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初一 下 Unit4 Reading 一 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 On April 1st many foreigners like foolish others 2 Who knows the English explain of this word 3 The two towns are connect by a railway 4 Some chemical are harmful 5 This calculator needs two battery 二 根据句意和首字母提示写出单词 1 I can t turn on the light Maybe there is something wrong with the light b 2 Most rivers f into the sea 3 Mr Lin is too busy to do the housework So he is going to look for a s 4 Electricity is a f of energy 5 We will move to a new f on the eighth floor soon 三 单项选择 1 Tony is very happy today I can see a big smile his face A in B with C on D at 2 The Pearl River flows Guangzhou A across B through C cross D by 3 the cables a power station A Do connected to B Are connected to C Do connect to D Are connected to 4 A dragon A What does the mountain like B How is the mountain C How do you think about the mountain D What does the mountain look like 5 My father looked because I broke his glasses A angry B angrily C foolish D fool 6 the way to the dancing hall of our school Amy said she danced wonderfully a way A In on B On in C In in D On on 7 Rice cookers free people from rice A cook B cooking C cooked D to cook 8 too much meat is bad for your health A Eat B Ate C Eats D Eating 9 A dictionary can help me English well A learning B learned C learn D learns 10 We should keep in the library A quiet B quietly C more quietly D more quiet 11 I want to watch TV Would you please for me Of course A turn on it B turn it on C turn off it D turn it off 四 用下列短语的适当形式填空 come from be able to for example look like a packet of 1 The cloud a horse in the sky 2 Mother is going shopping You can ask her to buy biscuits 3 Sally Canada but she likes Chinese food very much 4 He used to be a good swimmer He swim across the river when he was young 5 I have many hobbies I like listening to music 五 完成句子 1 从某种程度上说 这是一本有用的书 this is a useful book 2 当我问她意见时 她摇了摇头 When I asked for opinion she 3 故事里巫婆把王子变成了青蛙 In the story the witch the prince a frog 4 冰箱接上电源没有 the fridge the electricity supply 5 课后我们有各种各样的活动 We have activities after class 6 小心那条狗 它可能会咬你 the dog It may bite you 7 植物使我们的世界更美丽 Plants our world 8 当你出去时 别让空调开着 Don t the air conditioner when you go out 9 确定你的消息属实后再告诉别人 your news is true before telling others 10 她出去时带了把伞以防万一 When she went out she took an umbrella to be 11 制造模型飞机是他的工作 model plane his job 六 语法选择 Electricity is very useful It helps make our 1 easier For example it s simple and cheap 2 a rice cooker And we use a washing machine very often It frees workers and housewives from 3 clothes by hand And a lot of people use a microwave However to use it 4 you should stand 3 to 4 feet away from the microwave when it is on just to be on the safe side Before you use any glass or plastic containers in a microwave 5 sure they are microwave safe 1 A living B alive C lives D life 2 A use B to use C uses D used 3 A wash B washes C washed D washing 4 A save B safe C safely D safety 5 A make B making C makes D made Listening More Practice 一 找出划线部分与其它三个不同的单词 1 A here B near C bear D clear 2 A hare B pair C chair D are 3 A sure B hour C tour D poor 4 A dear B their C hair D care 5 A fire B diary C repair D buyer 二 根据句意和首字母提示补充单词 1 Don t touch the k of hot water You ll get burnt 2 I forgot to take the i off the dress It burnt a hole in the dress 3 Three years ago Mr Green m here and became our neighbor 4 It is bad for your eyes to keep looking at the computer s for a long time 5 Everyone wants to buy things of the best q with the lowest price 三 单项选择 1 Make sure to all the lights when you leave the lab A switch off B switch on C put off D put on 2 Only of the students agree to have a barbecue this weekend A one three B one third C two three D two third 3 After storms and floods in that summer the villagers life became very difficult A series of B a series C a series of D series 4 You can switch the radio on pressing this button A with B for C of D by 5 You seem ill because your face looks very pale A being B to be C to D to being 6 Must I hand in the homework tomorrow Yes you A can B must C may D should 7 We be late for school It s against the school