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求职信Dear Sir or Madam,;k =sK t I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in Beijing Today. I majored in Business English. My training in Business English and Secretarial English will definitely meet your qualifications.=,;tUz Ill graduate form Beijing University in June 2010. In addition to the required courses of my major, Ive studied Computer as my second major. Ive also had a part-time job as a secretary in a company for 2 years. I am confident that my qualifications and experience make me suitable for this position.8sLCdh I have enclosed a complete resume for detailed information. I hope you will consider me for this position. Please reach me by telephone 139dqOW6 s8G;8 Yours sincerely,p A_RF KwPLa|h Wang HuaIO1on D# l!aIP=L 常见句式3;jJ:0!50 1、I am applying for the position of secretary advertised in; ;)6R 我本人的条件与你们刊登在上的招聘广告中的所要求的总经理助理的条件完全吻合。&B;-.,M 4、I think I am the right person for the job you advertised.l4 ; 相信我是你们招聘的职位的最佳人选。I76QLb%?: 如果您想了解更多关于我的信息,请通过和我联系。u #lpP8 f-l3RF2E 祝贺信MvKr3 Dear Li Ming,MO,j I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your admission to a postgraduate at Beijing University._fcr I must say that I was not surprised to hear this good news. I know that you have been desirous of furthering your study in a prestigious university and how industrious and perseverant you have always been in order to realize this dream. I am delighted that the four years of your hard work has finally been rewarded in this way. It is obvious that you will have a wide-open future ahead of you.WaqQ U Congratulations again. I wish you all the best in your future life and study.ZY.F 1O1 .YSNA?;Wz Sincerely,|nk 1 5I offer you my warmest congratulations on youroItIb 对于你的我表示热烈的祝贺。!R4zAj 6I wish you still further success!&x pS9od$ 预祝你取得更大的成功!O(e9T |:* 7We look forward to bragging about you in the years ahead.U j.eTmQ% 我们希望在未来的岁月中能骄傲地谈起你。o=ta 8Please accept our sincerest congratulations and very best wishes for all the good future.tP6R(ZY H 谨向你表示由衷的祝贺和美好的祝福。A5Z$S| 祝贺你荣获此奖项、获得奖学金。 zA&z 10May lasting happiness and joy be yours/with you forever.PwwM!yQ 愿幸福和欢乐永远伴随你!VA_:J1w 11I take pride in your achievements and would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my best wishes for your success.Zg_AQ6R 对你取得的成就我深感自豪,我愿借此机会对你的成功表示由衷的祝贺。9cNf5bd 申请信qgVX;ji Dear Prof. Li,SE/&VN iu+-Oup I am writing to you for a letter of recommendation. I hope you could still remember me, Wang Hua, a student in your class this semester. My final paper received an A from you.#TfkYWMx3 I have applied for an editorial position with a newspaper office, which asks for three letters of recommendation. I would be very much obliged if you could write one for me. It will be better if the letter includes your understanding of my aptitude for writing and editing. My enclosed resume is for your reference in writing the letter.M=KY. Please use the attached stamp, envelope and address to mail your letter directly to the office. ,N!%GxfThank you again for your time on this matter.NR=1 %n( %-kNz Sincerely yours,8s c , Wang Huaj tbz ( h9/Al 常用句式9.uRO5 1、I beg to apply foro7bFb WR 特此申请V-AC3wil 2、I would like to apply for admission to your college.&79bh*XkI 我想申请进入贵校。3DGYw- 3、I am very much interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree in the field of我对出国留学攻读学位很感兴趣。=A 4CpP)u 4、I shall be mush obliged if you will be so kind as to help me accomplish my long-cherished wish. Ac2mkMX 如果您能帮我实现这一梦寐以求的愿望,本人将不胜感激。 #9qc&8 5、I should be very much obliged if you could grant my application.xfrtXx/ 如果能批准我的申请,我将万分感谢。f ,U3q 6、Thank you again for you time on this matter.3XEJ0W+t 再次感谢您抽出时间处理这件事。:rSqfv 7、I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter.P hT0R 多谢您在这件事上慷慨相助。C,pd 8、Please make the arrangement at your earliest convenience.Za|7T=B 如果方便,请您尽快安排此事。Org 9、Thanks in advance for your prompt attention.w;4+B 先行感谢您及时的关注。