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The status of the small-scale peasant economy (impact) : Self-sufficient natural economy has always been dominant in Chinas feudal economy; Over a longer period of time to promote the development of the social and economic progress; Natural economy strong existence is China feudal society development the important reason for the slow and protracted. Ancient Chinas main economic thought and economic policy (1) economic thoughts: based on farmers; (2) economic policy: heavy farming business suppression policy; (3) understanding: the change of land system and the adjustment in essence reflects the law of development of production relations to productive forces. Second, the development of handicraft industry in the ancient China The development of handicraft industry in ancient painted The development course of low: In the late primitive society, handicraft industry and agriculture separation: Xia dynasties: handicraft industry by the government monopoly: The spring and autumn period and the warring states period: officer, camp, private handicraft industry, household three forms. Low main manufacturing sector and achievements (1). Copper smelting technology: the neolithic age in bronze, bronze casting technology during the period of the chow tai; Iron smelting technology: the spring and autumn period and the occurrence of iron; Iron farm tools to promote the warring states period. Status: (2) the porcelain porcelain was invented in China, a large number of exports, as a new symbol of Chinese civilization (3) textile () is the symbol of Chinese civilization From: the first country to invent the silk weaving technique; Silk; The silk road. MianFangYe: Ming dynasty: replace the silk linen cotton, become the main material of the public. Taken the ancient handicraft industry mode of operation (the official camp, private, family) Camp officer handicraft: government unified management; Large, fine division of labor, the highest; Abundant funds; In the early Ming have occupied handicraft industry leading position Private handicraft: the spring and autumn period and the warring states period: the private industry and commerce, handicraft industry after the middle period of Ming dynasty more than officer camp, dominant, and generate employment relationship Third, the development of ancient Chinese business Taken the business development 1, the rise of business Shang dynasty period, businessman, currency for shells; Characteristic: the business is controlled by the government; The spring and autumn period and the warring states period: in many commodity markets and big businessmen; Features: controlled by the government business situation has been broken Qin and han dynasties: qin unified goods silks, weights and measures, han opened land and sea silk road; Performance: foreign trade development, appeared a lot of business center Sui and tang dynasties: the city prosperity, in the city , fang, become a foreign trade port in guangzhou 2, business prosperity Boundaries of song dynasty: high breaking, fang, business activities without being limited by the time; In the earliest paper money jiaozi in the world; The reasons of prosperity in the overseas trade developed the commercial: (1) from division to local unified, lay the foundation for economic development; (2) the height of the development of agriculture, handicraft industry, for the rise of business provides a solid material foundation; (3) the government gradually relax the geographical and time limit value of the transaction (break the city, the lane boundaries, there are morning, night market); (4) the amphibious transportation convenience is conducive to the development of foreign trade; (5) notes appear to promote the prosperity of the business The Ming and qing dynasties: urban economic prosperity, numerous regional merchant groups have sprung up around a business group, which is the strongest and jin merchants of huizhou merchants, the activities of the anhui merchants throughout all parts of the country Taken the ancient commercial development characteristics 1) after the creation of business development, to prosperity in song and yuan period; (2) domestic and foreign trade comprehensive prosperity; (3) the government gradually relax restrictions on business, but long-term heavy farming business suppression policy, hindered the rapid development of business; (4) business will always be a complement to the natural economy, is not dominant. Four, the bud of capitalism and heavy agriculture business suppression and order policy Taken the generation and slow development of the burgeoning capitalism 1, the Ming dynasty Causes: (1) the development of agriculture and handicraft industry, promote the development of commodity economy, commodity economy is the necessary condition of capitalism germination in mid and late Ming dynasty, appeared in the south of the Yangtze river in the commodity economy developed the bud of capitalism (2) a department: private handicraft industry in the textile industry, ceramics, etc (3) a sign: the appearance of the manual workshop (i.e., the emergence of room) (4) : the contributive machine, mechanic capacity, machine between households and mechanic is the nature of capitalism and the employment relationship (5) purpose: is to increase profits, expanding reproduction 2, the qing dynasty development To the beginning of the qing dynasty, the continued development of capitalism germination, the performance in the manual workshop scale, more fine of labor division, departments and regions. 