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重庆市2017高考英语阅读理解选编(13)(附解析)阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2013东北三省三校第二次联考,C)UGG boots have been a winterweather fashion for several years now, combining function, comfort, warmth and even some style. What many UGGenthusiasts dont know is that their boots are a breeding ground for bacteria and cause foot problems.Doctors believe the boots, which are particularly popular among young teenage girls, are leading to a rise in the number of people suffering pains in their feet and knees.Dr. Ian Drysdale, head of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine, believes because the foot does not get the proper support on the inside, it will lead to more ankle, knee, hip and back problems. “These boots are not designed for outside wear. Just because something becomes a trend or fashionable doesnt mean its good or right,” he said. “The particular problem with this type of footwear is that it is unsupported. Its a slipper. You wouldnt normally expect to be doing outdoor activities from something thats indoor. If you decide to wear your pajamas outside all the time, someone will come up and say its not a good idea.” Dr. Drysdale explained that the feet issues become a particular problem among young teenage girls, whose bones are “plastic” and developing when they are growing. “If that structure is developing in an inappropriate way,” he said,“then the ultimate structure will be deformed.”Mike ONeill, a consultant surgeon, said,“As the foot slides around, you get wear and tear (磨损) on the joints on the inside of the foot. The ankle is in the wrong position, the thigh bone also changes position, and you get an abnormal movement in the pelvis, which leads to back problems.”UGG Australia, who makes the designer version of the boots, told The Daily Wirror that their boots are “comfort” rather than “performance” footwear and consumers should be aware of “knockoffs (仿制品)” which lack reinforced heels in their boots.文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。文章介绍了雪地靴因它的时尚、舒适、保暖等特性而备受年轻女孩的青睐。但研究人员发现,在它时尚的外观背后,隐藏着一些不为人知的健康隐患。1Teenage girls prefer to wear UGG boots because of the following EXCEPT _.Adesign Bcomfort Cquality Dwarmth答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“. combining function, comfort, warmth and even some style.”可知,A、B、D三项都是年轻女孩喜欢雪地靴的原因。故C项正确。2According to Dr. Ian Drysdale, _.Athere is a possibility that bacteria will multiply in UGG bootsBwearing UGG boots will lead to more ankle and toe problemsCits not a good idea to wear boots like UGG outside all the timeDteenage girls bones are plastic enough to wear UGG boots答案:C细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“These boots are not designed for outside wear. Just because something becomes a trend or fashionable doesnt mean its good or right, he said. The particular problem with this type of footwear is that it is unsupported.”可知,C项正确。3The underlined word “deformed” is closest in meaning to _.Ashaped Bstrengthened Creformed Ddamaged答案:D词义猜测题。由语境可知,年轻女孩子的骨头正在发育,具有一定的可塑性。如果骨骼结构以一种不合适的方式发育的话,骨骼就会损伤,发生变形。shaped合适的,有计划的;strengthened使加强的;reformed革新的;damaged损伤的,毁坏的。此处与倒数第二段中“back problems”相照应。故D项正确。4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?APotential Harm of UGG Boots BThe Popularity of UGG BootsCThe Unique Design of UGG Boots DBenefits of UGG Boots答案:A标题概括题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了雪地靴对年轻女孩生长发育过程中所造成的潜在危害。故A项正确。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。【2013潍坊5月模拟】When you tidy your messy bedroom,it gets a lot easier to find things.Dreams may work the same way for a messy brain,helping you learn by organizing memories and ideas.To test how much dreams can help learning,Robert Stickgold had some students play a shapefitting game called Tetris (俄罗斯方块) for a few hours and then go to sleep.Soon they were dreaming of falling Tetris shapes.Interestingly,the worst Tetris players had the most Tetris dreams and improved their game the most.Similar tests have shown the same results for all kinds of skills.As we dream,many important tasks are getting done.The brain decides what to keep and what to forget.It is connecting new experiences to older learning.In fact,the brain is learning all night long.Another important task of dreams may be to help us deal with emotions (情绪)At night,emotions are in the drivers seat.People who have had an upsetting experience often dream about it afterward.Often the dream event changes somehowanother way the brain tries to make the memory less upset.So if your best friend moves away,you might dream that youre the one whos moving.In fact,dreams have a proven power to improve mood,and people who dream about whats bothering them usually feel better sooner than those who dont.Everybody dreams for a couple of hours every nightin the course of your life,youll spend about 25 years asleep and 6 years dreaming.Theres probably no single answer to the question why we dream,but there doesnt have to be.One dream might help you remember your math facts,while another might lead to a new invention,or give you a fun,crazy story to tell your friends.Its all in a nights work for our busy,mysterious brains.1Robert Stickgolds test shows that_.Agames are useful for memoryBdreams can help improve skillsCplayers stop learning in dreamsDtasks can only be settled through dreams2We can learn from Paragraph 4 that_.Adreams can get rid of sufferingsBonly drivers can deal with emotionsCone may be less upset after a dreamDdreams can copy what one experienced3Which of the following does the author probably agree with?ADreaming does harm to ones mood.BDreaming affects the quality of sleep.CIts hard to find out the secrets of dreaming.DIts not so important to know the cause of dreaming.4What does the text focus on?ADreams and memories.BDreams and emotions.CThe benefits of dreams.DThe patterns of dreams.5In which part of a magazine can this text be found?AEntertainment.BTourism.CScience.DAdvertisement.