ivujoy 10、Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to an early reply.N 1McGH # 多谢您的关注,希望尽早得到您的回复 邀请信iaiKU) r Bkle)s 范文解析:(xSF;k Directions: The Dean of the English Department knows that Prof. Robin is a famous scholar in British literature. As his assistant, you are asked to write a formal letter to Prof. Robin, inviting him for a short-term visit and to give a lecture.c)L7fYCl G=OL1/O Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua (Dean of the English Department)” instead. Do not write the address.ag%iJn; _ y5Mt,=wE Dear Prof. Robin,cYi.lqy6 I am writing on behalf of the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our collegeWe know that you are an expert on British literature. We would be very grateful of you could give a lecture on “Contemporary British Literature” to the English Department on Sunday, April 8. If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.c-:de7q? If it is convenient for you, would you please drop me a line to let me know whether you can come or not? We could be looking forward to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.:1*BNS *4Vv r Sincerely yours,ObE.U Wang Hua8;uQ6k t4KB$Oc Dean of the English Department 7=8KZzQ 常用句式:ZO pM-Zh 1、I am writing to invite you to,h7.CNsY* 我写信是为了邀请您374 2、I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in1oGf 4vd 如果您参加那就太好了。K2OLrId6! 3、I wonder if you can comeq_ZJ;j 我想知道您是否能来O,#*w#U 4、How would you like to join us in?h4 o5oQ% 您想不想来参加我们的?$UB8fqB 5、Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to8q!KMpw 您可以写信告诉我您能否来吗?YP|U+ 6、My family and I would feel much honored if you could come.mMF_ 由于询问有可能给对方带来麻烦,所以语言应简洁、清晰、无歧义。语气礼貌、恳切范文解析:w:$%ro 2 Directions: You are going to take part in the TOEFL and want to get some reference materialsWrite a letter of no less than 100 words to a bookstore to ask for several kinds of materials you want. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.f*P nnnP Dear Sir or Madam,9;3j:0 I will take TOEFL this June and quality preparation materials are essential to success in the test. I wonder if you have the following reference materials in your bookstore:Kq|8Su8 a) a vocabulary book covering the 9000 words for TOEFL;ZZ%74%kh5 b) original test and simulated test papers with keys;2|YFD8 c) model essays;G?r*0 d) a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.ZduE4 By the way, how do you deliver these materials to me? How fast can they be delivered after you receive my subscription? How do I pay you?g)Kpk?$!y Yours truly,h4 gIeu_ Wang Hua( N7y(+1f 常用句式:Nj2 1、I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding/concerningQfa(K0og 如果能给我提供方面的信息我将不胜感激。FfpveoJi 2、I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regardingd. 88& 我写信是想知道您能否给我提供有关的信息。O%7WBULJ 3、I wonder if you could tell me the information aboutzj Tm#J 我想知道您能否给我提供的信息。Fty v n 4、I am writing for the information aboutqV6T*9 我写信是想知道关于的信息。A25HO9K 5、I would like to know whether you could provide me with information regarding,4f47* 我想知道您是否能给我提供的信息。B/DOjn5j 6、I wish to request materials forgkr&gq& 我想要关于的资料。f#A Rwu 7、Would you be so kind as to tell me$ .| f=En 您能告诉我?UG* Kk 8、I look forward to your immediate response.MivXT 3X 期待您及时答复。lH|Eo1y 9、Your attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.Tt 6Fx 感谢您对此信的关注。gq sC9 H I believe Mr. Lis education and character undoubtedly qualify him to serve as an administrator in your company. I recommend him without reservation and believe you will find him a helpful and responsible staff member._gkI2OC Sincerely yours,ssdtde Wang Hua #GM y9Z: 常用句式:_2 aoQ)t 1、It is with a great pleasure that I recommend to you%x vvDQ 很高兴向您推荐9/gQ67 2、It affords me much pleasure to recommend to you.ov0f sy% 很高兴向您推荐+JnI3qmg* 3、With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend as an ideal candidate.P($f h , 根据贵方的要求,我毫无保留地向您推荐作为理想人选。YFn0e) 4、Therefore, without any hesitation I recommend as the right person for you consideration因此,我毫不犹豫地向您推荐作为合适人选。Jkf=k7bZV 5、Therefore, I here recommend to you with all my heart.30GMGb=$ 因此,我在此衷心向您推荐eWE7po 6、Should you favor him with a position in your company, I am sure that his future conduct will prove worthy of your confidence.Yp3K2=Y6 如果您能给他在贵公司任职的机会,我保证他今后不会让您失望。5k.T1! 7、I believe his education and character undoubtedly qualify him to serve as an administrator in your company. m?k% 相信他的学识和人品一定会使他成为贵公司合格的管理人员。6|8V8z 8、I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation and kindly offer him/hervGOvSO, 如果您考虑我的推荐,并为他/它提供,我将万分感激。s7o!|kW 9、I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possibly moment.f&hUdK.G 希望尽早收到您的回复。THj% 10、If you have any further questions regarding his ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.=n7yRhb 如果对他的能力或此推荐信还有什么疑问,请随时和我联系。!FxO0Vt 8n_ruNQ/ %!,|#llS4 FLo ez_ 道歉信道歉信通常包括三部分内容:1、表示歉意,道歉的原由;2、出现差错的原因,提出弥补措施;3、请求原谅。语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解,还会增进彼此的感情。?5N 99 写作“三步曲”:rHFZFk 表示歉意说明具体原因、提出补救办法再次致歉,希望得到理解。w uwxjKl 范文解析::zl u Directions: You were unable to attend Mr. Smiths examination on International Business English Writing because you got sick that morning. Write a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize.wi YxZie Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.