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SCI (Science Citation Index)国际药学杂志 International J of Pharmaceutics 2.0药物研究 Pharmaceutical Research 2.9药物科学杂志 J of Pharmaceutical Science 2.2药学及药理学杂志 J of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 1.3控制释放杂志 J of Controlled Release 4.1欧洲药物科学杂志 Eur. J of Pharmaceutical Science 2.5欧洲药物和生物药剂学杂志 Eur. J of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 3.1 药物传递 Drug Delivery 1.3Pupil 瞳孔 Administer 吃药 Agent试剂 Term术语 side effect副作用 Compound n.混合物, 化化合物 adj. 复合的 v. 混合, 配合 compound preparations调配剂型 colored 着色剂 The film is generally colored. The solutes passage through the biological barrier. 生物屏障 Drugs administered intravenously 静脉注射被动语态翻译成珠动语式,写作时一般用被动式。potential潜力 constant常数 compression压制 mold模制语 句 的 要 求 v 句型的分析*v 指标词的运用*v 能够进行较为流畅翻译* v 能够书写简单的短英语文章*v 知道科技论文书写的时态Moreover In addition as a result by contrast但是 Accordingly因此 However In conclusion =In summary综上所诉,总的来说 添加或补充:and, likewise, in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore, on the other hand, for one thingfor anther, as well as, along with, besides, also, similarly, alternatively(作为一种选择). I have never met Carl before, nor have I heard of him. Ann plays football, and so does her sister. 转折:but, however, by contrast, whereas, on the contrary, instead, on the other hand, conversely(然而,相反地), otherwise(不同地), yet, while 结果:so, thus, therefore, hereby, thereby, for this reason, consequently, as a consequence, in conclusion, as a result, result in, hence, 选择:either or, neither nor, rather than, prefer to, would rather than, whether or, other than 原因:because, due to, owing to, because of, thanks to, since, as, for 强调或举例:in particular, particularly, for example, such as, namely(即,就是), indeed, in fact, 时序:meanwhile, then, afterwards(后来,以后), next, subsequently(后来,随后), following, successive, in sequence, more recent, finally, first, second, third, concomitantly(同时), simultaneously, concurrently, currently(当前,时下), at present, presently is referred to /defined/denoted/described as 定义Introduction to drugs and pharmacyGastrointestinal, Gastric, intestinal, enteric, intestine Erythro- Erythromycin, Erythrocyte, erythroblasthemo- hemoleukocyte, hemoglobin, hemolysis, hemodialysis, hemodynamicHema- hemachrome, hematology. Hematolysis, hematicSerum, plasma, blood, Secretion, ExcretionAssist in, aid in, help to, facilitateAIDS爱滋病, 获得性免疫功能丧失综合症(Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome) Im- Potence, impotence, mobile, immobile, immobilize, personal, impersonalAnti- antidote, antineoplastic, antibiotics, antimicrobial, Accomplishment, Achievementhyper- hypersonic, hypertension, hypertonic, hyperplasiahypo- hypotension, hypodermic, hypotonic, Anesthetics, esthetics; analgesic, algesimeter under- undertake, undergo, underline, undermine, underscore, underlyingAbsorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion Metabolism, metabolic, metabolite, metabolizeAdministration (Oral, Rectal, Parenteral, dermal, nasal, pulmonary, intravenous, )Dosage forms, preparations (tablets, capsules, injections, suppositories, ointments, aerosols), aero- aerosol, aerospace, aerostatic, aerotropic, aeroacoustic Neo- neonate, neolith/paleolith, neomycin, neoclassic, Drug delivery system (DDS),Transdermal delivery system (TDS)formula, formulate , preformulationFormulation (公式化, 列方程式有系统而确切的陈述或说明配方设计, 规化)Pharmaceutics ingredients: fillers, thickeners, disintegrants, solvents, tablet coatings, suspending agents, antimicrobial preservatives, flavors,colorants, sweeteners Stable, stability, stabilize,Additive, component,Shelf life (包装食品的)货架期, 保存限期)Compatible, incompatibleAccuracy, inaccuracyTherapeutical, therapy, chemotherapy, pharmacotherapeutics, Maximum, maximal, minimum, minimal,Regimen (A regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise, intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial effect), RegimentContribute to, attribute to, be attributable to account for; Be responsible for; benefit from, suffer fromSafeguard, gatekeeper, USP(United States Pharmacopoeia)BP(British Pharmacopoeia)ChP(Chinese Pharmacopoeia)NF(National Formulary)Test, assay, analysis, examine, check, compliance (Compliance with the law is expected in the state.), comply with, Increase the patients complianceCompendium (纲要), monograph (专论、专题)mono- monograph, monolayer, monodrama, monolith, monologue Bi- bilinguist; bimillennium, bigamy Tri- triangular, triangle, trigamy 药物传递系统,经皮给药系统,社区,molecular weight National formulary, 美国药典,给药方案,molecular format Gastrointestinal tract, intestine, 分泌 Plasma, serum, blood, 排泄Nonproprietary(通用的), proprietary(专利的, 有专利权的, 独占的) generic(一般的, 普通的;【生】属的, 类的;(商品)未注册的)In fulfilling this function, the compendia become the legal documents, every statement of which must be of a high degree of clarity and specificity. 