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2 区别sleepy asleep sleep sleepy是形容词 困倦的 害睏的 昏昏欲睡的 可作定语和表语 如 I llgotobed I m 我要去睡觉了 我睏了 asleep是形容词 意思是 睡着的 强调状态 常作表语 短语fallasleep意为 入睡 睡着 如 Grandma whilewatchingTVyesterday 奶奶看电视时睡着了 sleep可作动词 意为 睡觉 也可作名词 意为 睡眠 睡觉 如 Myfatheris Pleasekeepquiet 我父亲在睡觉 请保持安静 sleepy fellasleep sleeping 3a 暴风雨把人们的距离拉近了 Ben能听到自己在Alabama的家外面强劲的风声 乌云正把天空变得黑压压的 外面没有光 感觉像半夜一样 电视里播报强烈的暴风雨已经到了这个地区 社区里的每个人都在忙碌 Ben的爸爸把一块块木头钉在窗户上 此时他的妈妈正在确认手电筒和无线电都正常 她还把一些蜡烛和火柴放在桌子上 外面的雨重重地敲打着窗户时 Ben正帮着妈妈做晚饭 晚饭后 他们设法想打纸牌游戏 但外面的暴风雨太大了很难有心情娱乐 一开始Ben睡不着 在大约凌晨3点外面的风逐渐小了 他才入睡 当他醒来时 太阳正冉冉升起 他和家人们出去 发现社区一片狼籍 到处可见被吹倒的树木 砸碎的窗户和垃圾 他们和邻居们一起帮着把社区打扫干净 虽然暴风雨把很多东西破坏了 但它把家人和邻居们的距离拉近了 Whenthelightwentoutateightl clockyesterdayevening myfamilyweredoingdifferentthings Myfather waswatchingabasketballmatchatthattime Laterhedecidedtowatchthenewsonhismobilephone Mymotherwasreadingabookaboutanimals Thenshecalledhergoodfriendandtoldheraboutit Theytalkedonthephoneforalongtime Mysisterwasplayingthepianoat8 00p m thenshestoppedtoplaywithhepetdog Shelovesitsomuchbecauseit ssocute WhatwasIdoing Whenthelightwentout Iwasdoingmyhomework Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame Unit5 SectionA1a 2d 2d Mary Whatwereyoudoinglastnight Linda Icalledatsevenandyoudidn tpickup Linda Oh Iwasinthekitchenhelpingmymom Mary Isee Icalledagainateightandyoudidn tanswertheneither Linda WhatwasIdoingateight Oh Iknow Whenyoucalled Iwastakingashower Mary ButthenIcalledagainatnine Linda Oh Iwassleepingatthattime Mary Soearly That sstrange Linda Yeah Iwastired Whydidyoucallsomanytimes Mary Ineededhelpwithmyhomework Sowhileyouweresleeping IcalledJennyandshehelpedme While was was While When was was were nightbefore 4b 1 暴风雨时人们在做什么 暴风雨时那个女人正在公交车站等公交车 2 当你打电话时我在洗澡 3 那时我在睡觉 4 你为什么打那么多次电话 我需要帮忙做作业 所以当你在睡觉时 我给Jenny打了电话她帮了我 5 当我们到达事故现场时 汽车由于撞到一棵树上严重变形了 6 因为前天晚上的大雪 路面结冰了 7 你在开玩笑吧 大雨开始重重的敲打窗户 外面的暴风雨太大了 很难有心情娱乐 在大约凌晨三点 风变小了 他终于入睡了 当他醒来的时候 太阳正冉冉升起 到处是歪倒的树 打破的窗户 和垃圾 这场暴风雨把家人和邻居们的距离拉得更近了 在暴风雨时在车站等公交车等着做某事等某人做某事迫不及待做某事忙于找雨伞洗热水澡跑向车站接电话 2 在那时打那么多次电话 需要帮忙做作业把人们的关系拉近使 靠拢强劲的风声 大风 把天空变得黑压压的没有光亮感觉像半夜一样一场特大暴风雨把一块块木头钉在窗户上 加固 确认手电筒和无线电都正常使用 SectionA短语 句子 猛烈地敲击窗户敲打 击 拍打 打败某人设法玩纸牌游戏外面下着特大暴风雨玩得开心很难 没有心情娱乐 睡着在凌晨3点左右逐渐变弱醒来发现周围一片狼籍吹倒的树破碎的窗户 和邻居们一起帮着把周围打扫干净使许多东西破裂把家人和邻居们的关系拉近在困难时期互相帮助把车子送到洗车处我们家附近的一起车祸马上出去看一看到达出事地点因撞到树上严重变形由于前晚的大雪 M Linda 昨晚你在干什么 我七点给你打电话你没接 L 我正在厨房里给我妈妈帮忙 M 我知道了 我八点又给你打电话 那时你也没接 L 八点我在干什么呢 我知道了 你打电话时我在洗澡 M 可是我九点又打了一次 L 那时我在睡觉 M 那么早 这就奇怪了 L 啊 我累了 你为什么给我打那么多次电话 M 我需要帮忙做作业 所以你睡觉的时候我给Jenny打了电话 她帮了我 2d rainstorm re nst m 暴风雨storm st m 暴风雨alarm l m 闹钟gooff 闹钟 发出响声begin bi in began bi n 开始heavily