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外贸英语函电自测复习题一、 单项选择题1. Which of the following shows the least responsibility of the seller? ( )A. FOB B. CFR C.EXW D.CIF2. In F.O.B, the buyer is obliged to _ . ( )A. make shipment.B. pay freight.C. clear the goods for import.D. bear all the costs and risks after the goods pass over the ships rail at the port of destination.3. Which one of the following offers is firm? ( )A. We offer you, subject to our final confirmation, the following goods.B. We are making you, without engagement, the under mentioned offer.C. Our offer is subject to change without notice.D. This offer should be withdrawn if not accepted within 15 days.4. Our products enjoy_ in world market. ( )A. most popular B.great popularityC. good seller D.selling fast5. Which of the following L/C can be negotiated by the paying bank when a number of documents such as shipping documents, invoice, insurance certificate etc. have been joined by the exporter. ( )A. Documentary L/CB.Irrevocable L/C C.Confirmed L/C D.Transferable L/C6. We should be pleased to send you some samples of our new typewriters on approval, _ our own expense. ( )A. At B.on C.for D. in7. Since three/ fifths of the voyage is in tropical weather and the goods are liable to go moldy, we think it advisable to have the shipment _ the risk of mould. ( )A. covered insurance B.taken out insuredC. covered against D.insured for 8. The price is _ of your 5% commission. ( )A. Includes B.covering C. Inclusive D. including9. We regret to report that a consignment of silk piecegoods _ Order No.56 has not been delivered. ( )A. With B. for C. on D. under10. The following credits that give the beneficiary a great assurance of payment areA. Revocable L/C B. Irrevocable L/C Confirmed L/C Transferable L/C11. You can find_ for black tea here. ( )A. a ready market B. most popular C. great popularity D. selling fast 12. We are glad that we have an agreement on this matter _. ( )A. come B. got C. reached D. arrived 13. We have made _ that we would accept DP terms for your future orders. ( )A. clear B. it clear C. that clear D. it is clear 14. we would make you the following offer, subject to your reply_ us not later than November 25. ( )A. reach B. reaching C. reaches D. being reached 15. We assure you of our full_ in executing the contract. ( )A. cooperation B. attention C. intention D. appreciation 16. _ our SC No.301, we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10. ( )A. With reference to B. Refer to C. Referring D. With refer to 17. _ your letter of March 5,we are pleased to inform you that the LC has been received. ( )A. Replying to B. Replying for C. Replied to D. Replied for 18. I suggested he should himself to his new condition.( )A. adopt B. regulateC. suitD. adapt19. He took a note on the calendar to himself of their luncheon date. ( )A. remember B. recall C. remind D. regret20. It was the second time that they the museum. ( )A. visited B. would have visited C. had visited D. would visit21. The business negotiation is well between the two companies. ( )A. under way B. in wayC. under progress D. at progress22. It is important that the hotel receptionist that guests are registered correctly. ( )A. make sure B. has made sure C. made sure D. must make sure23. The British constitution is a large extent a product of the historical events described above. ( )A. at B. within C. by D. to24. evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated. ( )A. It being B. It is C. There is D. There being25. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you it. ( )A. mustnt have done B. wouldnt have doneC. mightnt have done D. didnt have to do26. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes I heard voices. ( )A. as B. when C. after D. while27. We are pleased to you that 6000 dozen shirts under Sales Confirmation No.C123, L/C No.5678 have gone off on S.S. “Dragon”.