药物制剂中含有多种成分,其中每一个成分都具有其独特的作用。The pharmaceutical preparations contain lots of components, each (ingredient) of which has a unique function to itselfReadily (adv.乐意地, 欣然, 容易地)Emboss(饰以浮饰, 使浮雕出来)em- embody, embolus(n.医栓子, 栓塞物), empoison, empower, embrace, emulate en-, -en enlarge, enmesh, enclose, encase thicken, blacken, sweeten, dampen, enhance, enhancer, Imprint(印; 盖印于), im- impotence , in- insomnia, incompatible, Thereby, therefore, therein, thereof, thereon.Hereby, herein, hereof, hereon.Whereafter, whereabout, whereby, whereatFlexible, Flexibility, inflexible,inflexibility individual, individualize, individualist, individuallyCompromiseFrom a pharmaceutic standpoint/point,From my standpoint/point of view, To me best knowledge, In my opinion, From where I stand, As far as I am concerned, As I see, Personally speaking Take in account/consideration, take account ofbear/have . In mind, simultaneousConcur, Concurrence, concurrent, concurring (同时发生的, 并发的) incur, occur, Be subject to (在.条件下; 常遭.; 易受.的侵袭; 受控制; 服从.的指挥), subjected toIntact, integrated tactics/strategy, tactfulExtended/prolonged/controlled/sustained/modified-released dosage formsInstant dissolving/disintergrant/dispersible tablets, Sublingual, buccal, mucosal, nasal, rectal, dermal, venous, arterial, vein arteryopaque, opaquant, colorant, desiccantHydro- hydrolysis, hydrophobic, hydrophobicity, hydrophilic, hydrodynamic, hydrobiology, hydrogel, hydrogen, hydrocarbon, water, aqueous -lysis, Electrolysis, Electrolyte, thermolysisFine, coarse, Rigid, Free from, free of chargeHygro- hygrogram, hygroscope, hygroscopic, hygrology, hygrometer, hygrophobia, hygrophilous in vitro in vivo in situ Bioavailability, available, availability, Proteo- proteolytic, proteolipid, Passage(vi.通过, 横过, 穿过; 航行, 旅行)Characteristic, property, pattern, featureGastric residence time, gastric emptyingFasting, nonfasting, solubility, soluble, insoluble,Methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl,Octa-, octanol, -decane, octadecaneCapsule, capsulate, encapsulateExcipient, ingredient, component, adjunctDisintergration, dissolution, dissolve, resolve, absolveOutset, onset, beginning, duration,endCompressed tablet, molded tabletDiluents, fillers, binders, adhesives, disintergrants, disintergrating agentsAntiadherents, glidants, lubriants, lubricating agents, colorant, flavorant, Expert, expertise, Multiple compressed tablets, Multiple-layered tablets,Bulk n.大小, 体积, 大批, 大多数, 散装vt.显得大, 显得重要Bulky adj.大的, 容量大的, 体积大的Tamper n 屏, 护持器Rupt- rupture, erupt, corrupt, abrupt, disruptMucosa n.解黏膜 bypass byproduct byworkLozenge n.菱形, 止咳糖, troche n.药片, 片剂Local, localize,localized systemic Effervescent, effervescencyTriturate vt.弄成粉, 粉碎, 磨碎, 捣碎 n.磨碎的东西Tablet triturate 片剂研碎物Hyper-hypersonic, hypertension, hypertonic, hyperplasiahypo- hypotension, hypodermic, hypotonic,fabricate 制作, 构成, 捏造, 伪造, 虚构, prefabricateSterile adj.贫脊的, 不育的, 不结果的, 消过毒的, Sterility n.不毛, 不育, 中性, 无结果, 无菌状态, 思想贫乏Sterilize vt.杀菌, 消毒, 使成不毛Sterilized 已灭菌的Disintegrate, dissolveDisintegration, dissolutionLyophilize 冻干(尤指生物产品 lyophilizerLyophilic adj.化亲液的Lyophobic adj.化 疏液的胶体Characteristic, characterize, characterWick v 通过毛细作用带走Predetermined, predesigned, Convex, concave,quadr- Quadrant, quadrangle, quadrasonictetra- tetrahedron, tetrahedral 四面体的Recess, raise, access, incessant, processMonogram 字母组合, 花押字Monograph, monologue, monodrama homo- homogenous, homochromatic, homogenize, homograft, homothermalhetero- heterogeneous, heteroatom, heterochromatic, heterocycle, heterogenizeUniform, uniformity, uniformization, uniformly, unifyThickness, hardness, Fry, friable,friability, durability, durableFlowability, compactabilityConversely, by contrast, on the contrary,However, instead, yet, otherwise


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