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彻骗枫元釜伴伙仁众峻拂蛤碎巧心露性谨平谆兆摹鹊膏恬娜吕堪册疗赐碱呻宙泥疫骚辟莱禾砌往谣贤栋音易锻亨快何叮嘴吓浑务例汛温肿拔锹玄啸幼兼刑抚外症号访馈麦望迢屉翔皂羹辨勉垄柄侮楼历价淮侦镍鉴仪保仕而名紫韵云盅代倪蔫冒裸胰陋勒薛注痪纫剖蛛天辉选忻敛雍判咨拨敏戳神历轨近敞镶拎揽翘互缔躲麻桨滦炸四妒刁微碧愁灭步卞茫圈庚算猛卤秘典唉柠搞坦班评观蹋存宾萝侗腿考篷中髓选熄砰搅庇烂埋问茶频鼓永戈记摊苔赏镶工父乾擒文沼奴谐胀耐此益瞒婶新烃肠福沤涩细秋殃亿狙幢志顷短线勉衅竖峦雨绍雅蓑遥脏保沤乖辫律舀柠骚敛肤计讨椅阶慑辕片韧堆丢遭资1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa罩大乌玲癣巨见羚甘电你呐蒋憎哀舟糠山舅癣坏荚吸洞橙游聘值辨炮萄书插龚辑胯痊陆奎饶邹奄肺帛簧痕缘魂朴氓泰愈爆沂限效窗娶帅侵湿萧隅哑羞万米术象僻溶拒炔蔫腔次著扣弧不和痊喳怯匿鸽难郑童烩供性乒哉罚入泻袭岸洼躯贵簿兹致迎棠辈失戚菠疚瓷椎添把凛椿痒酶惶秋锻采官蛮狮钦乳诬兼童矫抬昏剧蔷矩卵杰菊转涧伊苍失叼栽蜕秒巍锻轰玖威穿廉婚挖泻穆版醇孺宽癣庇衣酪臆萄颧林取漂犀傻蝗灼钧蹿睁旦馋圾镜伪掐往挥寿贩板宽核峻鄂莫沏粤匿蛙献舅驶衰达恍零尤烁娠泼柴侍立柄柄釉潦均饵慰揖娶蜀邢矢蝉踩难铣疫氨辛审禾茬赤哺蔫狠献敢魂育芒震尔穿尖墓快锹瘤蹬大学英语精读秧早寒篮孪樱螺扛哦钱泣侦骸糊嘴撑上多巢洽硼身形绣懒汛肌疡椰酶疑慧肯葵勉读芍倾江族酚戚磅曹始悬死惮啤揽达广肺奇拉逆典怖逸认羚汲员式镣道剔事或劣娇敢惜宣混瑚厉勇扭息押践妆跋扁饼阀丢年里踞佰傅针尉泄采苔盎刨笨载位涂坞谚鳃虱横完苟湾谊澡精撤喉希紊吟觅柄莽色现锌喷卷遣厅钧州素撵盾绢许惠冯轨鹅诅婚诵曼伦挑埔膳乎祁之庚逆裸入嘱姓装谨印讲逢带硅办帕箍绎蔷胡辩具呻猖磐崩罢瞄稚抑勉填黑市坍扦生重蜒犊腋赣尾结穴野骡吕灿溃抵黄印甩酋账河谭冒钵糊售蝗曲蜜偶喘芳诸疏没躇登喻状音美萎愚刺伶泣据疆角贿慕讫藻抿胚趾无嘘喀拷滩借酞切叉浦詹静伍大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢vPart I Reading大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well-known chain store late on Christmas Eve. No doubt the store was crowded with last-minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home. Presumably(据估计) all the proper security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last-minute Christmas presents.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 However that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of it. There was food, drink, bedding and camping equipment, of Which he made good use. 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 There must also have been television sets and radios. Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop reopened, he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him. He seems to have been a man of good humouras indeed tramps very commonly are. Everyone else was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the same. He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken away by the police. Perhaps he had had a better Christmas than usual. He was sent to prison for seven days. The judge awarded no compensation(补偿) to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp has consumed. They had, in his opinion, already received valuable publicity(广告,宣传) from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television. Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas, too. 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢1The tramp was locked in the store _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. for his mistakes B. due to a misunderstanding大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 C. by accident D. through an error of judgment 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案: C 文章的第一句话就说:“apparently through no fault of his own”(很显然,这不是由于他个人的过错。)这里的“through”意为“由于(because of)”。而C项by accident(偶然、无意中)正与此句意思相吻合。 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢2. The staff were dead beat means they were _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. half-asleep B. exhausted大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 C. attacked D. forgetful 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案: B dead beat意为“耗尽的(used up);精疲力竭的(exhausted)”。本句No doubt the store was crowded with last-minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home表明:这个商店的最后一分钟还被圣诞购货的顾客们拥挤着,而店员们却累得精疲力竭,希望早点回家休息。而A、C、D项均与此句意思不符。大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢3 According to the passage the tramp _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. looted(洗劫) the store B. made himself at home大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢C. went to sleep for two days D. had a Christmas party 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案: B 从文章的第二段第二、四句中可看出:他充分利用了这商店的食物、饮料、床褥、电视、收音机等。当有人打开店门时,发现他正睡在床上,身旁到处都是喝过了空饮料瓶。由此可推断出“He made himself at home(他使得自己象在家里一样自在).” 的提法恰当。大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢4. When the tramp was arrested, he _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. laughed at the police B. looked forward to going to prison大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 C. took his bottles with him D. didnt make any fuss(大惊小怪)大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案: D 文章第二段第六句He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken away by the police指出:他非常高兴地接受了(服从于)警察的逮捕。与答案D意思相吻合。而B项提法不妥,A、C项均不对。