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大学英语六级核心单词必备 以 “A”开头Abnormal. 不正常的 真题回放1. Human behaviour may be caused by eating substance that upset the delicate chemical balance in the brain.(95.1)A Deliberate B Consistent C Primitive D Abnormal2.His body temperature has been for 3 days , the highest reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.(1998.1)A uncommon B disordered C abnormal D extraordinary 3.Cancer is a group of disease in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of cells .(06.1.68)A irrelevant B inferior C controversial D abnormalAbsurd.荒谬的,可笑的真题回放1. There was once an idea that the earth was flat and motionless.(99.6.39)A eternal B offensive C absurd D intrinsic 2.It is that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.(2002.1.64) A abrupt B absurd C adverse D additive 3.It seems somewhat to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting .(2006.1.41)A eccentric B impossible C absurd D unique 4.Even sensible men do things sometimes (02.6.52)A abrupt B absurd C acute D apt Ambiguous .模棱两可的1.The directions were so that it was impossible to complete the assignment.(98.6.41)A ingenious B ambitious C notorious D ambiguous 2.His directions confused us ; we did not know which of the two roads to take .(99.6.41) A ingenious B ambitious C notorious D ambiguous 3.Fortune-tellers are good at making statements such as “Your sorrows will change”(01.6.60)A philosophical B ambiguous C literal D invalid 4.You need to rewrite this sentence because it is ; the readers will have difficulty in understanding it .(96.645)A comprehensive B alternative C deliberate D ambiguous 5.The meaning of the sentence is ; you can interpret it in several ways .(06.1.67)A skeptical B intelligible C ambiguous D exclusive Ambiguous answer /sentence /direction /interpretation /explanation /response Ascribe -to -归咎于-1.The famous scientist his success to hard work.(2000.6.51)A imparted B granted C ascribed D acknowledged 2.Many great scientists their success to hard work.(04.1.65)A portray B ascribe C impart D acknowledge 3.Police and villagers unanimously the forest fire to thunder and lightning.(06.1.50)A ascribed B approached C confirmed D confined Ambitious .有雄心的,有抱负的1.My sister is quite and plans to get an M. A .degree within one year.(2000.1.58)A aggressive B enthusiastic C considerate D ambitious 2. The board is pleased with that young manager.A ambiguous B ambitious C greedy D snobbish3.Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their for world conquest.(01.1.33)A admiration B ambition C administration D orientation Adhere to .遵守.坚持1.Email is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _ well to human needs. ( 00.6. 63 )A) adheres B) reflects C) conforms D) satisfies2.If you want to set up a company, you must _ with the regulations laid down by the authorities. ( 99.6. 32 )A) complyB) adhereC) confirmD) accord3.More than 85 percent of French Canadas population speaks French as a mother tongue and _ to the Roman Catholic faith. ( 03.1. 61 )A) caters B) adheres C) ascribes D) subscribesThe director gave me his _ that he would double my pay if I did my job well. ( 01.1. 34 )Assurance .give sb. ones assurance that -保证A) warrant B) obligation C) assurance D) certaintyThe manager gave her his _ that her complaint would be investigated. ( 02.1. 46 )A) assurance B) assumption C) sanction D) insuranceAllege . 宣称The suspect _ that he had not been in the neighborhood at time of the crime. ( 00.6. 61 )A) advocated B) alleged C) addressed D) announcedIt was _ that the restaurant discriminated against black customers. ( 02.6. 41 )A) addicted B) alleged C) assaulted D) ascribedAscertain .弄清,确认1. We shall probably never be able to the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles A assert B impart C ascertain D notify 2.The police are trying to what really happened .(04.6.53)A ensure B assure C entertain D ascertain Acquaint 熟悉 1. They are well with each other since once studied in the same university.(98.6.64)A identified B recognized C acknowledged D acquainted 2.The author of the report is well with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years (01.6.48)A acquainted B informed C accustomed D known Acknowledge. 