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专业英语试卷1 一、英汉互译1. Behavior modeling 行为模拟 2. Employee leasing 员工租借3. Factor comparison system 因素比较法 4. Graphic rating-scale method 图式评估法5. Panel interview 小组面试 6. Replacement charts 替换表7. Selection 甄选 8. Vesting 既得利益9. Team leader training 团队领导培训 10. Profit sharing 利润分享11. Psychological support 心理支持 12. Skill-based pay 技能工资13. Web-based training 网上培训 14. Key jobs 关键工作15. Job enlargement 工作扩大化二、单项选择1. mentors 导师2. change the person, not the behavior 改变人的行为3. cultural trends 文化趋势4. job analysis 工作分析5. designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhere 旨在帮助终止雇员到别处找工作6. effective delegatory skills 有效的delegatory技能7. behavior method 行为方法8. skill-based pay plans 技能工资方案 9. use a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lectures 使用方法让员工学习课堂讲座10. They are free of most biases that other rating sources may have他们是自由最偏见,其他来源的评价可能有三、阅读理解1.Performance management for knowledge workers知识型员工绩效管理2.Is reluctant to share knowledge with colleagues不愿与同事分享知识3. At Bain, partners are eager to share knowledge with colleagues. 贝恩的合作伙伴,渴望分享知识与同事。4.The cascading of corporate core values for knowledge-sharing to individuals could be one starting point for the performance management process. 连锁企业的核心价值观的知识共享的个人可能是一个起点,在绩效管理的过程。5. by building networks which provide for knowledge sharing通过建立网络提供知识共享1.training and development 培训和发展2. on-the-job training 在职培训3. In a T-group, the trainer should provide a climate where the group members are sufficiently trusting of one another to discuss their own behaviors. 在训练小组,教练应该提供一个环境,小组成员有足够的信任,彼此谈论他们自己的行4. poor effectiveness of the training design 可怜的有效性的培训设计5. If T-group laboratories are modified well, it has also valid uses. 如果训练小组实验室修改好,它也有效的利用。专业英语试卷2一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Career counseling 职业咨询 2. Cross-training 交叉培训3. Employee leasing 员工租借 4. Expatriate 外派雇员5. On-the-job training, OJT. 在职培训 6. Pay grade 工资等级7. Perquisites 津贴 8. Reengineering 流程再造9. Spot bonus 即时奖金 11. Peer appraisal 同事评估 12. Situational interview 情景面试 13. Task analysis 任务分析 14. Job design 工作设计 15. Promotion 晋升二、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. trait, behavioral, results 性状,行为,结果2.internal labor market 内部劳动力市场3. on-the-job 在职4. increase their knowledge, skill, and ability level 增加他们的知识,技能,能力和水平5. technological 技术6. WIt has diminished the role of supervisors in managing employees. 机智减少了监事会的作用,在管理员工。7. the HR department 人力资源部8. rely on skill-based pay structures 依靠技能为基础的薪酬结构9. stable growth in product demand产品需求稳定增长10. key jobs 关键工作三、阅读理解1. the future numbers and types of products 未来的数量和类型的产品2. The forecast cant be based on decisions on downsizing. 预测不能以决定“小型化3. Critical incident method 关键事件法4. When ratio-trend analysis is being carried out, we neednt consider changes in organization.当ratio-trend分析正在进行,我们不必考虑组织的改变 5. human resource planning 人力资源规划(二)1901921. Organizations had been using the “one-benefit-plan-fits-all” programs for 50 years. 组织一直使用“one-benefit-plan-fits-all”项目为50年2. According to the passage, 1/4of todays employees are single and 1/3 are part of two-income families without any children. 根据这篇文章,1 / 4今天的员工是单一和1 / 3部分都没有孩子的双收入家庭3. expensive medical plans with high deductibles 昂贵的医疗计划高免赔额4. Flexible benefits turn the benefits expenditure into a motivator. 灵活的福利将福利支出为动力5. The domination of “one-benefit-plan-fits-all” programs has been replaced by flexible benefits.统治的“one-benefit-plan-fits-all”计划已取代了弹性福利专业英语试卷3一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Wage-rate compression 工资压缩 2. Vesting 既得利益3. Arbitrary 仲裁 4. Behavior-based program 行为改变计划15. Learning organization 学习型组织 6. Differential piece rate 差额计件工资 7. Functional job analysis, FJA职能工作分析 8. Group mentoring program 群体指导计划9. Job ranking system 工作重要性排序法 10. Management forecasts 管理预测11. On-the-job training, OJT 在职培训 12. Pay level 工资水平13. Recruitment 招募 14. Task analysis 任务分析二、单项选择1. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and reward定量,简单易懂,并显示一个明确的关系,rewardbenefits输出2. profit sharing 利润分享3. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors 获得更多的信息从他们或从他们的上司4. motivational concerns 动机问题5. mentors 导师6. Desk clerks are expected to check out approximately fifteen customers every half-hour接待人员应检查出大约十五个客户每半小时7. performance 性能8. employees believe that incentive payment are deferred 员工认为奖励付款延期9. both home- and host-country evaluations 家庭和东道国的评价10. the behavior of a firms workers 企业的行为的工人三、阅读理解(一)57581. steps in job analysis工作分析步骤2. critical incident methods关键事件法3. Organization charts show you where it fits in some area of the organization. 组织结构图显示你适合的地方,在某些地区的组织4. Step 3 might be necessary for any job analysis. 3步可能是必要的任何工作分析5. We can collect job analysis data by qualitative methods and quantified methods.我们可以收集工作分析数据的定性方法和定量方法(二)1421431. knowledge 知识2. opportunities available from outside the organization 机会可从外部组织3. Group workshops cant resolve problems and misperceptions . 讲习班解决不了问题和误解4. Periodic job changes can prevent obsolescence. 周期工作的变化可以防止老化5. effective career development practices 有效的职业发展实践专业英语试卷4一、英汉互译1. Apprenticeship 学徒制 2. Benchmarks 基准3. Competency assessment 能力评估 4. Differential piece rate 差额计件工资5. Flextime 灵活的时间 6. Hay profile method 海氏剖析法7. Job rotation 工作轮换 8. Mentor 导师12. Web-based training 网上培训 10. Team leader training 团队领导培训11. Total quality management (TQM)全面质量管理 13. Selection 甄选 14. Output 产出 15. Job analysis 工作分析9. Performance planning and evaluation (PPE) 绩效规划与评价系统二、单项选择1. increased in importance in both service and manufacturing firms 增加的重要性在服务业和制造业公司2. eliminating discrepancies between internal wage rates and market rates消除之间的差异内部工资率和市场利率3. recruitment 招聘4. protgs 亲信5. minimum wage 最低工资6. the employees pensions are less vulnerable due to diversification员工退休金是不容易由于多样化7. perform a current performance appraisal of the employee执行现行的绩效考核的员工8. employees will pursue outcomes that beneficial to themselves 员工追求的成果,对自己有利的9. HR and line managers 人事经理10. the information it collects serve so many HRM functions 信息收集了很多人力资源管理服务三、阅读理解(一)1631641. recruitment 招聘2. The feedback will be known by other people usually. 反馈将是已知的其他人3. It may take the form of a list of headings for development. 它可能采取的形式是一个列表的标题发展4. The external consultants can help to plan and implement 360-degree feedback program.外部顾问可以帮助规划和实施360度反馈程序5. performance evaluation 绩效评价(二)2602611. internalized enforcement 内部执法2. Performance-related bonus incentives schemes have existed in China since 1980. 绩效奖金激励计划在中国已经存在自19803. a strongly individualist culture 一个强烈的个人主义文化4. Labor heroes cant appeal to high performers. 劳动英雄无法吸引高表演5. motivation of Chinese workers激励中国员工专业英语试卷5一、英汉互译1. Action steps 行动步骤 2. Career curves 职业曲线3. Diversity training 多元化培训 4. Group mentoring program 群体指导计划5. High-leverage training 高层次培训 6. Job specification 工作规范7. Markov analysis 马克夫分析法 8. Outplacement counseling 重新谋职咨询9. Reengineering 流程再造 10. Skill inventories 技能量表11. 360-degree feedback 360度反馈 12. Wage and salary survey 薪资调查13. Performance management 绩效管理 14. Ethics 道德二、单项选择1. at any step in the procedure 在任何一步的程序2. internships 实习3. developmental purposes 发展用途4. describe job grades with increasing amount of responsibility, skill, knowledge, or ability描述工作成绩与越来越多的责任,技能,知识,能力5. an incentive 一个激励6. are not equally available in the labor market不是同样可以在劳动市场7. outplacement assistance 就业援助8. they have proven employment experience他们已经证明工作经验9. organization analysis组织分析10. management support 管理支持三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)1861871. minimum wage 最低工资2. individual work time 个别劳动时间3. Workers are paid a unstable sum for each unit of production completed.工人的工资是一个不稳定的金额为每个生产单位完成4. The performance-based compensation plan assume that management had a large part in corparate outcomes, so they should share in the good times. 绩效薪酬计划假定管理有很大一部分企业的结果,所以他们应该分享美好的时光5. What is performance-based compensation 什么是绩效薪酬(二)1. on-the-job 在职2. The performance review process can indicate career development needs. 绩效评估过程可以表明事业发展的需要3. Spending time in looking at lower level problems 花时间在寻找较低的水平的问题4. Coaching has to be planned. 