( ) A. ask B. inform C. speak D. talk28. Claims for or incorrect material must be made within 30days after arrival of the goods. ( ) A. lack B. scarcity C. shortage D. rarity29. you accept our offer, please cable us for our confirmation. ( ) A. until B. unless C. if D. as 30. We feel very regrettable that we cannot accept nay order for Tin Foil Sheets at present. ( ) A. it B. this C. that D. what31. We hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorable and cable us acceptance you earliest convenience. ( ) A. of B. for C. on D. at32. Last year we shipped walnuts to you the extent of 500 metric tons. ( ) A. by B. within C. in D. to33. You may sell the merchandise at the prevailing market price less one percent. ( ) A. consign B. consignor C. consignee D. consignment34. We thank you for you cooperation. ( ) A. in advance B. in beforehand C. in progress D. in proceed35. According to the shipping _ it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October. ( )A. schedule B. timetable C. plan D. scheme36. This offer is firm subject to your immediate reply _ should reach us not later than the end of this month. ( )A. it B. they C. what D. which37. _ your information, we have received a crowd of enquiries from buyers in other directions. ( )A. On B. For C. By D. At38. We enclosed our Purchase Confirmation No. 4848 _ duplicate. ( )A. in B. for C. with D. through39. _ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct. ( )A. In case B. In the case C. In this case D. In that case40. We lodge a claim _ you _the short-weight. ( )A. withwith B. forfor C. withfor D. for with二、名词解释1. EXW2. FCA3. CFR4. DAF5. CIF6. DDP7. FOB8. EMP9. INV10. CPT11. D/A 12. P/L13. S/C14. T/T15. WTO三、英汉翻译题1. Because of their softness and durability, our all cotton bed sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular. 2. Our wide connection among those who do business on silk places us in the most favorable position for doing business on the possible terms.3. We regret to inform you that the goods shipped to us on May 4th are not in accordance with your samples.4. We shall send you our Sales Confirmation in due time after receiving your confirmation of acceptance.5. As you know, a lot of foreign businessmen are desirous of trading with us so as to expand the business in China.6. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks to you for your close cooperation.7. Just a few lines to inform you that we have today opened an LC to cover our purchase of Surgical Instruments.8. We fully appreciate your anxiety that the shipment should be made as soon as possible.9. We take the liberty of recommending ourselves as a leading importer of black tea.10. We are a state-operated corporation handing light industrial products.11. We are exporters of long standing and high reputation, engaged in exportation of following articles.12. Our regular purchases in quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items we would allow you a discount of 2%.13. He said he favors development of permanent trade relations with China. 14. With regard to our order for 600 sets “Butterfly” Brand sewing Machines, We have already received your Sales Contract No.5678. 15. As the goods under Contract No. 1986 are now ready for shipment, please rush your LC with the least possible delay. 16. We might add here that, owing to heavy demand, our offer remains firm until December 20 and that there is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed. 17. We wish to call your attention to the validity of the LC since there is no possibility of LC extension. 18. We confirm having cabled you an offer of 30 metric tons walnut meat at RMB 21,860 Yuan per metric ton CIF European Main Ports for November shipment. 19. It will be appreciated if you will immediately let us have your firm offer for machine tools, preferably by cable. 