承认,感激Despite almost universal _ of the vital importance of womens literacy, education remains a dream for far too many women in far too many countries of the world. ( 01.6. 69 )A) identificationB) complimentC) confessionD) acknowledgementProfessor Hawking is _ as one of the world greatest living physicists. ( 02.6. 44 )A) dignifiedAccommodate 住宿,膳宿1. This grand hotel can up to 2000 tourists A accommodate B provide C offer D feed Alternate v 交流.轮流1 Professor Smith and Professor Brown will in presenting the series of lectures on American literature .A alter B alternate C substitute D exchange (90.1.51)2. 1 Professor Smith and Professor Brown will in presenting the series of lectures on American literature .A alter B alternate C substitute D exchange (04.1.70)Assemble 集合,聚焦1. If the alarm is sounded , all residents are requested to in the courtyard.(97.6.62)A assemble B converge C crowd D accumulate Anticipate v 预期1. The doctor dont that the patient will live much longer.(04.1.67)A monitor B manifest C articulate D anticipate 2.The doctors dont he will live much longer.(2000.1.41)A articulate B anticipate C manifest D monitorAscend 上升.攀登1. The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons slowly into the sky.(98.6.59)A floating B raising C heaving D ascending 2. All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons Slowly into the sky .(02.6.47)A ascending B elevating C escalating D lingering 比较We managed to reach the top the mountain ,and half an hour later we began to .(97.1.43)A ascend B descend C decline D plunge Last year ,the crime rate in Chicago has sharply .(97.6.57)A declined B lessened C descended D slipped Grain production in the world is ,but still millions go hungry .A staggering B shrinking C soaring D suspending Access n. 入口,通路,接触1. The people living in this apartments have free to that swimming pool.(97.1.47)A access B excess C excursion D recreation The place did not appear to be popular ,for it was completely deserted ,and in any case to traffic.(96.1.43)A inadequate B inaccessible C incompatible D insignificant Applaud v 称赞,表彰The school master the girls bravery in his opening speech .(96.1.42)A applauded B enhanced C elevated D clapped Alleviate v 缓解The medicine his pain but did not cure his illness.A activated B alleviated C mediated D deteriorated Asset n. 资产A good education is an you can fall back on for the rest of your life .A asset B ethic C inventory D obligation Accelerate v 加速Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops ,but this only the crisis .A accelerates B prevails C ascends D precedes Authorize v 授权I told him that I would him to act for me while I was away from office .A authorize B justify C rationalize D identify A membership card the holder to use the clubs facilities for a period of twelve months.(03.9.56)A approves B authorizes C rectifies D endows Amplify v 放大(声音)By turning this knob to the right you can the sound from the radio.A intensify B amplify C enlarge D reinforce Agenda n . 议程The subject of safety must be placed at the top of the .(04.6.70)A agenda B bulletin C routine D timetable Affection n. 钟爱The they felt for each other was obvious to everyone who saw them .(04.6.57)A affection B adherence C sensibility D sensitivity Abolish V. 废除1.Slavery was in Canada in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its vast virgin land.(06.1.44)A diluted B dissipated C abolished D resignedAffiliate with 附属于The high school my daughter studies in is our university .A linked by B relevant to C mingled with D affiliated with Alien . n 外行Harold claimed that he was a serious and well-known artist ,but in fact he was a(n) .A alien B client C counterpart D fraud Array n. 陈列,一系列In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the of fine china attracted much attention fo customers from all over the world .(99.6.62)A succession B array C string D revelation 2.Located in Washington D.C. ,the Library of Congress contains an impressive of books on every conceivable subject.(05.6.40)A flock B configuration C pile D arrayAnalogy n 类比1.To help the students understand how we see ,teachers often draw an between an eye and a camera.(01.6.46)A image B analogy C imitation D axis 2.Professor Smith explained the movement of light that of water.(06.1.64)A by analogy with B by virtue of C in line with D in terms of Appropriate .a . 