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了梦的好处,即可以改善学习和情绪。1解析:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,为了证实梦对学习有帮助,Robert Stickgold做了这次实验,而实验结果表明选手的技能有所提高,根据本段最后一句“Similar tests have shown the same results for all kinds of skills.”可推知,梦对学习各种技能都是有帮助的,故选B。答案:B2解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Another important task of dreams.emotions (情绪)”和最后一句“In fact,dreams have a proven power to improve mood.”可知,梦有助于改善心情,故选C。 答案:C3解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“Theres probably no single answer to the question why we dream,but there doesnt have to be.”可知,作者认为关于我们为什么会做梦的解释不止一个,但也没必要非要有一个解释。答案:D4解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要说明了梦的好处:有助于改善学习和情绪。答案:C5解析:推理判断题。根据文章主旨可知,文章是关于梦的科学研究方面的知识,所以最可能在杂志的有关科学的栏目里找到此文章,故选C。答案:C。(2016高考阅读理解)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。It is not unusual to see your deskmate yawn(打呵欠) as he complains that he didnt have a good sleep the night before.Many teens dont get enough sleep because they have too much homework,which keeps them up at night.Some teens cannot sleep at night even when they want to.Studies show that during your teenage years,the bodys biological clock is reset,telling you to sleep later at night and wake up later in the morning.But changes in the body clock arent the only reason teens lose sleep.Lost of people have insomnia(失眠)The most common cause of insomnia is stress.But all sorts of things can lead to insomnia.These include physical discomfort,emotional troubles and even sleeping environment.Its common for everyone to have insomnia from time to time.But if it lasts for a month or more,go and see a doctor.Some people have a condition that causes stomach acid(酸) to move backward towards the chest.This produces the uncomfortable,burning feeling called heartburn.So even if the person doesnt notice the feelings of heartburn because he is sleeping,he may feel tired the next day.Most teens have nightmares sometimes.But,if they are frequent,a persons sleep pattern can be seriously affected.The most common cause of nightmares is emotional problems,such as stress(压力) or anxiety.If you have them a lot,its a good idea to talk to a doctor.Doctors encourage teens to make lifestyle changes to develop good sleeping habits.You probably know that coffee can keep you awake,but did you know that playing video games or watching TV does the same?1The main idea of the first paragraph is .Ateenager cant get enough sleep at allBsleeping problems have different causesCyawning is a good way to get rid of sleepDteenagers care too much for homework2The teenagers biological clock .Aeasily makes teenagers lead to insomniaBis the origin of their insomniaCprovides them with plenty of time at nightDis helpful to improve their concentration3Which way can help to get rid of insomnia?ADrinking some coffee before going to bed.BPlaying video games or watching TV often.CTurning to a doctor for help.DEating much medicine for insomnia.1A段落大意题。根据第一段“It is not unusual to see your deskmate yawn.Some teens cannot sleep at night even when they want to.”可知,青少年们无法获得足够的睡眠。2A细节理解题。根据第二段的“Studies show that during your teenage years,the bodys biological clock is reset,telling you to sleep later at night and wake up later in the morning.”可知,青少年们的生物钟容易导致他们失眠。3C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“If you have them a lot,its a good idea to talk to a doctor.”和最后一段的信息可知选C。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 (2015南昌市十所省重点中学二模)Below are the best four applications to help you organize your closet(橱柜)and trust us, there really is something for everyone.ClosetIf youre looking to create your own digital closet, then this app is for you. Closet helps you categorize your outfits and keeps you uptodate on what youve already worn.PROS: Very simple and userfriendly. Great for helping you look at your own closet without feeling overwhelmed.CONS: No social interactions. This app is strictly for having a mobile version of your closet.PoseThe app makes things insanely easy for the indecisive shopper. So if youre debating whether or not to buy something, you can get a second opinion. The app also gathers photos of items that you wish to buy and items you already own, so they are all in one spot.PROS: When you sign up, you fill out a short survey that helps identify your personal style and subsequently finds people with similar taste that you can follow for inspiration.CONS: The phone application is more visually appealing than the actual website.StyliticsIt allows you to categorize your clothes by color, brand, pattern and more. And if youre wondering whether you have already worn an outfit, simply check your style calendar.PROS: The app comes with a “Today in Fashion History” tip so you can brush up on your style knowledge.CONS: You cant view your style profile using the app yet unless you log on to the site.Walk in My ClosetIf youre browsing the Internet, looking for something to buy, you can instantly add the item to your virtual closet so that your wish list items are all in one place. Besides sharing your closet with other users, you can also sell items you no longer want.PROS: The “Moodboard” is a great way to gather inspiring looks that you like from other users and fashion experts.CONS: The luggage feature, which allows you to prepare outfits for an upcoming trip, is only available on the site; it would be useful if it were on the app.