3, the understanding of the bud of capitalism of the Ming and qing dynasties (1) of the emergence of bud of capitalism of the Ming and qing dynasties, represents the general trend of the development of social progress in China; (2) the capitalist sprout in only a few areas, the few industry is sparse and weak; (3) the capitalist sprout development is very slow, always wander in the bud, natural economy is still dominant. 4, hindering factors: Root cause is the decadent feudal system, on the one hand, is further strengthening of centralized system, on the other hand is a self-sufficient smallholder economy is still dominant, promote the rulers adopted a series of measures to restrain the development of capitalism. Specific displays in: (1) national policy (scorn, suppression, a sea and ban); (2) the domestic market is narrow; (3) lack of expanded reproduction. U heavy agriculture suppression policy 1, produce: produced in the warring states period of shang Yang reform, later became the traditional feudal society of our country economic policy, throughout the feudal society. 2, reasons: (1) scorn suppression policy is the inevitable outcome of the feudal self-sufficient natural economy (2) strengthen the feudal rule. 3, introduce the purpose of: direct purpose: to ensure that Hong Kong and levying land rent. Fundamental purpose: to consolidate the feudal rule. 4, the main content of the agriculture as the root of the national economy and peoples livelihood, more attention and protection; Of business activity is suppressed. 5, the characteristics of the farming business suppression policy: (1) belittle merchants position; (2) limited scope of business; (3) tax; (4) ban on foreign trade. 6, the farmer suppression policy evaluation Positive role: the early feudal society attach great importance to the protection of agriculture agricultural production and small-scale peasant economy, promote the development of agriculture, strengthen the feudal rule. Negative effects: during the Ming and qing dynasties, hindered the development of commodity economy and the bud of capitalism, has violated the law of economic development, is in modern China behind one of the important reasons. And lead to economic structure is too single. Taken the order and closed Reasons: (1) to prevent the western colonial invasion and struggle against qing (2) the ruler was complacent idea; 3. Root cause: the seal of the natural economy is the root of the policy. Content: the ban on Chinese sea trade; Limit the foreign trade in China Hazard: hampered the expansion of overseas market, hindered the development of commodity economy and the capitalist sprout; Make Chinas long-term and isolated from the rest of the world, behind the trend gradually. The evolution of the project three mainstream of Chinese traditional culture U u u exam outline When the spring and autumn period and the warring states period of the hundred schools of thought contend han dynasty Confucianism as orthodoxy neo-confucianism Ming and qing dynasty Confucianism 【 examination combing 】 The schools of thought contend, the spring and autumn period and the warring states period 1, the causes of the formation of hundred schools of thought contend (schools of thought contend, and in the spring and autumn, thriving in the warring states period, it is the product of specific historical era) (1)? The spring and autumn period and the warring states period, the development of productive forces is the root cause of the schools of thought contend in the material conditions for academic and prosperity; (2) social change and the conflict situation contributed to the social environment of freedom of thought; (3) establishes the rise of education is relatively popular, has trained large quantities of talents (4) the warring states to the new army, racing to honour worthy men of letters, reuse talent 2, the representative figure of thought and their exponents and thoughts Low Confucianism: Confucius philosophy thought core is benevolence, the ritual (opened, the line after the ritual) Political ideas - (1) advocated governing with (including people-based thought) (2) put forward the name Education thought, no child left behind, according to their aptitude Evaluation: (1) are not valued at that time, after the modification of form a complete system of Confucianism, will become the mainstream of Chinese traditional culture; (2) is important in world history. Was touted as the saint Mencius political thought - benevolent governance (core), the people your jun light Philosophy - goodness Moral ideas - after righteousness, first image Personality spirit, which requires people to have wealthy man whom no money and rank can confuse, no power, the personality of spirit Evaluation: (1) mencius be regarded as a classic, listed as one of the four books after; (2) to establish a system of political theory of benevolent governance, has become an important founder of Confucian school; (3) inherited and developed Confucianism, revered as the saint, to produce a great impact on the traditional culture. Xunzi philosophy - (1) nature is the true law mandate of heaven system and use the (materialism) (2) of evil human nature (but with evil change good education can make the person) The politics - is given priority to with moral codes, manners and shi Evaluation: (1) basic inherited the Confucian thought, but not for the Confucian orthodoxy. (2) as hundred thought the warring period, has profound influence on Chinese philosophy. Low Taoist: Laozi philosophy - (1) tao is the origin of the universe, no manifest destiny; (2) the thought