教练必须是有计划的5. Defining work and training objectives can be a time-consuming process.定义工作和培训的目标可以是一个耗时的过程专业英语试卷6一、英汉互译1. Boycott 联合抵制 2. Coordination training 合作培训3. Customer appraisal 顾客评估 4. Downsizing 精简6. Internal growth strategy 内部成长战略 7. Job rotation 工作轮换9. Nepotism 裙带关系 11. Promotion 晋升12. Staffing tables 人员配置表 13. Task analysis 任务分析14. Minimum wage 最低工资 15. Job description 工作描述5. Equal employment opportunity (EEO) 公平就业机会8. Manager and / or supervisor appraisal 经理和/或上司评估10. Position analysis questionnaire, PAQ 职位分析问卷调查二、单项选择1. the gender of the employees 性别的员工2. reliable and valid 可靠和有效的3. coaching教练 使用的评价系统验证工作分析4. use of appraisal systems in validating job analysis 使用的评价系统验证工作分析5. A grant wage increases larger than the cost of living 一个发给工资的增加大于生活成本6. effective profit sharing plans require a second HR program 有效的利润分享计划需要一个人力资源计划7. capability to manage a highly centralized organization 高度集中的组织管理能力8. are designed around unique team processes 设计独特的团队过程9. increased employee output 增加员工的输出10. higher turnover 更高的营业额(一)91921. help individuals to confirm their initial career and employment objectives帮助个人确定其初始职业和就业目标2. Seeking job opportunities for those who are being made redundant cant be done by telephone.寻求工作机会为那些谁是多余的人不能做的电话3. find appropriate work 找到合适的工作4. An outplacement consultant shouldnt guide individuals on how to write their CVs.就业顾问不应该指导个人如何写简历5. outplacement转职(二)1251261. off-the-job. 现成的2. The training designer should ensure that learning is based on extrinsic rather than intrinsic factors.培养设计师应确保学习的基础是外在的而不是内在因素3. There is a little stress on memorizing. 有一点压力的记忆4. It is only applicable to middle-aged and older learners. 它只适用于中年和老年学习者5. training 训练专业英语试卷7一、英汉互译1. Attitudinal structuring 态度构建 2. Continuous learning 持续学习3. Delayering 扁平化 4. Efficiency wage theory 效率工资理论5. Graphic rating-scale method 图式评估法 6. Internship programs 实习计划7. Merit guideline 绩效指南 9. Role analysis technique 角色分析技术10. Validity 效度 12. Profit sharing 利润分享13. Mentor 导师 14. Job experiences 工作经验11. Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理 15. Critical incident 关键事件8. Pay-for-performance standard 按绩效的报酬标准二、单项选择1. view themselves as primarily performing a service function 认为自己主要是执行一个服务功能2. the different duties, tasks, and responsibilities that make up a job 不同的职责,任务,职责,弥补工作3. behavior modeling 行为建模4. putting responsibility for your career in the hands of your supervisor以责任为你的职业生涯在你的主管手中5. base salary 基本工资6. culture shock 文化冲击7. organizational strategy 组织策略8. using negative reinforcement 使用负强化9. skill-based pay 技能工资10. team bonuses 小组奖金三、阅读理解(一)91. The typical business will still bear some resemblance to the typical manufacturing company.典型的业务仍将承担一些相似的典型的制造业公司2. the behavior of a firms workers 企业的行为的工人3. There is no change in manufacturing industry. 目前没有改变,制造业4. The contribution of human capital to most firms success is surpassing the one of physical capital.人力资本的贡献,大多数公司的成功突破了物质资本5. Knowledge work and human capital 知识和人力资本(二)1491501. an employees strengths 员工的长处2. They will provide the depth of information that essays or critical incidents do.他们将提供深入的信息,文章或关键事件3. The behavioral examples will be translated into a set of performance dimensions, each dimension having fixed levels of performance. 行为的例子将被翻译成一套绩效维度,每个维度有固定的性能水平4. whole organization ranking整个组织排名5. performance evaluation 绩效评价专业英语试卷8一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Basic skills 基本技能 2. Career management system 职业管理系统3. Discipline 纪律 4. Flexible benefits plans 灵活的福利计划5. Hourly work 计时工资制 6. Job enlargement 工作扩大化8. Needs assessment 需要评价 9. Perquisites 津贴10. Spot bonus 即时奖金 11. Training 培训12. Skill-based pay 技能工资 13. Pay level 工资水平14. Labor market 劳动力市场 15. Globalization 全球化7. Maintenance of membership 会员资格维持二、单项选择1. enhanced expectations and aspirations 增强的期望和愿望2. structured interview 结构化面试3. trainee ethnic characteristics 学员的民族特色4. skill-based pay plans 技能工资方案5. a supervisors subjective evaluation must be used in computing the raise 主管的主观评价必须用于计算养6. international HRM must be concerned with obeying local laws and regulations国际人力资源管理必须遵守当地的法律和规定有关7. it standardizes employees skills 它规范员工的技能8. behavioral description interview question 行为描述面试问题9. the quality of the product is critical 产品的质量是关键10. the HR department 人力资源部三、阅读理解(一)39401. attracting employers 吸引雇主2. A skills database should contain a regularly updated list of employees with the sorts of skills needed by the organization. 