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2011学年第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷(宝山)商智花老师提供(王庆鹏,魏明涛,陈晋,曹敏旭,李海霞5位老师校队)Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法)V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20分)31. In the United States, Fathers Day is on _ third Sunday in June. A) a B) an C) the D)/32. I telephoned Jane just now, but she wasnt in. I has to leave her a(n) _. A) advice B) information C) message D) paper33. It is no doubt that Liu Xiang is _ favourite star. A) us B) we C) our D) ours34. Many scientists say that its important for us to have _ food in our diet. A) a variety of B) a great deal C) a large number of D) a good many35. Five _ students from different schools took part in the English contest last Saturday. A) hundred of B) hundred C) hundreds of D) hundreds36. Many experts think pigs are _ to train than dogs or cats. A) easier B) much easy C) more easily D) too easy37. You _ to tell him the news. It will make him sad. A) neednt B) shouldnt C) couldnt D) dont need38. You have been to Beijing. How long _ you _ there/ A). didstay B) havestayed C) dostay D) willstay39. Today Chinese _ by more and more people all over the world. A) was spoken B) is spoken C) spoke D) speak40. Mother often tells Tom _ too much time playing video games. A) not to spend B) to not spend C) dont spend D) doesnt spend41. Mrs. Smith found the toys here and there, so she asked her son to _ his toys before having dinner A) put off B) give away C) put away D) give out42. A: When did it begin to snow? B: It started _ the night. A) during B) by C) from D) at43. I havent got an armchair_. Will you make room for me?A. To sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sitting on44. Children, will you finish _the classroom before 5:00 p.m.?A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning45. I dont know if he _tomorrow.A. Will come B. comes C. came D. has come46. Get up early and do exercise every day, _you wont have a strong body.A. but B. for C. and D. or47. They usually have lunch at school, _?A. havent they B. do they C. dont they D. have they48. A: Have you heard from Jim? B: No, I havent. The underlined part means”_”.A. Heard of the letter B. received a letter from C. written a letter from D. heard about49. Big Ben is a famous _in London.A statue B. museum C. park D. clock50. A: Would you mind repairing the MP3 player for me? B: _.A. Never mind B. Dont worry C. Not at all D.Im glad you like it. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each one can only be used once.A.The way B. from a distance C. own D. has studied E. grewF. recording G. like H. do I. act Jane Goodall is a famous woman scientist, who _51_ chimpanzees(黑猩猩)in Africa for many years. Her research helps people understand how much they behave _52_ humans. Nobody before has fully understood chimpanzees behavior. Jane spent many years observing and _53_ their daily activities. She did not study at a university but she worked with animals in their _54_ environment. When she arrived at Gombe(贡贝在尼日尼亚) in 1960, it was usually for a woman to live in the forest. Only after her mother came to help her for the first months, was she allowed to begin her project. At first, Jane could not get close to the chimpanzees of Gombe, but little by little she was able to move closer to the chimpanzees and watch them _55_ with binoculars(望远镜). Finally, Jane _56_ very close to the chimpanzees at Gombe. Janes patience and trust won them over, and she enjoyed a degree of acceptance(接受度) that was hardly dreamed possible. She sat among the chimpanzees, and they would greet her as they _57_ each other with a touch or a kiss. Her work has changed _58_ people think about chimpanzees, and she has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. Perhaps most significantly, Janes work has opened a window into the world of chimpanzees for a public with a strong curiosity(好奇心), and it has proved more successful than anyone has ever imagined.51._ _52._53._54._55._56._57._58._VII Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空)59. Mr. White lives on the_ floor in that building. (five)60. Walking in the space is one of the _ of our time. (wonder)61. Tom will study still _ next term. (hard)62. He is very careless, so he is _ to be in charge of the experiment. (fit)63. The plane landed _ at last after flying in the storm for about one hour. (saf64. Have you ever seen how to _ a cow? (milk)65. Not everyone enjoys fast food. Jack is the one who _ hamburgers. (like)66. At the end of every year, some people go back to their _ homes.