rules A can B can t C must D mustn t 8 I try on the sweater Yes if you like A Many not B Many C Must D Mustn t 9 Sally play the piano very well She won a famous piano competition last week A may B may not C can D can t 10 This maths problem is quite hard you explain it to me A Cam B Must C Need D Should 11 She is leaving for New York She back in one week A come B will come C comes D came 12 do you think he ll get here Maybe in five minutes A How long B How far C How soon D How many 四 完成句子 1 你姐姐会开车吗 your sister a car 2 我可以用你的电话吗 可以 I your telephone Yes you 3 蛋糕未熟你不要打开烤箱的门 You the oven s door before the cake is ready 4 你一定得这么早就走吗 是的 必须这么早 you go so early Yes I 五 情态动词专练 1 Susan sings well She also sing many foreign songs A can B may C must 2 You take a pet on a bus It s against the law A needn t B may not C mustn t 3 Who run 100 metres in ten seconds He will get a chance to take part in the game A may B must C can 4 Can you help me to take down the old picture Jack A Yes please B Certainly C Sorry I mustn t 5 May I fed the pandas in the zoo No you A can t B mustn t C may not 6 How about going swimming with us Jane Oh no I swim A can t B may not C mustn t 7 Must I clean my room this morning No you A may not B mustn t C needn t 8 you speak French Sally Yes just a little A May B Can C Must 9 It s late I go now OK You come again tomorrow A can may B may must C must may 10 I use your bike Certainly But you give it back this afternoon A Can may B May must C Must can 六 句子翻译 1 很难想像没有了电的生活 2 屋里的灯突然熄灭了 3 她总能用这样或那样的方法让自己快乐 4 我半小时后就会完成作业 5 他们等了很长时间 越来越不耐烦 Unit4 综合能力测试题 一 单项选择 1 What do you think of Tony He is as sly as a fox but he s quite nice And he would often help others A by the way B on the way C in this way D in a way 2 It s a little hot in the room Please keep the windows A closed B opened C close D open 3 How s your report on electricity I it a few days A finish after B will finish in C finished after D am finishing in 4 How did you tell him about this A Last Thursday B In our school library C Very fast D By sending him a message 5 More and more old people are interested in computers However they think a computer hard A use is B using is C use are D using are 6 Mother asked Li Hong to all the plates and cups on the table after dinner A show up B take away C pick up D put away 7 It was very late in the evening We were still working when all the lights suddenly A switched off B went out C switched on D went off 8 The lights in the classroom when I left A were still on B still turned on C were already off D already turned off 9 You must everything is ready before you interview Doctor Ray A look around B care about C make sure D know about 10 I finish this project this week No you hand it in next week A Can can t B Must needn t C May may not D Must may 二 完形填空 Mrs Brown was about seventy Her son Ken wanted to give the old lady a nice 1 for her birthday Mrs Brown liked making tea very much 2 Ken decided to buy an electric kettle People could 3 music from the kettle when the water was boiling Ken brought it to his mother on her birthday and showed her how to 4 it Before you go to bed put tea and water 5 it He explained to his mother 6 Don t forget to 7 the electricity and set the time When the water boils in the morning the kettle can 8 and your tea will be ready he added A few days later Mrs Brown telephoned her son and said Ken the kettle is 9 But there is 10 I don t understand Why do I have to go to be when I want to make tea 1 A kettle B dress C present D animal 2 A and B so C or D but 3 A feel B play C find D hear 4 A use B enjoy C find D heat 5 A our of B on C in D beside 6 A impatiently B carefully C carelessly D angrily 7 A turn up B turn down C turn on D turn off 8 A make you angry B wake you up C drive you crazy D phone you up 9 A useless B useful C noisy D dangerous 10 A something B anything C nothing D everything 三 阅读理解 A Thomas Edison was born in 1847 Even as a child he was always trying new ideas He invented over 3 000 useful things all his life with his hard work Among them electric light is one of the most important inventions His other inventions are the microphone the phonograph the movie projector the storage battery etc It always took