文章大意:本文讲述四个流行的应用程序来帮你组织你的橱柜。1Which of the following can replace the underlined word?AInstantly.BAccurately.CDeliberately.DIncredibly.答案:D词义猜测题。根据Pose中提到So if youre debating whether or not to buy something, you can get a second opinion. The app also gathers photos of items that you wish to buy and items you already own, so they are all in one spot.如果你不知道是否要买,这个app可能收集你想要买的东西的照片,即时的浏览,故app让没有主见的消费者购物变得非常的简单,故选D项。2Which of the following is designed for people who often hesitate when buying clothes?ACloset.BPose.CStylitics.DWalk in My Closet.答案:B推理判断题。根据Pose提到的The app makes things insanely easy for the indecisive shopper可知app让那些优柔寡断的消费者买东西变得更加简单,故选B项。3What can we learn about Walk in My Closet from the passage?AIt is a simple and userfriendly app.BIt helps you confirm your personal style.CIt combines both shopping and organizing your closet.DIt requires you to log on the site to view your style profile.答案:C细节理解题。根据Walk in My Closet提到的If youre browsing the Internet, looking for something to buy, you can instantly add the item to your virtual closet so that your wish list items are all in one place如果你浏览网页时,看到想买的东西,你可以把它加入到你的虚拟衣柜,故可知选C项。4The passage mainly tells us _.Aabout the four best fashion apps to help organize your closetBhow to use these fashion appsCthat everyone can find their own personal styleDthat we should share our closet with friends答案:A主旨大意题。本文讲述四个流行的应用程序来帮你组织你的橱柜,故选A项。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。【2013潍坊5月模拟】“Oh,you must have been a spoiled (宠坏的) kid.You must be really bossy.I wonder what youre going to be like to deal with?” Thats often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out shes an only child,she told ABC News.Despite such negative (消极的) remarks,Hult has decided to have only one child herself.And shes not alone.According to the US Office for National Statistics,women approaching the end of their childbearing years had an average of 1.9 children in 2004,compared with 3.1 for their counterparts in 1976.The percentage of onechild families in Britain had risen from 18 percent in 1972 to 26 percent in 2007.But even though only children are becoming increasingly common,the traditional view that theyre selfish,spoiled and lack social skills holds strong.Even parents of only children,like Hult,are made to feel guilty about having only one child.Worried that theyre being selfish and endangering their childs future,they flock to online discussion forums seeking advice.Soon,however,they ask themselves:is this social prejudice really reasonable?“There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers (同龄人),” Susan Newman,a social psychologist at Rutgers University in the US,told ABC News.This raises another question:why are only children still viewed with such suspicion?“There is a belief thats been around probably since humans first existed that to have just one child is somehow dangerous,both for you and for the continuation of your race,” Toni Falbo,a professor of educational psychology,told the Guardian.“In the past a lot of children died.Youd have had to be crazy to only have one.”Times,of course,have changed and infant mortality (婴儿死亡率) has largely reduced.So what do only children themselves say?Kayley Kravitz,a blogger for The Huffington Post,grew up as an only child and highly recommends the experience.“Being an only child taught me the most valuable skill of all:the ability to be alone,” she said.1Which of the following could be the best title for the text?AAre only children lonely?BAre only children common?CAre only children dangerous?DAre only children different?2What does Susan Newman mean?A Only children are as good as their peers.BOnly children are more selfish and spoiled.CParents feel guilty about having only one child.DParents will endanger their only childs future.3What is the common belief since human existed?AThe infant death rate always stays high.BPeople are crazy to have only one child.CIts easy for only children to earn their living.DIts hard to continue the family line with only one child.4An only child like Kayley_.Amust be difficult to persuade Bcan possibly learn to be aloneCshould value special skills Dneed ignore bad experience5Whats the authors attitude towards having only one child?ANeutral.BNegative.CPositive.DDoubtful.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。尽管在英国越来越多的孩子都是独生子女,但很多人对独生子女的看法却依然如故,认为他们自私、娇气、缺少社交技能。对此,独生子女们有他们的看法。1解析:标题概括题。本文主要讨论了独生子女是否就是英国传统观念中的自私、娇气,缺少社交技能的人,所以D项最适合做文章的标题,故选D。答案:D2解析:细节理解题。根据第四段Susan Newman所说的话可知,成百上千的研究表明独生子女和别的孩子没有什么区别,故选A。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第六段中的“There is a belief thats been around probably.both for you and for the continuation of your race”可知,自从人类存在以来,人们就认为只生一个孩子不论对你自己还是对种族的延续来说都是很危险的,故选D。答案:D4解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中“Being an only child.the ability to be alone”可知,选B。答案:B5解析:观点态度题。文中提到不同人对于独生子女的不同观点,但并没有直接提到作者自己的看法,由此可知,应选A,中立的。答案:A。

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