(national)VIII Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词)67Lily had a good time during her stay in Beijing. (改为否定句)Lily _ _a good time during her stay in Beijing.68. We have a class meeting once a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ do you have a class meeting?69. Many countries make laws to stop smoking in public. (改为被动语态) Laws _ _ by many countries to stop smoking in public.70. The river pollution is serious in our country today. (改为感叹句) _ _ the river pollution is in our country today!71. Robert is so short that he cant yet reach the pears on the table. (改为简单句) Robert isnt _ _ to reach the pears on the table.72. I cant give you better advice than that. (保持原句意思) I can _ give you _ advice.73. Bill didnt go to bed until he finished writing the letter at 11:45 last night. (保持原句意思) Bill _ _until he finished writing the letter at 11:45 last night.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读与写)IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)A) Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案): (12分)Traditionally, the President is the highest-pad public employee. A salary of $ 400,000, along with other benefits, is paid to the President annually. But President Obamas income for 2008 was far more than that, according to the White House.The White House recently published the tax returns (纳税申报单)of Obama and Vice president Joe Biden. Tax returns are reports of tax that a person has to pay. They often include income information used to calculate the tax. In the US, people whose incomes are over a certain amount have to file tax returns(纳税申报)every year. The tax returns of government officials are open to the public. This transparency helps to prevent corruption(腐败)。 From Obamas tax returns , we can see that the President and first lady Presidents two books Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope(无畏的梦想). The two books, published in 1995 and 2006,are very popular and have been on the bestseller(畅销书)list for a long time. The Obamas income is down from 2007,when they made 4.2 million. However, that is still far more than former US President George Bush earned, who reported a total of 719,274 for his final year.The Obamas income also greatly exceeded(超出)that of Biden, who reported a family income of 2269,256.Thats about a tenth of what the Obamas earned. As Vice-president, Biden earns a salary of 220,000.US families earn an average income of about 50,000. The Obamas tax returns also show that together, the President and his wife paid about 933,000 in taxes. They gave 172,050 nearly 6.5 percent of their earnings to different charity groups. In the US, if a person gives his money to churches and non-profit(非盈利)organizations, the law reduces his or her taxes. This is one reason why rich people in the US like to give money to charity.74._had the highest income in 2008.A. Obama B. Biden C. Bush D. George75.How much did Obama and his wife earn in 2008?A. 400,000 B. 2,660,000 C. 4,200,000 D. 719,27476.In the US, which people have to file tax returns? A. Everybody B. Wealthy people C. Government officials D. People whose incomes are over a certain amount.77.The Obamas have given_percent of their earnings to charity. A. 10 B. 6.5 C. 9.7 D. 4.378.Why should the tax returns of government officials be open to the public?.A. Because it can help to prevent corruptionB. Because it can make government officials well-known to the public.C. Because it can help government officials to get more money.D. Because the government wants them to pay more taxes to the public.79. According to the law, if a rich man gives his money to charity,_.A. he will be praised by the people B. he will pay fewer taxes C. he will be free of taxes D. he will get some extra money from the government.B) Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文):(12分) For many years the United States and the other countries used gold and silver as money. Paper money was used to stand for the holdings(储备)of both gold and silver. The value of silver was limited to that of gold. Fifteen ounces(盎司) of silver had the same value of one ounce of gold. These values did not change until after 1860 when mines(银矿)in the west of the United States began to 80 large amounts of silver. This extra amount of silver caused the price of silver to 81 . Then fifteen ounces of silver would no longer buy one ounce of gold. In 1871 Germany declared(宣布)that it would not support its paper money with silver any more. Instead, it would use only gold. Other countries of Europe quickly 82 the same. The United States passed a law in 1973 that prevented the government from using silver as money. Western silver producers protested(抗议)loudly and put much pressure on the 83 makers. Five years later a new law was 84 . It said that the government must buy four and half million ounces of silver each month. The new law increased the amount of silver money. The country had two kinds of quite different views on the issue(发行)silver money. Businessmen, bankers and other rich men wanted to 85 the use of silver money because it made the dollar less valuable. But farmers, labourers and the others who owned the money not only wanted silver money but also wanted an unlimited supply of it.80.A. produce B. find C. search D. dig81.A. rise B. lift C. fall D. set82.A. did B. took C. made