四、汉英翻译题1. 我们从瑞典驻北京的大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的名称和地址并被告知你方欲购纺织品。2. 请您寄给我们各种产品的详细资料包括型号、颜色和价格以及所用各种品质原料的样品。3. 按照你方要求,兹另邮寄中国棉布的样本二份。 4. 由于希望与你公司建立业务关系,我们向你们自我介绍,我公司是法国南部各式男女衬衫的进口商。5. 除非另有说明或约定,价格一律没有折扣。6. 现附上我方第2787号合同正本两份,请会签,并早日寄回两份。7. 你方二月十五日函悉,并已转交了上海公司。他们会直接答复你们,因为你所询问的商品是他们经营的。8. 报价时,请说明你方的交易条件和就每种商品购买量不少于100打所能给予的折扣。9. 我方已另寄给你方样品和三本商品小册子。 10. 假如你方能接受“付款交单”支付方式,我们将非常感激。五、写作题1. Write a firm offer to your old customers covering the following contents. The letter should have a full content including a subject and complimentary ending. The following MP3 is a new product of your company. The information of the commodity is as follows:Wireless MP3WMA Player; Comfortable & Ergonomic Design; Suitable for listening to music while jogging; High Quality Sound; Play File: MP3, WMA; Memory: 32M64M128M; PC Interface: Full Speed USB; Key: Play, Stop, Up, Down; Battery: “AAA” size; Weight: 50g; Playing Time: 811 hours; Company: EC21 Inc.Address: 085 Trade Tower, Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea2. Write a letter to a foreign company for establishing business relations covering the following contents:a. the source of your informationb. your intentionc. your business scoped. the reference as to your firms financial standinge. your expectation评分由内容、表达、术语、格式、结构及卷面五部分组成。Keys一、 单项选择题1-5 CDDBA 6-10 ACCDC 11-15 ACBBA 16-20 AADCC21-25 AADCD 26-30 BBCCA 31-35 DDDAA 36-40 DBAAC二、名词解释1. EXW EX works 工厂交货(指定地点) 2. FCA Free Carrier 交至承运人(指定地点) 3. CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费(指定目的港) 4. DAF Delivered at Frontier 边境交货(指定地点) 5. CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本、保险加运费付至(指定目的港)6. DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货(指定目的地) 7. FOB Free On Board 船上交货(指定装运港)8. EMP European Main Ports欧洲主要口岸9. INV invoice 发票10. CPT Carriage Paid to 运费付至(指定目的港)11. D/A Documents Against Acceptance 承兑交单 12. P/L packing list 装箱单、明细表13 S/C Sales Confirmation / Sales Contract销售确认书、销售合同14 T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇15 WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织三、英汉翻译题1. 由于柔软性和耐用性,我们的棉布床单和枕套越来越畅销。2. 鉴于我们在丝绸领域内的广泛联系,我们愿意建立对双方都互利的业务关系。3. 非常遗憾通知贵方,5月4日发运给我们的货物与样品不符。4. 收到你方接受的确认后,我们将及时寄送销货确认书。5. 正如你方所知,许多外商为了开拓中国市场正迫切希望与我们建立贸易关系。6. 我们借此机会对你方的密切合作表示感谢。7. 兹通知,我们所购买的外科医疗器械的信用证已于今日开出。8. 我方完全理解你方急切希望货物尽早装运。9. 今冒昧自荐,我公司系红茶的主要进口商。10. 我们是经营轻工业产品的国营公司。11. 我们是声誉卓著的出口商,长期经营下列商品的出口业务。12. 对于购买数量不少于100打的商品我们给予2%的折扣。13. 他说他赞成同中国发展永久性的贸易关系。14. 关于我们向你方订购的600台“蝴蝶牌”缝纫机,我们已收到你方第5678号销售合同。15. 第1986号合同项货物现已备妥待装,请赶快开立信用证。16. 我们不妨在这里补充说明一下,由于需求量大,该盘有效期到12月20日截止,过期后,我们无法再把货物保留着不出售。(或过期不候) 17. 此信用证无展延可能,特此提请你方注意该信用证的有效期。 18. 兹证实我方已给你方拍了电报,报给你方核桃仁30公吨,每公吨欧洲主要口岸价计人 民币21860元,11月船期。 19. 希望早日报给我们工作母机的实盘,最好电开。(或:如能早日报给我们工作母机的实盘,最好电报报盘,我们将不胜感激。)四、汉英翻译题1. We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for textiles.2. We would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used.3. In compliance with your request, we are sending you under separate cover two copies of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods.4. As we hope to establish business relations with you, we make self-introduction as being importer of various men and womens shirts in south France.5. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon all prices are without any discount.6. We are pleased to enclose herewith our contract No.2787 in two originals for your counter-signature. Please send one copy back to us at your earliest convenience.7. Your letter of Feb. 15 had been received and passed on to Shanghai branch. They will relay directly as the commodities you enquired are handled by them.8. When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items.9. Under separate cover we have already sent you our samples and 3 brochures.10. We shall appreciate it very much if you can accept D/P payment terms.五、写作题(略)

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