合适的,恰当的For many patients ,institutional care is the most and beneficial form of care.A pertinent B appropriate C acute D persistent Acute a. 敏锐的,锋利的Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell ,they have vision .(96.1.63.)A vigorous B exact C acute D vivid Aggravate v 加剧,使恶化The financial problem of this company is further by the rise in interest rates .(02.6.45)A increased B strengthened C reinforced D aggravated Apt. (to) .易于-的 Shoes of this kind are to slip on wet ground .(02.1.65)A feasible B appropriate C apt D fitting 类似用法还有:to be prone to ; to be liable to ; to be subject to ; to be vulnerable to ; to be susceptible to Acute a, 敏锐的1.A humans eyesight is not as as that of an eagle.(02.1.63)A eccentric B acute C sensible D sensitive 2.Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell,they have vision.(96.1.63)A vigorous B exact C acute D vividAttendant. 随从The Prime Minister was followed by five or six when he got off the plane .(02.1.42)A laymen B servants C directors D attendants Alert v 警告The sign set up by the road drivers to a sharp turn. (04.1.66)A alerts B refreshes C pleads D diverts Authentic a. 真实的What the correspondent sent us is an news report. We can depend on it.(01.1.43)A evident B authentic C ultimate D immediateOf no avail 无用的Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were . A in no way B on the contrary C at a loss D of no avail In accordance with 与-相符合,按照The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house the terms of the contract.(01.6.61)A in the vicinity of B in quest of C in accordance with D in collaboration withAppeal n. 吸引力The traditional market retain their for the many Chinese who still prefer fresh food like live fish,ducks,chickens over packaged or frozen goods.(05.1.64)A appeal B pledge C image D survival以 “B” 开头的核心词汇Bewilder n. 迷惑,弄糊涂Many tourists were by the citys complicated traffic system.(98.6.48)A degraded B bewildered C evoked D diverted When the farmers visited the city for the first time ,they were by its complicated system .A evoked B bewildered C diverted D undermined Barren .a. 贫瘠的,不毛的Many people think of desert as regions ,but numerous species of plants and animals have adapted to life there .(99.6.70)A virgin B barren C void D wretched Within ten years they have turned the hill into green woods .(03.9.49)A vacant B weird C barren D wasteful Blunder n 错误,大错1. I think I committed a in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.(99.1.52)A blunder B revenge C reproach D scandalBudget n 预算The education for the coming year is about $4 billion ,which is much more than what people expected.(97.1.52)A allowance B reservation C budget D finance Breed .v . 培育,养育It is true that a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time . (98.1.53)A multiplying B breeding C magnifying D generating Brittle a. 易碎的Steel is not as as cast iron ; it does not break easily.(03.9.47)A elastic B brittle C adaptable D flexible Baffle v. 使困惑,难住I was completely by one of the exam questions.A pleased B baffled C bewildered D dizzy One of the examination questions me completely and I couldnt answer it .(04.1.48)A baffled B mingled C provoked D diverted Budget . 预算The government has devoted a large slice of national to agriculture than most other countries .A resource B potential C budget D economy The education for the coming year is about $4 billion ,which is much more than what we expected .A allowance B reservation C budget D finance (97.1.52)Bald a. 秃头的He tried to hide his patch by sweeping his hair over to one side .A barren B bare C bald D bleak Boom n. 增长The post-World War II baby resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number of teenagers in the 1960s. (04.6.64)A boost B boom C production D prosperity Breakthrough n 突破While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, leading to a successful treatment could come sooner.