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20162017学年第一学期七年级期中教学质量评估试卷英 语( 满分:150分)注意事项:1、本试卷共两部分十一大题,满分150分。2、请将答案填写在答题卷上。考试结束后,请将试题卷和答题卷一并交回。听力部分(共25分)情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,选择适当的应答语。听两遍1. A. On the desk.B. Quite good.C. About English.2. A. You are welcome.B. I am fine.C. It doesnt matter.3. A. Good idea.B. Not at all.C. Here you are.4. A. Let me see.B. I will do that.C. Thank you.5. A. Yes, it is.B. No, thanks.C. No, Id like coffee.对话问答。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。听两遍6. Whats Andys favourite sport?A. B. C. 7. Whats Ann like?A. B. C. 8. Where does Bobs mother work?A. B. C. 9. How is the weather tomorrow?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy10. When was Lily born?A. On January 1stB. On March 8thC. On June 1st11. Who is Jenny waiting for?A. Her father.B. Her mother.C. Her brother.12. How does the girl go to school when it rains?A. By bikeB. On footC. By bus13. Where are they talking?A. In the classroomB. In the libraryC. In the bookshop14. Who does the boy often play with?A. AmyB. KateC. Jack15. How many Chinese students are there in Sandys class?A. 35B. 38C. 41听对话和短文回答问题听第一篇对话,回答第16至17题,对话听两遍。16. Which club is Daniel in?A. The Maths ClubB. The Football ClubC. The Reading Club17. What can we know about Mrs. Wu?A. She is short.B. She has short hair.C. She is tall.听第二篇短文,完成信息记录表,短文听两遍。My new schoolMy school is 18 .The classrooms are 19 .My classroom is on the 20 floor.18. A. uglyB. beautifulC. large19. A. dirtyB. smallC. clean and bright20. A. firstB. secondC. third信息转换听短文,完成21-25题,短文听两遍。Han Han is a popular writer in 21 . Many students like his books, because he writes about 22 life in some of the books. Han Han is from Shanghai. He is 23 years old. He can speak Chinese and English. Han Han likes running, playing football and 24 games. He often writes on his blog. Students can read his articles on it. His dogs colour is 25 It likes to run around with him. Do you know what fruit does Han Han like best? Its watermelon.笔试部分(共30分)单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)26. -_?-Im Annie.A. How old are youB. How are youC. Are you JaneD. Whats your name27. -Can you _ my cat for me today?-OK. I like your cat.A. look forB. look upC. look afterD. look at28. My dad often _ English newspaper in the morning.A. seesB. looksC. watchsD. reads29. -_ he come from Nanjing?-No, he _ from Beijing.A. Does; isB. Is; comesC. Is; doesD. Does; does30. He enjoys _ the radio.A. to listenB. 1istening toC. 1isteningD. to listen to31. -I want to be an astronaut(宇航员) like Liu Yang.-I hope your dream _.A. comes onB. comes outC. comes trueD. comes back32. Many of us play sports _ our free time _ the weekend.A. in; atB. at; inC. in; inD. at; at33. -_ Tom in the English Club?-Yes, but he _ go there very often.A. Does, doesntB. Is, doesntC. Is, doesD. Does, isnt34. Miss Gao teaches _ Biology and we all like _.A. our, sheB. our, herC. us, sheD. us, her35. The boy is good at playing tennis, and he hopes _ tennis with Zhang Jike.A. playingB. to playC. him to playD. he play36. _ is good for you if you want to know about the plants and animals.A. MathsB. HistoryC. BiologyD. Geography37. -Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here?-Yes, _ is. Its _ the park.A. it; in the front ofB. it; in front ofC. there; in the front ofD. there; in front of38. -Whos that woman _ a red dress?-Shes our new English teacher.A. puts onB. inC. wearsD. on39. I want to _ a teacher when I grow up.A. beB. doC. amD. /40. -Who cooks dinner in your home every day?-Mother _.A. cooksB. isC. areD. does41. -Is your brothers name Tom?-Yes, _ is.A. itB. hisC. sheD. its42. Everyone _ here now .Lets _.A. are; beginB. are; to beginC. is; to startD. is; start43. -We have a new playground.