= . Bc* Dear Mr. Smith,l# P -OAyB!J I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make-up examination. I will come to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.DKOXK%- Sincerely yours,0iKbi oT Wang HuarJ.N(y 常用句式:nwN(#8V 1、I am writing to apologize for /I am writing to say sorry forz?_GJE 我写这封信是因向你致歉。tHPln|vU 2、I would like to give you my apology forWhh5iOr_V 对于我向你道歉。uPyS*D5Q 3、Please accept my sincere apology for. z=kp 关于请接受我真诚的道歉。D08O(8- 4、I am indeed very sorry for what I said/did, but believe I had no%YE-xU Intention toIt391=|ws 对于我说的话/做的事,我确实感到很抱歉。但请相信,我并非故意要t1X|v:KXP 5、Please forgive me for a stupid choice of words.k=sWZ%: 请原谅我说话欠妥。.*Wz0v 6、I feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.&6$SFzvkE 为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。t0.( 7、Please accept my apologies for my oversight.;IGi7X0 请原谅我的疏忽。uYK*9wl 8、Please allow me to say sorry again.&9SMWs|I* 请允许我再次表示歉意。CKY p 9、I sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept my apologies.vE8kW2! 我真心希望你能理解我的处境/设身处地地为我考虑,并接受我的道歉。)QA 10、Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused/you have sustained.jBNkD%3 对于造成的不便我再次表示歉意 感谢信感谢信是为了答谢对方的邀请、问候、关心、帮助和支持而写的公关礼仪书信。感谢信的写作主要分以下三个部分。首先开头要明确的对对方提供的帮助或赠送的礼品表示谢意。主体部分则需列举对方提供的帮助,说明该帮助所起的作用,或表达对所受礼品的喜爱以及以后如何使用及收藏等。结尾部分需再次表达诚挚的谢意并问候对方。3$g-#lY? 写作“三步曲”:G mWU$K V 表达感谢之情及原因提及曾受过什么帮助或者说明喜爱礼品的原因再次表达诚挚的谢意。H=*FE, 注意:gA) e 表达感谢时要情真意切,不能过于夸张;结尾处最好表达希望回报对方的愿望,更显真Directions: You have just celebrated your birthday and your university classmate Jack has sent you an MP3 as the gift for your birthday. Write a letter to express your thanks to him.pR!M=N,%y Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.SpVwcU; Dear Jack,e=zKX I am writing to express my sincere thanks for the MP3 you sent to me as my birthday gift last Sunday.Z:0J#ED 6 How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. Its one of the most wonderful gifts Ive ever got and I like it very much. You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!cmssWplI The four years I spent with you at university has always been the most pleasant period in my life. I will cherish this memory forever. How nice it would be to see you again.tsova I am looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical birthday gift.IEkbQytD Sincerely yours,raG7j& Wang Hua+.krrj 常用句式: sen/ 1、I am writing to express my thanks fordOde 我写这封信是为了表达我对的谢意。duipW Bm 2、I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you forAHo5:|b 在信中我要为向您表达我诚挚的谢意。 tKoi8 KD|#;v3、Many thanks for all the good things you have done in helping us toXW|9s 非常感谢您为帮助我们所做的一切。|HMP9X/S= 4、I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.0ng 借此机会感谢您给予我们的及时帮助和支持。QdUr,? 5、Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, and we will nurture/cherish them forever.7EtBi H 没有什么能抹掉我们美好的记忆,我们会永远铭刻在心。jlT2 6、Thanks again for you kind help.e 注意:h0)#|5|C 写投诉信时语气要冷静、郑重、克制,不必过于礼貌。但也要就事论事,不能进行人身攻击。同时,在描述问题时尽量采用被动句式,使描述更加客观合理。JXgQ)1gw 范文解析:|TUvc Directions: Write a letter to a store, making a complaint about its delivery.ZEqo|)&D You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET!-jV1 2、Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.d9/;G5K Dear Sir or Madam,4:i% :D3 I am writing to make a complaint against your bad delivery service.YNcb)X Im afraid that the enclosed CD player doesnt work. It is the third one Ive got to return this month.1 P3fI Other than the three Ive had to return recently, Ive always found your products to be excellent. I would be grateful if you could send a replacement and refund my postage.rhl1fpPt I look forward to your reply and proper resolution of my problem, and will until the end of this week before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me by the address on the envelope or by phone at 6668888.ehnfd j Sincerely,1az;roa Wang Huat,;SfNm 常用句式:2ehzKg& 1、I venture to write a letter to you about6 Wilr 恕我冒昧,我写信是想告诉你zP j-blEE 2、One annoying aspect of your service is:9s!Mi . 你们服务中不尽人意的地方是Onh I_& 3、I am writing this letter to tell you how disappointed I have been with the after-sale service at your shop./ $BcLjA 我写信是想告诉贵店,我对你们的售后服务非常失望。fZg6$tx 4、I would like to draw your attention to the problemu-J-y)Z%4 希望引起贵方对问题的注意。t!%$)4ou 5、I am writing to inform you that I findunsatisfactory/I am dissatisfied with your!;sxtj+. 我写信是为了告诉你我非常不满意LBXaY1#m 6、I trust you will take my complaints seriously and F,AqU1bd 相信贵方会认真对待我的投诉,并且()- |q(


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