hed been living for the past three years. (Para Para. 5) 出生于亚利桑那州的西恩,此时已经迁居澳洲。过去三年,他一直住在那里。此句包含2个定语从句。第一个定语从句who was born in Arizona修饰先行词Sean,第二个定语从句where hed been living for the past three years修饰先行词Australia。14. Sean and I wrote emails back and forth for a month and then started talking on the phone. (Para Para. 5) 1) back and forth: 来来回回e.g.The shuttle bus runs back and forth between the airport and the downtown area. 此穿梭往返公交车巴士往返在于机场和市中心之间来回。pacing back and forth in the waiting room. 在等候室里来回踱步。 15. while Sean traveled from Australia to India and Nepal doing humanitarian aid work. (Para Para. 5) 1) humanitarian: a. 博爱的;人道主义的e.g.humanitarian aid to the refugees 向难民提供的人道主义援助2) humane a. having or showing sympathy, kindness and understanding 富于同情心的;仁慈的;能体谅人的 e.g.a humane person, act富于同情心的人、古道热肠的行为 humane killing 动物无痛屠宰(法)inhumane a. 不人道的humanism n. 人道主义;人本主义;人文主义humanist n. 人道主义者;人本主义者;人文主义者16. You could say that it was love at first sight, but(Para Para. 6)love at first sight 一见钟情e.g.Do you believe in love at first sight? 你相信一见钟情吗?They fell in love at first sight. 他俩一见钟情。17. my six foot three surfer, tanned from the Australian sun, with sandy blonde hair and green eyes. (Para Para. 6) 他身高6英尺3英寸,我的冲浪爱好者皮肤被澳洲的阳光晒黑了,淡茶浅棕色色头金发,绿眼睛。1) surfer: n. ( a) a person who look quickly through information on the computer internet for anything that interests him or her 上网浏览信息者; ( b) sportsman riding on waves on a special board 冲浪运动员2) to surf: vi. ( a) to ride on waves standing on a special board 冲浪e.g. When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day. 在夏威夷时每天都会去冲浪。( b) to surf the net : e.g. surfing the network with a high-speed modem. 用高速调制解调器在网上浏览信息。3) to tan: vi. 【皮肤】(皮肤)被晒黑 e.g.People with fair skin usually dont tan easily. 皮肤白皙的人通常不会被晒得很黑。 vt. 使【皮肤】(皮肤)晒黑18. We hugged each other, laughing, smiling and shaking from nerves! (Para Para. 6)我们互相拥抱,大笑,激动地握手。laughing, smiling and shaking表示伴随状态from nerves表示发自内心,激动19. Sleepless in Seattle (Para Para. 6) 美国爱情喜剧西雅图夜未眠(又译为缘分的天空),1993年起在全球公映,引起巨大反响。20. We could barely look at each other, but no two hands have ever fit more perfectly together. (Para Para. 6) 我们简直无法看对方,两双手紧紧握在一起。1) barely ad. a) only just; scarcely仅仅, 只不过,几乎没有e.g.We barely had time to catch the train. 我们几乎来不及赶火车。He can barely read or write. 他勉强识字。b) in a bare way 赤裸裸地;光秃秃地;空空地e.g.The room was barely furnished. 室内几乎没有陈设可言。21. For the next week it was a process of connecting my mind with my heart, my heart that knew him so well and my mind that had never seen him in person. (Para Para. 6)接下来的一个星期,我一直在把我的理智和情感联系起来;在情感上我对他已经非常熟悉了,但理智告诉我:我们之前未曾谋面。my heart that knew him so well and my mind that had never seen him in person是并列的同位语从句,解释my heart和my mind。22. the Sunshine Coast of Australia (Para Para. 7) The Sunshine Coast is one of Queenslands premier holiday destinations. With an average of 300 days of sunshine per year and average temperatures ranging from 21 t o 29 degrees Celsius the Sunshine Coast is an enticing destination with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the sunshine. 澳大利亚阳光海岸是位于昆士兰的海滨度假胜地,每年有300天能享受阳光,平均气温为21至29摄氏度。23. where I worked with the same non-profit that hed been working with. (Para Para. 7) non-profit = a non-profit organization 非营利性机构24. In a few weeks well be celebrating our one year “in person” anniversary. (Para Para. 7)anniversary: n. 周年纪念(日)e.g.our twentieth wedding anniversary 我们结婚20周年纪念日the hundredth anniversary of the composers death 那位作曲家逝世一百周年纪念25. Today, we are more in love than ever and I am eagerly awaiting engagement!(Para Para. 7)1) to await: vt. a) ( formal) to wait for【正式用语】 (正式)等候; 等待; e.g.awaiting instructions, results, a reply 等候指示、结果、答复b) be ready or expect准备以待;期待e.g.A warm welcome awaits all our customers. 对我们所有的顾客准备好了热烈的欢迎。A surprise awaited us on our arrival. 我们到达的时候,等待着我们的是一件出乎意料的事。2) engagement: n. a) an agreement to marry someone sb. 订婚,婚约e.g.Congratulations on your engagement! 恭喜你订婚! b) an arrangement to do sth. or meet someone sb. 约定,约会e.g.to have an engagement with someonesb. 与某人有约。Passage B Love Finds a Way: Spencer Tracy and Katherine HepburnBackground Knowledge1. Spencer Tracy and Katherine HepburnSpencer Bonaventure Tracy (April 5, 1900 June 10, 1967) was an American theatrical and film actor, who appeared in 74 films from 1930 to 1967. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Tracy 9th among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time. He was nominated for nine Academy Awards for Best Actor in all.Katharine Hepburn (May 12, 1907 June 29, 2003) was an American actress of film, television and stage. Hepburn holds the record for the most Best Actress Oscar wins with four, from 12 nominations. Hepburn won an Emmy Award in 1976 for her lead role in Love Among the Ruins, and was nominated for four other Emmys, two Tony Awards and eight Golden Globes. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Hepburn as the greatest female star in the history of American cinema.Hepburn made her first appearance with Spencer Tracy in Woman of the Year (1942), directed by George Stevens. Behind the scenes the pair fell in love, beginning what would become one of Hollywoods most famous romances, despite Tracys life long unwillingness (he was a Catholic) to divorce his estranged wife, the former Louise Treadwell, who had married in 1923. Nowadays, Hollywood fans have regarded Hepburns lifelong romance with Spencer Tracy as an example of true love even though they never married. Hepburn and Tracy carefully hid their affair from the public, using back entrances to studios and hotels and assiduously avoiding the press. They were undeniably a couple for decades, but did not live together regularly until the last few years of Tracys life. Even then, they maintained separate homes to keep up appearances. Their relationship, which neither would discuss publicly, lasted until Tracys death in 1967. 2. Academy Awards The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are presented annually by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent award ceremonies in the world. It is also the oldest award ceremony in the media, and many other award ceremonies such as the Grammy Awards (for music), Golden Globe Awards (all forms of media), and Emmy Awards (for television) are often modeled from the Academy.Detailed Discussion of the Text1. This yearly event drew the attention of film fans the world over as it still does. (Para. 1)Paraphrase: This event which happened every year successfully attracted film fans attention in the past, and it is still the focus of the public this year.1) as: 连词,引导方式状语,表示“以同样的方式, 正如 一样”e.g. As we all know, the earth goes around the sun. 众所周知,地球围绕太阳运行。The plan was carried out as we had planed. 计划如期施行。2) draw attention to: cause to notice or pay attention toe.g.Her scream successfully drew our attention to her. 她的尖叫成功地引起了我们的注意。This news report drew public attention to the importance of environmental protection.这则新闻报道使公众意识到环境保护的重要性。2. However, this year the award show was a bit more emotional, the back-story a bit more dramatic. (Para. 1) the back story (was) a bit more dramaticIn compound sentences, when different subjects share the same operational verb, this verb may be abbreviatedomitted.e.g.John must have been playing basketball and Mary (must have been) doing her homework. 约翰一定是在打篮球,而玛丽一定是在做家庭作业。Jimmy was the winner in 2008, and Bob (was the winner) in 2009. 2008年的赢家是吉米,2009年则是鲍勃。3. The year in motion pictures for 1967 featured two movies dealing with race relations in the United States. (Para. 1) to feature: vi. to give special attention to; display, publicize, or make prominent. Fish features largely in their diet.他们在的食物是以鱼为主。Painting in her spare time features largely in her life.业余时间内画画成为她生活中的一大特色。 4still considered to be perhaps the best female actor ever to grace the screen (Para. 2)Paraphrase: , (who was) still considered to be perhaps the best female actor ever to grace the screen1) 分词做后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,过去分词做后置定语,表示被动或已完成,;现在分词做后置定语,表示主动或正在进行进行。e.g.Do you know the boy (who is) standing at the door? 你认识站在门口的那个男孩子吗?The hamburgers (which are) sold in this chain are not to my taste. 这个连锁店里卖的汉堡包不是很合我的胃口。The shoes (that were) made in a small factory are of bad quality. 小厂产的鞋子质量差。2) to consider: vt. to view, think or regarde.g.He was considered to be the best candidate for President. 他被当做视为是总统的最佳候选人。I consider it useless discussing the matter with them. 我认为和他们讨论这件事没有用。