一个技能数据库应该包含一个定期更新的清单与员工的各种所需技能的组织3. the plan for interviewing candidates 计划面试候选人4. improved outplacement payments 改进再付款5. HR planning 人力资源规划 (二)1931941. equal rewards 平等的奖励2. giving employees opportunities to gain more payments 给员工机会获得更多的付款3. Employees seek fair promotion policies and practices. 员工寻求公平的晋升政策和做法。4. People with personality types congruent with their chosen vocations should find that they neednt be more likely to be successful on their jobs. 人与人格类型全等与他们选择的职业会发现,他们不必更可能是成功的在他们的工作5. What determines job satisfaction? 什么决定工作满意度?专业英语试卷9一、英汉互译1. Audiovisual instruction 视听教学 2. Collective bargaining process 劳资谈判过程3. Entrepreneur 企业家 4. Feedback 反馈5. Job specification 工作规范 6. Markov analysis 马克夫分析法7. Person characteristics 个人特征 8. Role play 角色扮演10. Utility 效用 11. Reengineering 流程再造12. Pay grade 工资等级 13. Job design 工作设计14. Delayering 扁平化 15. Basic skills 基本技能二、单项选择1. a brewery trying to achieve scale economies while simultaneously customizing its taste and marketing efforts for local markets 啤酒试图达到规模经济的同时定制其味道和营销努力为当地市场2. an increased number of unskilled jobs 越来越多的技能的工作3. 40 percent 百分之404. more comprehensive task analysis 更全面的任务分析5. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and reward定量,简单易懂,并显示一个明确的产出和报酬之间的关系6. profit sharing 利润分享7. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors 获得更多的信息从他们或从他们的上司8. both home- and host-country evaluations 家庭和东道国的评价9. increased in importance in both service and manufacturing firms 增加的重要性在服务业和制造业公司10. opinion surveys 意见调查三、阅读理解(一)87881. adverse trading conditions 不利的贸易条件2. eliminating what are deemed to be necessary levels of management and supervision消除被认为是必要的管理和监督3. Benchmarking cant be used for downsizing. 基准不能用于裁员4. More intense global competition has brought the pressure for improved performance. 更激烈的全球竞争带来的压力,以改善性能5. They hope to take early retirement. 他们希望尽早退休(二)2372381. all employers 所有的雇主2. After workers in sales organizations are taught how the company sells its products, they will not be sent out into the field. 经过工人组织销售教导如何该公司销售其产品,他们将不被发送到田野。3. The time period might be shorter than one week or longer than ten months.这段时间可能会少于一个星期或更长的时间超过十个月4. Helping the employees reach certain level of effectiveness. 帮助员工达到一定水平的有效性5. training and development in Japan 培训和在日本的发展专业英语试卷10一、英汉互译1. Balanced scorecard 综合评价卡(或平衡计分卡) 2. Compa-ratio 比较比率3. Data flow diagram 数据流程图 4. Essay method 书面方式5. Indirect costs 间接成本 6. Individualism 个 人主义7. supervisor appraisal 上司评估 8. Outplacement counseling 重新谋职咨询10. Role analysis 角色分析 11. Forecasting 预测12. Performance appraisal 绩效评价 13. Job enrichment 工作丰富化二、单项选择1. Critical incidents 关键事件2. internal labor market 内部劳动力市场3. future skill requirements and management training needs 未来的技能要求和管理培训的需求4. graphic rating scales 图形量表5. job enrichment 工作丰富6. 1107. strategic role 战略角色8. broaden experience 扩大经验9. measure labor turnover 测量了劳动力的流动10. the task of the individual manager is to achieve production through people 任务的个人管理是实现生产的人三、阅读理解(一)2392401. Germany 德国2. Each worker in the team can only perform same functions in one day. 每个工人的球队只能执行相同的功能在一天3. Under the flexiyear schedule, the workers can determine how long they work in one year.在flexiyear时间表,工人可以确定多久,他们的工作在一年4. work more when an employee times off 工作时,雇员关闭5. higher performance 高性能的(二)1. retain the appropriate employees 保持适当的员工2. the strategic capability of a firm depends on its human capital 企业战略能力取决于其人力资本3. The firm retains capable people by providing better opportunities and rewards than others, and by reaching a long-term contract. 公司保留了有能力的人提供更好的机会和奖励,比其他人,并达成一项长期合同4. Do we have a problem in retaining all staff? 我们有一个问题,在保留所有员工?5. replacement plans 更换计划13


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