heavy在很大程度上 大量的rain snowheavily雨 雪下得大suddenly s d nli sudden adj 突然地 忽然pickup pickupthephone接电话 捡起 捡到 strange stre nd 奇特的 奇怪的 陌生的stranger strangepeople陌生人 wind wind windy风light la t n 光 线 光亮 adj 轻的report r p t reporter报道 公布 报告area e r 地域 地区wood w d 木 木头 wooden木头的window wind u 窗 窗户flashlight fl la t 手电筒 火炬match m t n 火柴 v 搭 匹 配match with 把 和 搭配起来beat bi t beat 过 敲打 打败 against genst 倚 碰 撞 对抗 反对playagainst 和 打比赛standagainstthewall靠墙站asleep sli p adj 睡着的fallasleep fell fallen进入梦乡 睡着diedown逐渐变弱 逐渐消失rise ra z rose升起 增加 提高fallen f l n 倒下的 落下的apart p t 分离 分开havealook at 看一看 icy a s ice覆盖着冰的 冰冷的kid k d kiddingv 开玩笑 欺骗n 小孩 1 暴风雨 2 n 2 闹钟n 3 闹钟发出响声 4 开始 原形 过去式 5 adj 重的 在很大程度上 大量地adv 雨 雪下得大6 突然 忽然adv adj 突然的 7 接电话 捡起 捡到 8 奇特的 奇怪的adj 陌生人 2 10 风n adj 有风的 11 光 光线 光亮n 轻的adj 灯n 12 报道 公布vn 记者 13地域 地区n 14 木 木头n 木头的 木制的 15 窗户n 16 手电筒 火炬n 17 火柴n搭配 匹配 把 和 搭配起来18 敲打 打败v 过去式 19 倚 碰 撞prep 敲击着窗户 和 打比赛 靠墙站 20 睡着adj 21 进入梦乡 睡着 fall 过去式 过去分词 形容词22 逐渐变弱 逐渐消失 23 升起 增加 提高vn 过去式24 倒下的 落下的adj 25 分离 分开adv 使 破裂 26 看一看 27 覆盖着冰的 冰冷的adj 28 开玩笑 欺骗v Hewasplayingfootball Whatwastheboydoingthistimeyesterday Whatistheboydoingnow Heisplayingfootball Whatistheboydoing Heissleeping Whatwashedoingat9yesterdayevening Hewasdoinghishomework 过去进行时 含义 表示过去某个时刻或某段时间正在发生或进行的动作 现在进行时 含义 表示现在正在发生或进行的动作 结构 am is are doing 结构 was were doing 标志 now look listen It seight 标志 at8lastnight atthetimeof whentherainstormcame whilehewassleeping from8to10yesterday 过去进行时的疑问式 Was Were doing Iwasn thavinganEnglishclassatthistimeyesterday 过去进行时的否定式 wasn t weren t doing WereyouhavinganEnglishclassatthistime 1 Iwasinthelibrary 3 Iwasonthestreet 2 Iwasinmyhouse 4 Iwasatthebusstop b a d c Wherewerethepeopleatthetimeoftherainstorm Matchthestatementswiththepeopleinthepicture 1a ListentotheTVreportandcirclethecorrectresponses a doingmyhomework studyingb playingbasketball readingc goingtowork waitingforthebusd walkinghome shopping 1b Whatwerethepeopledoingatthetimeoftherainstorm waittodosthwaitforsbtodosth What people atthetimeofthe Thegirlwasathome Theboy inthelibraryafterschool Thewoman afterwork Theman fromthesupermarket Fillintheblanks were doing doingherhomework wasreading waswaitingforthebus waswalkinghome rainstorm Talkaboutwhatthepeoplein1aweredoingatthetimeoftherainstorm A Whatwasthegirl boy man womandoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B She Hewas 1c Listening Listenandnumberthepictures1 5 1 2 3 4 5 2a Listenagain Fillintheblanksinthesentencesin2a Myalarmdidn tgooffsoI uplate 2b I tothebusstopbutIstillmissedthebus I forthebuswhenitbegantorainheavily woke ran waswaiting wake woke begin began I sobusy