5. However, Spencer Tracy, the man nominated for best actor was not there. (Para. 2)Paraphrase: However, Spencer Tracy, the man who was nominated for best actor was not there.to nominate: vt. to propose by name as a candidate, especially for election. 提名((为候选人)),任命e.g.The board nominated her as the new director. 董事会任命她为新董事。I nominate Bill for the club president. 我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。6. Tracys wife attended the show in case he won. (Para. 2)in case: if it happens that, as a precaution: e.g.Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 把帽子带上,以防太阳猛。I have written all the details in my note book in case I miss anything. 我已经把一切的细节都记在笔记本里了。7. Hepburn was raised in a privileged and intellectually elite family. ((Para. 3)) Paraphrase: Hepburn was brought up in a family which enjoyed a lot of privilege and a superior intellectual status. privilege: n. a special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, a class, or a caste.e.g.Everyone is born equal and no one can have privilege in front of the law. 人人生来平等,在法律面前没人能享有特权。 Education should not be considered to be a privilege in a modern society.在一个现代社会中,受教育不应该被看成是一种特权。8. a sensibility he brought to his performances. ((Para. 3)) 他将这种情感融入他的表演中。9. It was perhaps these clear differences in upbringing that allowed their love to bloom almost immediately. ((Para. 3)) Paraphrase: Perhaps the differences in their childhood backgrounds allowed them to fall in love with each other quickly. 1) It is / was + 被强调部分+ that 强调句型,可用来强调主语,宾语,状语 e.g. It is these poisonous products that can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles. 正是这些有毒物品引起了头疼,肌肉酸痛等流感的症状。It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages that attracted the audiences interest. 正是这个年轻人学习五种外语的方法引起了观众们的兴趣。It was an old beggar whom/that Mary met in the street yesterday. 昨天玛丽在街上遇到的正是这个乞丐。It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. 直到她摘下墨镜,我才认出她就是那个著名的影星。10. At that time, the Catholic Church did not allow its followers to divorce their spouses. (Para. 4) to divorce: vi. to end marriage with sb. 离婚 e.g.The couple got divorced last year and now she was taking care of their son. 这对夫妇去年离婚了,现在,他们的儿子正在由她来照顾。 To divorce involved involves a lot of complex legal procedures. 离婚需要办很多复杂的法律手续。11. Hepburn and Tracys twenty-five year affair was the secret everyone knew about, providing gossip magazine writers and photographers with enough material to fill whole issues. (Para. 5)Paraphrase: Their love story was well known and it also made a good story for gossip magazine writers and photographers.gossip: n. (derog) casual talk about the affairs of other people, typically including rumor and critical comments (贬)流言蜚语e.g.Do not believe all the gossip you hear. 不要相信那些道听途说的话。Its none of your business, so do not gossip about it any more. 这跟你完全没有关系,所以就不要就此说三道四了。12. Hepburn and Tracys love for each other was strong enough to take the scrutiny they often encountered. (Para. 5) Paraphrase: Their love for each other could go through any close examination they met with. scrutiny: n. a close, careful examination or study or observation 仔细的审视 e.g.His theory wouldnt bear scrutiny. 他的理论经不住推敲。 Every product undergoes a close scrutiny. 每件产品都经过仔细的检查。13. For Tracy, his working-class practicality and strength allowed him to ignore what was being said about his love for Hepburn. ((Para. 5)) to ignore: vt. refuse to pay attention to, disregard 忽略e.g.I tried to beg her pardon, but she just ignored my apology. 我试着请求她的原谅,可是她不理我。 Ignore the child if he misbehaves, and hell soon stop. 小孩不乖时,,别去理他,;不久他就会不闹了。14. Tracys religion was prohibiting them from publicly celebrating their love for each other. (Para. 6) prohibit sb. from doing sth.: prevent sb. from doing sth. e.g.Photo-taking is prohibited in this museum. 博物馆内禁止拍照。 This rainy weather prohibited us from a barbeque in the garden. 多雨的天气使我们不能在花园里烧烤。15. , stacking up awards and acclaim for their performance ((Para. 6)) 使他们的演技表演获得了无数的奖项和赞誉 1516. As it turned out(Para. 7) 1) turn out: a) prove to be 结果证明是 e.g. This accident turned out to be caused by drunken driving.这起事故被证明是由于醉酒驾驶导致的。 The man with whom I chatted through the internet turned out to be Lindas cousin. 那个跟我在网上聊天的男人后来被证实原来正是琳达的表哥。 b)


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