D.acted.83.A. law B. money C. gold D. silver84.A. refused B. accepted C. planned D. passed85.A. end B. continue C. protect D. allowC) Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) The Empire State Building(帝国大厦) has held a special place in the hearts of Americans since it was completed in 1931.It r_ more than 443 metres into the sky. For more than forty years , it was the tallest building in the world. It has one hundred and three levels and six thousand five hundred windows. Visitors can ride in one of seventy-three elevators that take them from the b_ to very near the top of the building. Some of these elevators are very fast, reaching the eightieth floor in only forty-five seconds. The heads of government of almost every n_ in the world have visited the Empire State Building. These important people are just a few of million who have ridden to the observation area near the top of the building each year. From there, visitors can see almost all of New York City. They can see the view a _ the Hudson River into the state of New Jersey. They can see ships in the East River. Even if you have never visited New York, there is a good chance for you to see the Empire State Building. It has been photographed c _ times. It has even played parts in movies. One is about a huge ape(猿)that escapes and climbs to the top of the building. The movie is King Kong(金刚)。It was made in 1933. The Empire State Building also appeared in the love story “An Affair to Remember”(金玉盟).Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr play a man and a woman who meet and fall in love on a ship. They are looking at the New York City skyline from the ship when they plan a future meeting. More recently, in “Sleepless in Seattle(西雅图未眠夜)”,two people in love agree to meet at the Observation Deck on Valentines Day(情人节). B_ do arrive, but one is a little later. They almost m _each other. In the early nineteen seventies, the Empire State Building lost its place as the tallest building in New York. People in the city then had the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center to look up to. Tragically that all changed on the morning of September 11,2001. Terrorists hijacked(劫持) passenger airplanes into the Twin Towers and destroyed them. The Empire State Building again has become the citys tallest building. D)Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(12分) Ive always wanted to try rock climbing, but never had time or money for it. But Ive discovered a way to experience the thrill of climbing rock. Indoor climbing is an easy and exciting way to get a taste of rock climbing. And it is also much cheaper and safer! Indoor climbers dont climb on real rock, but on a plastic wall. You can probably find a climbing wall near you. Many gyms, schools and camps have one. You can climb in doors at any time of the year, no matter how the whether is. It is usually not expensive. Most gyms provide the equipment you need. The convenience of indoor climbing is one reason why it has become so popular. But the main reason people climb is for rush they get. When I stand at the roof of the wall and look up, Im always scared, but once I start climbing, fear changes to determination. With my heart pounding, I reach the top and look down. I cant stop grinning. I did it! Indoor climbing is a great workout. Climbing uses muscles that are hard to exercise, especially those in the shoulders, arms, chest and back. Many people say climbing makes exercise fun. Most gyms have several climbing walls with various degrees of difficulty. The easier ones are like climbing a ladder. The difficult ones bulge out in places so that climbers must sometimes climb parallel with the floor. Although gym climbing is easier and safer than real rock climbing, you should still be careful.Always climb with a partner. As you climb, your partner pulls you climbing rope through something called a belay device. The belay catches you if you slip. But make sure your partner knows how to use this equipment. And if you are a first-time climber, get some instruction before you begin.93. Is indoor climbing cheaper and safer than real rock climbing?94. On what do indoor climbers climb?95. What are the reasons that make the indoor climbing so popular?96. Who should always be with you when you climb?97. What does your partner do as you climb?98. Which do you think sounds more fun, rock climbing or indoor climbing? Why?X. Writing (作文)(共20分)99. Writing a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “What Do You Think of Owing a Private Car? ” (以“你对拥有私家车的看法”为题,写不少于60个词的短文)(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名,校名以及其他相关信息,否则不予评分)Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考)1. what is the advantage of owing a private car?2. what is the disadvantage of owing a private car?3. whats your opinion? (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名,校名及其其他相关信息,否则不予评分)


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