-_? Can we go and play football now?A. OKB. ReallyC. RightD. No44. Now its 22:30. Lets go to bed. Say “_” to your mother.A. Good morningB. Good afternoonC. Good eveningD. Good night45. -Dont shout in the library.-_.A. It doesnt matterB. Thats all rightC. Sorry, I wontD. Excuse me完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)ALook! There 46 many kites in the 47 . They are red, yellow, blue. I like 48 kites 49 much. But I cant fly very 50 . My brother Peter can do 51 well. He oftenhelps me 52 kites. We go out 53 our kites every Sunday.With my brothers 54 , now I can fly 55 .46. A. is47. A. the house48. A. fly49. A. very50. A. good51. A. them52. A. fly53. A. and54. A. help55. A. himB. areB. my homeB. flysB. soB. niceB. itB. fliesB. takeB. ideaB. usC. hasC. skyC. flyingC. tooC. wellC. thisC. flysC. carryC. kiteC. herD. haveD. wallD. fliesD. asD. highD. flyD. klyingD. withD. questionD. themBIts a fine day today. Jims family 56 having a picnic(野餐).They put a big cloth(布) on the ground(地面). 57 it are some yellow bananas, red apples, 58 and some white eggs. The woman in the white trousers 59 Mrs Green. She is thirty-five . She is 60 English teacher in No. 12 Middle School. The man is 61 father. He is forty. His shirt is black and his trousers 62 yellow. He is a teacher, too. They have a black car, but you cant see 63 in the picture. 64 that boy? Thats Jim. He is drinking(喝水). His shirt is green. The girl 65 him is his sister, Kate.She is in a red dress today. Can you see the bag? Yes, its behind their father. What a nice pictureit is.56. A. is57. A. In58. A. oranges oranges59. A. is60. A. a61. A. Sam62. A. are63. A. them64. A. Whats65. A. backB. areB. NearB. orange orangesB. areB. theB. SamsB. beB. himB. WhosB. behindC. isntC. OnC. orange orangeC. inC. anC. SamssC. isC. itC. WheresC. ofD. arentD. UnderD. oranges orangeD. amD. /D. SamsD. haveD. herD. HowsD. to阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)AA bus stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes. Its raining hard, he doesnt want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. “Come here, boy!” he cries. “Do you know how much the cakes are?” “Twenty cents. The boy says. The man gives the boy four dollars and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one is for me.” Three minutes later, the boy comes back. Hes eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says: “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”61. Where is the man?A. Hes near the bus.B. He is at home.C. Hes in the bus.D. He is in the car.62. The man doesnt want to go out because _.A. he is tiredB. he doesnt like rainC. he is hungryD. its raining hard63. How many cakes does the boy get?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.64. How much are they if we buy five cakes?A. Five dollars.B. Four dollars.C. Ten dollars.D. Fifteen dollars.65. Whats the result(结果)?A. The man eats the cake.B. The boy eats the cake.C. The boy doesnt eat the cake.D. The boy and the man both eat the cakes.BSunny English ClubFor students16:00 18:00 Every Saturday200 yuan a month9 Zhou Yu StreetTel: 3786290Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!Ocean Park9:0017:00 From Thursday to Sundayticket: 50 yuan132 Xue Yuan StreetTel: 5439871Show you a full picture of sea lives!Health Centre9:00 17:0016 Yong Le StreetTel: 3801451Free examinations(免费检查) for those over 70 years oldGive you good advice(建议) to keep healthy!66. What can students do in Sunny English Club?A. They go to Sunny English Club every day.B. They can have a good health.C. They cant study with foreign teachers.D. They can learn English songs and watch films.67. You can visit Ocean Park _.A. on SaturdayB. on WednesdayC. on MondayD. any time68. One can get free(免费) examinations in Health Centre if he is _.A. 9B. 17C. 67D. 7369. Tom wants to know something about sea lives. What number does he need?A. 5439871B. 3801451C. 3786290D. 543967170. You will pay _ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.A. 300 yuanB. 