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自考英语(二)短语汇总unit oneapply to 使用,应用 put forth 提出,产生takeinto account 考虑到,顾及 take/acceptat face value 相信表面,信以为真with a grain of salt 有保留地,持怀疑态度 recognized on 公认的compare with 和比较 relevant to 和有关 carry out 完成任务 be up to 取决于have an impact on/upon 对产生巨大影响 rub out 用橡皮擦掉字迹等be in control of 掌管,管理 limit to the maximum 限制到最多mastery over 驾驭某人 struggle for 奋斗,费力做某事dramatic impact 显著影响unit twoin this manner 用这种方式 set apart from区别,使与众不同remark on 对做出评论 respond to 对作出回应restore to health 身体恢复健康 remark on 评论、谈论in the/a manner 用方式 renowned for 以著名 from scratch 从头开始、从零开始 run out of 用完、耗尽stay up 熬夜 explode with 爆发unit threestick by 坚持忠于、不离不弃 through thick and thin 不畏艰难险阻lead to 导致 造成(后果) a multitude of 众多的,大量的perish the thought 甭想了,但愿不会如此 in essence 本质上assure of 使放心,向保证 pay attention to 注意warnof 警告某人某事 turn against 背叛be prone of 易于 stand by 支持 帮助,忠于take wings 飞走 fall to piecesunit fourbring in赚得;挣 eke out a living 竭力维持生计,勉强度日sink in 被完全理解,被充分认识到 look forward to 高兴地盼望,期待over and over again 多次,反复的,一再 be prepared for 准备好,有所准备believe in 认为某事好 lie in 存在,在于bargain for 预料到,料想到 be priviledged to do 荣幸的做某事bringto the table 带来好处 at/in/to the forefront of处在最前列in plain sight 显而易见 getup 安排,组织seek out 寻求 in place 在工作apply for 申请,请求unit fivemoan about 抱怨 a series of 一系列,连续because of 因为 as well as 除之外cutting edge 尖端,最前沿 call forth 引起,产生on ones feet (困境后)恢复,痊愈 struggle with 斗争、抗争walk out on 遗弃、抛弃 start over 重新开始fight back 还击,奋力抵抗 bring about 导致、引起unit sixon a daily basis 每日地 result in 导致 pay off 付清;偿清 within ones means 量入为出stand in good stead 对某人有利 due to 归因于、归结于indulgence in 沉溺于、放纵于 onbasis 以为基础in principle 原则上,大体上 label as 贴上的标签deep down 在心底,实际上 open up 打开,开放in the form of 以的形式unit sevenbe lost in ones thought 陷入沉思 break down 失败come up with 找到(答案) dropoff 把放下take ones own life 自杀 in desperation 在绝望中,走投无路care about sb 关心,关怀 take a chance 冒险make a difference 有作用,产生影响 leave for 动身去某地make a hit 留下很好的第一印象 jump out of ones skin欢喜雀跃,兴高采烈as luck would have it 碰巧,偶然 be characteristic of 典型的,独特的,特有的strike up 建立友谊,开始来往 join in 加入,参加convertinto 转换,使转变unit eighta walk of life 行业,职业,地位 major in 主修stress the importance of 强调的重要性 at ones dispoal 任某人处理,供某人使用poke fun at 拿开心,奚落 shou off 卖弄remove to 从哪里移除 from .perspective 从角度来看with the purpose of doing sth. 目的是,为了 at ones disposal 由其支配,由某人做主major in 以为专业 a range of 一系列的replace with/by 以代替 in the mean while 与此同时unit nineline up 排成一行,站队,排队 end up 最终成为,最后处于keep up with 跟上,并驾齐驱 pace oneself 调整自己的工作或活动的节奏fit in 与合得来 get over 解决,克服,控制wear out 使疲乏,使筋疲力尽 with ease 轻而易举地make it 获得成功 fall over 被绊倒get lost 不知所措,一筹莫展 look back on 回首,回忆inch by inch 一步一步 at a time 每次,逐一,依次 feel like 感觉好似 relateto 涉及,与有关with the aid of 在辅助下 make ones way 去,前往,到地方去go off 突然发出巨响 all of a sudden 突然;猛地pick sb. up 举起,抱起某人 take a taxi 乘出租车have somebody around 有人在身边 all of a sudden 突然,猛地make ones way to 去,前往 at first 起先,最初unit tenbask in 晒太阳;取暖 account for (数据上,比例上)占be reliant upon 依赖,依靠 be contribute to 把归因于;认为是由于become reliant on 依靠,依赖 be attribute to 把归因于,认为是.理由up to 充其量,在数量上多达 pick up 让人乘车,搭载by and large 大体上,总体上 in public 公开的,在(生人)面前give up to 把交给 save on 节省,节约keep tabs on 密切注视 make profit in sth. 在盈利


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