fortheumbrellathatIdidn tseeacarcoming Itookahotshowerand somewarmfood was looking ate eat ate Read2dandanswerthefollowingquestions 1 HowmanytimesdidMarycallLinda 2 WhydidMarycallLindasomanytimes 3 WhatwasLindadoingatseven ateight atnine 4 HowdidMarydealwiththething 根据上下文内容填空 Mary What youdoinglastnight Linda Icalledatsevenandyoudidn tpick Linda Oh Iwasinthekitchenhelpingmymom Mary Isee Icalled at8andyoudidn t theneither Linda WhatwasIdoingat8 Oh Iknow Whenyoucalled Iwas ashower Mary ButthenIcalledagainat9 Linda Oh I sleepingatthattime Mary Soearly That sstrange were up again answer taking was Exercises Linda Yeah Iwastired Why youcallsomanytimes Mary Ineededhelpwithmyhomework Sowhileyouwere IcalledJennyandshehelpedme did sleeping Icalledatsevenandyoudidn tpickup pickup pickupthephone 接电话pickup还有以下含义 1 拾起 捡起e g Thechildrenpickedupmanyseashellsattheseashore 孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳 Pickupthatbook 把那本书捡起来 2 搭载e g Thecarstoppedtopickmeup 汽车停下来接我 We llsendtheambulancetopickhimup 我们要派一辆救护车把他接走 when和while讲解 1 主句 过去进行时 when 从句 一般过去时 when表示 当 的时候 从句中既可用延续性动词 又可用非延续性动词 这些动词既可以表示动作 又可表示状态 常跟一般过去时 Theboywasstillsleepingwhenhismothergothomeyesterdaymorning 昨天早上当她的母亲到家时男孩仍然在睡觉 Whiletheboywasstillsleepingyesterdaymorning hismothergothome 2 主句 一般过去时 while 从句 过去进行时 While表示 在 的时候 在 期间 while从句中必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词 常跟过去进行时 Whiletheboywasstillsleeping hismothergothomeyesterdaymorning TheweatherwasfinewhilewewereinBeijing 当我们在北京时天气很好 3 主句 过去进行时 while 从句 过去进行时 表示两个同时持续的动作 Iwasdoingmyhomeworkwhilehewaslisteningtomusic 我在做作业而他在听音乐 when与while专题练习 1 WhenIgotthere he themtodance A isteachingB teachesC taughtD wasteaching 2 Newtonwasplayingunderanappletree anapplefellontohishead A afterB beforeC whenD while 3 What whentheearthquakehappenedonMay12th areyoudoingB wereyoudoingC doyoudoD didyoudo 4 MarywasdancingwhileMike thepiano playedB wasplayingC wereplayingD plays 5 Allthestudentsweresweepingthefloor theyheardaman help A when shoutingB while toshoutC when toshoutD while shouting 6 WhileI mybreakfast thepostmancameandbroughtmethenewspaper A ishavingB washavingC hashadD had 7 Hewasjustfallingasleep therewasaloudknockatthedoor A whenB whileC asD and 8 Whenmyfathercameback mymother inthekitchen A cooksB cookedC iscookingD wascooking 1 Theboy still whenhismother yesterdaymorning 昨天早上当她的母亲到家时男孩仍然在睡觉 2 I myhomeworkwhilehe tomusic 我在做作业而他在听音乐 3 Lucy和Lily昨天下午从3点到4点在游泳 LucyandLily from3 00to4 00yesterdayafternoon 4 当MrCook到家时 他正在听收音机 WhenMrCookgothome hisson totheradio5 当李雷在吃早饭时 吉姆进来了 WhileLiLei Jimcamein