600 yuanC. 1,200 yuanD. 2,400 yuanCWe are learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe he can not speak English.If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a piano player, you must play the piano. So, you see, you can learn English only by using it. You listen to your teacher in class. You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your classmates and teacher and also you must write in English. Then one day, you may find your English very good.71. You know a lot about English but maybe you _.A. cant speak itB. can study itC. cant study itD. cant use it72. You must get into the river _.A. to play with waterB. to go boatingC. to learn how to swimD. to catch a fish73. Do you want to be a piano player? Please _.A. put your piano awayB. buy a good pianoC. play the pianoD. watch others play the piano74. How can we learn English well?A. We must have a good English book.B. We must have a good English teacher.C. We must see more English films.D. We must use it often.75. Who can you speak English to in your class?A. Only my classmates.B. My English teacher and classmates.C. My father and mother.D. All my friends.D任务型阅读。 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Peter Black and his sister Rose are students. Peter goes to school by bus with Rose. They have four lessons a day. Peter does well in P.E. and music, and Rose is good at art lessons. After happy work they go home at 4:00 pm. They do their homework before dinner. They often go to bed early.Peter and Rose have three meals a day. They have breakfast at home. On weekdays they have lunch at school. They can have healthy food like meat, milk, vegetables and rice there. Mr. Black comes home from work earlier and he serves dinner at six. They often have a big and healthy dinner.They have a happy and busy day.76. How do Peter and Rose go to school?_77. Can they often have lunch at school on Sundays?_78. How many meals do they have one day?_79. Can you guess the English meaning of “do well in”?_80. Who comes home from work and serves dinner?_从方框中选择最佳选项,完成对话。(共5分)A. But we havent got any music or PE today.B. Where is our classroom?C. Is your food and drink healthy?D. What are our lessons on Monday?E. How many students are there in the classroom?A. Hello, Im Lingling. Im a newstudent. Whats your name?B. Hi, Im Liu Qi. Welcome to ourschool.A. Thank you. 81 B. Its over there. A. OK. 82 B. Forty. Twenty boys and twenty girls.A. 83 B. We have Chinese, maths and history. 84 A. I see. Its time to have lunch. Lets go!B. 85 A. Yes, I like vegetables and orange juice.词语运用。根据所给单词或中文用其适当形式完成句子(共10分)86. My hometown Wuhu is a beautiful _(现代化) city.87. This kind of computers is out of _(日期). We dont like them.88. Our teachers usually have a _(会议) on Friday every week.89. My _(爱好) are football and volleyball.90. Yao Ming and Jeremy Lin are his _(偶像). They play basketball very well.91. There _(be) a music room and two computer rooms.92. Sandy goes _(swim) three times a week.93. This pair of glasses _(be) Anns.94. _(wake)up, Eddie. Lets borrow some books from the library95. Its interesting _(make) different kinds of cakes.按要求完成句子(共10分)96. Sandy将带我们参观一楼。(翻译)Sandy will _ us _ the first floor.97. They often study English at home. (改为单数句)_ often _ English at home.98. Millie is in front of the big tree. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Millie?99. Hes in the Huanghe Football Club.(同义句)Hes a _ _ the Huanghe Football Club.100. Daniel practises playing volleyball twice a week.(对划线部分提问)What does Daniel _ _ twice a week?(共一大题,共20分)阳光中学校报英文版正在为其栏目“你所熟悉的身边人”征稿。 请根据下表提供的信息,以“My friend”为题撰写一篇稿件,介绍你的好朋友Andy。