a long time for Edison to make these machines He let people know his ideas all over the world so it was not long before many other businessmen joined together and mass produced 大规模 生产 electrical machines with his standards As a result Edison couldn t run his companies well and he wasn t as rich as he could be Edison received many prizes for his great inventions The US government gave him its highest award the Congressional Medal of Honors He died in 1931 People will always remember him as one of the greatest inventors in the world 1 Thomas Edison died at the age of A 84 B 74 C 64 D 48 2 The following are all inventions of Edison s except A the electric light B the microphone C the phonograph D the telephone 3 Edison told his ideas to people all over the world This made the following results except A many other businessmen mass produced the electrical machines B Edison made a lot of money from it C Edison couldn t run his companies well D Edison failed as a businessman 4 What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word award in the passage A 贡献 B 奖项 C 要求 D 收入 5 According to the passage the writer may disagree that Edison A was one of the greatest inventors in the world B won a great award C was really a successful businessman D made mass production possible B A It can boil 1 quart 夸脱 of water for coffee and tea It makes no noise It is useful in the office or home It never spills 溢出 It shuts off itself when the water boils B It is made of iron It cooks fast and is easy to clean and can cook everything with little oil or no oil It can save a lot of time and money C It can easily get under furniture and in hard to reach areas It can free you from heavy dirty work It is ideal for stairs with carpets 地毯 D It is the best choice for home and auto 自动的 cleaning projects It has amazing cleaning power E It itself turns on at dark and off at dawn It needs neither electricity nor batteries Solar lighting saves money and energy by using power from the sun F It is good at cooling and air circulation 流通 It provides different power You can hang it on the wall to save floor space A F 文段摘自电器产品说明书 请根据以下消费者的信息 为他们选择需要要购买电器 1 The final exam is coming but the hot weather makes it difficult for Michael to focus on his study Now he wants something to cool himself while he is doing his lessons 2 It is only a few days before Christmas Day Mrs Wang has some trouble with her health but she wants to do some house cleaning on her own She is looking for an instrument 3 Harry has to stay up late for his project He often feels tired and sleepy Why not take some coffee to cheer yourself up His mother said and then he got an idea 4 Simon and his friends hope to have a picnic by cooking in the open air They need something to cook with 5 Peter s job is to get clean kinds of floors including carpets The boring and heavy work often makes him very tired He wants to buy an easy to use machine to help him 四 词汇知识 1 Plants need a lot of e from sunlight to help themselves grow 2 Martin often gives me some a on my studies and it helps me a lot 3 You should be c of your spelling when you write 4 My computer doesn t seem to work p It runs slowly or suddenly goes dead 5 C are waiting in line for the new store to open They hear things in it are very cheap 6 Many like going shopping at supermarkets housewife 7 I don t quite understand your for how to use this machine explain 8 I think you need to change the two in your radio battery 9 The Beijiang River through the city of Qingyuan flow 10 When we arrived we saw the train slowly out of the station move 五 完成句子 1 昨晚下雨了 为了安全起见 莉莉今天没有骑自行车上学 It rained last night To be Lily didn t go to school by bike today 2 这条导线与扬声器连接 This wire the loudspeaker 3 坐火车时把身子探出窗外是很危险的 It is dangerous to the window when you are on a train 4 老师应当尽力使学生从繁重的功课中解脱出来 Teachers should do their best to the students too much homework 5 你不看电视时就不要让它开着 When you don t watch TV don t 六 写作 请你根据下面的提示 谈谈如何安全用电 字数 60 左右 开头与结尾已给出 不计入总数内 提示 1 对电器要小心 2 保持电器干燥 3 手湿不要碰电器 4 离开前要确保关掉所有电器 5 不用的电器不要让它开着 可能会引起火灾 Electricity is useful in our daily life but it can also be very dangerous Here is some advice on how to use it safely Firstly


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