wasdoing waslistening was sleeping gothome wereswimming waslistening washavingbreakfast 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 We wash ourclothesatsixyesterdayevening 2 WhileAnn talk withherdeskmate theteachercamein 3 Look Mary clean theroom 4 What you talk aboutjustnow Weweretalkingaboutthemovie 5 They move toParislastmonth 6 He read anovelfrom8to12yesterdaymorning 7 He watch TVwhenIcamein 8 She do herhomeworkwhilehermother cook werewashing wastalking iscleaning weretalking moved wasreading waswatching wasdoing wascooking Readthepassageandanswerthequestions 1 Whatwastheweatherlikebeforetheheavyrainstarted 2 Whatwastheneighborhoodlikeafterstorm 3a Strongwindswereblowingandblackcloudsweremakingtheskyverydark Theneighborhoodwasinamess Therewerefallentrees brokenwindowsandrubbisheverywhere TheStormBroughtPeopleCloserTogetherBencouldhearstrongwindsoutsidehishomeinAlabama Blackcloudsweremakingtheskyverydark Withnolightoutside itfeltlikemidnight ThenewsonTVreportedthataheavyrainstormwasinthearea Everyoneintheneighborhoodwasbusy Ben sdadwasputtingpiecesofwoodoverthewindowswhilehismomwasmakingsuretheflashlightsandradiowereworking Shealsoputsomecandlesandmatchesonthetable Benwashelpinghismommakedinnerwhentherainbegantobeatheavilyagainstthewindows Afterdinner theytriedtoplayacardgame butitwashardtohavefunwithaseriousstormhappeningoutside Bencouldnotsleepatfirst Hefinallyfellasleepwhenthewindwasdyingdownataround3 00a m Whenhewokeup thesunwasrising Hewentoutsidewithhisfamilyandfoundtheneighborhoodinamess Fallentrees brokenwindowsandrubbishwereeverywhere Theyjoinedtheneighborstohelpcleanuptheneighborhoodtogether Althoughthestormbrokemanythingsapart itbroughtfamiliesandneighborsclosertogether 3b Completethesentencesusinginformationfromthepassage 1 WhenthenewsonTVwasreported strongwinds outside 2 WhileBen smomwasmakingsuretheradiowasworking hisdad 3 Ben whentheheavyrainfinallystarted 4 WhenBen at3 00a m thewind wereblowing wasputtingpiecesofwoodoverthewindows washelpinghismommakedinner fellasleep wasdyingdown 3cDiscussthequestionswithaparter Althoughthestormbrokemanythingsapart itbroughtfamiliesandneighborsclosertogether Whatotherthingscanbringpeopleclosertogether Howcanwehelpeachotherintimesofdifficulty whatelse 3 WhileJohnwasshopping Marytookthecartothecarwash JohnwasshoppingwhenMarytookthecartothecarwash 2 WhileJohnwascleaningtheroom Maryturnedontheradio JohnwascleaningtheroomwhenMaryturnedontheradio 1 WhileJohnwasplayingthepiano Maryleftthehouse JohnwasplayingthepianowhenMaryleftthehouse


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