(02.1.49)A a distinction B a breakthrough C an identification D an interpretation 议论文常用句型每周一练1. It is considered /thought that - 人们(有人,大家)认为2. It is generally /usually accepted /agreed/recognized that -普遍(一般,通常)认为3. It is believed that -有人(人们,大家)相信4. It is well-known that -大家知道(众所周知)5. It is said that -据说(有人说)6. It is learned that -据闻(悉)7. It is supposed that-据推测8. It is estimated/predicted/calculated that-据估计(预计9. It must be pointed that -必须指出10. It is reported that-据报道11. It must be admitted that-必须承认12. It will be seen that -可见(可以看出)13. It will be seen from this that -由此可见14. It is understood that-不用说(都知道)15. It can not be denied that-无可否认16. It has been proved/demonstrated that-已经证明17. It may be confirmed that -可以肯定18. It may be safely said that-可以有把握地说19. It is sometimes asked that-人们有时会问20. It is expected that/hoped that-人们希望21. When it comes to -要说到,要谈及-以 “C” 开头的核心词汇 Coincide (with) 相一致,相同1.Her arrival with our departure.(91.6.58)A agreed B parted C dealt D coincided 2. It is no that a large number of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. A coincidence B inspiration C correspondence D intuition 3. It was such a(n) when Pat and Mike met each other in Tokyo . Each thought that the other was still in Hong Kong.(05.6.54)A occurrence B coincidence C fancy D destiny 4.It is fortunate for the old couple that their sons career goals and their wishes for him (03.6.44)A coincide B comply C conform D collaborate Comply (with) 遵守1. All students in this university are requested to with the regulations .(95.6.57)A yield B comply C submit D consent 2.All the visitors are requested to with the regulations .(98.1.44)A comply B agree C assist D consent 3.If you want to set up a company , you must with the regulations (99.6.42)A comply B adhere C confirm D accord 4.We find it impossible to with the latest safety regulations (04.1.69)A accord B unify C obey D comply 5.Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients with doctors orders.(06.1.47)A comply B correspond C interfere D interact Compensate (for) 补偿,理赔1.Well you for any damage done to your house while we are in it . (2000.6.69)A compensate B remedy C supplement D retrieve 2.To compensate for his unpleasant experiences he drank a little more than was good for him .(98.1.43)A commence B compromise C compensate D compliment 3.The insurance company paid him $10,000 in after the accident.(97.6.48)A compensation B installment C substitution D commission 4.The relatives of those killed in the crash got together to seek .(04.6.44)A premium B compensation C repayment D refund Conform (to) 符合,遵守1.The vast majority of people in any given culture will to the established standards of that culture .(98.1.46)A confine B conform C confront D confirm 2. As visiting scholars ,they willingly to the customs of the country they live in (03.1.60)A submit B conform C subject D commit 3.All the students have to the rules and regulations of the school.(01.1.54)A confirm B confront C confine D conform 4.All individuals are required to to the laws made by their government .(99.1.54)A obey B conform C concede D observe Compatible a . 匹配的,兼容的1. This new laser printer is with all leading software .(03.1.50)A comparable B competitive C compatible D cooperative 2.Being impatient is with being a good teacher .(01.6.58)A intrinsic B ingenious C incompatible D inherent 3. Dont trust the speaker any more ,since the remarks he made in his lectures are never with the facts .(05.6.34)A symmetrical B comparative C compatible D harmonious Collide (with) 互撞,碰撞1.The morning news says a school bus with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.(97.1.63)A bumped B collided C crashed D struck 2.The helicopter a light plane and both pilots were killed .(01.1.57)A coincided with B stumbled on C tumbled to D collided with 3.It is reported that thirty people were killed in a on the railway yesterday.(04.1.59)A collision B collaboration C corrosion D confrontation Compact .a . 结实的,紧凑的1. The kitchen was small and so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.(99.1.63)A conventional B compact C compatible D concise2. In mountainous regions , much of the snow that falls is into ice .(04.6.62)A dispersed B embodied C compiled D compacted 3. The soil was so that I was hardly able to force a spade into it.A muddy B compact C slack D fertile Consolidate .v. 巩固1. The presidential candidate his position by winning several primary elections(99.6.35)A enforce B enriched C intensified D consolidated 2. His successful negotiations with the Americans helped him to his position in the government .(02.1.52)A contrive B consolidate C heave D in


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