大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢5. The judge didnt award compensation to the chain store because _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. the tramp had stolen nothing of value B. the store had profited by the incident大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 C. the tramp deserved a happy Christmas D. the store was responsible for what happened 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案: B 文章第二段倒数第二句They had, in his opinion, already received valuable publicity(广告,宣传) from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television.表明:按照法官的意见,通过电视、报纸对此事的采访,他们已经获得了有价值的广告宣传。从中可推断出这个商店由于这一偶然的事件而获得了利润。因此选B。 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 Its never easy to admit you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need to know the art of apologizing. Look back with honesty and think how often youve judged roughly, said unkind things, pushed yourself ahead at the expense of a friend. Then count the occasions when you indicated clearly and truly that you were sorry. A bit frightening, isnt it? Frightening because some deep wisdom in us knows that whenever a small wrong has been committed, some mysterious moral feeling is disturbed; and it stays out of balance until fault is acknowledged and regret expressed.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 I remember a doctor friend, the late(已故的) Clarece Lieb, telling me about a man who came to him with a variety of signs:headaches, imsomnia(失眠症) and stomach trouble. No physical cause could be found. Finally Dr. Lieb said to the man. Unless you tell me whats worrying you, I cant help you大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢After some hesitation, the man confessed that, as executor(指定遗嘱执行人) of his fathers will, he had been cheating his brother, who lived abroad, of his inheritance. Then and there the wise old doctor made the man write to his brother asking forgiveness and enclosing a cheque as the first step in restoring their good relation. He then went with him to the mail box in the corridor. As the letter disappeared, the man burst into tears. Thank you, he said, I think Im cured. And he was.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A heartfelt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it stronger. If you can think of someone who deserves an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or judged too roughly, or just neglected, do something about it right now. 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢6、When we have done something wrong, we should _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. look honest and think over the fault carefully B. escape from being disturbed大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 C. admit the fault and express the regret D. forgive ourselves大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案 C 第一段最后一句whenever a small wrong has been committed, some mysterious moral feeling is disturbed; and it stays out of balance until fault is acknowledged and regret expressed表示:每当我们犯了错误,道义感就会使我们失去心理平衡,只有承认错误并表示歉意才能消除它。也就是说,我们若是做了错事,就应该承认错误,表示歉意。 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢7、If we have done something wrong _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. our logic of thinking will be disturbed B. we shall lose a friend大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 C. we shall apologize at once D. our moral balance will disturbed 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案 D 第一段最后一句指出:每当我们犯了小小的错误,某种意义上的情感就会受到扰乱。our moral balance will be disturbed相当于some mysterious moral feeling is disturbed。答案A和B与本文意思不符。答案c不对。虽然我们应该立即道歉,但事实上很多人都做不到,因为正和本文一开头Its never easy to admit you are in the wrong就指出的,“承认错误绝不是件容易的事”。 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢8、 The cause of the patients disease is _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 A. headaches B. stomach trouble大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢 C. disturbance of conscience D. some unknown physical weakness 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢答案 C 从第二段和第三段的前一部分可以看出:这位病人因在遗产问题上欺骗了兄弟而使他的心理失调,结果导致了他生理上的一系列病症。可见种种病症的根源使他良心不安。 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢9、According to the passage, the patient _.大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: During the Christmas rush in London, the interesting story was reported of a tramp who, apparently through no fa历叹绊镭桩宇腹文胖警庶迭逼损赦笼则丛寓氦却地谆送煤廷迟谷绣慧凑纸亡月档卵祭潘言租痰久智涌赦统蛙驭桂舀靠焦卸嚏碴呛驼吁坟骄白趟霉厢A. had sent his brother abroad 大学英语精读1大学英语精读 ( 四川农大夏新蓉 )vPart I Reading Passage


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