of dialectics (contradictory antithesis and conversion) Politics - laissez-faire, a small country Evaluation: (1) the first Chinese philosopher, to explore the universe origin; (2) and profound ideological system of Chinese culture, has a far-reaching influence. Low legalism: Han fei ideological positions - (1) method and potential, to establish absolute monarchy centralized (2) think that history is the development, the reform innovation. Evaluation: (1) master of han feis legalist school; (2) the thinking to establish a unified centralized political system needs. Method of Confucianism, Since then become the theoretical foundation of the social dominant ideology in ancient China. Low mohism: Mozi thought that universal love, not attack, attaching Evaluation: (1) represents the lower working people, especially the interests of the producers, became a distinguished school in the warring states period; (2) has been widely absorbed, the warring states period is no longer valued in the future. 3, the history of the hundred schools of thought contend The spring and autumn period and the warring states period of the hundred schools of thought contend is the first time in the history of Chinese thought liberation movement, laid the foundation for Chinas later thought development, to a great extent, constitutes the basic spirit of the Chinese nation traditional culture, had a great influence on later generations, until today still affects peoples thought. Second, the han dynasty Confucianism as orthodoxy 1, dong on the new development of Confucianism Promote dong shu will Taoism (learn) of huang Lao, the yin-yang school, transform traditional Confucianism, legalism together forming new Confucianism, new Confucianism mainly increased the content of the four aspects: (1) induction between heaven and man; (2) the divine right of Kings; (3) three cardinal guides ; (4) unified. Political claim to realize unification, in order to strengthen the sovereignty, maintain absolute monarchy; Ideological ousted hundred, the author, in order to maintain the feudal autocracy of thought. 2, become the orthodoxy of reasons: (1) the new Confucianism to strengthen national unity, maintaining the order of feudal rule and deification has a positive role in imperial power (root cause); (2) to keep pace with The Times, Confucianism absorbed other doctrine, ruled by a critique of the current politics to maintain the pre-qin reality. 3, influence To: helps strengthen centralized and cracking down on local kingdoms, to adapt to the economic development of the western han dynasty, has progressive significance. On: (1) make the Confucianism has established the mainstream position in Chinese traditional culture, and cultural development of Chinese ethics has far-reaching influence. (2) the formation of Confucianism centers situation, again imprison peoples minds, kill peoples intelligence. Three, neo-confucianism 1, the background of the rise of science (1) wei jin northern and southern dynasties rapid spread of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism in crisis (2) the sui and tang dynasties, Confucianism put forward three religions to Confucianism (Buddhism) argues that Confucianism absorb the spirit of Buddha, tao, get new development (3) in the song dynasty, and gradually establish able to manage or justice as the core, the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism three new Confucianism system, namely the neo-confucianism. 2, the main content: Low neo-confucianism (northern song dynasty, the IQ, cheng cheng; the southern song dynasty, zhu xi) (1) the truth is one of the world things are going, dominate everything; (2) Hugh in the society now is the Confucian ethics, in humans is human nature; (3) to grasp the reason, new-confucianism (everything to contact Ming manager) (4) when peoples desires and desperate conflict, will be human save them, Wang yangmings mind: the Ming dynasty, wang yangming (wang) 1) wang yangming science development as mind (2) wang yangming doctrine conscience think conscience is bad, is the principle that justice is in your heart, as long as reply to overcome lust, conscience can become a sage, the further development of the theory of benevolence, emphasizing the self-improvement and aspire to. 3, the idealist phylosophy of evaluation 1) depressing human nature, natural desire in life; (2) attaches great importance to the subjective willpower, advocating integrity emphasizes social sense of responsibility and positive effect to the model of Chinese national character. Four, Ming and qing dynasty Confucianism (late Ming dynasty to the inheritance and criticism of Confucianism) 1, the background Political: (1) during the Ming and qing dynasties the unprecedented strengthening the autocratic monarchy; (2) the economy: the development of commodity economy and capitalism bud; (3) thought: prevalence of neo-confucianism and wang yangming, constrained peoples thought. 2, li zhi ideas: (1) denial of the doctrine of Confucius authority; (2) against the traditional ethics and traditional ideas, the pursuit of individuality liberation; (3) no save them and eliminate human; (4) advocating equality between men and women. 3, huang, gu yanwu, wang fuzhi gradually three progressive thinker (1) political against absolute monarchy, advocates of free, establish supervision mechanism (2) all the affairs of state; All legitimate citizen participation, right to know, say, the right to vote and the right to vote. The most important procedure is just a matter of debate. 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