要求:1. 内容全面,包含所有要点;2. 语句通顺, 语法正确, 意思连贯完整;3. 70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 性 别男年 龄13出生地美国居住地中国学 校阳光中学;学校既漂亮又许多现代化的高楼班 级1年 级7外 貌短头发,高且强壮,不戴眼镜特 长数学、绘画、唱歌爱 好听音乐和阅读,是学校阅读俱乐部的一员。梦 想偶像是莫言,想成一位作家(writer)。我希望(自由发挥一点)My friendI have a good friend. _20162017学年第一学期七年级期中教学质量评估试卷英语听力材料.情景反应。 根据你所听到的句子,选择适当的应答语,听两遍1Tom, where is my book?2I am sorry I have broken your bike.3Lets go and do some sports now.4Kate, your dress is very nice.5Would you like a cup of coffee?.对话问答。 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。听两遍6. W: Do you like playing football, Andy? M: No, playing basketball is my favourite. It makes me feel great.Question: Whats Andys favourite sport?7. M: What is Ann like? W: She has short hair and doesnt wear glasses.Question: Whats Ann like?8. W: Bob, where does your mother work? M: She works in a school library.Question: Where does Bobs mother work?9. W: Whats the weather like today? M: Its sunny. But tomorrow it will be rainy.Question: How is the weather tomorrow?10. M: When is your birthday, Lily? W: I was born on Childrens Day.Question: When was Lily born?11. M: Are you waiting for your father, Jenny?W: No, I am waiting for my mother. Shes going to take me to see my uncle.Question: Who is Jenny waiting for?12. M: How do you usually go to school? W: By bike. But Ill take a bus when it rains.Question: How does the girl go to school when it rains?13. M: Do you know your homework, Lucy? W: Yes, look at the blackboard.Question: Where are they talking?14. W: Jack, do you often play with Kate?M: Yes, I do, Amy.Question: Who does the boy often play with?15. M: There are 38 students in Sandys class. W: Are they all Chinese students? M: No, three of them come from England.Question: How many Chinese students are there in Sandys class?III. 听对话和短文回答问题 听第一篇对话,回答第16至17题,对话听两遍。 W: Hi, Simon! M: Hi, Alice. W: Where is Daniel? M: I dont know, but he often goes to the Football Club after class. W: Oh! Is he a member of the Football Club? M: Yes, he is very tall. He is good at sports.W: I want to join Womens Football Club, too. Can I join it?M: Then you can ask Mrs. Wu. Shes over there. She wears glasses and has long hair.W: The short one?M: No, the tall one.W: Thank you.听第二篇短文,完成18-20题的信息记录表,听两遍。 I go and visit my school with my parents today. There are many trees and flowers in the school. It is beautiful. The playground is very big and the classrooms are clean and bright. My classroom is on the third floor. There is a music room and two computer rooms. The library is old but large. There are a lot of books. I hope that I will go and read them in the future. There is a school hall in my school. We have some meetings there. My school is very nice. I like it very much.IV.信息转换听短文,完成20-25题,短文听两遍。Han Han is a popular writer in China. Many students like his books, because some of the books are about students life. Han Han is from Shanghai. He is thirty-three years old. He can speak Chinese and English. Han Han likes running, playing football and computer games. He often writes on his blog. Students can read his articles on it. Han Han has a yellow dog. It likes to run around with him. Do you know what Han Hans favourite fruit is? Its watermelon.20162017学年第一学期七年级期中教学质量评估试卷英语参考答案15 ACACB 610 BAACC 1115 BCABA 1620 BCBCC21. China 22. students 23. thirty-three或33 24. computer 25. yellow2630 DCDAB 3135 CABDB 3640 CDBAD 4145 ADBDC4650 BCCAC 5155 BADAD 5660 BCBAC 6165 BACBB6165 CDACB 6670 DADAC 7175 ACCDB76. By bus. 77. No, they cant. 78. Three. 79. Are/ Is/ Be good at. 80. Mr.Black.8185 BEDAC86.modern 87.date 88.meeing 89.hobbies 90.heroes91.is 92.swimming 93.is 94.Wake 95.to make96. show around 97. He/ She studies 98. Where is 99. member of 100. practise doing

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